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Hey ladies sorry I have not posted in a while just got the dsl hooked back up

Brandi I am so sorry about the ticket ordeal maybe they will come to their senses someday

brandy I am so excited about plastic surgery for you hooray

steph the new house is awesome we are still getting things right though

sweethot how are you I see you have been a trooper and losing well'

nikki how is the baby doing

nat glad you are back we have both been no shows

kay how is school are you out

claud are you still losing

well ladies I have news about my some cream that works often on my skin that rubs a little still after all this weight lost grrrh

well st ives for dry chapped skin works wonders try it

anyways my husband and I are on the band wagon to get prego my doc wants us to wait a bit do to the surgery but we are ready to try again my husband and I have been trying for over 3yrs and we are tired of waiting

i feel when god is ready we will be blessed

so if i end up prego yall know i will be thrilled

my foster boys birth mom will not even let us see them I am so sad I have not seen them in over a month feels like a yr or more

I miss them so and pray they are taken care of

I hope all is well with everyone

bye for now

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Just A Quick Note Need Some Prayers

We Are Having Some Terrible Terrible Fires Here In San Diego And I Think My Cousin Lost His House And Hopefully No My Uncle As Well My Brother Drove His Boat To My Cousin House Yesterday Morning And I Guess It Gone . I Am So Scared For All Does People So Just Pls Say A Prayer .

Bk No No More Weight Loss

Bev Love Ya

Brandy Sorry Could Call You Back .

I Didnt Get My Fill I Dont Know If Its Good Or Bad But The Doctor Has An Emergency Second Weekend But Oh Well Will See What Happends Right Know I Am Just Praying For Everyone Here And My Family .

Take Care Girls


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claudia...prayers being sent your way ...keep safe

bk....prayers for you too..will send some prego dust your way

as for me havent seen little bean yet as scan not until friday but fluttering has begun....a little life is making themself known cant wait until the fluttering is good old kick though its so reassuring that babe is well.

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Wow..I am going to be on the prayer wagon today. I am so sorry to see all this sadness. It makes my grievances seem so insignificant. Please girls, hang in there.

Faith-I am sorry to hear of your loss. Be well these next few days. We went through this in January and it was tumultuous, but have since found some peace. I think you have a great outlook, and I hope the sun shines on you soon. Not to mention, the state of your house sounds like comic relief! I love it. I have called Clean Sweep and as soon as they are done at my house, they will head on over to yours..just clear them a path.

BK-so glad to hear from you. You are missed. Good luck on the pregnancy attempts (the attempting can be awful fun). Just remember to not get too tense about all the trying, I swear if you relax, it will happen. I hope you have success. I am so sorry to read about the babies...I too pray their birth mom is giving them the care they need/deserve. You are a strong woman!

Claud-wow, those fires are frightening. I am sorry they are affecting you personally. It seems so far away, until I find out that someone here is dealing with this! Prayers your way.

Nikki-amidst all the sadness, you are our shining star. I remember those first flutterings of life in my tummy so many years ago. Beautiful feeling. Enjoy them..they are short lived as that little babe will soon be doing chin ups from your rib cage! ha. Good luck on Friday.

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Bk--here is to sending you baby vibes. I hope you get your baby!

Nikki--flutters so cute!! YEAH!! :eek: I miss that part of pregnancy but only that part ...lol...

I am trying to pull myself out of this funk...it sucks.... :)

CLaud--I am so sorry sweetie! PLEASE take care of you and your family!

Happy Monday all...here is how I feel today!

Love you all!


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:::::waving to Nat and Boo::::: I see you girls!

Monday weigh in for me...let me first state that I have no idea what I weighed last Monday because I have been weighing myself every darn day multiple times. I think I was 212 but not sure. I am going with 212....

So: start/current/loss this week/total loss...does that wound good?

Kay: 275/210/-2/-65

BTW, I was 209 yesterday...grrrrr. Anyone else want to post? I can keep a running log and post it tonight. I went to the MD last month and was at 220 on their scale. I am weighing there tomorrow...we'll see what the MD scale says. I was 214 at my fill appt 10 days ago. I fluctuate so darn much up and down that I just never know. :::)::

I am still exhausted from my galavanting this weekend. My hips actually hurt from dancing. Yup, I am old...:faint:

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Just popping in to admit that I was a total piggy yesterday. After eating 500 - 800c for the past 2 weeks, I lost it yesterday. I ate a McFish sandwich yesterday with a handful of fries and about 4oz of Orange Hi-C from McDonalds for lunch. THEN we went to Smokey Bones for dinner and I had 3 chicken fingers dipped in bleu cheese with a strawberry lemonade. Yeah, I know, that isn't bad.

