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Blog Comments posted by JeweI

  1. I use alleve for my sciatia and ice. My doc actually sent me to physical therapy for it and I only struggle with it now if I have been on the motorcycle for hours. Sorry you gained weight. I know the feeling of working hard to get it off and then poof there it is again. Just don't give up. You are worth fighting the frustrations your feeling. Hold on to that feeling of victory and you will see it again.

  2. I am so excited, I am actually losing weight. I am using the band and it is working. Since Nov,09 I have lost 28 pounds. Since Jan 4,10 I have lost 16 pounds. That is 2.5 pounds per week. My clothes are getting too big so I am buying a few new things. Some to fit me now and some to fit me next month when I am down another 10-15 pounds. I love shopping and getting new clothes. This is gonna be a great year for me. I am buying things on clearance and that are cheap because I know they will be too big for me again in another month.

    I had my first fill 2/9/10. It went really well. My doc was very happy with my weight loss so far. He gave me hell at my post op appt because I didn't lose enough. But this one went really well. He had no trouble locating my port. I did forget to ask how much he put in but I don't think that matters much because it is very different for everyone. I am eatting about a cup and a half of food right now but it doesn't stick with me very long. I feel I need to eat more often. I know I need more of a fill but I will have to wait till next month. I can't complain either, it feels great to get on that scale on see I am no longer 260 pounds. I keep looking at old pictures of myself and I can't believe the difference I see in my face.

    I went this weekend to Orlando FL to meet with some other lapband ladies from LBT. We had a great time. I have learned so much from these ladies in th past 3 months. It was wonderful to meet them and see their successes and struggles. We had so much fun. I wish I could have stayed longer but life is calling, right?

    I am going to visit my brother in April. I hope he will be surprised by a 40-45 pound loss. He lives across the country from me so I don't see him often. Last time I saw him I believe was october. I was at my highest weight at that time. I also will be flying. I am hoping I will not be crowding out the person sitting next to me.

    We are also planning a trip to Disney. I want to be down enough by then that I can fit in the rollercoaster and rides. I went to an amusement park in July 09. It took 3 people to get me into one of the seats of a rollercoaster. Hopefully I will be in onederland by then.

    We are going camping and motorcycling in the mountains in July. I am looking forward to being able to ride longer without the weight. After a few hours I start get alot of pain in my back and butt. I think with the weightloss my hubby and I will both be more comfortable. Right now we are a little squished together and it makes it uncomfortable for him because he can't lean back like he needs too.

    School is going great. I took the entrance exam for the nursing program and did great. Doing well on my exams. I do have a paper to write this week for my film class ( which I am dreading). I have to find common themes in several movies and write about them. I am thinking about doing it about childrens animated movies and how they appeal to children. I just took a development (psych) class and I think I could put some of that in the paper. Something about why children like animated films and how it works with their development. I don't know alot about films but I do know children and have seen alot of animated movies with my son.

    I have so much to look foward to expecially now that I have the band.

  3. I hate when I get in that mode/mood. Sometimes I just throw stuff away to keep it from haunting me. I have never tried veggie thins but I do have a box of wheat thins that have been in the cabinet since October. I have found that when I do give in to that stuff it is not as satisfying as I expected. Good luck!

  4. Well It has been almost 2 weeks for me now. I am on soft foods. Yes, my Doc cleared me for it already. My first 2 meals of soft foods I threw up. Now, I can eat and eat and eat and I want to eat. I have no restriction and because I had those carbs the other day I am craving them. I am still trying to kick those carbs. I know It will take a few days for the cravings to stop so for now I am toughing it out.

    I am 12 days post op and have lost 8 pounds for a total of 20. My Doc wants me down 4 more pounds by Feb 9. He says I need to pick up the pace. I gained a bit post op and from eatting those carbs last week. Now that the swelling has gone down and I have little to no restriction I am hungry alot. My doc told me only 3 meals a day but I am finding that hard to stick too. I want snacks about 2 hours after I eat. I am gonna try eatting more during my meals and seeing if that will help me last until the next one.

