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How do you motivate yourself to exercise???

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Hello all,

I have been banded since 8-11. I lost 50 lbs then had some life changes and gained back 25 that I lost. I am back on track with the food and fills, I just cant seem to get motivated to exercise. What motivates you to et up everyday and workout????

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what works for me is knowing that mere months ago, i could hardly walk due to my size..and until someone has that feeling (trouble walking/standing) that is a huge motivator..i am (this close) to going back to that stage if i wanted too...but i dont..i walk now so i can push my granddaughter around the block in her stroller. that is why i had surgery to do just that........the rest is extra.......so just do it is my answer. (congrats on a great loss though)

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For me, it's difficult to motivate myself to workout inside here in Colorado. I think it's necessary to find an exercise you really enjoy. Tennis, bike riding, golf(walking), racquetball, martial arts(great exercise) and group/social exercising like pilate's and spin classes work for so many.

There's nearly a foot of snow here in Denver so I can't ride my bike. It's real hard to go down in the basement and do the treadmill, elliptical, recumbent bike or just a gym workout. I know I'm asking for my own limitations by claiming it's hard when it really isn't. All I have to do is walk down a flight of stairs and do it. But I don't. I get it.

Biking is now my thing. I love it. Can't wait for warm weather again.


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I don't work so when I get dressed in the morning, it's my gym clothes. I try to go every day but some days I just don't make it but I am always dressed to go. Last night was my first night of Passover and before I went to my brother's for the seder dinner I was at the gym and felt great. I did eat a few things bad, but this morning I was at my lowest yet, so it does help. My size is going down faster by going to the gym. I have a wonderful thick gold chain I bought a few years ago in St. Martin, it hangs lower than I want now. All the rewards make the gym more inviting. Go with someone, maybe. I go with my husband. We go in the middle of the day and the gym is empty. I am not the largest person which does mean a lot to me. I have problems like that. I hope they change soon.

​Get a personal trainer, that would make you get there.

Good luck.

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Sandi, do you have any exercise equipment at home? I broke my habit with a 15 minute challenge. I started exercising 15 minutes a day every day to start a good work out habit. When I go on vacation it's hard for me to get back into working out. I just start all over 15 minutes a day. I bet by week 3 you'll start to think about 20-30 minutes! I also watch a lot of my DVRd tv when working out. I hope this helps!!!!!

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I walk 3 miles everyday. I do it, because I know that if I go back to my old ways I will not go any further in my weight loss and I want it so bad. I am more motivated than I have ever been. I recommend setting little goals and rewarding yourself with non-food items. When I exercise I try everyday to push myself harder and tell myself you can go further or walk faster. I feel great because of exercising..those endorphins are awesome. Best of luck!

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Great post first off. Thanks for starting this.

In my opinion, the more fun exercise is the easier it is to get motivated to go. We all know how important it is, but it also has to be easy. If it's a chore or too painful, most of us won't go. At least that is my thought.

So, I focus on making it as enjoyable as possible. I do this by:

- Listening to fast paced music that I like while on the treadmill

- Switch up exercises often. Rarely do I do more than 30 minutes on any single machine.

- Watch movies while on the eliptical or stationary bike

- At max do 15 minutes of weights because it is so boring

- Limit exercise to 1 hour max to avoid burnout

- Limit exercise to 5 days max to avoid burnout

Main thing that helps me is movies. I try to stick to action movies as they work much better in the gym than a comedy or drama. Watching something like 300 really meshes well why working out.

Also, I avoid outdoors for the following reasons:

- Less Annoying - No cars, bikes, or pedestrians with dogs trying to run me over and trip me

- Safer - Same as above, plus no uneven sidewalks to trip on and no worries about a sun burn (skin cancer)

- Easier - Just hit a number on the treadmill and shut the brain off. Don't have to set a pace.

- Motivational - Being around others doing the same thing

- Fun - Nature is awesome, but can get kind of boring. Movies to me are the way to go.

