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My worst day thus far... feel like I'm starving...

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Hi all. I need a little support, words of wisdom, and perhaps inspiration. Today has been my worst day, post-sleeve, thus far. Woke up tired, slept in too late. Could barely drag-butt to get a shower in, never made it to work (flex schedule today, so I could miss, but still, I needed to get some things done). I woke up feeling ravishingly hungry. Drank one of my Protein bullets before the shower, some Water and of course my Prevacid. All I could think about the entire shower was food, food, food. Finally got out the door and took my dog to the doggie-park, walked around there while he ran for about 30 minutes. Starving, starving. Driving home past every single fast food place in the world, and grocery stores, and restaurants, it felt like mental torture. After leaving the park, and on my drive, I felt weak, and tired and starving. Have been trying to drink as much water as possible, and do the protein, but it's starting to make me gag. Seriously, the Stat 64, well... I don't think I can drink another swig. Came home and made some Tomato Soup with fat-free milk... and I feel "ok" but not good. I'm just feeling very tired, a bit depressed, and just insanely hungry. I keep counting the days until I can put something other than a liquid in my mouth, and I think I am craving the feeling of biting down on a food, chewing, I don't know. Am I nuts?

Having been through all these phases with the band (Clear liquids, full liquids, mushies, and then food), I had a hard time here and there with it... but this time it's just so much worse. I feel hungry all the time. Actually, it might be more accurate to say I feel ravishingly hungry... How can this be? Please tell me once I can actually eat something, things will get better? I feel like I'm never going to eat again. I feel like the stuff I can have right now is making me gag, and is so unpleasant, I'm just subsisting on water, protein bullets (which is also becoming difficult - too sweet), and tomato/milk Soup.< /p>

Ok all... thanks for letting me vent. I just needed that off my chest, but if anyone has some advice, insights or wisdom for me, please share. I feel like crawling in bed and sleeping for the next two+ weeks when I can TRY some food...:scared0:

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You are sleeved , you are mind hungry. It will go away in 2 more weeks!! You will understand that is your mind playing tricks on you.

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I keep thinking that must be it, but honestly, it's a physical pain/hunger most of the time. Perhaps I'm not getting in enough Protein, but I'm trying... it's hard. Thanks for your support, I appreciate it. :scared0:

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It sounds like you are up to full liquids, yes?

Well, liquids go right through the pouch -- even the Protein. You feel hungry because your pouch is not full. You're also feeling hungry because at 10 days out, you are on a very restricted diet and your body is still saying, "WTF?, You expect me to work on these few calories"? Now put both the liquid issue together with the low calorie issue and it all makes sense -- you are hungry!

Another poster, Tiffykins, found this article that is great! Here is the link:


Until I read this, I couldn't figure out why I was so very hungry as well. But, I can't get past mushies/purees. So, I bought some unflavoured Protein at GNC and started mixing it with full liquid items such as sf/ff yoghurt. It thickens the yogurt, which makes it 'stick' more to the pouch and decreases hunger. A thicker shake worked for me too (1 chocolate protein serving + 1 unflavoured with 8oz. skim milk.

I hope you're feeling better soonest!

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Please tell me this hunger goes away!! I am now stressing out, should I do this?? Am I going to be hungry all the time! I thought that with a sleeve we would not be very hungry because of the decrease in ghrelin? This is the first I heard of someone feeling like they were starving. Anyone else feel like this? seems like it would be torture to be staving and not be able to eat??

Hang in there!!! :001_unsure:Look at the weight you have lost!!!


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Hey Sleeve Twin Sister,, I was craving everything really badly until yesterday, now nothing sounds good enough to eat. The food commercials were driving me nuts, but now they have no affect. I ate some cream Soup yesterday got bloated really full,, I must have had to much,, but since then I don't want to eat or drink anything. At first felt very weird, but I am loving it. I just have to make myself drink & eat. It doesn't taste bad, I just don't have any cravings.

So, Sis,, you get your chin up, hang in there, your loosing weight you will never regain.

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I am preop still and its good to hear these reports from those of you who have had surgery. I don't know if it would help you at all but the eggface blog has several Protein shake options that aren't as sweet, and different ways that she's modified them. Stay strong. This discomfort will certainly be worth it. And I'm sure it pails to the years of discomfort we've all felt from being winded climbing up stairs, etc. Best of luck to you!


