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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bklynike

  1. Hi, Janet:

    You are an inspirational person - the type of person everyone on this website so appreciates. You look amazing and always have such wonderful things to say. I appreciate you and I am so glad to be your bandster sister.

  2. Bklynike

    Say Cheese

    This Sunday is not only my brother-in-law's birthday, have a happy Dennis, but I am going to take another sent of pictures in the green top I started my journey in. For those of you interested, you will find my photos in my album. I am anxious to see a side-by-side. I think the only way we can actually view ourselves as we really look is through the eye of a camera. I know they say the camera puts 10lbs on you, but I think that's only a TV camera. I've always run from the camera when friends want to "remember the time". Or try to find a way to hide part of my body, but I am looking forward to the day that I am the one saying, "Does anyone have a camera to capture this memory?" I was telling my husband on the way back from the gym tonight that I really believe my stomach is getting a bit flatter. Then I realized it is only 5 or 6 weeks since my surgery and realized I have a heck of a long time to go to reach my goal weight. I know I will eventually get there, but I am only taking 10lbs at a time. As my friend and fellow bandster I'm a Luckydog said, she has lost 110lbs in a year and it went a lot faster than she thought it would. She is now on maintenance and doing great. How wonderful is that? Have a wonderful weekend everyone and check out my pics next week.
  3. Bklynike

    2 days Post-Op :)

    I hope the rest of your journey goes as easily for you as the sugery did. The pain in your shoulder is just gas and it will pass on its own. Walking, a lot, will help the gas leave you more quickly. As I tell everyone who will listen to me, this is the greatest gift we've given ourselves. Enjoy the weight loss, getting healtier and knowing that you will live longer with that Fiance of yours.
  4. Bklynike

    Pictures posted

    I checked out your new photos and not only do you look amazing, but you look so much younger. You go girl and keep up the good work.
  5. You look amazing! What a difference. You keep up the good work.

  6. Bklynike

    Joined the Gym

    Congratulations on your decision to join the gym. It will not only help in your weight loss journal, but will make you feel so good. Perhaps not at the beginning because you may be a little sore, but it will not take long. Start slow and increase a little every time you go. If you start too fast and get too sore, you will not want to go back. There are plenty of people in the gym who are not in peak shape - but you will be. Good luck to you.
  7. Bklynike

    vacation food has zero calories???

    You were on vacation, you ate a little more than you should have, you didn't rob a bank. I am glad you had fun on your trip to PR and now that you are back you will get back on track.
  8. Bklynike

    Need Info Please

    I had my band done on June 21st. The worst part was the gas afterwards in the left shoulder and neck. It only lasted a couple of day, but I walked so much that it left me rather quickly. If you are a couch potato, you have to be prepared to get up and start moving. I go to the gym 3 days a week and use weights at home on days I dont "gym". I hate soup and protein shakes, but for about a month - 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after that is it. No bread, potatoes, pasta for a least a year, so that could be hard. But the benefits certainly outweigh the bad things. Do it and enjoy the rest of your life in better health.
  9. 110 lbs in a year is an amazing feat. I am very proud of you. Reading about you makes me know I can do it too. You are always encouraging and have great ideas. Thanks so much.

  10. Bklynike

    Update update update update update

    All last night I kept going over in my head - I'm not hungry between meals, I'm losing weight, I am able to eat and drink comfortably within the portion size my doctor and nutritionist set for me. So why am I having a fill? I get to the doctor's office this afternoon. I get weighed and I lost another 2 oz since last night. Now I say 2 oz, but that is only if the gym scale and the doctor's scale register the same numbers. I'll know tomorrow night when I get to the gym if I actually lost anymore. So, I sit in the exam room for almost a half an hour waiting for the doctor's assistant to come in. When she does, after the usualy small talk she asks me: Are you hungry between meals? Are you losing weight? Are you staying with the portion size? It was like a Filini movie. I answered all of her questions and she said I was not ready for the fill. I was still in the green zone. She made me another appointment for Aug 19th, but said I should call at any time my answers to the questions change and they will fit me right in. She said it could be in a day, 5 days or 2 weeks, so we will see. Instead of drinking my dinner, we went out to dinner and I had a 1/2 a cheese burger, no bun of course and brought the other half home for lunch tomorrow. I am having my first post-op meeting with a new nutritionist on Aug 6th to see if there are things I should or shouldn't be eating. I hope I am doing what I should be doing. I think I am, but I am far from an expert. Remember, I had to have the lap-band! I am happy with my progress. I hope everyone who reads this blog is as happy with theirs.
  11. Bklynike

    I had surgery and some complications!