Last thing that I sometimes do is play games on my phone while on the bike. If I'm going for an easy bike workout that day, games can make the time fly. This only works on the bike and only if I'm going slow.

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It is much easier for me to work out in the warmer months, however, NC just can't seem to shake winter this year. We live near a greenway and love to go out with our dogs and explore or take our bikes out. In the winter though, even though we have an elliptical and a total gym, I still just want to hypernate. I DO NOT like cold weather.

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Wow, what a good topic!

Back in 2002 I was close to what I weighed in Feb. 2013, when I went to a meeting for lapband weight loss.

I was able to lose over 60 pounds (263 down to 290) over that summer by taking long, long walks with old lab retriever Midnite.... gawd, I miss that sweet dog!!! The problem is over the winters, when you can't get outside and walk.

I had my last fill in March, and joined a local health club. Now, I try to do at least 45 to 60 minutes a day at the club--usually on the treadmill. When the warmer weather arrives, I'll start doing long walks with my new rescue lab... she loves long walks and I want to get back into that routine. But, a good, local heathclub will carry you through the bad months. Once you start exercising or walking, you will want to continue. And at least in my case, exercise curbs my appetite.

Best of luck to you!!!

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- Fun - Nature is awesome, but can get kind of boring. Movies to me are the way to go.

Ok, Brian we really need to introduce you to more nature :lol: Video games and movies are ok if you can't go outside, but they fall far short of the interesting things that a forest trail present. ;)

Isn't wonderful that we are all different?

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I usually listen to podcasts while just walking and music while "running".

I'll make playlists designed for me to alternate running and walking each time the song changes. I increase the length of running songs and have shorter songs for the recovery intervals.

Tracking my progress on fitocracy and Nike+ also help me stay motivated.

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I am not a gym person....never have been, don't imagine I really ever will be. But I have come to love cycling! I am fortunate to live in an area where we have lots of paved bike/walking trails. Hundreds of miles of interconnecting trails/roadways.

I'd much rather be outside riding, but as others mentioned, we had a FOOT OF SNOW Sunday in the St Louis area. So today, I turned on the TV, turned the DVR to my AXS TV Concerts I have recorded, and rode in the den. ( and I am trying out my new toy T..POP. Garmin 310xt working nicely! )

Finding something you enjoy is the key to consistent exercise for me. I really do ride for the enjoyment....burning the calories is a bonus!

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Exercise, however difficult it may be...is always rewarding as an accomplishment...

And with every accomplishment, you want to reward yourself with doing just a little better....

It will boost your confidence.....boost your self esteem.....relieves stress....fights / prevents depression.....improves coordination...fights disease and improves overall health

Improves memory....clears the mind and even gives time for deep thought and problem solving....or Meditation if you wish...

And I'm not even close describing the "Runners High"...that is something else...an incredible - ADDICTIVE drug....

You have to start somewhere....however small...and build upon that....

I'm a runner..only started running about 1 year ago....I run 4-5 mils a day....

There are days...many days, I do not want to get out of bed let alone go to the gym....but I do..why? Because I have done it many times before and I know there is no reason not to do it again.....

Once there, I get on the treadmill, and after 3 minutes I tell myself "Today is just not my day." I'm gonna stop, everyone is entitled to those days, right?

But then I tell myself I will go 5 minutes....I've done that before, no reason I can't do it today....

At 5 minutes I tell myself I can go another 5, let's make it an even 10....I can do it, I've been doing it everyday no reason I can't do 10 minutes today....

At 10 minutes I tell myself I might as well go for 15....nice 1/4 figure......I've done it before, no reason I can't do it again....

At 15 minutes I tell myself I might as well go 20....

After 15-20 minutes I completely forget everything....I'm in a groove...can go an hour if I want...a trance...only thing that stops me is I don't want to hog the machine....

so now, I tell myself I'm gonna run for an hour, did it yesterday, and the day before that, no reason I can't do it today....

