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November chat...again....

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Good Morning Y'all!

It is a foggy morning here today, means I have to leave here shortly and fight the traffic. Give me summer back!:thankyou:

Chrispy - I am very private about that too, only DH hears me and I figure if he can do it so can I!:) :tea: :D It just slipped out, I didn't even feel like I was going to. Just took a step and boom! Pretty loud one too!

Eileen - Glad to hear the back is doing better!

Dianne - Hey, I'll be your second customer if Pat is the first! I have to get mine at Lane Bryant too, it's the only place that has them strong enough to hold up these girls. They have some pretty good ones too! I hate the underwires so they have some good ones that don't have the dang wires that jab me so bad!

Pat - My DH is the same way, mine can be almost silent and he'll hear it, but he can toot like a train!

Cindy - Hope you had a great time! Tell us about it!

Patty - Glad you got your account straightened out! That can be really scarey!

Darcy - Hey girl, I been missing you! Take some time for yourself gal!

Mandy, Beanie, Kat, Mary, Cassandra, and everyone else, hello, don't mean to miss ya, just have to hurry and get on the road.

Have a great day!

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I am going to be banded in Dekalb, IL at Kishwaukee Hospital by Dr. Maillifer. Only 13 more days! I am starting to get rather nervous and having those second thoughts...but I really think that it is the best decision for me. My boyfriend is really really worried that something "bad" is going to happen...

Darcy--what are you training for, sounds interesting?

Everyone thank you for the warm welcome. I dont really have any fart stories yet! he he

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Well, Girl Potato and Boy Potato had eyes for each other, and finally they got married, and had a little sweet potato, which they called 'Yam.' Of course, they wanted the best for Yam.

When it was time, they told her about the facts of life.

They warned her about going out and getting half-baked, so she wouldn't get accidentally mashed, and get a bad name for herself like 'Hot Potato,' and end up with a bunch of Tater Tots.

Yam said not to worry, no Spud would get her into the sack and make a rotten potato out of her! But on the other hand she wouldn't stay home and become a Couch Potato either.

She would get plenty of exercise so as not to be skinny like her Shoestring cousins.

When she went off to Europe, Mr. and Mrs. Potato told Yam to watch out for the hard-boiled guys from Ireland. And the greasy guys from France called the French Fries. And when she went out west, to watch out for the Indians so she wouldn't get scalloped.

Yam said she would stay on the straight and narrow andwouldn't associatewith those high class Yukon Golds, or the ones from the other side of the tracks who advertise their tr ade on all the trucks that say, 'Frito Lay.'

Mr. and Mrs. Potato sent Yam to Idaho P.U. (that's Potato University) so that when she graduated she'd really be in the chips.

But in spite of all they did for her, one-day Yam came home and announcedshe was going to marry Tom Brokaw.

Tom Brokaw!

Mr. and Mrs. Potato were very upset. They told Yam she couldn't possibly marry Tom Brokaw because he's just.......

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peeking in...I have a pooper story hee hee. DH is famous for leaving a trail in stores or if he has red sauce of any type forget it. It's miserable for the rest of us in the house. Anyway...one night after shutting the tv off for the night...I felt a rumble in my tummy. Now mind you I hardly ever pass gas, fart, fluff whatever you want to call it lol. Next thing I know phhhffffffrrrrt and it was stinky. I was laughing and saying HAAAAAAAA PAYBACK to my husband. I was practically doing the cabbage patch, so proud of myself to finally pay him back then PPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTT!!!!!!!!!! He totally blew me out of the bed. GROSSSSS! He was in hysterics because he total obliviated my work. Funny but, gross lol. Anywhooooo that was a peek at the life of Sherry's fartless world gone bad.

Be back soon...tonight is country line dancin...hoping this will kick in the freaking exercise for me...ya think?

