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hi Gerri,

Can i get Jan's email off you? i have the same problem that i can't go to belfast. they gave me his phone number but i've had no credit to ring and haven't had a quiet time in work to call him.

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Thanks all. I was just at my GPs as I had a stitch that I needed out (from the drain). Also wanted to tell her I'd had it done. She was fine but said she didn't really approve so now I'm glad I didn't go to her to discuss it :angry:

She is really lovely but would be big into "healthier" methods.

She advised to have some Protein Shakes which I got from the chemist and a multi Vitamin. I had been using slim fast up to now as it was the only thing I could think of. Was supposed to go back to work today but still feel sore if I sit for too long so I'm leaving it for a day or two. Doctor wants me to stay home for the rest of the week but I'm bored and when I get bored I eat so I'm better off going back as the food in the house is too tempting. I saw a lady having a salad today and was salivating!!

I'm surviving on home made Soup, bananas blended with skim milk, yougurts and ice pops. But all in all not doing too bad and the pounds are falling off!

The weight you lot lost in the first few weeks, when you went back on normal food, did it go back on before you got your fills? I'm almost a stone lighter and would hate to put it back on when I go back to eating normally!

I didn't really put weight back on while waiting on a fill, i went up and down by a couple of pounds but that was it, as soon as i got a fill i was back on track. i'm stalled at 11 stone now and it's driving me mad. i feel like i'm on a diet at the mo, i've needed a fill since January and i'm having terrible trouble trying to get one but i'm not alone there!

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Hi SkinnyIrishBabe, the email address for Jan is Wojmakar@wp.pl I emailed him yesterday evening but no reply as yet. I'll give it until tomorrow if no reply back on to ACS.

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Hi girls,

I am in Drogheda Roe, but my family are all over the country. Seemingly Im going to Belfast on Friday to see Jerome and for a fill, and check up. I think I am driving. Maybe some of u are coming with me. Let me know if you are. My weight is starting to move but I feel its all my own doing. I have a very healthy friend staying with me for a few months and she is watching everything I am eating, she says I eat like a bird. I will let u all know how things go in Belfast.

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Hi Paulina what Time is you appointment in Belfast - Mine is at 1pm

might see you there

Why are you bringing people?or didi I pick that up wrong!!

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Hi everyone. I wish I was on the bus for Belfast. you lucky things. Im afraid Dr Jans patiens will have to wait and see what ACS are going to do for us. still nothing going on there. same old story, bear with us. Im glad your weight is starting to shift Paulina, I think I will have to start something my self and try and get things going. I suppose your friend wouldnt like to move in with me for a few weeks or months. To the four girls that met in Dublin last Saturday, well done its a pity more didnt make it, thers just no way I can do weekends. If I had to bring my lot on a bus to Dublin I would be a basket case.

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Hello everyone I haven't written before, still finding my away around this site, but have been following your thread for last few weeks. I too was banded by ACS and have had trouble trying to get a fill. It was great that everyone was writing how they got on when they rang ACS because we knew where we stood. I'm just wondering why no-one is posting lately. Haven't rang ACS yet this week so don't know what the latest is but will definitely ring next week. Hope your all doing well


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Loriha my appointent is at 12.15 not bringing anyone else now. Do you live near Drogheda, if so maybe you would like to come in my car. I would like some company dont fancy that journey on my own. I like to talk. Had my smear test this morning, urine test and general mot. My blood pressure is too high 150/110. I have Protein in my urine and keytones so this has been sent to the lab for examination. I also have a prolapse and the vaginal linings are caving in, the doctor has recommended me to gynae and she said I will need surgery. I also have another lung infection (more antibiotics) and have to have a COD test next week for my lungs and also have blood pressure rechecked. What a crock and I still have 2 days left before I am 40.

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Hi Paulina, good luck with your road trip to Belfast tomorrow. At least you have had an Mot and know what needs to be fixed your are a more organised woman than me. I was onto ACS this afternoon, long story short is that they hope to have appointments in Dublin in two weeks. Hope all goes well tomorrow.

