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I've officially hit goal weight.. I was 146 last week. I felt wonderful. Lately I've been getting a case of the worries. I've come so far to get here.. I don't want to go back. Ive maintained under a 1000 calories, until yesterday and today.. What is wrong with me? I had a whole Slice of pizza today.. 565 calories worth and i paid For it with nausea all say.. That's more than half my intake. I don't know if I'm being tested, but I'm so worried. I try to follow pouch protocol. I don't drink with meals and wait till after. I don't eat sugar and I really have been up with my protein.. But one bad week has me feeling like I'm back in the fat track again. Please help.. Has anyone else felt this way or completely fell off the wagon..

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Tomorrows a new day, get back on the wagon :)

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It's just one day...don't dwell on it and know tomorrow is another day!

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Nursie, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you! Maintaining your weight is about control, not denial. And control starts with realistic expectations and a sustainable plan. I lost 130 lbs in 13 months eating an average of just under 1300 calories a day. I know because I logged everything I ate, every single day, no exceptions. When I hit 155 lbs (at thirteen months) my surgeon recommended that I increase my calorie intake to 1800 a day. That "felt" a little high to me so I increased it to 1600. Realistic. Sustainable. I've AVERAGED 1600 calories a day for the last six months and my weight yesterday morning was 156.

Note that I said I've AVERAGED 1600 calories a day. Are there days when I eat more? Absolutely! Are there days when I eat less? Absolutely! Is eating exactly 1600 calories every single day for the rest of my life realistic? Of course not. Is eating exactly 1600 calories every single day for the rest of my life sustainable? Ridiculous. Is maintaining an AVERAGE of 1600 calories a day realistic and sustainable? I believe the answer is an unqualified yes. It's about control, not denial.

There are going to be special occasions, holidays, vacations, dinners with that special someone - the list goes on and on. Managing your weight should not, can not, and IS not synonymous with giving up your life and all of the wonderful things that make your life so amazing. And that includes a delicious meal. I've had days when I ate 2200+ calories and I enjoyed every last bite! You have to allow yourself to enjoy those moments! THAT is realistic, THAT is sustainable, and THAT is so much fun!

So what's the "secret" to managing your weight? I'm sure many of the folks here on the forum will share their ideas. For me, there is not the slightest doubt that the secret is maintaining a food log. My log gives me absolute control over my calories. I don't "think" I ate about 1600 calories yesterday. I "know" I ate 1464 calories yesterday. I "know" I had 79g of Protein, 83g of fat and 210g of carbs. I "know" when I exceed my 1600 calorie goal. And I "know" that all I have to do is make minor, realistic adjustments for a day or two and I'm right back on track with my 1600 calorie per day AVERAGE. It's realistic, it's sustainable, and most importantly - it gives me absolute, unqualified confidence that I can manage my weight, every single day. So those 2200 calorie days don't frighten me. They don't depress me. They don't cause me to question my ability to maintain my goal weight.

Log your food. Enjoy those special moments when you indulge yourself. And marvel at your new found confidence that you are truly in absolute, 100% control. You're gonna love the new you!!

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Don't freak out over it... as said above... it was one day. When I fall off the wagon I see how many calories I over ate then I go on the treadmill and run/workout until I bun it off, of course that is on top of my regular workout. I kind of made that deal with myself. Move on and learn from your lessons !!! You can have those things but Portion Control is key with exercise.

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Nursie' date=' there is absolutely nothing wrong with you! Maintaining your weight is about control, not denial. And control starts with realistic expectations and a sustainable plan. I lost 130 lbs in 13 months eating an average of just under 1300 calories a day. I know because I logged everything I ate, every single day, no exceptions. When I hit 155 lbs (at thirteen months) my surgeon recommended that I increase my calorie intake to 1800 a day. That "felt" a little high to me so I increased it to 1600. Realistic. Sustainable. I've AVERAGED 1600 calories a day for the last six months and my weight yesterday morning was 156.