One the way home I stopped at Grand Traverse Pie Company and got a Peanut Butter cup (it's a peanut butter cookie that is pressed into a muffin cup and filled with peanut butter cream and topped with fudgy frosting) and a slice of apple peach pie. I ate the entire pie and half the peanut butter cup. And gotdamn it was decadent and rich and delicious.

So this morning I'm on liquids. I also did not exercise over the weekend, though I did on Friday night for 15 minutes. I almost expected my pants to be too tight and my thighs to have grown 2" over night! HAHAH

You know, I don't even feel bad about eating like I had a hole in my neck. I feel HUMAN and SATISFIED and I'm back on my good eating today. I better see a huge drop in the scale come 10/29, when I go back to the doctor.

Never did make it to being "Good Mommy" this weekend. The pumpkins are uncarved and the Cookies are unbaked. I suck. We'll work on it this week/weekend. :eek:

Ladies - pull yourselves out of the funk. I know how hard it is! And my heart is breaking for all of you. I think it's the change of seasons. I always get a little blue at the onset of autumn. Hang in there. BooHooTitty - put the frosting down. I know you're sad about the PS, but it'll happen sooner or later, and there's always the chance of a miracle! You should get yourself some of those sexy expensive bodyshapers and rock them! I'm looking at getting some and fully expect to exude a Jessica Rabbit persona for half the time.

KayDoll - you sound like you were a sexy mofugga out dancing! I am so jealous. And congrats to the effing BoSox. Gotdamn I thought they were going to fall to the Indians. I was through with baseball when the Yanks got knocked out, and this morning I said "Oh shit" out loud when I saw the headlines. fucking sox.

nikki - your wobblies look faboo! I can see a huge difference in your middle and hips! WORK IT OUT! Your face is gorgeous, too! Is it the pregnant glow?

Claudia - I'm praying for you. Sorry for the hard times. I also have friends in SD who are worried about their property. Belongings can be replaced - I'm glad your cousin is safe.

BK - sorry that your foster babies are gone. I had no idea! :) I know that is a huge sense of loss for you. Good luck conceiving. Make it fun! Have some drinks and play grab ass all night. It worked for me! ((laughing))

faith - sorry about your MIL. Good luck cleaning. I wish I were there to lend a hand. We'd shove all that shit into a box, or a closet or the trash (HA!) and get your place sparky fresh. I think the important thing is family being together, not how clean your house is. As long as you don't have catshit clumped on the kitchen floor (HA!) don't worry about it.

sweethot - size 12? Ya skinny bitch, WORK IT! And don't be making excuses or justifying why the skirt fit. The POINT is, it fit, you wore it, zipped it and felt FABULOUS in it! Don't downplay your success. A size 12 skirt would barely fit over my thigh at this point, but I'm still plugging away (as evidenced by my weekend binge). B)

Anyhow, another dreaded Monday... Let me get to work. *sigh* Not weighing in today, because my scale is on the top of the shelf and I'm too fat and lazy to get it down. HAHA But I'm sticking to my story of 222.5, dammit. And by 11/14 I'm going to be at least 10 pounds lighter.

200 by T'gvg? Shit, I'm never going to make it!


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morning girls!

wow alot of saddness this past weekend. I'm so sorry Faith, I'd come help with the house too if I were there. As far as the house goes, I agree with Nat just focus on family, thats most important now.

Claud keep us posted, I'll remember your family in prayer. Its in the headlines today and like Kay it doesn't really feel real until you know someone its happening to.

Kaydoll - sounds like you had fun. We all wish we could've been with you. Your pics are fabulous!!! You no longer have a shelf butt ... remember that discussion? too dang funny! (or Nats muddass?)

Nat - saw your pics you're looking hot! I feel the same way as you, one bad day isn't so bad and we are human and we do love sweets now and then. Just think if you'd have made the Cookies then you'd be fighting the temptation not to eat them. And if you'd have carved the pumpkin it'd only rot sooner. There's always a bright side.

Bk - Love you honey! I've missed you. You know what they say here in PA? New house new baby. Don't know if I mentioned it before but dh and I were married 5 years before #1 came along. I was on the pill the first 2 years and then it took 3 years of trying. Don't get discouraged and I tend to agree with the doctor, give it some time, you're still young, just enjoy the time you have with dh - sex him up every day and before you know it you'll be prego.

Nikki - wowsa! You look great! And whats with the freeking collar bones!! I have none! I also used pregnancy as a license to eat but you're in a different phase of your life, just remember you'll get a fill again.

