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Has Anyone Ever Regretted Having Surgery? Be Honest?

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You're going to be fine. It's just a moment in time. You and I all know from experience that the first 2 weeks of ANY diet is difficult. This too shall pass. Hang in there girl. In 2 weeks I too will be in "b***h" mode with you! :-)

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You're going to be fine. It's just a moment in time. You and I all know from experience that the first 2 weeks of ANY diet is difficult. This too shall pass. Hang in there girl. In 2 weeks I too will be in "b***h" mode with you! :-)

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I'm with you. I have a leak and haven't been allowed ANYTHING to eat or drink since last Friday and won't till atleast Monday (on IV stuff for nutrients). Even the hospital food smells glorious. But I know it's only temporary, we will get through this, and when we meet goal we'll think back on how simple this was and how happy we'll be. Hang in there! :)

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I'm glad I'm not alone!! Had my sleeve done 6-11 (3 1/2 weeks) and it is so rough right now. Trying to eat almost anything is tough. Found eggs are easy to eat. And of corse yougart.

There is a support group here in my area but everyone says its the best thing they have ever done. I'm not there yet. Still hard and I need to hear yes it IS hard at first and tips to make it better!! So thankful I found this app!!!!!

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It gets better!!! You will be able to eat much more kinds of food before you know it! I had my sleeve 4-24-12 and I don't regret it at all. Down 75 pounds!

WOW! Thats Awesome! I had mine 4/17/12 and I am down 50lbs Wish I was down 75lbs you go girl!

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I'm glad I'm not alone!! Had my sleeve done 6-11 (3 1/2 weeks) and it is so rough right now. Trying to eat almost anything is tough. Found eggs are easy to eat. And of corse yougart.

There is a support group here in my area but everyone says its the best thing they have ever done. I'm not there yet. Still hard and I need to hear yes it IS hard at first and tips to make it better!! So thankful I found this app!!!!!

Its very hard! It does get better tho I lived on yougart and myoplex shakes for the longest time I still get food& liquid stuck all the time and I have to vomit it up but as soon as I do I feel much better. but it doesent happin as much as it did b4 and it is slowly getting better.. Hope you start to feel better soon as well it is so not fun!

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Hi everyone - I'm new here. I haven't been sleeved yet, but i'm considering it seriously. However I do get scared /worried when I read about some people who have long term ongoing difficulties holding down food; fatigue; and having serious food intolerances. Are there any known reasons why these things happen and who might be more at risk of long term problems.... Or is it luck of the draw? Does anyone know? Thanks.

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No regrets! Down 45 lbs since 4/23, and love loose clothes more than I once loved gorging self on yummy food....if I want something, I have a small bite, not a plate full. The thrill of eating is gone, and I do miss that. I now just eat to live, before WLS I really did sometimes live to eat, food was what I thought about a lot!

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No regrets! Down 45 lbs since 4/23, and love loose clothes more than I once loved gorging self on yummy food....if I want something, I have a small bite, not a plate full. The thrill of eating is gone, and I do miss that. I now just eat to live, before WLS I really did sometimes live to eat, food was what I thought about a lot!

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Kiwi, I have learned that chewing very, very well and going slow is a must! Put down the fork between bites and talk, read if alone, etc. I have not been able to eat raw broccoli yet, tried it twice in Chinese dishes, and if not cooked well, it just sits in tummy and eventually comes back up. Beef is still hard to digest and not worth the bad feeling, chicken, turkey, fish go down easily. If I eat too fast, when that last bite can't go down, it will come back. You learn what your sleeve likes and does not like pretty quickly. I will try broccoli again, but not til 6 month mark, as instructed. Feeling full now is in a different spot, more at bottom of esophagus, not in normal tummy spot. That was wierd, but adjusted easily. Putting on clothes and having them be too big to wear is so worth the other changes. At 10 weeks post op I have no regrets!

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I too found it really hard when everyone around you is eating the foods you love and you can't. The first two weeks were the worst for me because I was SO sick of the liquid phase. I just wanted texture and flavor in the worst way. A couple of times I would take a bite of something, chew it up and spit it out. That helped. What I found helped me the most was that I wrote down all the reasons I hated being the fat person I was when this journey started. I also wrote down all the things I was looking forward to being thin. When the going gets rough, I break out that list and remind myself the REASONS that I am doing this. The good news is that once you get past the first month, your food choices open up. It feels like a really long time getting there, but the victories on the scale, and the non scale victories like your clothes getting looser help you realize that it is all worth it!! Hang in there, you are not alone!

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I have had such an improvement in my overall health that my primary care provider cried when she saw me because without her letter I wouldn't be here where I am today! So did I regret it..yes but only for the first 48 hours because I was so sick...but since being sleeved 4/3 and now I am down 61# ..nope I don't regret my decision. It gets better with time. Watching people around you eat that is. It use to bother me, but now I'm like " how can you eat so much?". So I hold my tongue and remind myself I am the one with the weight problem..not them!!! So no I don't regret what I did..yes it does get better..

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I'm only a month out, which is supposed to be the hardest part, and I have not had even ONE MOMENT of regret. I have not had any nausea since I left the hospital, no throwing up, no issues with food whatsoever. I'm down 26 pounds. I don't even mind seeing people around me eat things that I love. At a month out, I can take a bite of almost whatever I like as long as I chew it up well and eat slowly.

Sometimes I wish I could grab a box of my trigger food, Cheez-Its, and eat half a box at a time like I used to. But instead I can eat four or five of them and I'm fine. And I do NOT miss the guilt trip that used to come along with that. I don't miss trying to hide the empty box I just bought under some other trash so no one in my family sees the evidence of my binge. I feel free. I have been freed from my addiction/compulsion and that means everything to me. I only wish that I had done it sooner.

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I too found it really hard when everyone around you is eating the foods you love and you can't. The first two weeks were the worst for me because I was SO sick of the liquid phase. I just wanted texture and flavor in the worst way. A couple of times I would take a bite of something' date=' chew it up and spit it out. That helped. What I found helped me the most was that I wrote down all the reasons I hated being the fat person I was when this journey started. I also wrote down all the things I was looking forward to being thin. When the going gets rough, I break out that list and remind myself the REASONS that I am doing this. The good news is that once you get past the first month, your food choices open up. It feels like a really long time getting there, but the victories on the scale, and the non scale victories like your clothes getting looser help you realize that it is all worth it!! Hang in there, you are not alone![/quote']

So glad to have stumbled across your post! Gives me hope...thank you. :)

K Linam

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Of course!!! I hated my sleeve for a long time. . . going from pigout mama to eating less then a bird basically overnight without any training in how to do it. . . it's called change and with change comes hatred. . . no one likes change and it's the dangest thing to do. . . even now at 3 years out I have to do alot of self talk when head hunger hits. . . but now would I give back the sleeve if i could? NO WAY!!! Now I advocate it. . . .

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