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It sounds like you are up to full liquids, yes?

Well, liquids go right through the pouch -- even the Protein. You feel hungry because your pouch is not full. You're also feeling hungry because at 10 days out, you are on a very restricted diet and your body is still saying, "WTF?, You expect me to work on these few calories"? Now put both the liquid issue together with the low calorie issue and it all makes sense -- you are hungry!

Another poster, Tiffykins, found this article that is great! Here is the link:


Until I read this, I couldn't figure out why I was so very hungry as well. But, I can't get past mushies/purees. So, I bought some unflavoured Protein at GNC and started mixing it with full liquid items such as sf/ff yoghurt. It thickens the yogurt, which makes it 'stick' more to the pouch and decreases hunger. A thicker shake worked for me too (1 chocolate protein serving + 1 unflavoured with 8oz. skim milk.

I hope you're feeling better soonest!

Thank you SO much for showing me this article, and letting me know I'm not the only one... I truly have been miserable today. It's a mentally tiring exercise, trying to get myself back in the game I guess...

I'm going to try some thicker shakes... Not feeling too excited about that, but alas, I will live. Will head out to buy something at GNC tomorrow. Here's hoping that in a week or so when I can try mushies, my spirits will lift! :scared0:

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Hey Sleeve Twin Sister,, I was craving everything really badly until yesterday, now nothing sounds good enough to eat. The food commercials were driving me nuts, but now they have no affect. I ate some cream Soup yesterday got bloated really full,, I must have had to much,, but since then I don't want to eat or drink anything. At first felt very weird, but I am loving it. I just have to make myself drink & eat. It doesn't taste bad, I just don't have any cravings.

So, Sis,, you get your chin up, hang in there, your loosing weight you will never regain.

Hey Sleeve Twin!

I must say, all the food commercials (nasty-fasty food, in particular) has been driving me nuts. Things that I don't even LIKE have come on TV and then I get a mental twinge of loss, then anger. UGH! I sure hope that "nothin sounds good to eat" thing kicks in for me. I've been craving some things like chicken and shrimp, which is a Protein crave... That must have something to do with my having a hard time getting all the Protein in...

Thanks for the kind words of support, I needed that... And the reminder that I'm losing pounds that won't be coming back, well, that is priceless!:scared0:

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I was hungry on the clear liquid stage. Sorry, Stuck, the ghrelin does take a little while to leave the body. When I got hungry, I just drank more Protein and that took care of it.

The Protein bullets are not going to satisfy you because it's poor protein. You need whey protein. It's collegen protein.

Go to the food forum and look for a page called something like "places to order samples" Or go to GNC and see if they will let you sample some different Proteins that you can tolerate to get you through this stage.

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Wannalise,, Thanks for the Eggface blog. It is great. Best of luck to you on your Sleeving Journey!

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The Protein bullets are not going to satisfy you because it's poor Protein. You need whey protein. It's collegen protein.

The bullets I'm taking are actually whey Protein, as they are from a diet/fitness store. They had so many options, it was almost scary... some of the bullets have up to 45 grams of protein... I think that's a waste, so I got the 25 gram bullets. Now that I can have full-liquids, I got a few packets of different types of stuff, hemp protein and whey protein, from Whole Foods. They look and sound pretty good. Once I try them, I'll let you all know if they're any good. I've tried hemp milk before, and I really liked it, so here's hoping. 18 grams of protein per packet.

Thanks for the support everyone... and thank you Oregon, for saying that it takes a while for the ghrelin to leave the body. I never thought about that, and it made me feel a bit better. I'm still feeling pretty darn tired and hungry, but I'm working through it today...

Best to all! :001_rolleyes:

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One more thing... I read this article 2b4me put up last night, and can I say there were a few things that very much surprised me, and I wanted to know if anyone had any input on it:

  • It says in the article that it will NEVER be a good idea to eat corn kernels, corn products, corn chips, etc. Has anyone had problems with this, or has anyone else gotten this advice?