Bottom line...when all is finished...I am so into myself for what I just did...self esteem - confidence...overwhelming euphoric feelings....can't wait for tomorrow to show myself (and the world)

that I can do it again...and again....

Why do we see so many people running on the side of the roads in so many different places? For their health? (well yea, of course) but it is so much more than that!!

But you have to start small....and build one accomplishment - reward on top of another...then you'll want more...and more...you'll want those little rewards to become bigger rewards...

I should be happy to run 20 minutes and move on...but I'm not...I want as much of.."Whatever This Is"

But trust me, it has not always been so....2 years ago I was out of breath carrying groceries into the house...I'm the guy everyone had to stop and wait for while I needed to pause and catch my breath....I had a Myocardial Infarction and did not know it! SILENT which is common among Diabetics and women...only did a stress test reveal it , they freaked and rushed me into surgery....

Oh, and BTW, did I mention I'm 61 years old? And getting younger everyday???

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Exercise, however difficult it may be...is always rewarding as an accomplishment...

And with every accomplishment, you want to reward yourself with doing just a little better....

It will boost your confidence.....boost your self esteem.....relieves stress....fights / prevents depression.....improves coordination...fights disease and improves overall health

Improves memory....clears the mind and even gives time for deep thought and problem solving....or Meditation if you wish...

And I'm not even close describing the "Runners High"...that is something else...an incredible - ADDICTIVE drug....

You have to start somewhere....however small...and build upon that....

I'm a runner..only started running about 1 year ago....I run 4-5 mils a day....

There are days...many days, I do not want to get out of bed let alone go to the gym....but I do..why? Because I have done it many times before and I know there is no reason not to do it again.....

Once there, I get on the treadmill, and after 3 minutes I tell myself "Today is just not my day." I'm gonna stop, everyone is entitled to those days, right?

But then I tell myself I will go 5 minutes....I've done that before, no reason I can't do it today....

At 5 minutes I tell myself I can go another 5, let's make it an even 10....I can do it, I've been doing it everyday no reason I can't do 10 minutes today....

At 10 minutes I tell myself I might as well go for 15....nice 1/4 figure......I've done it before, no reason I can't do it again....

At 15 minutes I tell myself I might as well go 20....

After 15-20 minutes I completely forget everything....I'm in a groove...can go an hour if I want...a trance...only thing that stops me is I don't want to hog the machine....

so now, I tell myself I'm gonna run for an hour, did it yesterday, and the day before that, no reason I can't do it today....

Bottom line...when all is finished...I am so into myself for what I just did...self esteem - confidence...overwhelming euphoric feelings....can't wait for tomorrow to show myself (and the world)

that I can do it again...and again....

Why do we see so many people running on the side of the roads in so many different places? For their health? (well yea, of course) but it is so much more than that!!

But you have to start small....and build one accomplishment - reward on top of another...then you'll want more...and more...you'll want those little rewards to become bigger rewards...

I should be happy to run 20 minutes and move on...but I'm not...I want as much of.."Whatever This Is"

But trust me, it has not always been so....2 years ago I was out of breath carrying groceries into the house...I'm the guy everyone had to stop and wait for while I needed to pause and catch my breath....I had a Myocardial Infarction and did not know it! SILENT which is common among Diabetics and women...only did a stress test reveal it , they freaked and rushed me into surgery....

Oh, and BTW, did I mention I'm 61 years old? And getting younger everyday???


That is awesome...I want to be able to run like that.

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The trick is finding something you love... I found zumba n absolutely love it. I go at least 3-4 Times a week because it's fun n burn about 700+ calories (by weight n intensity). I also love spending time with my kids n having a good time with them so I take them n my self swimming, bike riding, to play volleyball, softball, tennis. Summer fun of course but it's fun, I get to spend quality time with the family, n I burn calories at the same time. I really don't see any of this as exsersize but instead as having a good time.

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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