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Why im not going thru with surgery

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I was 400pds, got down to 286 naturally. After awhile even though following my cleaning eating and workouts I gained some pounds and then always stayed yoyo'd for almost 2yrs between 290-295. One week after my 2nd half marathon I had a injury and got up to 305. Yea I had cheat meals even though I couldnt work them off but mostly gained because of swelling after a hip procedure done in efforts to help my back. I say all that to say good luck and make sure you have a great chiropractor/ physicians. I was and am a plus size athlete and after my injury I learned sooooooo much about all the horrible physical damage we with extra weight do to our own bodies by "pushing" ourself and doing things that our skeleton can not handle. Do it smart! And unlike me dont push to hard. After 3 years of loosing my 100+ pds, being a featured athlete on the news, winning a inspiring health award for our community, and motivating a TON of others. I had to get sleeved to hurry and get pressure off my spine. I just had my surgery 6/27 and I can honestly say I have not had 1 backache. I urge you to be smart! And although you may be mentally healthy to begin the journey again, make sure you are physically healthy along the way. I know I can't wait to run and be back at boot camp now I will be able to do even more without all the weighg hurting me so I am excited! God bless your journey! Everyone is here to support you and your decision. Just know surgery isn't an easy way out. Nor does it limit you. It helps you be able to accomplish even more!

Sent from my LG-D415 using the BariatricPal App

Thank you so much for that! My biggest issue is that this has forever been my biggest demon i feel that getting the surgery will cheat me of that experience of doing it on my own and i fear going thru life unfufilled. I would consider myself Somewhat of a plus size athlete lol i love the gym i love being active i have always dreamed of being a runner. Im also afraid that i wont break my food addiction and will seriously hurt myself if i go thru with this. I told my Dr i would let him know my final answer in a week.

Little tia

Whether you decide to have surgery now, later, or never, that doesn't mean you can't use other support resources to help you with your food addiction.

If you don't have one already, see if you can find a good therapist who works with bariatric patients. You may also want to attend some Overeaters Anonymous meetings. You can find meeting lists, podcasts, and other resources online at OA.org.

There are also many excellent books. When Food is Love by Geneen Roth and Eat It Up! by Connie Stapleton are both good.

Keep us posted on how you are doing.

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I appreciate your honesty and I'm sure your Dr's do as well. I myself have been preparing for this for a year and one month. I am on the borderline for 'coverage' and had to stay at 260 for six months. I've gained lean mussel mass and lost inches and fat. My back recently has been bothering me and that reason alone as well as loving the gym and lifting weights etc. I am going to have the surgery.

Medications in my 20's and binge eating piled on the pounds. Recently I've been doing my dardenst to not binge eat at night. It's a matter of the mind and a surgery won't fix that.

Your post echo's the things I struggle with. I have the willpower and the guts to get fit but a sleeve is like a 'reboot' because within two years the stomach becomes a fist size the size it was meant to be.

My dad is coming with me to my last appointment before surgery on the 12th of this month so that his fears can be calmed. He is just being a protective dad and has reservations about surgery. My surgeon is very conservative and has each appointment said 'if you don't want surgery I do not want to be the one to say you 'have to have' surgery'

Only we know what is best for us. As for myself I want the healthiest earth suit I can have so that I can live life to the full.

Keep us posted.

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Update...I decided im actually going to go thru with it. I prayed about it and asked God for an answer, all the verses i came across talked about help, and answering of prayer. I know i have fought long and hard i now believe this is a blessing. Im terrified to put in all the work AGAIN just to gain it all back AGAIN i cant take another cycle of that. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing repeatedly and expect a different result. I went threw alot of old photos and FB post and seen a weight loss journey i went on back in 2007 2009 2010 and so on! That was almost 10 years ago! And im actually about 70+lbs heavier then i was then. So F it i have to try something new. I had to tell myself this does not mean im a failure or a quitter im a WINNER for taking control of my life! I know now this is not the easy way out. And im ready already down 20lbs since i started this thread! Lets do it :-)

Little tia

Edited by Littletiea

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Good for you Little Tia!!! I thought about it long and hard, I almost backed out but I said to myself hmmm I did all these appts to better myself but this is what's going to help me get through my surgery and prepare me for what's to come after surgery. Little Tia I have always struggled with my weight. And I'm so glad it's time for a change. I am glad you are going to go through the with it!!! Good luck to you!!

Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

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Update...I decided im actually going to go thru with it. I prayed about it and asked God for an answer, all the verses i came across talked about help, and answering of prayer. I know i have fought long and hard i now believe this is a blessing. Im terrified to put in all the work AGAIN just to gain it all back AGAIN i cant take another cycle of that. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing repeatedly and expect a different result. I went threw alot of old photos and FB post and seen a weight loss journey i went on back in 2007 2009 2010 and so on! That was almost 10 years ago! And im actually about 70+lbs heavier then i was then. So F it i have to try something new. I had to tell myself this does not mean im a failure or a quitter im a WINNER for taking control of my life! I know now this is not the easy way out. And im ready already down 20lbs since i started this thread! Lets do it :-)

Little tia

This is fantastic!! You are definitely not a failure or a quitter for making a decision that will change your life for the better. I hope that everything goes well! :)

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@ you are not a failure or a quitter. Taking time to think things through is smart. I wish you well.

Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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Like you, I had decided to break my cycle of weight-loss insanity and do something I had never imagined doing: gastric sleeve surgery. It wasn't an easy choice, and the work you put into it isn't easy either, but it's worth it. As of today, I'm three weeks out of surgery, and haven't regretted it. There's still a long way to go, but I finally feel like I have a real chance at doing this. So good luck on your journey, and trust yourself to do it, because you absolutely can!

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Update...I decided im actually going to go thru with it. I prayed about it and asked God for an answer, all the verses i came across talked about help, and answering of prayer. I know i have fought long and hard i now believe this is a blessing. Im terrified to put in all the work AGAIN just to gain it all back AGAIN i cant take another cycle of that. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing repeatedly and expect a different result. I went threw alot of old photos and FB post and seen a weight loss journey i went on back in 2007 2009 2010 and so on! That was almost 10 years ago! And im actually about 70+lbs heavier then i was then. So F it i have to try something new. I had to tell myself this does not mean im a failure or a quitter im a WINNER for taking control of my life! I know now this is not the easy way out. And im ready already down 20lbs since i started this thread! Lets do it :-)

Little tia

I'm definitely with you! My Dr saw it on my face that I was second guessing everything. He said that I was at a greater risk of dying from my comorbidities than from complications from surgery. I was like, well damn! Lol I'm going through with it...8/08 is surgery date. God is with me and He's with you. With God ALL things are possible! I'm here if you need me. Stay encouraged!


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@Littletiea it truly is not an easy decision. But know that you can attack your weight loss with the very same determination as when you were doing it on your own. It is just a tool. You know? A tool like a hammer. You cannot push a nail through wood without it.

WLS was an amazingly long researched then finally offered tool to help you. You GOT this girl!

LOOK at all your support from complete strangers! We have surrounded you and lifted you up. God placed us here,; in your life, for a reason... a second tool of support!

Look this up if you'd like... Dr. Oz says that weight loss surgery is the most beneficial, under utilized surgery in the nation for curing co-morbidities and giving people back their life.

May He continue to bless you and those who love you.

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When my January date didn't happen due to hospital tests not coming back in time, I thought maybe this was fate and wasn't meant to be so I didn't give the hospital a reschedule date. I thought maybe I could do this on my own, "again." Instead of staying on my weight loss pre op diet where I had lost 18 pounds in January, I let loose and we all know what happens then; I never got back on track. I really didn't have time to reschedule due to work but by June, I knew I wasn't going to do this on my own. I had to hope my insurance would approve again, and they did thankfully. I'm now scheduled 8/10 once I get home from a work trip. Now I'm so worried, I'll have a cold, or my doctor will have the flu. I just want to keep my date this time without incident, because I don't like when "fate" intervenes.

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@Littletiea it truly is not an easy decision. But know that you can attack your weight loss with the very same determination as when you were doing it on your own. It is just a tool. You know? A tool like a hammer. You cannot push a nail through wood without it.

WLS was an amazingly long researched then finally offered tool to help you. You GOT this girl!

LOOK at all your support from complete strangers! We have surrounded you and lifted you up. God placed us here,; in your life, for a reason... a second tool of support!

Look this up if you'd like... Dr. Oz says that weight loss surgery is the most beneficial, under utilized surgery in the nation for curing co-morbidities and giving people back their life.

May He continue to bless you and those who love you.

Thank you so much for you kind words God bless you:-) . i dont really have alot of support with this from my family. They have seen me lose before so they dont get it. Im so blessed for the support im getting here thank you.

Little tia

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@Littletiea it truly is not an easy decision. But know that you can attack your weight loss with the very same determination as when you were doing it on your own. It is just a tool. You know? A tool like a hammer. You cannot push a nail through wood without it.

WLS was an amazingly long researched then finally offered tool to help you. You GOT this girl!

LOOK at all your support from complete strangers! We have surrounded you and lifted you up. God placed us here,; in your life, for a reason... a second tool of support!

Look this up if you'd like... Dr. Oz says that weight loss surgery is the most beneficial, under utilized surgery in the nation for curing co-morbidities and giving people back their life.

May He continue to bless you and those who love you.

Thank you so much for you kind words God bless you:-) . i dont really have alot of support with this from my family. They have seen me lose before so they dont get it. Im so blessed for the support im getting here thank you.

Little tia

My family has watched me lose weight on WW several times before, so I got a lot of 'why don't you just do that again?'. For me, I had to quit yo-yoing up and down...yes, I can lose weight on my own but I haven't been great at keeping it off long-term, and I could never get to my goal with Weight Watchers. I started searching for a tool that would let me achieve those long-term goals and that's what led me to WLS. You sound determined and motivated, I think those are qualities that will make you successful, especially with the extra help you'll get from having a sleeve or bypass. Best of luck to you, I hope you stick around and join in with all of us here...I'd love to hear about your experiences as you go through this all!