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Hi Folks,

Im worried and a little confused.

I was banded in ACS in Oct '07. Ive steadly lost weight which i am thrilled about. I saw my surgeon (Mr Makarewicz) 6wks later and he was happy with my weight loss. He said I didnt need a fill as the band was providing enough restriction itself.

In the last 3weeks the amount of food I have been able to consume has slowly decreased (Yes DEcreased!). When i ate i began throwing up so ive just kept reducing my portion sizes (presuming i was doing something wrong like not chewing carefully enough ect) I went to my GP who told me i have "the winter vomiting" bug so i didnt worry too much about little amout food i was consuming. I thought "ah tummy bug.. it'll pass".

But i am now at the stage where im eating no food atall. The smallest portion, of even just Soup makes me feel over-full and get sick So im Just sipping Water. As a result of no food and possible dehydration my blood pressure dropped, i became dizzy and fainted in the shower (no serious injury just a brused back-side mainly). Im really worried that the "over restriction" may be a sign that my band has slipped. I phoned ACS and they've been very vage with me. I told them i need an appointment urgent and ive got lots of stories from different people- (eg... computer systems are down... theres no one there to see me right now.. )

Im starting to panic.

I spoke to a nurse in ACS and discribed my symptoms. Waiting for a call back from her today. Im worried that i might have band-slippage and need surgery. Or worse still that they might suggest "removal".

I looked up the website and just discovered that they're no longer offering Lap-Band surgery. Is this having an effect on the standard of aftercare im still entitled to ? any onelse having problems ? What should i do ?

Im sorry for the long post. Just really fretting now.



Ok Folks, The story so far..

After i posted the above quote I was admitted to Ardkeen hospital in waterford with kidney failure due to sever dehydration. I was put on a drip straight away and thankfully there was no permanent damage done and my kidneys came back to normal.

They did an xray in waterford and concluded that I did in fact have band slippage so i was transfered me to ACS (Owenstown) where i was put on more fluids. Carol (who has replaced Tara) explained to me that my surgeon (Jan Makarewicz) would not be in the country untill late March. I was sent to the Becon hospital for my scans. My situtation was obviously urgent and they still have "a duty of care" (as Carol put it) to me so she told me she was refering me to the top Gastric Surgeon in the country - Juston Geageon. (He's the gastric surgeon at the Weight Management Clinic). He's a fantastic surgeon. I was transfered to Vincents hopstial under Dr Geagons care. He explained that he would have to remove the band completely. I was devestated and asked if there was anyway he could re-position it. He transfered me to St. Columcilles Hospital in Loughlinstown to perform the corrective surgery. He managed to re-postion my band and port in the one surgery so now im home and back on my weightloss track.

I explained the situation with acs to Dr. Geageon and he was appauled at the standard of aftercare i was recieving. Jan did contact me to follow my progress. He aslo sent an email to Dr Geageon detailing my history and the type of band i had fitted. According to Dr Geageon, Jan explained in the email that he left ACS as he was very unhappy at the level of care patients were recieving and he feared for some patients saftey.

My corrective surgery was done in St Columcilles hospital in Loughlinstown. The pre and post care i recived was fantastic - and i wasnt sent home on my merry way the DAY AFTER SURGERY as I was in ACS. I was given plenty of pain relief and plenty of anti-clotting drugs (which i never recieved in acs). According to the nurse this is vital when undergoing weight loss surgery. The dietery advice I have recieved is also fantastic. I spoke to the dietition twice before i was allowed to go home and im definatly more content with the overall care.

My advice to all ACS bandsters is demand to be refered to Dr Justin Geageon for all your aftercare. They have a responsibilty to provide a high standard of aftercare. Dont accept anything less.

Hope this helps.


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Hi 3na,

I'm glad that you got sorted out but oh my god you had to go through the mill first. I've been back in touch with ACS today but still no joy on an appointment with Dr Jan but that isn't surprising if he has indeed left ACS. Hopefully next week will bring better news, good luck with your recovery and your weight loss.

