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Do u ever wonder how people here eat such a perfect diet - all the time?

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I suspect a great number of successful post oppers on this board come here because they are like minded in following dr orders and have had success in that method. This board seems to help keep everyone in order. I also see many ppl struggling and asking for help. That's where these experienced losers come in. As a great loser yourself I think sharing your stories would also help. Not everyone needs to be strick and you would probably be a help to others who are not going to follow the program to a T. Different strokes for different folks. Everyone benefits from ppl who have been there!

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I hear what you're saying but even if u choose to live differently, don't be a hater, just love ur choices and let others love theirs.

I guess we realize we all got this way by bad habits so it just doesn't make sense to not change with our New bodies so we can care for it better.

Those things u make sound so taboo are the perfect ingredients for a superior recovery and continued success with a new healthy body. If your overall goal is not health, just weight loss then you just don't have to work so hard. Lucky u and ur on ur way! But I've always wanted to be healthy and successful so I plan to follow at least the guildline rules as far as my personal goals are met.

Good luck and better days to you...

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As a person waiting for approval and committing to this journey .... I really appreciated this post.

You see I am not a food addict. I don't eat unhealthy. I consider my food choices daily optimal ones. I have tried practically every diet out there unsuccessfully. I've met with nutritionist after nutritionist. Tried diff things only to GAIN weight on a "DIET" supervised or otherwise.

And then pack on the extra 10 pounds to the baseline every time.

Excercise is difficult as I suffer from increasingly worse asthma every day and I run out of breath.

Compounded by my weight yes.

I don't eat chocolate but occasionally

I don't eat burgers but occasionally

pizza maybe once a month

The worst thing i do? Date night with hubby once every two weeks. We like to try new and exciting places. That's the worst I do and always overindulge. We've agreed going forward after I am back on solids it's once every other month. And no overindulging.

I have 3 meals a day. I don't have multiple small meals a day - tried that gained 7 pounds

No thyroid issue found but family is rampant with them so it's a matter of time.

I need this tool. It is time. I plan on being as religious as possible. I have accepted that weight loss may be rapid or may be slow. That some days I will stray and it will be ok as long as the long term goal is the lifestyle acceptance and to be healthier.

I do not see this as a diet.

I appreciate the posters saying this because measuring everything was probably one of my biggest concerns. The mountain before me and all.

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I guess it depends on your individual motivations. My tool will get me through the door but it won't keep me in the room. I did this to help make a healthy lifestyle more accessible and manageable and I want longevity from my tool so I can drive your skinny butt to dialysis twice a week. Now gimmie one (yes, one) of those eggs!

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Seems like about 75% of people who post here are perfect. They eat 60gms of Protein, veggies and barely any carbs at all. They drink the allotment of Water, they exercise 60 mins a day 6x a week. They never, ever eat pizza, burgers, sandwiches, or tacos. All they eat is grilled fish, grilled chicken, and maybe an occasional steak (when they're being BAD).

They count all carbs, calories, and fat grams. They measure and weight everything. chocolate shall never pass their lips. They comment on the reason that ur in a stall is becuz ur not being "perfect" and counting everything. Maybe u ate 4 oz of fish when u should have only had 3 oz.

If everyone here is so perfect and no one ever eats "junk", then why did they need wls in the first place? If they were so proficient in weighing, measuring, and counting, why have major surgery to limit their amount of intake? They judge those who eat an occasional piece of pizza, saying they will always be fat if they continue on the path of gluttony.

I have now lost almost 100 lbs, wth 11 to go to goal. I have not counted, measured, or weighed anything. I use my over $20,000 tool to guide my eating, telling me when I've had enuf. I've heard that I will never be able to keep it off, eating whatever I want, not "dieting" forever. I had wls so I'd never have to diet again. I wouldn't have had major surgery if I wanted to continue dieting. Now don't get me wrong. I don't eat unlimted amounts of burgers, tacos, pizza, and Cookies. I eat very little. The beauty of the point of my $20,000 tool.

