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So why cant we...?

Drink while we eat? I know we aren't supposed to..but I don't really know why? It's an extremely hard habbit for me to break. I'm only still on mushy food and soups but I always find myself reaching for my water.   Can someone explain to me why or rather what happens when we drink while eating?




Not enough Information

I must have missed a step in my banding process. I went to one seminar then the Dr. had me do all my testing and in 6 weeks I was banded. I really never got anything on what to eat and when- other than to be on liquids for 1 week post op - then mushy food for 1 week then I see my Dr. from there again. I was never told not to drink from a straw - I had no pre op diet (although my Dr. said on paper I look like i'm athletic) and I'm kind of thinking I should buy a book or something on this band and foods.   Maybe it will all come on my appt. the 17th. For now I am eating soups, protien shakes, jello, yogurts and drinking lots of water and crystal light.   I feel really good and I don't have any issues eating/drinking or with gas. In fact I had NO issues with gas even after my surgery. I didn't know the straw part so I've been drinking with one and I've had no issues. When you guys say gas do you mean like burping or GAS down the other end?LOL sorry but I don't have either so i'm not sure.   I'm not comlaining trust me, just worried maybe something is wrong, i'm literally having no issues other than wondering if I'm doing this right.   Well - Cheers to feeling good and I hope this continues and I start to see the weight drop soon. I keep reminding myself - It's only been a week, BE PATIENT.   I'm truly amazed that I have been able to stick to this so far with no temptations. So far so good. I am starting to feel hungrier each day so my 300 cal days are now about 650 calories per day. Is that enough for now? Because thats about all I can get in.:rolleyes2:




Feeling Really Good

Today is 6 days post surgery and I feel SO good. No more pain and my energy is coming back. I'm even amazed that my incisions are healing. I have been a little reluctant to get on the scale but today my co-workers noticed a slight change in my face. I am so happy to feel so good so quickly.   I am starting to feel hungrier...but nothing too bad yet. My friend said i'm still in the honeymoon stage with my band, but you know what I'm going to enjoy it and try to keep this motivation and excitement as long as i possibly can.   I post to keep myself on track and accountable. It really helps me.:smile2:




Question on Lap Band Foods

My friend invited me to her birthday which consists of a Sushi bar and drinking that hot tea they serve. I realized after she asked me...I don't think I will ever eat sushi again will I? We can't have rice can we?   I know I'm way to soon to even eat but her party is in a month.   Can or has anyone had a sushi roll once banded or is it a forbidden fruit?   I know pasta is out forever and soda but is rice also?





Today is 3 days post op or 4 days since my surgery. I am having less pain but it is definetly still there. I am drinking my water and broth, but i'm starting to feel hungry tonight. My boyfriend had some chicken wings and I felt my stomach growl. Is this just my mind playing tricks on me? It seems from reading others experiences that I should NOT be hungry yet..but I kind of am. I don't want to begin the hunger so early. I was hoping to avoid that for a few weeks at least. How soon did you start to feel hungry and am I really too soon in this process to feel hunger? I was instructed to do liquids for 4 days then add protien shakes/yogurt/broth for another week then go to soft mushy foods at day 7-14. Does that sound close to what you are doing?   I'm just concerned and do NOT want to mess all this up. I've invested way to much and gone to far to make any mistakes.




7/4/10 Day 3`

Today I feel like I have a fever. I don't have a lot of pain, but some. My throat is still swollen and it bothers me that I feel like there is something in my mouth that I can't get out...but i hope it will get better. I will spend the day mostly in bed resting and try to walk once an hour for a few minutes. I 'm not in terrible pain mostly tenderness and the swelling are bothersome. I don't have a thermometer but I feel hot. I'll try popcicles and rest for a few more hours see if I can enjoy this holiday atleast a little. I'm fighting the urge to sleep and sleep. I wonder if it's the pain meds that make me feel so tired?




Day 2 7/3/10

Day 2 for me was almost worse than day 1. The pain meds from the hospital wore off and I had my liquid rx but I feel the bruising and tenderness in my belly. It's not too bad though. Mostly I feel tired. I am drinking chicken broth, water and popcicles. I love the popcicles cause I can kind of chew on them a little. I tried jello but it hurts going down so maybe i'm not ready for that yet. I'll wait a couple more days to try it again. I'm loving the warm broth..it makes me feel good.   I am battleing with a low grade fever and I don't like feeling hot, but I'm hoping it goes away on it's own. I assume it's my body adjusting to a new foreign entity ?? I hope. I go through bouts of extreme tiredness where I just want to sleep. I am a very active person so this is killing me to not be feeling up to going and doing things.   I'm excited but definatly have mixed emotions about all of this. I feel excited but a little scared. Is that normal to feel this way? I've had a relationship with food for 30 years and now...I will have a new one. I know it sounds crazy...and trust me I'm not crazy, but Its a whole new sector of my life and one I cannot wait to embrace. Just a little nervous.   I think it sucks that I had to go to this measure to get healthy. I'm kind of mad at myself that I have to put myself through all of this. Why couldn't I just love jogging? LOL   Oh well I'm excited and I know that my new healthy body will open doors I have never been through before.




Lap Band Experience 7/2/10 day 1

I had my lap band on 7/2/10. When my boyfriend and I pulled up I was a little nervous because we went to the wrong place and there was litterally 1 person in this two story building. I expected a huge pretty hospital since my PPO insurance demands a center of medical excellence to see more than a small clinic like envioronment. Once we got to the right place, still smaller than I expected but nevertheless, I checked in. I went to admitting about 15 mins. after arrival. I was then brought back to change and sign consent forms. The anestitist came in fairly quick and I was in surgery approx 1 hour after I got there. Everything went fast and pretty smooth. I had pain and swelling but mostly wanted to sleep. We had a 3 hour drive back home so sleeping was good.   I got home hopped in bed and drank water as I was extremely thirsty. I notice that my uvula in my throat is totally swallon making it feel like I have something stuck in my throat. I do not like that feeling but it's not painful.   I spent the day in bed feeling decent the rest of the day.



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