  • It also says to virtually avoid crunchy foods... or wait until at least the 3rd month to TRY them, but they are STILL not recommended. It says, "Raw vegetable Fiber, even though chewed does
    not dissolve and can potentially obstruct. These include: corn chips, potato/tortilla chips, taco
    shells, nuts, seeds, carrots, celery, grain..."

Am I really never going to be able to eat a peanut again, or a crunchy carrot? Never going to be able to have another bite of a crunchy taco?

I was surprised by this, as I've read and read that "eventually you can eat anything, in very small portions." What gives? I don't plan on digging into chips and salsa all day every day or a big bag of chips, but a bite here and there would make life more pleasant in the future.

Any thoughts? :001_rolleyes:

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Hey Feb 1st sleever here too! My surgeon has us on a much more accelerated schedule, starting this week I was allowed poached fish, mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, crackers, toast, etc. I am handling it all pretty well- I'm not very hungry yet but do schedule meals, also hate hate hate all Protein powder/drinks/ etc so am trying desperately to get my Protein in through food. Mostly relying on yogurt, YOP drinks, eggs, fish----

This is hard, don't kid yourself I'm having the same regrets when I go past fast food places, but we'll get there and eventually maybe even be able to have a treat sometime in the distant future :001_rolleyes:

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One more thing... I read this article 2b4me put up last night, and can I say there were a few things that very much surprised me, and I wanted to know if anyone had any input on it:

  • It says in the article that it will NEVER be a good idea to eat corn kernels, corn products, corn chips, etc. Has anyone had problems with this, or has anyone else gotten this advice?

  • It also says to virtually avoid crunchy foods... or wait until at least the 3rd month to TRY them, but they are STILL not recommended. It says, "Raw vegetable Fiber, even though chewed does
    not dissolve and can potentially obstruct. These include: corn chips, potato/tortilla chips, taco
    shells, nuts, seeds, carrots, celery, grain..."

Am I really never going to be able to eat a peanut again, or a crunchy carrot? Never going to be able to have another bite of a crunchy taco?

I was surprised by this, as I've read and read that "eventually you can eat anything, in very small portions." What gives? I don't plan on digging into chips and salsa all day every day or a big bag of chips, but a bite here and there would make life more pleasant in the future.

Any thoughts? :001_rolleyes:

I eat tortilla and potato chips with zero issue. Salt and Vinegar Pringles are my favorite. It's pretty nice because 5 Pringles satisfy my want instead of eating the entire canister in one sitting. I eat chips with guacamole, queso dip, and salsa when we have mexican food. I eat nuts of all sorts without any issue including *GASP* honey roasted peanuts and crunchy Peanut Butter. Macadamian nuts are a guilty pleasure. I like almonds, but cashews and mac nuts are definitely my favorites.

I did wait until after 3 months to attempt salad, but I have had zero issue. I have read on here about a bezoar forming in one patient's stomach, and I can't recall if it was celery or coconut, but it is a rare occurence. I have eaten raw and cooked celery, and had coconut without any problems. I do chew the celery because it is pretty stringy. The coconut was in German chocolate cake icing that I made for my son and husband. I licked the knife with some icing on it after I was done icing the cake. Yes, I'm human, and I don't believe that the measley calories from that icing sabotaged anything. That cake sat in my house for almost 10 days, and all I had was 1 sliver that was as thick as my pinky finger.

I do avoid whole kernel corn, but eat the heck out of white cheddar popcorn occasionally. I don't swallow the kernels, but I didn't do that before surgery so it was something I did before anyways. I can eat 1/2 of a beef taco with sour cream from Taco Bell.

The couple of times I've eaten corn (between my 3th-5th month out), I have later burped up the outside shell. It was kind of gross. The same goes for pickle skin. I love pickles so I buy the Kosher dill spears and slice off that thick skin. I typically put 2 entire spears in my tuna salad. I don't like carrots, and corn is high on the glycemic index so I typically avoid them.

Some guidelines and surgeon's programs are much more stringent. I can't eat a lot of stuff that I see others enjoying. Then, again I eat a lot of stuff others would swear off their lists of food for life because they need that to be successful.

DISCLAIMER: This is just my experience. I am not a medical professional, and you should follow your surgeon's plan. This one article has a lot of great information, but it's just a guideline, it isn't the VSG bible.

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        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

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        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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