So those of u who eat perfectly, exercise all the time, and have all the answers: kudos to u. A lot of work and ucomfortableness to not use ur pricey tool. I write this while eating 6 (yes, 6 WHOLE eggs) white chocolate Cadbury mini eggs. Gasp. If I do (occasionally) count my calories it's always under 1,000. I mean how many calories can u eat by listening to ur egg size tummy?

Now, if someday I start gaining because of my "irresponsibility" then I may start counting calories or weighing my food. But until then, I think I will trust my tiny tummy to tell me when I've had enuf.

Anyone else tired of perfect people

I do not know where you read posts of perfect people because as far as I can tell we are all imperfect and we acknowledge it. We work hard to get where we are. Pizza and candy are not part of my life but I do not claim to be perfect.

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Thanks to the wonderful program at Kaiser I have been told countless times that the surgery is a tool, not a fix. If I don't use the tool correctly, it will fail. I have been "near perfect" on my Pre Op diet since November and "perfect" on my liquid diet, leading to surgery in 10 days. I'm not having major surgery just to misuse the tool I've been given, therefore, I will do my best to live a near "perfect" post op life, as well.

Here's my analogy: I can use my tool to hammer a board to a wall ( a proper use for a hammer) and it will stay in place, or I can use my new tool to hammer Jello to a wall. It may stick and look pretty for awhile, but eventually it will slip.

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I have kind of thought the same thing at times.

About 10 years ago, I lost 80 lbs in 8 months on the Atkins diet. After the first two weeks, it was one of the easiest diets I had ever been on. No calorie counting and I was hardly ever hungry. I am a firm believer that highly processed carbs are bad news. BUT the low carb way of life was in no means how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. I did not want to have this surgery to never again be able to have oatmeal or yogurt, a piece of whole wheat bread and mostly fruit. And this includes bananas. These people that say they are eating less than 30 grams of carbs are not eating these things. If you chose to eat that way, good for you. Just don't judge other people for choosing not too. I had this surgery to help me lose weight by eating a healthy diet which obviously I could not do on my own. If I had wanted to spend the rest of my life on the induction phase of the Atkins diet, I could have done it on my own and would not have had to spend >$43000 (yes you heard it right, just got my hospital bill) on a major surgery.

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Seems like about 75% of people who post here are perfect. They eat 60gms of Protein, veggies and barely any carbs at all. They drink the allotment of Water, they exercise 60 mins a day 6x a week. They never, ever eat pizza, burgers, sandwiches, or tacos. All they eat is grilled fish, grilled chicken, and maybe an occasional steak (when they're being BAD).

They count all carbs, calories, and fat grams. They measure and weight everything. chocolate shall never pass their lips. They comment on the reason that ur in a stall is becuz ur not being "perfect" and counting everything. Maybe u ate 4 oz of fish when u should have only had 3 oz.

If everyone here is so perfect and no one ever eats "junk", then why did they need wls in the first place? If they were so proficient in weighing, measuring, and counting, why have major surgery to limit their amount of intake? They judge those who eat an occasional piece of pizza, saying they will always be fat if they continue on the path of gluttony.

I have now lost almost 100 lbs, wth 11 to go to goal. I have not counted, measured, or weighed anything. I use my over $20,000 tool to guide my eating, telling me when I've had enuf. I've heard that I will never be able to keep it off, eating whatever I want, not "dieting" forever. I had wls so I'd never have to diet again. I wouldn't have had major surgery if I wanted to continue dieting. Now don't get me wrong. I don't eat unlimted amounts of burgers, tacos, pizza, and Cookies. I eat very little. The beauty of the point of my $20,000 tool.

So those of u who eat perfectly, exercise all the time, and have all the answers: kudos to u. A lot of work and ucomfortableness to not use ur pricey tool. I write this while eating 6 (yes, 6 WHOLE eggs) white chocolate Cadbury mini eggs. Gasp. If I do (occasionally) count my calories it's always under 1,000. I mean how many calories can u eat by listening to ur egg size tummy?