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My report on last night:

OMG! We had VIP tickets, so we were down on the floor. There were no more seats, so they told us "standing room only". We were shown to the area to stand, which was right in front of the podium. We were wondering if we should go to the seats in the stands (this is Reunion Arena), but decided we would tough it out...there were lots of state officials who spoke...very interesting, if you're into it (I am). Then, I start noticing the police getting more active...up toward the catwalks, and around the very top of the arena. We are so close to the podium, about 20 feet away. A little hand places the Presidential Seal on the podium. The Secret Service get into position. Then, then Rick Perry and wife, and President Bush and Laura Bush come out, and walk to the stage. Rick Perry speaks for about 10 minutes. Then, President Bush. I could see the lines in his face, that's how close I was! Make no mistake, I am a big supporter, but I want to tell ya'll this: he is really good speaker. He does not stutter and stammer. He is forceful, firm and polished. He does use some Texas/country dialect, but we like that down here. It was a very impressive speech. Afterwards, he walked about 3 feet away from me, shaking hands, and I just couldn't reach out far enough, but he was so close!

I was in awe of being that close to the President of the United States.

There were 15 - 18,000 people there. There were 200-250 protestors outside. Who do you think got the most coverage on the news? or on the front page of the paper?

OH, and the band Casting Crowns was the warm-up entertainment!

I had the best time...DH and I were standing with a group of college kids from Univ. of Dallas...they were so enthusiastic and so excited!

Then, I was on the radio this morning, too!

It's been a fun evening, and a fun day!

Hey, gotta run...I'm subbing for another teacher for a while.

P.S. I know not everyone loves G.W., but it is so cool to see a President!

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Chrispy-I'm a 36FF or a 34G! I don't think that Lane Bryant goes past DDD. I'm going to try Nordstrom's they are supposed to be wonderful at helping you get fitted. Thanks.

Betty-I'll let you know how Nordstrom's goes. Be careful driving today in the fog.

Cassandra-When I woke up from the surgery I couldn't believe how good I felt. It is so normal to have second thoughts. All I can tell you is it has changed my life and I'm loving it.

Eileen-LMAF!! That was so cute!

Sherry-That is so funny!

Well I went to curves this morning. My back has been real bad since I went bowling like an idiot last week! What was I thinking..duhhh..anyway it was good to get back there.

See you guys later..don't forget to vote today!

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Oh wow Dianne! I feel your pain! I had a reduction about 13 years ago, and was probably around the same size as you are now. It was never fun trying to find a bra or simple things like dresses and bathing suits. Ugh! Let me know how it goes at Nordstroms.

So Sherry and I went to line dancing tonight. It was a lot of fun! We've got some new moves. WATCH OUT! lol

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Hey Y'All

Another glorious day in Mortgage Lending - Another wubulous flight from Dallas to Jersey. But - HEY!! I didn't need an extender for my seatbelt!! WaHoo!!!

It was so nice to be able to snap that belt and not have to wonder if some snotty attendant was going to make me feel like crap for asking for one....

We are staying at the LUXURIOUS Orangeburg Holiday Inn... apparently - if you wait until less than a week before you travel to book your rooms - it can be a problem. *sigh*.

Oh well. At least we have internet. No elevator - but we have internet.

I am hoping that Eileenie and I can hook up for lunch or supper or something. I have the wheels for this trip - so it's all good.

Aside from my little trip - not much going on for me. No good fart stories to tell. Nothing nearly as good as YOUR stories! I do recall one time in Walmart - yelling over the aisles to my hubby - and thinking I was going to slip one of those quiet ones out. No body was close to me - I wasn't overly concerned... so I let-r-rip... and rip it does. LOUDLY. My husband heard it on the next aisle - and the people down the way from me about fainted from the shock. I swear - I thought it was going to be a sneaker - but it sounded like a bullhorn sprouted from my behind! Thank Good I have no shame. :]

Well my darlings - I am going to surf a bit more and retire. That 3.5 hour nap I had last night + the 2 hour nap on the plane still doesn't add up to a full night's sleep.

Love to All!!


