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Blog Comments posted by Electrawoman

  1. I had my first big stress test today. From one family grandma drama to another family grandma drama to a flat tire and two 2-hour drives, I was faced with my first real stressed test since band placement. These type of days would nearly always end up as binge days but this time, I had to find new ways to cope that didn't include cookies, cake, pie and a binge run to various fast-food joints.

    I passed the test.

    The worst thing I did today was put a little extra queso on some refried beans at a Christmas party dinner and have half a bite of cake from my husband's plate. Maybe I ate a couple more spoonfuls of beans than I should have. Maybe I shouldn't have been eating beans or cake at all. But I am really proud of myself and thankful that I had the band to keep me under control.

  2. I started menopause last year. I was on Bio-identical hormones for awhile this year and I loved them. They really helped with the hot flashes but did not help with libido issues. I stopped taking them a couple of months ago because they are expensive and insurance won't pay for them.

    Oddly, I started my period immediately following surgery. My first one in over a year. That was weird.

    Anyway, I found that Anti-Ds were the most helpful thing. I take Lexapro and wellbutrin and it keeps me from running folks off the road. (a true story that I may have to tell some time) but they don't make me any hungrier.

  3. Personally, I wouldn't tell the MIL at all. You don't have to tell her why you are in the hospital or why your diet is changing even if you do live with her. Just say "abdominal surgery" and "strict diet" if she asks.

    I think that if they want to be so involved in what you do with your body that you should use that to your advantage. Every time they bring it up, you can suggest that they continue to show their "support" by doing the pre- and post-op diet along with you. They will shut up pretty quick.

    And speaking of selfish! Remind your husband that if he values your contribution to the family as a wife and mother so little that he would jeopardize your health for a hamburger, he certainly won't miss you when you are out doing what you want to do while he stays home and takes care of the kids and deals with his Momma.

  4. I was in more pain today than I had been all week. Maybe it's because I cut down on the pain meds. Either way, I was very tired all day. Luckily my son cooperated and I got a 2 hour nap.

    My son also wanted to go to the gym today but I just wasn't up for it. I am wondering how long it took for other banders to start working out post-op. I have done some walking but that's about it.

    I am also very interested in this ab circle thingy. Has anyone tried it? How did you like it and did you see results?

  5. That's scary. I hope I can eat veggies later. I love them. I was planning on mushing them until real food on Jan 8. I was a vegetarian for 13 years and had friend who were veg but hated veggies. Here are some ideas for you:

    V8 (they make it in fruit fusion now if you don't like the tomato version)

    pea, squash or carrot soup (very creamy and yummy)

    Add them to everything! Get a slap chop (or similar) and chop a little green onion, colorful peppers, tomatoes etc) very very small. Keep the chop mix in the fridge. You can sprinkle the mix in eggs, soups, tuna or chicken salads (try grapes in your chicken salad!)

    Mash veggies that you might not normally think of mashing: sweet potatoes, turnips, carrots (with splenda brown yum), smashed peeled eggplant (top with canned tomatoes and a little parmesean to make a light italian- style casserole)

    Choose fresh over dried over frozen over canned for more nutrition bang for the buck.

    If you can tolerate breads, use whole-wheat flour and bake a homemade banana or zuccini bread (easy).

    Get baby-food veggies and add them to other dishes---baby squash in curry dishes, baby vegs in any soup, baby fruit and yogurt in hot cereal. You can get in an extra serving and won't even notice they are there.

    Make oatmeal with apple juice instead of water. It is good and I hate oatmeal.

    Add lemon to your water and orange or lemon or grapefruit to your tea.

    Avocados are amazing and you can use them in many ways: guacamole, in a dressing with greek yogurt to top chicken or fish, atop refried beans, on veggie burgers, to add a creamy texture to soups

    Try tomatoes and s/p with cottage cheese

    Smoothies! (yogurt, frozen fruit, milk, blender) (My favorite smoothie in the world is banana/blueberry) Yoiu can add your protein powder and other packaged nutrients to these.

    Try juicing. Buy a juicer with a money-back guarantee in case you don't like it, you can send it back.

  6. I am still not really sure if I am eating what I should be eating after Monday's procedure. My list says "full liquids" and includes oatmeal, grits and cream of wheat. Both hot cereals are what I would consider mushies. I asked the bariatric coodinator about it and she said "we don't really do a mushy stage because anything can be made mushy if you chew it long enough". I took that to mean that I could do mushies starting today. But, I'm still not sure.

    Today I had: an Herbalife Shake, 1/2 c thick cream soup (baked potato flavor) with a few bits that I chewed the crap out of, and for dinner, some homemade mashed turnips which I made too thin to eat with a fork.

    Now I am worried about those turnips. I feel fine but what if they are too gassy and make my stomach do weird things?