Now, if someday I start gaining because of my "irresponsibility" then I may start counting calories or weighing my food. But until then, I think I will trust my tiny tummy to tell me when I've had enuf.

Anyone else tired of perfect people?

Huh. My perception of this board and yours is completely different. I see very few who claim to be perfect and even fewer who are as judgemental as you perceive them to be.

I do see a lot of people who complain of being "slow losers", of being in "perpetual stalls", and who think they've "broken" their sleeve all while speaking of the bad choices they've made, the "cheat" foods they eat regularly, the food phases they've skipped, etc.

I see a lot of people who are working hard to follow plan give the above people solid advice, and at times, some tough love. They aren't always kind, I admit, but tone and intention are hard to read on the Internet.

It boggles me that someone would have a "$20,000" tool "installed" and then refuse to follow "manufacturer instructions", instead believing they (who got themselves in this predicament in the first place) know better how to maximize their results.

Funny how different our perceptions can be, don't you think? ;)

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Some of us have the capability to follow the rules perfectly, writing everything down and tracking everything. Some of us don't have that mental toughness. I don't. I'm glad to have this tool to help me keep from overeating, and I generally eat healthy, but even though I've tried to journal my eating choices, I can't keep it up. I envy those that can, but don't feel bad about myself because I can't. My results will speak for themselves.

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Not sleeved yet. Scared to death. "Giving it a hell of an effort," describes my feelings exactly :)

Edited by GoalInProgress

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Hi Sylvie, getting surgery in June? Maybe we can follow each other's journey. Let me know how you're doing often. Was your insurance approved? Do you have a surgery date?

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I have to wait till June 1 then they will submit my paper work , I'm hoping to get a fast approval so yes I will defiantly let u know . Fingers crossed !!

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I didn't read the entire thread, I'm a long timer for Bariatric Eating, being banded almost 9 years ago, and the revising to the sleeve last May. My band life was wrought with complications, with my band and also with my medical issues. So any weight I lost was regained from extended bed rest, inability to exercise or even walk for almost a year. When I got my sleeve, I was determined to exercise daily. My body has a very different plan for my journey. I am 15 pounds under my doctors goal. And I eat what I want. The NUT told me to start getting my Protein from shakes, and start eating more carbs, as I am borderline underweight. I am looking at plastics now, but they want me to pick up a few pounds before I can have surgery. He doesn't want me going into surgery and not being healthy enough to heal. My surgeon faxed him my last 3 sets of near perfect labs, and he has agreed to back down from 15 pounds gained to only 5 pounds. I was instructed to start a daily insure shake until I am back to 118 pounds. I eat pizza once a week, a single slice of super thin crust cheese with either beef or veggies. I also drink iced tea all day long, with 1/2 cup of sugar per gallon. When I told my NUT and doctor what I eat they were fine with it, as long as I'm not OVER eating, they aren't worried. I make really good choices most of the time, but I am human, not perfect and I eat what sounds good to me. I love grilled shrimp and scallops, and could honestly live on grilled chicken. Today I made a nice southern Easter dinner, it was fried chicken, green Beans, mashed potatoes and Red Lobster's garlic cheddar biscuits with fresh strawberries and homemade whipped cream. My family will have ice cream with dessert, but I can't tolerate it at all :( I don't worry about tracking my food, I did in the beginning and once I had a good feel for my daily calories/protein/carbs I stopped using MFP and just eat what I want in tiny portions. I use my tool to reduce my portions, not to only eat bland food. And my NUT and Surgeon say I'm doing great.

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For the record, I wasn't attempting to be judgemental about how anyone eats. I was truly just pointing out that not everyone can eat perfectly, or even want to. I see posts every single day to people who "cheat" and they're given a sermon about how to eat "right"

I apologize if I offended anyone. That was not my goal. My goal was to share that u don't have to be "perfect" and be successful.

Now I'm hanging my head in shame for offending anyone...


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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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