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@Littletiea it truly is not an easy decision. But know that you can attack your weight loss with the very same determination as when you were doing it on your own. It is just a tool. You know? A tool like a hammer. You cannot push a nail through wood without it.

WLS was an amazingly long researched then finally offered tool to help you. You GOT this girl!

LOOK at all your support from complete strangers! We have surrounded you and lifted you up. God placed us here,; in your life, for a reason... a second tool of support!

Look this up if you'd like... Dr. Oz says that weight loss surgery is the most beneficial, under utilized surgery in the nation for curing co-morbidities and giving people back their life.

May He continue to bless you and those who love you.

Thank you so much for you kind words God bless you:-) . i dont really have alot of support with this from my family. They have seen me lose before so they dont get it. Im so blessed for the support im getting here thank you.

Little tia

My family has watched me lose weight on WW several times before, so I got a lot of 'why don't you just do that again?'. For me, I had to quit yo-yoing up and down...yes, I can lose weight on my own but I haven't been great at keeping it off long-term, and I could never get to my goal with Weight Watchers. I started searching for a tool that would let me achieve those long-term goals and that's what led me to WLS. You sound determined and motivated, I think those are qualities that will make you successful, especially with the extra help you'll get from having a sleeve or bypass. Best of luck to you, I hope you stick around and join in with all of us here...I'd love to hear about your experiences as you go through this all!

Exactly! My family is the same way. I want longevity. I will definatly be sticking around you guys are amazing

Little tia

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Update...I decided im actually going to go thru with it. I prayed about it and asked God for an answer, all the verses i came across talked about help, and answering of prayer. I know i have fought long and hard i now believe this is a blessing. Im terrified to put in all the work AGAIN just to gain it all back AGAIN i cant take another cycle of that. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing repeatedly and expect a different result. I went threw alot of old photos and FB post and seen a weight loss journey i went on back in 2007 2009 2010 and so on! That was almost 10 years ago! And im actually about 70+lbs heavier then i was then. So F it i have to try something new. I had to tell myself this does not mean im a failure or a quitter im a WINNER for taking control of my life! I know now this is not the easy way out. And im ready already down 20lbs since i started this thread! Lets do it :-)

Little tia

This is great to hear.

WLS is a process. Just because it doesn't happen initially doesn't mean it won't.

Sometimes the answer isn't yes or no but "not right now". I experienced delays due to financing issues but the time to prepare (mentally and physically) pre-op was invaluable.

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I was 400pds, got down to 286 naturally. After awhile even though following my cleaning eating and workouts I gained some pounds and then always stayed yoyo'd for almost 2yrs between 290-295. One week after my 2nd half marathon I had a injury and got up to 305. Yea I had cheat meals even though I couldnt work them off but mostly gained because of swelling after a hip procedure done in efforts to help my back. I say all that to say good luck and make sure you have a great chiropractor/ physicians. I was and am a plus size athlete and after my injury I learned sooooooo much about all the horrible physical damage we with extra weight do to our own bodies by "pushing" ourself and doing things that our skeleton can not handle. Do it smart! And unlike me dont push to hard. After 3 years of loosing my 100+ pds, being a featured athlete on the news, winning a inspiring health award for our community, and motivating a TON of others. I had to get sleeved to hurry and get pressure off my spine. I just had my surgery 6/27 and I can honestly say I have not had 1 backache. I urge you to be smart! And although you may be mentally healthy to begin the journey again, make sure you are physically healthy along the way. I know I can't wait to run and be back at boot camp now I will be able to do even more without all the weighg hurting me so I am excited! God bless your journey! Everyone is here to support you and your decision. Just know surgery isn't an easy way out. Nor does it limit you. It helps you be able to accomplish even more!

Sent from my LG-D415 using the BariatricPal App

Thank you so much for that! My biggest issue is that this has forever been my biggest demon i feel that getting the surgery will cheat me of that experience of doing it on my own and i fear going thru life unfufilled. I would consider myself Somewhat of a plus size athlete lol i love the gym i love being active i have always dreamed of being a runner. Im also afraid that i wont break my food addiction and will seriously hurt myself if i go thru with this. I told my Dr i would let him know my final answer in a week.

Little tia

I have a competitive spirit and these are some of the thoughts I had also. That I would taking shortcut and and would forever feel like there is an asterisk next to my weight loss.

Yeah the first 3 months or so you get a real boost from surgery. If you follow the food steps laid out in your plan, you change your relationship with food. After that though, it is the same hard work as anything else. You can eat more at 3 months as some of your swelling has gone down. Then at 6 months you are fully healed, swelling gone, body adjusted, sleeve less temperamental and you can eat more and varied foods. At one year for me, I can eat basically anything, just in small quantities. I have to choose to eat properly. So it is still hard work, especially since we live in a world full of tempting bad food choices. Sometimes you can make a bad food choice simply by not thoroughly reading a label.

Finally, a lot of people have surgery and fail at it. Everyone isn't successful just because they have surgery. If you can reach your goals and maintain them, you will still have accomplished something not many people have done, not even WLS patients.

Don't worry about cheating yourself out of a life victory, just make sure you win.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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    • Clueless_girl

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