    First congrats on having the surgery. You may not believe it right now, but this is the best thing you could have done for yourself. Gas + horrible pain in the shoulder. You must walk, walk, walk. When watching TV get up on the commercials and walk around your residence. You will find it a little difficult to "go" #2. I am 5 weeks out and will be starting a stool softener tonight, not a laxative. It gets better, I promise.
  12. Bklynike

    Is scared to have a Stuck episode

    This is great advice for anyone getting a fill. Thanks Sandradee0124.
  13. Bklynike

    Sometimes you need a rock!

    I wish you the best of luck. I hope hubby can hold out.
  14. Turns out I didn't need the fill yet. I have another appointment on the 19th, but the doc said if I find myself not losing weight, hungry or eating larger portions to call and they will fit me right in. When I do have the fill, they want me on liquids for 5 days. I am amazed your doctor wants you on solids the next day. It's amazing how each doctor does things differently. Good luck.

  15. Bklynike

    First fill

    Well folks, tomorrow is the day I have my first fill. I am excited, nervous and anxious. I'm not worried about the needle, well maybe a little. I am worried about how I will eat afterwards. I've lost 21 lbs since my surgery on 6/21, I am not hungry between meals, I stick to the 3-4oz of protein each meal, and I've been eating brocolli and some salads as well. I don't have any problems swallowing anything, including a hand full of pills at a time and I feel really good. What if I have the fill and then I start having problems eating or drinking? I want to continue to lose this awful weight that has been holding me down for so many years, and I think perhaps the fill will help me do it more quickly, but I fear the unknown. I just hope I am as comfortable after the fill as I am now. Yesterday I was cleaning out a drawer in my dresser and found 2 pairs of capri pants and a pair of black jeans that I bought 6 years ago when I went on my 50th birthday trip to New England with my 2 best girlfriends. I haven't been able to wear them since, but held on to them hoping one day... I was not only able to get into them, but they are now too big on me. I've already taken in the waistband on one pair of capris and will work on the other 2 pairs over the weekend. Boy, that felt so good. Let's remember that 6 years ago I was at 268lbs. I am now at 232.4. I'll report back after a day or two to let you know how I am doing with the fill. Wish me luck - I hope it is everything everyone says it is.
  16. Bklynike

    The preface... or is it prologue?

    Hi, Joanne: Welcome to our bandster world. Being banded will be worth every cent you spend. You can always remodel, and the best part is you will live longer to enjoy it. I just spent $13,400 out of pocket because my insurance at work stinks and they wouldn't pay for any part of it. I was banded on 6/21 and have lost 21lbs as of today. I have not felt this good in years. I eat right, better than ever before, I go to the gym 3 days a week and work out at home on days I am not at the gym. I also joined this site to journal - it's a lot more fun than writing in a book. Best of luck and go for it. It will be the best money you could ever spend. Eileen
  17. Hey, Cris:


    Tomorrow is my first fill and I am nervous as hell. How are you doing since your fill? Are you eating and drinking alright?

  18. Hey girlfriend. I am doing great, thanks for asking. First fill tomorrow. Lost another lb since my surgery on 6/21 so I am now down 21 lbs. Loving this lapband and I hope I feel the same way after the fill tomorrow. Going back on liquids is not my first choice, but my doctor insists on it. Hope you are doing great.