    I am also doing alot of reading/studying. It just seems to increase my hunger. I am trying to adjust to my new school schedule too. Fiqureing out when I am gonna eat my 3 meals each day. Doc says to plan them so you don't catch yourself in the drive through.

    I bought some soups that had about 10 carbs per serving. It was the lowest I could find. I think that's what I'll be taking to school to eat between class. Just once a week. The other days are shorter so I won't need to take a meal.

    Bandster Hell, So this is what it feels like. I hope it doesn't get any worse. I guess from being on liquids and now having no restriction I am hungry all the time. My doc told me I would feel this way but to stick to the program. maybe we will have dinner early tonite.LOL

  5. It has been a week now since my band was installed. I called the Doc office to find out why I was in so much pain, turns out they had to use more gas to inflate me than usual. Hence, more gas pains. I still had some this morning but they are bearable. Other than burping I haven't really been passing gas. So I am not sure where it is getting off too.

    I have really struggled this week food wise. Up until the surgery I had great control over what I was eatting but by day 4 post op I was trying potato soup and chicken noodle soup. I just struggled to stick to the protein shakes and liquids. My Doc will be real upset to know I was eatting those carbs. My weight did go up a bit but today it is back down to 246 which is -14 for me. I had gotten down -18 presurgery. Post surgery I was -16 from all the swelling. I am sticking to the liquids today and tomorrow will start soft foods. I am not gonna give up anymore of my -14 pounds to carbs.

    I did start my workout again yesterday and today. My Doc only ask for 10-15 minutes of excercise to begin with. I can handle that on my Wii. Pre op I was doing 30 min and hope to get back to it in a few weeks when the tenderness goes away.

    I also started school again today. It went pretty well. Just gotta get buckled down again and get some reading done. I switched campuses this semester and today felt a little out of place. Everyone seemed to already know each other pretty well. Plus, I got the feeling like I would have a little more competition. The professor did say we would be dissecting a fetal pig this semester. It should be and intresting course. It was a little confusing as far as class schedule goes though. When she wants everything turned in. I'll catch on.

  6. I am 2 days post op and my weight is up 2 pounds though I have been on clear liquids. I was getting concerned about it but then someone mentioned that it was from all the swelling. That sounds good and makes me feel better. I didn't want to go to the doc on tuesday after gaining weight. I hope it goes back down.

    I also didn't expect to be in so much pain. Everyone I have talked to says it was not that painful. To be honest, I hurt. I thought I was doing well so I skipped my pain meds. That was a huge mistake. Now I am taking the pain meds and gas-x and am able to move so much easier. Just remember not to drive while taking these meds. I do feel much better with the pain meds so don't let the pain deter you.

  7. I am a true bandster now. We arrived at the hopital about 6:15. They had me put on a gown. Then, they put stockings on me and pressure cuffs on my legs to prevent blood clots. Gave me a blood thinner and started me on antibiotics through an IV. The Doc and anestisiologist came in and talked with me. At 8:45 they gave me something to " calm my nerves". Then started to wheel me back and I was out before we rounded the corner. I was suppose to get onto the operating table myself but I was out. I woke up and they told me I was done. I couldn't believe them. By the time I could read the clock it was 10:00. About 11:30 I walked to the bathroom and was able to go so they discharged me at 1:00. I am in alittle pain at my clavicle and around my diaphram. He gave me 2 types of pain pills. One a liquid. My husband has been awesome. I am trying to do things myself like get dressed and get a drink but for the most part he is helping me. I am getting up and walking around. I have to wear these stockings till tomorrow night but am having a hard time keeping them up. With my Doc's plan I will be on solid food in 2 weeks. That's awesome because I know some of you have to wait longer. I also have to wear the bandages 3 weeks.

    I know some of you already know this but I have written it out so the newbies can learn what to exspect.

