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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by finallyncontrol

  1. finallyncontrol

    The problem with fat people is....

    Yvette I am so happy to see that you are blogging a lot more lately!! I totally agree with what you have to say! I could relate to how you said no one ever called me fat either or that I was a pig..they always said I never ate very much. I feel so sorry for these people who are killing themselves with food and just will not get help. This post really sums it up! Anglov...no one ever said a word to me about losing 41 lbs either...exactly 41 lbs. Now that I have lost 102 everyone has noticed and can't believe that I could have lost that much "You weren't that heavy to begin with" yeah right!! I still have 25 lbs to go! Just keep up the great work and believe in yourself. You know how much work it is and it isn't the easy way!!
  2. finallyncontrol

    What Next????????????????????? ???????

    So so sorry to hear about these frustrations at this point!! Glad to hear you have faith!! I also agree with ymjackson..she lists some good options there. I know other surgeons would be will to take you that is if there are others in your area. It might be best to change if there has been such a sour taste already....
  3. finallyncontrol

    A pound up, but feeling GROOVY!

    You look fabulous!!!! I like you shopping sprees..looking for one thing and come home with even more things!!! Yeah!!! Oh, BTW I tried on the ankle bracelet and guess what..it actually fit..it doesn't dangle but it actually fit. I want to see it dangle so I am wearing it for motivation!!!!
  4. finallyncontrol

    My thoughts......

    You will be amazed how wonderful you will feel!! You are making the best decision right now!! I wish you the best!!! Stay on this sight now and throughout your journey!!!
  5. finallyncontrol

    Question on Lap Band Foods

    I gave up bread after my 2nd fill...I wont put it on my never list because if I am really craving it I will take a bite of it but it really fills me up and then I can't eat enough protein. I need protein to keep me going. No matter what I eat I still follow that golden rule..protein first..or at least 75% of my meal will be eaten of protein before I start eating veggies or starch/carbs.
  6. finallyncontrol

    Question on Lap Band Foods

    Forever is not a word in my I use very often in vocabulary...here are a few things I do not and will not do soda or any other carbonated beverage straws chew gum caffeine (actually allergic to it) tortilla chips (band doesn't like them) ice cream (tried it once and caused me to slim) My list is pretty short..I eat just about everything just very small portions. I am not a fan of sushi so I can't personally say I eat it but we are suppose to eat cooked food. I do eat very small amounts of rice as well as pasta..like 2 spoonfuls with the meal it is being served with. Rice expands once it is in your stoma so if you eat one spoon you really get 1 1/2 in your stoma afterwards which could be really uncomfortable.
  7. finallyncontrol

    Feeling Really Good

    You know you can keep the honeymoon stage for as long as you want..just believe in yourself and look forward to the big picture. I never lost the honeymoon feeling..I am still on the honeymoon!! I told myself right after the first fill that this is not a "diet" this is a "lifestyle change" and I firmly believe that. I wake up happy everyday. I am addicted to the scales..gotta love those digital ones. I am excited to lose 2 ounces..it is better than a gain..it keeps me going. Believe in yourself, stay focused and stay positive..you CAN do this..you and your band..what better team could you ask for?? Good luck on your journey!
  8. finallyncontrol

    Day 18 of pre-op liquid diet, one week til surgery, HELP

    I know this may sound at little harsh but this is how mine was 14 days of 3 shakes only. My approach was the more I could shrink my liver the easier the surgery would be for my doctor and less complications for me after the surgery. Also, since I was self pay I kept repeating to myself that if I was going to cheat on the pre-op portion then why pay for the surgery. I would just cheat on the band afterwards. I never cheated and never had any complications. I have been very successful. I have lost 102 lbs in 7 1/2 months. I wish you the very best and hope that I didn't come off too harsh.
  9. finallyncontrol

    confessions of an "Olive Gardener"........

    I eat out quite often...you just need to make wise choices. Your analysis seems fair..no bread, you stuck with mushies and didn't eat the pasta. You probably would have craved the chocolate thingy making you want to eat everything in the cupboard had you not ate it..so eating half of it was probably ok..so every once in a while it is ok..so then move on as Bklynike said.
  10. finallyncontrol

    So wonderful

    Eileen..with your attitude..you will succeed in making your dream come true!!!! You can count on me being on your team!
  11. finallyncontrol

    switching drs.

    I am extremely spolied...I see my doctor every month and he will spend as much time with me as I need or want. He doesn't rush me at all. He will admit that he does talk fast but I like that. He will also slow down and repeat it. He also trains resident doctors so he has a lot of patience. The bottom line for me is you must believe in your doctor but you also have to remember that your band is a tool so you have to remember that you have to believe in yourself and work the tool. The doctor doesn't just flip a switch and make the tool work. I tell him that he is my babysitter and I want to please him but ultimately it is up to me if I make good choices of food or not. My doctor also does other surgeries than lapband so I know he has other clients..he has done 3 other sugeries on me so we have a history. He would prefer to lapbands but he is a surgeon. I hope that find the doctor/staff that suites you the best. Best wishes on your journey!!
  12. finallyncontrol

    6'2 and shopping

    Absolutely..make that shopping dream a reality!! That is what I did as well and I love every shopping trip I take as well as the previous memories of when I wore it last--some it is the first but I out grew it before I took the price tag off it!! I wish you the very best!!
  13. finallyncontrol

    Back down to 237

    I wish you the best on your couch to 5K. I am just not a runner..I can walk forever..just can't run! LOL
  14. finallyncontrol

    Must make time to prepare and Pain is not my friend

    I know how you feel...I went to the cardiologist today and now I am having abnormal EKGs...they say now that I have lost weight they can actually get a good reading and they are not good ones..go figure?? and I would of thought that my back pain would have gotten better nope...Well I don't like to be negative so I'll end it by saying I do feel better and I can move about much better. Water excersises are the best. That and walking for me are the only ones I do and have done. I wish you best and hope that your arthritis doesn't continue to flare up or at least you can control it.
  15. finallyncontrol

    1st Post Op Visit

    You made me laugh!! We are always looking for where did those "extra" lbs come from..you actually had a reason!! You go girl!!
  16. finallyncontrol

    I'm back!

