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Health care reform passed

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Well, this is about the bum on the street corner. S/he's human too. Many of them have psychological disorders, and with psychological health care would have a better grip on being productive members of society.

We pay the least in taxes here. Compared to most European countries who do have universal health care. Not one of my friends who live in countries that have universal health care say they get bad care. Yes, the system will have its problems, all systems do.

Just like passing a bill now, if we are not happy with the results we can democratically change that. Something is better than nothing, in my opinion.

I really was only commenting on my own situation. I was scared out of my mind a month ago.

I will point out, I am an VERY liberal democrat, and I believe in paying taxes for services.. as long as those services are rendered. I do realize it will take time to see how this really affects us. Change is scary to a lot of people.

But, screaming "baby killer" and the "n" word at suppporters of this bill surely speaks volumes to the mindset of those opposing. I am proud to be a part of the group who supported it, especially since we don't stoop to such incindiary tactics.

Oh, and I was amused with the accusation that supporters were trying to make America the new failed Soviet Union socialism/communism. They don't even know that socialism and communism are two different things.

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I literally almost DIED 5 years ago because I couldn't afford going to a university and having health insurance. I was afraid of the bills so I waited until it was life or death. A friend had to drag me to the ER.

It would have cost nothing to give me antibiotics but instead I was hospitalized for 2 weeks with a bladder, kidney, and blood infection.

I had to drop out of school because of this and I STILL have debt I can't pay off. :tt1: this incident ruined my life and could have cost everyone a lot less stress and money. I still haven't completed school because i failed out of all my classes from missing too many from being sick for weeks.

It is just my story. :o I hope that no one ever has to go through that or struggle even in their mid twenties just to get a Bachelor's Degree.

(depression from this most definitely contributed to at least a hundred pound weight gain.)

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So why don't people buy health insurance when they are young and healthy, prior to actually needing it? In many cases it is because these people would rather spend their money on other things (know any young adult males who'd rather buy stuff to trick out their cars then pay for insurance?).

It's been awhile since you tried to buy health insurance, hasn't it? I know people who pay for their own health insurance and it's bare minimum coverage *and* they're fortunate enough to be able to afford the $350+ per month premium for their single coverage. Oh sure, there are companies advertising health care for $150 per month but when you read what they cover (and don't cover), buying their policy is a bit like throwing your money in the toilet.

A good many of our citizens here in the U.S. make minimum wage. They are the working poor. They can barely afford to put a roof over their head and food on their table and God help them if they live in a part of the country where there is no public transportion because now they have the additional expense of car, etc.

The opponents of national health care have done a very good job convincing people that if someone wanted health care, all they have to do is stop wasting their money on luxuries and pay for it. They've lied to the public.


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The will be raising everyones taxes to cover this , they will also being adding an additional tax on the people who already have health insurance - ie bcbs, harvard pilgram ect -- so if you have insurance and like it it is going to cost you to keep it - i see that tax as a fine.

Do i think something needed to be done.. yes .. am i for this bill in particular not really - My husband and I work out behinds off to take care of our family and that includes 450 bucks a month in health insurance - should we be be charged an additional tax (fine) because we have it? hell no...does everyone need health insurance.. hell yes - i just think there had to be a better way to do it.

edited to add - because our employer offeres health insurance we will not be able to buy into the "lower cost" insurance that will soon be offered to everyone.

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We are long past the time when something should have been done for the uninsured in this country. Nobody should have to die of something that could possibly have been avoided with preventative care.

I have no doubt there will be bugs to work out in this system and, while I worry that they'll pull the money from programs that could ill afford to lose any funding (particularly when there are far more programs that could be completely shut down for the waste of money that they are), it is long past time for a national health care program in this country. We should be ashamed that we care so little about the working poor who make a minimum wage that barely pays for the rent and food. It's no wonder that many people making minimum wage are also getting food stamps.

Some people would say, "well maybe they should've gone to college, yada yada." Gee...if everyone went to college, who would wash the dishes in the restaurant, clean the toilets in the schools and pick the vegetables that go onto your table? There will always be someone at the bottom. Count your blessings if you aren't one of them and help the less fortunate.