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Beanie-That is so awesome! YAY no extender! What a great feeling! I've the fart story!!

Well I have a lunch appointment with a guy from a financial company today. I think he wants to advertise but not sure, so we'll see. Gotta hit curves at some point.

I am thrilled to announce that Tom is here and I had no food clues that he was coming. YAY no masive cravings for chocolate or Frito's!! I even lost another pound from last week! I'm so excited. I usually munch and mess up my other 2 weeks!....sorry I know TMI....I'm just so happy that I haven't eaten everything in site!


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Good Morning Ladies,

I like that on Eileen.. So you hooking up with Rene? That sounds so cool. Can you all believe I have never been on a airplane? One day though for sure.

Cindy ~ That is so Awesome!!! I listened to his speech on the radio when we were waiting for him to fly out. He did sound good I will have to say. It is only respectful to be gracious to our President even if we agree or disagree with him. I try to show that too my children. Where we were at was at the back side of a neighbor hood and there were only about 10 people in all there with us. No protesters so that was good. I did go drive by where they all were and explained to the kids why they were there. For me that day just in hopes the we would see him was a non political day. Anyway I am glad it is all done.. The voting / bashing that is..

Dianne ~ I wear a 36DDD or Better yet a 36EEE I found them at Dillards. Do you have one where you are at? I tell you if I could just let some air out of them I would. The bras are pretty comfy as long as they are snug..

I hope when TOM comes to visit it will be as kind to me. I am rather going through somekind of mood crap which tells me it's on it's way.

Chrispy & Sherry ~ I am so jealous ~ I have to left feet and cannot dance worth a heck. I need to check into something like that. Usually when I see them offering something it always says something like prefer Partners. HUmm:faint: Since I joined Cureves I have not been back - how bad is that??

I will go for sure tomorrow.. and Friday

Mandy ~ Oreo still by your side??? Cuddling???

Patty ~ How are you doing? How is the School situation?

Hi Betty ~ Kat ~ Pat ~ what you all up too ~ Still training Darcy? Sorry If I missed anyone..

Well not much happening here. I finally after weeks of hounding them got my appt to do my yearly follow up for the Barretts. I have a stong feeling if it is worse that I am for sure going to lose my band. I guess I am just preparing myself for the worse. I have been for the past couple of months been having problems swallowing or feeling a ball in my throat. I went to my PCP last week and she said I did have lumps or bumps on the back of my tongue. Anyway she said it was a virus infection and it worked it's way up from my lungs. I think it is my dang sinus drainage. Anyway I go in for the scope on the 21st. The Doc I see told me last year that I should take the band out cause he did not like the position it was in and if he has his way It might happen. Will let you know once I see my pics. Just Pray for me. Ever since I saw that the Governer of Texas passed away from Esoph Cancer I am pretty worried.

Other than that I know my Aunt Flo is coming around the corner since I am having terrible mood swings and am just trying to kick it. I think the situation here at work adds to it also. Calgon take me away :)

Well better get to work I am in boiling Water for a mistake I made and am trying to find a solution.. :think

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Hi all-

Mary--I am so sorry to hear of the problems you are having, I will for sure add you to my prayer list, and have already sent a special prayer up JUST for YOU!!! Big hugs!

Eileen--I just have to say it....I YAM shocked by yer tater joke!!! How's the hip holding up?

I never realized how busty we all are!!! We may have to make our own calendar...you know where they strategically place your "stuff" behind things.....we could all use semi's!!! Damn boob fairy!!!

Beannie--no elevator is just gonna keep the scale moving!! Have a good trip. You and Eileen say nice things about all of us!!! And flirt with the waiter for me too.

Dianne--good luck on your advertising appointment!! And congrats on the food issues! I am stalled for a few day, but it happens...not gonna get down about it. I was told that plateaus happen, it isn't If it is When. My Dr. loves giving me witticisms like that....funny man...NOT!