Note that I said I've AVERAGED 1600 calories a day. Are the days when I eat more? Absolutely! Are the days when I eat less? Absolutely! Is eating exactly 1600 calories every single day for the rest of my life realistic? Of course not. Is eating exactly 1600 calories every single day for the rest of my life sustainable? Ridiculous. Is maintaining an AVERAGE of 1600 calories a day realistic and sustainable? I believe the answer is an unqualified yes. It's about control, not denial.

There are going to be special occasions, holidays, vacations, dinners with that special someone - the list goes on and on. Managing your weight should not, can not, and IS not synonymous with giving up your life and all of the wonderful things that make your life so amazing. And that includes a delicious meal. I've had days when I ate 2200+ calories and I enjoyed every last bite! You have to allow yourself to enjoy those moments! THAT is realistic, THAT is sustainable, and THAT is so much fun!

So what's the "secret" to managing your weight? I'm sure many of the folks here on the forum will share their ideas. For me, there is not the slightest doubt that the secret is maintaining a food log. The log gives me absolute control over my calories. I don't "think" I ate about 1600 calories yesterday. I "know" I ate 1464 calories yesterday. I "know" I had 79g of Protein,

83g of fat and 210g of carbs. I "know" when I exceed my 1600 calorie goal. And I "know" that all I have to do is make minor, realistic adjustments for a day or two and I'm right back on track with my 1600 calorie per day AVERAGE. It's realistic, it's sustainable, and most importantly - it gives me absolute, unqualified confidence that I can manage my weight, every single day. So those 2200 calorie days don't frighten me. They don't depress me. They don't cause me to question my ability to maintain my goal weight.

Log your food. Enjoy those special moments when you indulge yourself. And marvel at your new found confidence that you are truly in absolute, 100% control. You're gonna love the new you!![/quote']

Agree shaking head up & down

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May I add. I try to eat 1200 a day sometimes I make it other times I don't. I also have the my fitness pal food log. It's closed due to having my monthly but on Monday I will have it open. I'm a very realistic person if I have cafe from Starbucks with extra whip I write it down. I'm not ashamed but I'm gonna buy the sugar free & carry it with me lmbo

I'm a tiny woman now but it's getting difficult. I had to say no to a bite not slice of pizza today. I do occasionally eat pizza but today it's not the day. Idk if I'm gonna vomit it & it was a new place & I was very far from home. I ate my emergency cashews I keep in my car. I keep food in my car yeah nuts & Jerky. You never know believe it or not I still at 12 months I forget to eat if I'm busy.

Stay focus and heck we are all human. Eat & enjoy in portion size. If you over do it one day won't harm you like my buddy here says holidays & such it's meant to enjoy its not everyday

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You have come so far, so you know you have the "stuff" inside of you to do this. Tell yourself failure isn't an option and hold yourself accountable and LIVE, LAUGH, EAT and keep moving. You have this new life enjoy it! Worry is only going to add lines on your pretty face!

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Nursie' date=' there is absolutely nothing wrong with you! Maintaining your weight is about control, not denial. And control starts with realistic expectations and a sustainable plan. I lost 130 lbs in 13 months eating an average of just under 1300 calories a day. I know because I logged everything I ate, every single day, no exceptions. When I hit 155 lbs (at thirteen months) my surgeon recommended that I increase my calorie intake to 1800 a day. That "felt" a little high to me so I increased it to 1600. Realistic. Sustainable. I've AVERAGED 1600 calories a day for the last six months and my weight yesterday morning was 156.

Note that I said I've AVERAGED 1600 calories a day. Are there days when I eat more? Absolutely! Are there days when I eat less? Absolutely! Is eating exactly 1600 calories every single day for the rest of my life realistic? Of course not. Is eating exactly 1600 calories every single day for the rest of my life sustainable? Ridiculous. Is maintaining an AVERAGE of 1600 calories a day realistic and sustainable? I believe the answer is an unqualified yes. It's about control, not denial.

There are going to be special occasions, holidays, vacations, dinners with that special someone - the list goes on and on. Managing your weight should not, can not, and IS not synonymous with giving up your life and all of the wonderful things that make your life so amazing. And that includes a delicious meal. I've had days when I ate 2200+ calories and I enjoyed every last bite! You have to allow yourself to enjoy those moments! THAT is realistic, THAT is sustainable, and THAT is so much fun!