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hi does the doctor in loughlinstown know how to fit the port i am without a port and slowly putting on all the weight i have lost. i know the band works brilliant for me when i have restriction but i lost my port due to infection and without one now for two months. i am begining to despair at this stage. glad your feeling a bit better wella123

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Hi 3na thanks for the advice. Glad you're feeling better you've had a tough time and hopefully its all uphill from here for you:thumbup:

I think your dead right, we're getting nowhere with ACS and we're all just sitting back letting them walk all over us:angry: They think we'll just sit back because most of us havent told many people about the operation. But I for one will go public against ACS if something isn't sorted out, whether I have to go the papers, a tv station or a solicitor. I paid 10,000 euro for this operation which included aftercare and the way we're being treated is a disgrace. Anytime I ring up I'm being told a different story, they won't even admit Jan has left:huh2:

People have stopped posting on this site, not sure why but presume its because ACS are reading it. They have us exactly where they want but I've had enough. I'm going to ring next week and demand aftercare or I'm going for legal advice about it. I can't believe people are actually travelling to Belfast for a fill I mean we paid to be treated in Dublin not 2 hours away:angry_smile:

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Ok Folks, The story so far..

After i posted the above quote I was admitted to Ardkeen hospital in waterford with kidney failure due to sever dehydration. I was put on a drip straight away and thankfully there was no permanent damage done and my kidneys came back to normal.

They did an xray in waterford and concluded that I did in fact have band slippage so i was transfered me to ACS (Owenstown) where i was put on more fluids. Carol (who has replaced Tara) explained to me that my surgeon (Jan Makarewicz) would not be in the country untill late March. I was sent to the Becon hospital for my scans. My situtation was obviously urgent and they still have "a duty of care" (as Carol put it) to me so she told me she was refering me to the top Gastric Surgeon in the country - Juston Geageon. (He's the gastric surgeon at the Weight Management Clinic). He's a fantastic surgeon. I was transfered to Vincents hopstial under Dr Geagons care. He explained that he would have to remove the band completely. I was devestated and asked if there was anyway he could re-position it. He transfered me to St. Columcilles Hospital in Loughlinstown to perform the corrective surgery. He managed to re-postion my band and port in the one surgery so now im home and back on my weightloss track.

I explained the situation with acs to Dr. Geageon and he was appauled at the standard of aftercare i was recieving. Jan did contact me to follow my progress. He aslo sent an email to Dr Geageon detailing my history and the type of band i had fitted. According to Dr Geageon, Jan explained in the email that he left ACS as he was very unhappy at the level of care patients were recieving and he feared for some patients saftey.

My corrective surgery was done in St Columcilles hospital in Loughlinstown. The pre and post care i recived was fantastic - and i wasnt sent home on my merry way the DAY AFTER SURGERY as I was in ACS. I was given plenty of pain relief and plenty of anti-clotting drugs (which i never recieved in acs). According to the nurse this is vital when undergoing weight loss surgery. The dietery advice I have recieved is also fantastic. I spoke to the dietition twice before i was allowed to go home and im definatly more content with the overall care.

My advice to all ACS bandsters is demand to be refered to Dr Justin Geageon for all your aftercare. They have a responsibilty to provide a high standard of aftercare. Dont accept anything less.

Hope this helps.


Hi 3na,

What a palava................... thank god you're ok now, and you still have your band. I glad that ACS referred you to the top weight loss surgery surgeon, this is something I've been worried about ever since Jerome left Ireland. To my knowledge Loughinstown only do Gastric Bypass at the moment but there is talk of them doing the banding as well in the future. So it appears you have been very lucky to have the band repositioned and not removed. Well I have to say it, ACS got you the best care possible for your prediciment. I'm delighted it all panned out ok in the end. Wonder how much he charged ACS.:thumbup: Best of luck and wishing you all the success with your band.:tongue: Thanks for keeping us posted.:tt2:

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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