Chris--glad you and Sherry had fun dancing. I would like that, but DH's schedule is so erratic, taking a class like that together is not possible. I did start a beginners Tai Chi class...Oh the muscles I never knew I had!! I thought I found them all in Curves, but apparently not!!!

Sherry--now ya just gotta teach DH the moves, and you 2 can go have fun!

Cindy--glad you enjoyed your presidential visit. What kind of class you subbing for?

Betty--hope the fog wasn't too bad and you made it safely. It is supposed to set records here today, and be in the mid 70's. Which is nice for the day, but does squat for our Water supplies!!! And it is a huge change, it freezes at night then soars to 70+. So an hour ago I needed the fire going, now I am roasting!!

Darcy--Come! Sit!! Visit!!!!

Cassandra--WELCOME!!! You have stumbled onto the best thread around!!! Great people, great advice, and some really funny fart stories!!! Nerves are normal, and so are nervous loved ones. Have him look at the numbers...it is a safe surgery, and it will be such a good thing for you. Soon he will be celebrating with you as the pounds go away!

Mandy--how's things? I haven't seen you here, but have seen you on another thread...are you abandoning us to go get another tattoo??? j/k!!!

Patty--how did the meeting go at school for your son?

Pat--so what's keeping you so busy??? LMAO...I made a typo here that said "so what's keeping you so busty?" Which goes right along with earlier issues we are all having with bras...maybe I should have just left the typo!!!

Well today I have yet more leaves to mulch. DH is off for the next 4 days. If I don't do them today he will try to tomorrow...After leaves I think I will hit Curves. Maybe walk to the store if DD isn't off early enough for Curves.

Our anniversary is Friday, not sure what we will do besides Celebrate him still being here to have an anniversary!!! Maybe he should treat me to a hair appointment to cover all the gray he caused!!! When my hair comes back (please let that be soon) it will likely be very gray...thanks hon!!!

Y'all have a good one!!!


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I am here, just losing my mind. School has been hectic. Yesterday was parent teacher conf, voting at the school and Market Day pick-up. Do you guys have Market Day or is that a Chicago thing? It frozen food, good stuff, you order and it is delivered to school, we have a set pickup once a month and the school makes 10% of the sales. I unload the truck, take inventory and we put the orders together so the parents can just pay and take their stuff, it's a crazy 2 hours. I did all that yesterday and also took the doggers for a short jog. She was so tired she went to bed at 8:30 and didn't get back up until 7 this morning. I am getting ready to work in Abi's class today. Then I have to do more laundry tonight. I still have ahouse guest, he decided to go out with friends after work last night and didn't come home until after 11. it's a good thing I love him like a bother or I would have locked his ass out. I as tired and wanted to go to bed, but had to be up to let him in, he didn't even call. I know now I sound like a mother.

We have our IEP meeting tomorrow. I am starting to stress a bit but am sure all will be fine. No new tattoos for me this week, make next week, if I am lucky.

I'll BA back tonight. ~Mandy

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Hey you guys,

Thanks for asking about me.....

#1 the temperature has been 90 degrees! This makes me feel awful and my left ankle swollen. I went to Mondays meeting and I left feeling.... incomplete. We made some changes in how Garrett is to be taught but the teacher is gonna be a bitch about treating my specials needs kid, special. Hell, I don't have to like her and I called her on actions that might harm my child. It's all documented and if she steps out of line.... I will have her head on a platter. I need to rest in that.

Mandy: I hope you have a very smooth IEP and I will send up prayers.

Eileen & Beanie:Send new photos of this trip. Jealous as always

Mary:I'm SO scared for you to lose your band. You have to get better. I'll be watching for an update after your scope.

Darcy:Sweetie, do great on your exams. Do tell about those furry creatures that you care for.

I gotta get to work..... last day of the week cause we have a 4 day weekend - yay.

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Mandy---I Love Market Day! Is there something that you can recommed that is bandster and vegetarian friendly???

Good Luck with your IEP meeting!!!!

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