  19. Bklynike

    Day 5 Post-OP

    I had my surgery on 6/21 and trust me when I say the gas will leave your body! Walking is the only way I was able to get rid of it. During every commercial series I walked in my apartment - back and forth, back and forth. Boring? Yes, but it worked. A lot of people say try GasX, so perhaps you should. The pureed foods should help you not be hungry, string cheese, jello and ice pops (sugar free) does it for me. Good luck to you.
  20. 71 lbs in just over 3 months is an amazing amount of weight. How wonderful you are doing. What weight did you start at? How much do you wish to lose? I will have my first fill on Thurs and am a little nervous and a little excited. I've lost 20lbs in 1 month, 4 days. I also don't like to weigh myself, except at the gym. I write down my progress every Sunday. Keep up the amazing job you are doing.

  21. Bklynike

    It's Official

    Today is 1 month and 4 days since my Lap-Band surgery and I have officially lost exactly 20 lbs. I am so happy and excited. I was at K-Mart yesterday and they had a huge sale on short sleeve, light-weight summer tops. Living in Florida, I wear these all year round. So I purchased some 2X tops - I hate passing up a good sale lol. I got home and tried them on but they were a little snug. Oh well, I'll just have to wait another 1-2 weeks before they fit comfortably, but that's not bad when you consider I have been wearing 3X and 4X up to this point. I am looking forward to my first fill on Thurs. I think I am now ready for it. I find I am able to eat a little bit more than I have been in the last couple of weeks, but still keeping within the guidelines the doctor and nutritionist have set up for me. I get my protein down first and I am drinking as much as I possibly can during the day. Sometimes I can actually hear myself slosh as I am walking, but I guess I am not alone in that. I am so curious as to what the restriction is going to feel like. I think I am a littel nervous about possibly having something get stuck or throwing up - 2 things I would like to avoid for the rest of my life if I have anything to say about it. But I will be brave and have the fill. I was nervous about the needle, but after reading other people blog about it, I am not nervous about it anymore. I am happy to be on this journey with so many wonderful people. As the process continues, my enthusiam goes up. My excitement keeps growning leaps and bounds and I am so happy. I wish this great feeling on all of my bandster friends.
  22. Hi, Cris: So glad you are feeling better. And, congrats on the 25lb loss. Isn't it great? Keep up the good work. How was the fill on Wed. Are you sure that you weren't ill from that? My doctor won't let me eat, liquids only, for a week after the fill. I hate the liquid stage, but I try to listen to the doctor.

  23. I'm so glad to hear your doctor didn't talk you out of weight loss surgery. I understand that the sleeve is the new gastric by-pass and that it is not only healthier, but you have a faster recovery from it. Unfortunately, a lot of insurance companies will not cover it yet, but I am hoping that will change soon. My insurance would not pay for my lapband, but I am hoping people who cannot afford to "get healthy" with surgery will get assistance in the near future with insurance. Good luck to you.

  24. Bklynike

    Gym good!

    I was so tired yesterday. Don't ask me why, but I was. I guess it has a lot to do with the fact that I am in training hell at work. I have 3 new people in my department that I am training. Very stressful. Anyway, it was gym night, which means 1/2 hour cardio and 1/2 weights. All I wanted to do was climb into bed after work and take a nap, but I knew if I didn't go straight to the gym, I'd never go. So, I went. I felt so good that I did. I went completely through my workout and I was so elated and energized. I always weigh myself before I leave the gym and from Sunday afternoon to Wed night I lost 2 ounces. As long as that scale is on the descend, I am happy. I promised myself that I would do whatever was necessary to lose this weight once I had the lap-band done, and I am going to do it. To all of you thinking about having the surgery, find a great doctor and have it done. You will be so happy that you did. For those of you who have had the surgery, I know what you are going through and if I can do it, anyone can. Be strong and most of all, be happy.
  25. Bklynike


    Hey, Maggs. You are doing really well. 3lbs already, that is something. Are you hungry because you are not eating regular food but liquids? I hated the protein shakes and soup so much that I was eating very little until I was able to get on pureed food. My first fill was supposed to be today, but I postponed it until next Thurs. I am excited about it, but nervous at the same time. Good luck to you.

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