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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Blog Comments posted by SoccerMomma73

  1. So that's what "stuck" feels like. O-U-C-H

    String cheese as you're running out the door in a hurry and not paying attention is a bad combo, luckily it passes momentarily, after scaring the poo out of my 5 year old son...but I don't want to ever play that game again thank you very much.

  2. Yup, an average is just an average. I know 2 people who have had a band for 1-2 years, 1 has gained 15 pounds, one has gained 30 pounds....I know 3 others who have lost more than 100 pounds each (and are within 25 pounds of a "normal" weight). Everyone is different and I see a lot of people going in to this thinking they will just magically lose weight without working for it and when the weight doesn't just fall off they give up. The 2 that haven't lost weight don't exercise and have every excuse in the book for why they eat the way they do....I feel bad for them, but there's nothing anyone can do until they are ready to be proactive about their health and do the work they need to in order to get where they want to be....

    Losing weight isn't easy, but the band certainly helps. For those of us who could eat and eat and eat and never get full the band is almost like a little bit of magic....Okay so it's actually aversion therapy, if you eat too much you get pain/nausea/etc and you hate that feeling so you stop eating too much...but it works. And throw in healthier foods instead of junk (which is easier when you're not hungry all the time) and a bit of exercise and there ya go!

    Good luck with everything, I know it's hard but it is so worth it!

  3. The whole not being hungry thing was a bizarre exeperience for me too. Loved every second of it...and then....at 4:00 a.m. on day 7 I woke up STARVING TO DEATH and stayed that way until I could start mushies at day 14....then it turned to not starving but a little hungry a lot....Then I got my first fill and am now day 4 from that and back to the Not hungry thing....It's awesome! But sadly will probably pass too in a few days. Maybe you'll be that lucky bandster that never goes through bandster hell and just stays full all the time! If you do hit it just keep in mind that it is temporary and it's all worth it! GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. Or in the band as the case may be. That was one of the weirdest things I've ever felt! It was a piece of cake but felt very very odd. I apparently have a 14 cc band now complete with 4.4 cc of saline. I'm on liquids for 2 days then mushies for 2 days then I get to take the next step up and start MEAT...ground meat but still, meat, woohoo!! I have restriction today and would love love love it if it stayed with me but am guessing I'll be like most everyone else and lose this wonderful feeling of fullness in the near future. Next fill (if needed) scheduled for Feb. 15, my doc will not fill before 4 weeks, even if you're starving won't do it. Life is good, on to the next stage of the journey! WOOHOO!:thumbup:

  5. Less than 48 hours until fill time. I'm back on a self imposed liquid diet, just kinda queasy and not feeling great (likely related to the amount of GUNK my head is creating draining into my stomach). Hang in there everyone, it will get better!!! For one brief moment last week I thought "I should have gotten the darn bypass" but no, no, I'm glad I didn't, just ready for a little restriction.

  6. I got the call today confirming my first fill next Tuesday. I have to be healed, healthy, and cold free....I'm going to lock myself in the closet until then so I'm not exposed to anything! (I'm a family practice physician assistant and sick all the time from the crap I pick up from work...keep your fingers crossed I can be germ free for 5 whole days!).:)

  7. Make that three of us, mine was 12/16 and while I was patient at first am starting to get discouraged (fill next Tuesday so I can hang in that long). I was up to 26 pounds but according to the scales have gained 3...I'm tracking every calorie I consume and am averaging 1000-1200 a day AND exercising at least 30 minutes 4-5 days a week so I'm assuming it's fluid levels fluctuating...but GRRRR....want those three pounds GONE NOW.... Good luck! We can do it!!

  8. Congrats on the band, what a wonderful way to start the new year! Stomach growling like crazy it totally normal. If you're like the majority of us, in the next couple days the "not really hungry" will give way to "starving" until you get to move up to soft foods and then get your first fill (come on first fill!!!! Only seven ore days!). I'm so happy for you and can't wait to follow your journey!

  9. My surgeon puts you on a protein shake/liquid diet for 2 weeks pre-op. He doesn't care how much you lose, as long as you lose. His nurse said he's had people who lost 2 pounds and people who lost 30....but yeah, I've heard tothers say they had to lose x number of pounds of their surgery would be cancelled so I suppose it varies from doc to doc.

  10. Don't be ashamed! Just start over!!! If you read other posts many of us are struggling through before our first fill. Apparently it's very very common to have little to no restriction and be starving all the time. What does your surgeon want you eating 3 weeks out? For most of us it seems to be soft/mushy stuff. Stick with what's approved for you right now so you don't mess up your surgery (even if you're eating more than you are supposed still stick with the approved stuff), make sure you're getting plenty of water and protein and get your booty moving. Nobody said this was going to be easy. This is your first real post band challenge and you can beat it! Keep your eye on the prize, a healthy you. It will get easier after you get your fills and get some resistance but until you get there do your best and don't beat yourself up too hard. You can do this, you really can!

  11. I'm so excited for you! The day before surgery is almost like the day before Christmas...the anticipation!!! I am very glad to hear you have help and support, you also have a great attitude going in. Take care and good luck, we'll be waiting to hear from you on the other side!!!

  12. I'm so excited for you!!! Be glad you didn't have to do 2 weeks pre op liquids like a lot of us. You can make it 2 more days. Just think 2 days out of the rest of your life, not such a big deal! Good luck, we'll be thinking about you!!!!

  13. My surgery was supposed to be at 9:00, the day before they called (which freaked me out, I just KNEW they were cancelling) and moved it to 1:30...at 3:20, after having been NPO since 10:00 p.m. the night before they finally came to get me to take me back. It was all worth it but just something to whine about :). Glad you're doing well, you'll be sore a bit but it's really not that bad is it?

  14. I've only been banded about 2 1/2 weeks but came out to my co-workers as soon as I got my surgery date. I've now got patients (I'm a physician assistant) noticing that I've lost weight and asking questions and made the decision this week to just tell whoever asked...I have several (MANY) patient who would benefit from the lap band and decided that maybe I can be a role model and encourage them to do what they need to (and have had 2 of them schedule appointments with my surgeon this week!). I figure if I can give someone hope or encouragement it's worth blabbing about it! Whatever decision you make is the right one for you, don't fret about it too much!

  15. Welcome and good luck! The waiting is HORRIBLE! Once you make the decision to go for it then having to sit back and wait while everything else gets done is terrible, but you'll make it. Use this time to read read read and ask us anything that pops into your mind. I'm early in the journey but will be the first to jump up and say "if you're ready to do the work GO FOR IT!!!!!"

    Again, good luck! We're rooting for ya!

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