My Brandi/Brandy girlfriends things are going to get better. All this misery over cars! I remember telling my neice when her dh got put in jail over unpaid fines (he sat one night) she was so worked up and I said its not the worse thing that could happen, theres no death involved, he isn't in the hospital and as bad as this all seems remember - this too shall pass. I know its frustrating and scarey and pissy and I'm sorry you're going through it but like Nat said think positive, feel positive and it'll all work out somehow. We love ya girls.

Who did I miss? I'll tell you who I'm missing... VA - girlfriend where are you? Let us know you're doing ok. We miss you.

Sweethot - darling you are a hottie! Enjoy that size 12 baby bc before you know it its going to be too dang big!!!

Ok so these are my numbers for whoever cares.


I have my size 12 petite jeans on, they are the stretch jeans by Levi, I can actually pull them down without unzipping them :omg: I kinda want to go get a size 10 just to see if I can get them on but dh already has been making comments about my closet. I told him nothing fits - seriously I have this closet full of clothes with nothing to wear so until I get that and my drawers cleaned out I don't dare go shopping.

I guess I better get to work - yikes its 11:00!

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oh forgot to update you on the lemon cake. I took a bite and that was it - tried a couple bites but realized that I just wasn't hungry and it wasn't as wonderful as I thought it'd be so that was that. I guess the snickers satisfied all the sweet cravings I had. Oh and another thing with this weight posting thing - TOM is due to arrive today - whether it happens or not is another story - but I'm claiming Water retention! :)

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Ok, busy with meetings but I need to post stats to be accountable...

282/162.2/-2.2/119.8 (damn carbs - up .2 today)

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Nat and steph thanks for the comments! I never though i'd be hearing the words "skinny Bitch" directed toward me! love it.

Ok, so i weighed this morning, the scale still hasn't budged! freakin.ugggh. why do i suffer with no carbs and the scale doesn't move? why oh why? so i'm going to stick it out for the rest of this week and hopefully see a change.

I started the couch to 5k program today with the pod cast and loved it! My youngest started preschool on mon, wed, and fri so i can go to the gym those mornings, it's next door to the school. I went to day and there was only me and one other girl there, so i ran and shook like jelly and didn't care!

Claud- oh my gosh, those fires are so scary! I can't imagine what it would be like to be right there in them! I will pray for your family.

ok, because i was so mad about the scale this morning, i pulled out the measuring tape and i lost 1" on my waist, which is probably why i can wear the 12 skirt and couldn't last week. Also lost 1" around my bust it's now 35 around.

ok, here are my stats for today.

240/188/175/-52 -13 for the challenge.

1 workout down from 20, 19 to go

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ladies thanks for the prego dust my way hope it works

steph I am in no rush for the baby but the sooner the better he he I am nuts sometimes

I got my aunt flo visit today so no baby this month

I had a huge yard sale this wkend now I have no clothes left

I bought a pair of 14 yesterday and they zipped right up

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WOO BK! Good for you girl! :mad: Keep it up! Until you get prego of course..lol..

Steph--good for you on the cake! ;)

Sweet--great job on the inches lost! Yeah!

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Hey LADIES!!! I'm back....again.....still unemployed :-( Was supposed to hear yesterday about a job, but got an email saying that I was in the top 2, but that they needed a few more days to make their final decision...UGH....I HATE Waiting!!!

Brandi and Brandy....so sorry to hear about all the car/legal troubles!! It reminds me of when I was going through my divorce and was totally broke and miserable and thought it would never end. But it DID! And it will for you too. You WILL get past this!

To all of you w/your NSVs....WOO HOO!!! I have been a baaaad baad bandster!!! I'm drinking way too much alcohol these days (going out w/friends, not sitting home alone btw) and I am convinced that that is why my scale is not moving! That and I'm still prone to grazing throughout the day b/c I'm home not working!

Claud - You're family and anyone else who is out in CA is in my thoughts and prayers...Those fires aer so scary!

Nat...while you may not make it to 200 exactly by tgiving...think about how much closer you are than you were at this time last year girl!! You're kickin it!!! Keep up the good work!

Sweet...wow...a size 12!??? That is my Goal size! ;-) LOL Work it girl!

Kaydot....I'm in on the monday weigh ins with you starting next monday! I've got to get my scale moving!! and yeah...how 'bout those Sox AND The Patriots!!! New England sports Rocks!! :mad:

BK....good luck on getting preggers..at least you can have lots of fun trying right? ;-)

Steph...thanks for asking about me! So sorry for being MIA..but I don't get the reminders that there are new messages and I forget to check the boards sometimes! Congrats on being down 1 pound this week AND into size 12s!!! That is my goal size!

Ok...well, I'll be back later (I promise)...and will try not to fall off the face of the earth this time ;)

Love ya all!!! YOU ALL ROCK!!!!

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