    WOW what a vacation. I love the French Quarter! I am trying to wait patiently to wear an ankle braclet...I keep looking at it and looking at it...one day soon I hope!!!
  17. finallyncontrol

    First post

    Welcome! You have taken the first step!! I am a self pay bandster as well. Continue to fight your insurance company as well. Save all of your reciepts. Turn them in for Tax purposes as well as submit them to your insurance company for reimbursement. Have the hospital try to get pre-authorization for admittance. I know all of this sounds silly but it is crazy what insurance companies will and will not pay. I have been fighting for almost 3 years..I decided to self pay 7 months ago..submitted reciepts, they instantly paid for the anesthesia but rejected the surgeon and the hosp (due to I didn't get pre-auth for admin). Now last week they have over turned my appeal for the surgeon and the hosp...not sure how much they are going to pay but anything is better than nothing. I wish you the very best. I know that having the procedure was the best decision I have ever made! I have lost 101 lbs in 7 months!! Stay positive and you can do anything!!
  18. finallyncontrol

    Suprising Support (And Lack Thereof)

    Stay on this site..it will do amazing things for you. It can distract you from eating, it can lift your spirits, it can answer questions, it can make you cry for joy (or sorrow), it can do so many things...as you mentioned you can find so much support here!! The one thing that is constant is that everyone here has BEEN there. We all know that this is not the easy way out and there are struggles. Everyone needs a pat on thier shoulders to tell them they are doing a great job AND you are. The best thing you did was commit to having the procedure and following thru! You are doing great. Keep your chin up and remember we are all here supporting you!
  19. finallyncontrol


    Jannalisa try really hard to follow your doctors orders especially during this time. Your body is trying to heal right now and your band is trying to adjust. This is extremely important even more so than losing weight. After you get your first fill that is when you really focus on losing weight. To answer your question..after you add the protein shakes/yogurt/broth you will feel more satisfied and be able to make it to the next step. The rule of thumb to determine if it is just head hunger is to drink some water, read a book, take a walk or basically do something else to distract you and see if the "hunger" goes away. If it does then it was just in your head if you are still really really hungry then you might be hungry. Right now you are really swollen due to the surgery. My protocal was the same as yours..1st week clear liquids, 2nd week protein shakes, 3rd week mushies, 4th week solids and then the 6th week was my first fill. I followed my doctors order to a T at the very beginning. Over time and with his permission we have adjusted. I just hit 101 lbs lost in 7 months. Stay positive and remember you CAN do it! I wish you the very best!!
  20. finallyncontrol

    Almost there

    Isn't it awesome to get on those scales and they keep going down!! You are doing wonderful!!! Keep up the great work!!!! Just wait until all your clothes don't fit (in a good way)...LOL
  21. finallyncontrol

    I finally got below 225.

    Good for you! That is the way to start the day on a positive note!!
  22. finallyncontrol

    I know it?s soon but it?s time for a fill?

    Mrs. Stevenson please take this as sincere advice. I just want to make sure that don't over do it. Are you suppose to be eating solids yet per your doctors directions?? If so great, I just thought 7 days out you would either still be on liquids or just starting purees. The first 4-6 weeks is a healing time for your band and eating solids too quickly is not good for your band. A lot of time you can add pureed foods sooner but not solids but if your Dr is ok with with that keep on doing what you are doing. Take care.
  23. finallyncontrol

    It's is a Secret...

    Wecandoit..I have been banded now for 7 months and still only 3 people know about it besides my doctors. I plan to keep it that way. I don't lie to anyone who asks me how I am losing weight...I eat protein first, small portions, I don't drink with my meals, I walk, work out in my pool and am aware of what I am eating. No one has ever asked me if I had lap band..one did ask if I had plastic surgery so I did honestly say No. If someone flat out asked if I had lap band surgery I would tell them yes but not until then. I didn't want negative feed back or people judging me so I chose to not tell anyone. I have done extemely well and you would think I would want to shout it out but still it is my business. Everyone has to do what makes them feel comfortable.
  24. finallyncontrol

    Is my nutritionist keeping me fat?

    I do agree that it is alot of calories as well. I also only do about 800-1000 per day. I agree with your analysis of cutting out the shakes...If you are able to get your protein thru food (which you are able to to) then you do not need to add the shakes (in my opinion). So if you cut out the shakes it would drop your calories by about 400 per day?? Carbs do seem high and any time you cut them you will go thru "withdrawals" so you will not be "happy" until you have adjusted. Good luck with your journey!!
  25. finallyncontrol

    Protein shakes / heavy metals

    Oh and please note that it is for THREE servings..not for ONE..

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