    I feel great and am very excited to get this journey going. I am craving solid foods now but they are bareable. The scale at the hospital said I was down 16 pounds. My MIL's scale still says 18. Since it is most readily available to me I am going with that number.

  8. Well, tomorrow is my big day. I will be banded about 8:30 am. I have had a 2 day liquid diet and am doing great at it. I really don't feel hungry. I can feel the liquids cleansing me out though, Gross. Better then a laxitive and enema though. I feel great on this low carb diet. I have so much more energy. I am waking up earlier and easier.

    I am excited and surprised I am not more nervous. The only thing I am nervous about is waking up and finding they were unable to place it. I have followed the Doc's instructions so my liver should be in good shape.

    I am down 18 pounds this morning and hope to be down 20 by morning. Some days I don't lose a thing then others I am down 3 pounds. Thankfully it doesn't go up anymore. I am so excited to have this momentum going into surgery. I have quit regular soda and carbs. The cravings for them have gone down substantially. I still have them if I smell them but the need for them all day has gone down.

    I have gotten everything in my house prepared. It is clean and laundry is done. My MIL is dressing my son in the morning because I will already be at the hospital. I have my bag packed but need to get some before pictures taken.

    I also got my hair cut, colored and highlighted. I like to do that before each semester. If I have to be fat I don't want to be sloppy too. My MIL got me some Bath & Body works for christmas. Japanese cherry blossom, I simply love it. I think hubby does too.

  9. Well today's the day. I had set a goal to lose 15 pounds by today. Depending on which scale I use I may or may not have lost 15. I first weighed in on my MIL scale but then got my Wii. My MIL scale says I have only lost 14. The Wii says I lost 18. Since I started with my MIL scale I guess I will go ahead and say I didn't meet my goal. My reason for setting the goal was to help me lose as much as possible and I believe I did that. Losing 14 in 2 months without the band is a decent amount almost 2 pounds per week. My next goal will be valentines. Which is 6 weeks away but I will be having the surgery and the preop diet. I will aim at 28 pounds. I plan to be down 50 pounds by april which is 11 weeks thats 4-5 pounds a week. I am going to visit my brother then and I will have to fly. I want to be in onederland by then.

    Setting goals is one of the key steps in losing weight. If you aim at nothing you will get nothing. Setting small goals and taking baby steps will lighten the work. It will make the task seem easier. It is a great way to outline where you want you life to go. If you change your mind about that then just change your goal.

  10. Hey, My surgery is on the 4th too. I only lost half a pound at my last visit. I am proud not to gain. Since then I have stuck to my diet to a tee. I have lost 6 pounds since then. If I gain my surgeon may cancel. I am soo excited too. I can't wait. My nervousness is fading and I am preparing my family for the first week post op. I could be at goal by next year. I am prepared to work hard for it. I am glad you are excited too.

  11. I had my preop appt on wed. It went really well. I don't have diabetes. I am so ready for this surgery. I am ready to get on to my new life. I can't wait till March when I take my son to disney. My goal is to ride the rides with him. (actually fit in the seats). School starts Jan 11. Hopefully I will be down enough that I don't have to worry about fitting in the seats at school. A good 20-30 pounds by then. I am already down 8-12 depending on which scale. I want to lose a total of 15 by New year. Thats 3-7 more pounds this week. I know it can happen on low carb diets. On spring break I want to go visit my brother. It would be nice to fly and not feel like I am crowding the person sitting next to me. Plus to see his reaction at all the weight I've lost would be priceless.

    My MIL has already told the family about my surgery. I really wasn't wanting to tell them. I hate people to think I am so fat I have to have surgery. I asked her not to say anything. Plus where does she get off telling people my personal business. I feel it is a private matter. Like your period. You don't announce it to everyone everytime it comes. There are just somethings people don't need to know about me. I hardly know these people. Why should they know something so personal about me?

    I did tell my Dad though. I knew he would be understanding and supportive and he was. I don't have a mom. So I talk to him about stuff.