I have to say that the posts here have been a pleasant surprise. On most of the forums I've been on, people are angry at the passage of this bill and nobody seems to care about those with no insurance. I was feeling decidedly in the minority. No longer. I am very glad to know you all.


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I care about other people, i work in the health care field and in ems.. what i can not do is take care of my family and someone elses i can barley afford my health insurance as it is.. never mine increased fees and a tax on it--

what I do LOATH is the fact that the tax dollars of hard working people are taking care of people who CHOOSE so sit on their buts and not work.. that irks me more that anything..

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I understand what you're saying. I also have excellent BCBS through my husband's employer and we also pay several hundred dollars a month for that coverage...but I look at it in a different way. I feel blessed that I have the opportunity to have that coverage because many employers have eliminated health coverage completely because they just can't afford it...even when it's subsidized by the employee.

If my premium goes up next year because of this health bill, and I have no doubt it will, the difference will most likely mean we may have to eat one less meat meal each week. Or perhaps we'll drive less or any number of ways to cut our other expenses. Not the same type of hardship that occurs when someone has to choose between taking their child to the doctor and eating that 'week'.

I'm not going to get into any arguments over this because none of us will change our mind. I believe we have a responsibility to society, not just ourselves. It's that same mentality that made me immunize my children despite the risks associated with the immunizations. This is just one more thing I/we do to make our society a better place.


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what I do LOATH is the fact that the tax dollars of hard working people are taking care of people who CHOOSE so sit on their buts and not work.. that irks me more that anything..

Are we still talking about health care? I don't think the people working at McDonald's, cleaning the homes of the wealthy, or working at any other minimum wage job are sitting on their butts at all. In fact, these are some pretty hard working people.


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HI Hear what your saying.. i wasnt trying to start anything :o just sending out opinions lol --

btw we are at nearly the same stage of loss...with about the same distance to go :tt1: how are you doing

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HI Hear what your saying.. i wasnt trying to start anything :tt1: just sending out opinions lol --

btw we are at nearly the same stage of loss...with about the same distance to go :) how are you doing

Neither was I. :o

Doing ok, I think. I'm still trying to figure out whether I need to go in for a slight unfill. Today was perfect though so maybe I'll give it another week.

How about you? Reached restriction yet?

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I don't mind paying a little more in taxes to make sure my students come to school fed and practicing preventative medicine. Health care is skyrocketed because so many millions of Americans lack insurance and get sicker and sicker because they couldn't be seen in the first place to prevent larger bills in the first place. Now I don't necessarily think it should be free per say unless no income is verified but that it should be affordable healthcare or based on a sliding scale. It's not socialism or communism(which I promise as Americans we know nothing of) it's caring for fellow man and allowing government to function with a healthy nation and hopefully control costs that taxpayers end up eating if they are not taken care of early.

plus not everyone is "sitting on their butts". Lack of education, lack of job training, poor economy all stimulate this problem and unfortunately the ones who suffer are the innocents (the women and the children) I am married and have no kids but if I were to add my husband on my health insurance you might as well as put me in the poor house and same goes for him. Can't wait to have a kid..at least its a little cheaper to add a kid on my premium than him if he loses his job. Thank goodness I keep his life insurance paid and its portable because if he loses his job or I, we are SOL because we couldn't afford it on either check to support health insurance for the other.

Edited by sld21

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Who is going to pay for all this? They said they wouldn't raise taxes, but who is going to pay? Also, what about the quality of healthcare? What about if you need treatment for something, and it takes months and months to get in with a doctor? I'm asking because I don't follow politics much. Not trying to start a fight.

I don't know what will happen, but I know my mother's insurance would not cover her mamogram b/c they said it wasn't medically necessary. She is 50, and breast cancer runs in our family but it's not medically necessary.