So what's the "secret" to managing your weight? I'm sure many of the folks here on the forum will share their ideas. For me, there is not the slightest doubt that the secret is maintaining a food log. My log gives me absolute control over my calories. I don't "think" I ate about 1600 calories yesterday. I "know" I ate 1464 calories yesterday. I "know" I had 79g of Protein, 83g of fat and 210g of carbs. I "know" when I exceed my 1600 calorie goal. And I "know" that all I have to do is make minor, realistic adjustments for a day or two and I'm right back on track with my 1600 calorie per day AVERAGE. It's realistic, it's sustainable, and most importantly - it gives me absolute, unqualified confidence that I can manage my weight, every single day. So those 2200 calorie days don't frighten me. They don't depress me. They don't cause me to question my ability to maintain my goal weight.

Log your food. Enjoy those special moments when you indulge yourself. And marvel at your new found confidence that you are truly in absolute, 100% control. You're gonna love the new you!![/quote']

Well said!

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Thank you all so much! Truly amazing advice!

I wish I could be some comfort to you, I'm just 11 day post op, please don't get down on yourself , you made a choice,good or bad you learned from it, now keep it moving, you're a smart woman ,you've made right and wrong choices we all have. You've reached your goal weight !! That's not an easy task,but with all the right choices you've made you succeed, so keep your head up and don't sweat the small stuff and the little pizza thingy was just that, small stuff. Now smile;)

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Nursie' date=' there is absolutely nothing wrong with you! Maintaining your weight is about control, not denial. And control starts with realistic expectations and a sustainable plan. I lost 130 lbs in 13 months eating an average of just under 1300 calories a day. I know because I logged everything I ate, every single day, no exceptions. When I hit 155 lbs (at thirteen months) my surgeon recommended that I increase my calorie intake to 1800 a day. That "felt" a little high to me so I increased it to 1600. Realistic. Sustainable. I've AVERAGED 1600 calories a day for the last six months and my weight yesterday morning was 156.

Note that I said I've AVERAGED 1600 calories a day. Are there days when I eat more? Absolutely! Are there days when I eat less? Absolutely! Is eating exactly 1600 calories every single day for the rest of my life realistic? Of course not. Is eating exactly 1600 calories every single day for the rest of my life sustainable? Ridiculous. Is maintaining an AVERAGE of 1600 calories a day realistic and sustainable? I believe the answer is an unqualified yes. It's about control, not denial.

There are going to be special occasions, holidays, vacations, dinners with that special someone - the list goes on and on. Managing your weight should not, can not, and IS not synonymous with giving up your life and all of the wonderful things that make your life so amazing. And that includes a delicious meal. I've had days when I ate 2200+ calories and I enjoyed every last bite! You have to allow yourself to enjoy those moments! THAT is realistic, THAT is sustainable, and THAT is so much fun!

So what's the "secret" to managing your weight? I'm sure many of the folks here on the forum will share their ideas. For me, there is not the slightest doubt that the secret is maintaining a food log. My log gives me absolute control over my calories. I don't "think" I ate about 1600 calories yesterday. I "know" I ate 1464 calories yesterday. I "know" I had 79g of Protein, 83g of fat and 210g of carbs. I "know" when I exceed my 1600 calorie goal. And I "know" that all I have to do is make minor, realistic adjustments for a day or two and I'm right back on track with my 1600 calorie per day AVERAGE. It's realistic, it's sustainable, and most importantly - it gives me absolute, unqualified confidence that I can manage my weight, every single day. So those 2200 calorie days don't frighten me. They don't depress me. They don't cause me to question my ability to maintain my goal weight.

Log your food. Enjoy those special moments when you indulge yourself. And marvel at your new found confidence that you are truly in absolute, 100% control. You're gonna love the new you!![/quote']

You are very wise! I like how you are REAL about wls, and still live and eat. We need to have those treats and special moments as you say. If we didnt, we may begin to regret our decision to have wls. Like you said; it is about control. You are an inspiration to me. I have stopped the logging, but after reading this post, I will start again. I want to be successful like you are. Thanks! ;)

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