  12. Well my MIL brought up the topic of my surgery this afternoon. I explained alot of things to her and I feel she is more understanding now. Now that she understands I am not having a bypass or something as drastic. I guess the 3 days she has been gone have given her time to clear her head.

    I am down 7 pounds today. Following dr's orders of low carb diet. It is very hard to skip a whole food group but it is encouraging to see the weight go down. I don't ever want to go back to eatting them like I was. I am addicted to them. They consume alot of my thoughts, too many.

    Also had my preop today. I was pretty nervous talking to the staff and being in the hospital. I have another preop on wed. This one is with my surgeon. He always makes me feel good about my decision to do this. I really feel like he understands what it is to be fat. He use to be fat himself. I am ready to get this over with.

    Also my Dad actually contacted me and invited us over christmas eve. He hasn't called or talked to me in prbly a year. He and my stepmom just got divorced and he has been "celebrating" I guess you could say. Hanging out and drinking, meeting women. Just been to busy for us. It will be weird to see him again. Don't think I am gonna tell him about the surgery. I don't really want everyone to know. Although those who know me will probably fiqure it out.

  13. My husband got a christmas bonus yesterday and he let me go out and get a wii fit plus. I have been playing it all day. It is so fun. It also says I lost a pound since yesterday. Yeah!

    My Doc appt weds was kinda weird. I thought I was meeting the surgeon again. The nurse lead me into the room and there was another patient in there with about 5 empty chairs. It ended up being a group meeting where they explained about the liver, insurance lots of info. Then the doc came in looked at all our weight. Thankfully I lost because the one lady who didn't lose he gently confronted her about it in front of everyone. She apparently wasn't following the diet he gave us all. I knew she was in trouble because we were waiting for the surgeon to come in and she told me she didn't start the diet yet. The surgeon said if our weight goes up he will cancel the surgery. He doesn't want us to have a fatty liver in the way of where he is trying to work. He gave us quite a peptalk and that was it. I didn't get to speak with him personally.

    My MIL hasn't said anything about the surgery and seems to be acting normal again. Hopefully she has gotten over it. My preop with my Anesthetist is monday and preop with the surgeon on wed. Things are moving along here.

    Last night I had a dream about getting my lapband. It was so far up my throat I could feel it. Kinda weird.

  14. Well I survived my first semester back in school. I did way better than I expected and am looking forward to a break. Next week I have 2 pre-op appts. My in laws are going out of town and my son will be home from school. So I will still be busy. Not to mention christmas. I hope this time flies by fast cause I can hardly wait to get my band.

  15. Yesterday my MIL used my pocket calendar and saw I had written down my surgery date in it. So we ended up telling her about the surgery. Boy was she angry. We hardly got it out of our mouths that it was weightloss surgery before she stormed out of the room. She thinks she has been in my shoes cause at one point she was 30 pounds overweight. She also believes I need to lose it without the surgery. I have over 100 pounds to lose and I want it off before I get diabetes. Diets don't work for me I need to make a life change. Oh well, she didn't even want to talk about it she was so mad. I just don't get it. I could see disagreeing with me but to get angry. This is my body and my choice.

    I have alot of studying to do and am having a hard time getting to it. I have 2 final exams tommorrow and am not prepared. I just can't stay focused on it more than a few minutes. I think it is partially because I haven't been eating carbs the past few days. Due to the surgeons recommendation. My Dad use to tell me it will only last a few days. He was a big adkins fan.

    I meet with the surgeon again tommorrow. Will be discussing my blood work and all the other test he ran. Then, next week is my preop.

    I am still nervous about this. This is going to change my life in so many ways. It feels like getting married. Excited for sure just wondering what will life be like. I guess it is also like a breakup. Breaking apart from overeating. How much more will I be able to experience once I get the weight off. I am hoping this summer to take a mommy and me swim class. I want my son to know how to swim and I don't want to be embarrassed to get in my bathing suit. Going to movies, football games and nascar races and not feeling squished in the seat. I really feel like my realtionships will improve because I will be more present and not always consumed with thoughts of weight and food.


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