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Marchies in June

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Have a Nice Day Marchies!!! :wave:

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I wouldn't call that cheap! We are just breezing through sizes right now. I haven't gotten past my skinny clothes but I'm in them now. I'll be hitting the gently used clothing stores in another 20 pounds.


Great for you! If you're not a meat LOVER Protein getting enough is hard to do. What are going to do to increase that?


Sushi and drinks?! Sounds like a great time. I'm a big fan! Can I say though, I'm such a light weight when it comes to alcohol now. Last night I shared a bottle of wine with a friend over dinner. I'm so hung over! Message to self, "order wine by the glass, and have only one!" Have you noticed a difference in your tolerance?


I've not read either. Sorry I'm no help.


I eat fat free yogurt, FAGE, from the health food store everyday with berries. Normally salad with chicken breast or a piece of fish for dinner and lunch. Pretty boring. Discovering fish and cooking it a million different ways has kept me from getting too stuck in a rut.

Mornin' Miss Tammy J.

Has anyone seen Yenken? Hello! Where are you?

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(i forgot the rest of the words)

So my menu

lunch - 2 monster tacos from jack in the crack

snack - side salad rach dressing

dinner - the 1st attempt 60 calorie broccoli with sliced sausauge

throw that right right after 2 bites, it came up easy :)

the 2nd attempt cup of noodles

just didnt feel right while eating the noodles

the 3rd attempt nutty buddy bar

tasted like throw up and peanut butta

the 4th and last attempt a few bites of a 99cent pizza

i was to sleepy and tired to eat it

I gave up!!! I'm not sure why I had so much restriction on yesterday!! I was able to get 2 bottles of Water down!!

Today I'm starting off with a Slim Fast drink

Lunch - Not sure if I will have a appetite

love you all thanks for listening!!!

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lets see if this works

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I wish I would quit craving sugar! I ate 2 handfuls of mini chocolate chips after my lunch. Yes, I threw the rest of the bag in the trash, along with the rest of my husband's favorite Cookies, oreos with Peanut Butter filling. I just have no control when it's right there.

+++++ 2nd day of new cardio workout is going well.

3 mins 2.5 mph/ 2 mins 3 mph/ 4 1/2 mins 3.5 mph/ 30 seconds 6 mph

do the 4 1/2 & 30 second run 4 times to total 20 minutes then cool down again with 3 mins 3 mph then 2 mins 2.5 mph...

I really like this workout, I can get it done in a half hour and I really feel like I'm accomplishing something. Will start my new 2x week strengthening exercises tomorrow. I'm sure I'll discover a few muscles I didn't know I had!

Thickchick my restriction comes and goes like that too. usually tighter in the a.m. But last night I couldn't even choke down a 3 oz. piece of salmon for dinner. I made up for it later and ate 10 salt & vinegar soy crisps (yum!)

Everyone have a great evening!

Gonna go watch my niece barrel race and run poles at the local horse speed & action show tonight...yeeee-haaaw!

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<p>HI everyone,</p> <p> </p> <p>Well it's been just over a week since my second fill and I've managed to get this far without a puke, I've worked out that the best thing for me to do is take a 1/4 of a teaspoon of food and walk away and do something, come back in 5 mins and take another. This way I'm not tempted to put more in my mouth before I should. Cold food isn't as bad as I expected lol This takes me half an hour or more to eat maybe a half cup of whatever but i get it down and near to none discomfort. </p> <p> </p> <p>I was doing sooo well with my walking till it started raining, BUT we've had over 340 days since the last decent rain so KEEP POURING FROM THE HEAVENS!!!</p> <p> </p> <p>For the first time in about 10 years I'm not UNDER 120kgs. <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/silly.gif" border="0" alt="" title="" smilieid="59" class="inlineimg" />It's a wonderful feeling and I'm looking forward to experiencing the feeling of UNDER 110kg and my goal before xmas to be UNDER 100kgs. If I reach this one before xmas it's a bonus!!</p> <p> </p> <p>Hope you are all having a good week, Keep smiling, Keep losing and Stay positive.</p> <p>GOOOOO MARCHIES!!<img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/clap2.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Clap2" smilieid="217" class="inlineimg" /></p> <p>Cheers,</p>

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My average Protein is about 120 grams a day. I know it's a bit high, but that's were it typically sits.

I'd rather have too much and keep my hair than not get enough. 100 grams daily is what my nutritionist has told me to go for.

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Great for you! If you're not a meat LOVER Protein getting enough is hard to do. What are going to do to increase that?

I've been adding more Protein shakes and eating things like Peanut Butter, cottage cheese, and ricotta. Since I cut out red meat completely, I pretty much stick to tuna, chicken and turkey breast otherwise.

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I kind of gave up on Protein drinks and everything protien related. I forget I'm supposed to make sure to get enough. How many grams Protein do you all try to get in a day?

I actually at a Reece's Peanut Butter sticks thing for Breakfast. Bad, bad me. I'm off to make some fish for dinner.

I try to do at least 50-60 grams of protein a day.

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I try to do at least 50-60 grams of Protein a day.

yup, me, too. That's my doctor's recommendation but I usually get closer to 70. I'm so worried about losing my hair--I hope Protein prevents that. Does anyone know what other causes of hair loss might be?

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Another cause of hair loss a few months out from sugery is a reaction from the anastesia (I know I slaughtered the spelling do forgive me, I've not installed the spell check application).

Its delayed because it affects the folicle at the root and it takes a a bit of time for it to grow out to the scalp and fall out.

But it does grow back!

Or so that the word on the street. :)

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My average Protein is about 120 grams a day. I know it's a bit high, but that's were it typically sits.

I'd rather have too much and keep my hair than not get enough. 100 grams daily is what my nutritionist has told me to go for.

Juli- How do you manage to get so much Protein in? I'm having a hard time getting 60 grams a day.


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Well I typically eat about 1400 calories a day, which is more than a lot more than other people eat who have good restriction.

I haven't had a fill yet because I'm losing at a good rate.

But if you want to see how I eat specifically here's my fitday journal.

FitDay.com - Diet and Fitness journal for juligirl01

Today was a bad day...I had some pizza! Which isn't normal, but it happens.

Really, I just don't eat many simple carbs so I've got to eat something. Fruits and veggies which I do eat regularly don't keep me full like Protein so I try to get some nearly every time I eat.

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