I just wanted to comment on the quality of health care question. My husband is in the military and has been for 12 years and has had TMJ for over a year and he hasn't seen a physician yet. They have cancelled appointment after appointment and he is still dealing with this. I went for an eye exam a few years ago and doctor said he saw a tumor so I had to go to my primary care of to get a referral for an MRI and it took 3 months to get an appointment. This is bad and I hate waiting but when I look at the big picture I'm glad that I have some type of insurance because eventually the issues will be taken care of.

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I understand what you're saying. I also have excellent BCBS through my husband's employer and we also pay several hundred dollars a month for that coverage...but I look at it in a different way. I feel blessed that I have the opportunity to have that coverage because many employers have eliminated health coverage completely because they just can't afford it...even when it's subsidized by the employee.

If my premium goes up next year because of this health bill, and I have no doubt it will, the difference will most likely mean we may have to eat one less meat meal each week. Or perhaps we'll drive less or any number of ways to cut our other expenses. Not the same type of hardship that occurs when someone has to choose between taking their child to the doctor and eating that 'week'.

I'm not going to get into any arguments over this because none of us will change our mind. I believe we have a responsibility to society, not just ourselves. It's that same mentality that made me immunize my children despite the risks associated with the immunizations. This is just one more thing I/we do to make our society a better place.


I agree with you totally

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It's been awhile since you tried to buy health insurance, hasn't it? I know people who pay for their own health insurance and it's bare minimum coverage *and* they're fortunate enough to be able to afford the $350+ per month premium for their single coverage. Oh sure, there are companies advertising health care for $150 per month but when you read what they cover (and don't cover), buying their policy is a bit like throwing your money in the toilet.

I'm an independent insurance agent located in Colorado who helps people purchase insurance, both employer groups who want to provide benefits for their employees, and individuals (and their families). I know the prices of insurance and what it covers and doesn't cover.

I talk with people everyday who call or come in for a quote on insurance and they balk at the prices. Let's take my assistant's brother as an example. Young, healthy male, 24 years old, non-smoker. I was able to get him a PPO plan through Anthem BCBS for $68 a month. Because he rarely goes to the doctor, it gives him 3 doctor visits a year for $30 copay, generic prescription coverage for $15 copay, and then $2500 deductible plus 30% coinsurance for an additional out of pocket of $2500. $6,000,000 lifetime maximum benefit. He chose not to take this coverage because he'd rather put the $68 a month into his car, which he has literally put $10,000+ into this car, and that's over and above the purchase price of the car.

What's going to happen when he gets diagnosed with cancer? Who is going to pay his bills? He could have had he made the choice to take $68 a month to use for health insurance rather than on his car. He can afford the $68. Should you have to pay for his poor choice of priorities? Should I?

Again, there are so many people who choose not to take responsibility for themselves and rely on others to take care of them. And believe you me, I see many people who make $70,000 + here in Colorado (which is a hell of a good wage) who refuse to buy insurance even for their kids! And there are plans that are quite affordable. But they prefer to have fancy homes, fancy cars, big screen TVS. It's all about priorities.

I don't doubt that there are people who legitimately need help and I'm glad to help them. What I, along with many others, balk at is helping those who are in a position to help themselves but CHOOSE not to.

Now granted, our costs in Colorado are a lot lower than they are in other states. But we have a lot of people who make only the minimum wage of $7.28. Our community has a program available for what we call the working poor. We are trying to help those in need. Check out http://www.healthaccesspueblo.org/ for additional details of what our community is doing to help.

And Elfie, I too appreciate everyone's civil tone. It is so much better than what I even saw on Facebook last night. It is such an emotional topic that people on both sides get caught up in fighting for their convictions. Kudos to us all for being friendly and civil during our debate/discussion! :o

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I really didn't mean to start something huge... I was just saying how happy I am that since I chose to be banded and now can't get insurance because of it when I do get the cancer diagnosis that is nearly guaranteed I will get some day, I now might have a chance at not going bankrupt. I will add, I borrowed the money for being banded, I pay my taxes, I work hard, and just can't get insurance.

Above all, I am ecstatic I am no longer morbidly obese. But no one told me to expect to be unable to get insurance after I did get the band.

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