    I am also having trouble getting enough water.

    Tips? Advice?

  7. Guess what? It's midnight. Time for full liquids. Look out pudding, here I come!

    But someone please help me figure this out. My doctor's list includes oatmeal, etc. in the Full Liquids list. From there, I go straight to real food on January 8. So am I correct in assuming that my full liquids stage is the same as the mushy stage?

  8. Dont beat yourself up! Guilt will not help you. Just get back on track and everything will be just fine. I cheated once preop, too. The doctors know this is a possibility. You'll be okay.

  9. Day 2 Post-Op and I am feeling even better. I removed my On Q catheter this morning. It was easy, did not hurt, and did not bleed. I have had one dose of medication since 5 a.m. and I feel fine. Still sore but it's no biggie.

    I realized last night that I left my valuables at the hospital! I drove myself in because I didn't want to wake the baby that early. My husband picked me up so I knew my Jeep was still at the hospital. What I forgot was that I bundled all my credit cards and ID and check book into a security envelope. Now, we have to go get them today when hubs wakes up from his nap. Poor guy is BEAT from doing all the work around here.

    I had a moment last night when I really wanted to eat something besides clear liquids. But, I came to the Lap Band Talk forums and read some horror stories to quickly change my mind.

    I think I drank a little too much last night because I did have some gas and for a brief moment, felt like spitting up. So, Michelle and everyone else about to get the procedure, when they tell you to sip , SIP and take it slooooow!

    Since I have fasted on clear liquids for 6 days now, I am feeling very particular about what I want to put into my body in the future. I have had a few little cravings for junk food but mainly, I have the urge to eat nothing but whole, fresh foods. I have always been sensitive to chemicals and do not like processed or fast foods as it is. I am really going to be careful from now on about the types of food that go in my body. I don't even like to take in Splenda but it's not as bad as some artificial sweeteners.

    From now on, this body is a temple.

  10. My surgery went great. The surgeon and everyone else said I did excellent. My husband was a dream and not only took care of Chuck while I was gone, but cleaned the house AND did laundry. He is amazing and HOT. I am so lucky!

    I found out that the surgeon did not require a clear liquid diet prior to surgery. But, because I did it anyway, it helped me get through it easily. My nurse, Sam, said that the clear diet was the reason I did so well.

    I woke up in recovery calmly with very little pain. I did not throw up or feel nauseas. I was able to walk around a few hours after surgery. I got a headache at some point but was given Toradol through the IV and it quickly disappeared.

    The people at the hospital were incredible. I didn't run across one person that pissed me off or irritated me in any way. My nurses Sam, Siu Ying, Gemma, and Cynthia were very competent and kind. The PCT, Rosie cracked me up.

    My abdomen was sore but it wasn't bad at all. It felt like I had done a bunch of sit-ups or had been kicked in the stomach. At first, I thought I was feeling good with NO PAIN MEDS. It took me awhile to realize that I was actually feeling no pain because I had the OnQ system attached.

    The On Q Pain Buster is a ball full of novacaine that feeds directly into the surgical site. It's very cool and keeps you from using too many narcotics. If you have the choice, get one! Mine is still attached until the medicine runs out (probably tomorrow).

    I got another X-ray with something other than barium. I don't know what it was, but it tasted like shit. The test was sort of like the Upper GI, but without all the rolling. They only took 3 pics to look for leaks. Luckily, there were none and I got to see my band in place. Cool.

    The nurses told me that Thursday and Friday might be a little harder but I can take it. Thursday, I get to switch to full liquids and light mushies. I am really looking forward to have a little cream of wheat. I am also planning recipes for mushies like chicken or ham salad, pureed in the food processor.

    I have been craving very few foods. The foods I want are all healthy. I think that has everything to do with listening to the Gabriel Method meditation CD every night for the past week. I am especially wanting some soft carrots right now but the thought is not overwhelming me.

    I am not hungry. Yesterday, I ate half a container of jello and felt full. Then, Nurse Gemma said I couldn't have jello and took it away. This morning, I had half a sorbet cup and again felt full and satisfied. I am trying not to get too excited but this might actually work! I have lost about 15 lbs to date.

    Friends, Tammy, Joom and Mary came to visit and brought me "dinner" which consisted of one Nik L Lip and one tiny Reese's cup. They told me not to eat it all at once. Ha Ha. We spent the next hour or so laughing about things too dastardly to post here.

    After they left, I talked to my sister, Barbara and we both hung up quickly so we could watch the new episode of Hoarders. It was one of the best ones, yet!

  11. I did it! The lapband has been successfully installed on my stomach. I feel fine, except for a sore throat because my mouth is dry. I got 5 incisions and I don't feel a thing except for a little pressure. The IV pain meds must be responsible for that. Everyone said I did excellent. Blog more later. Sleep now.

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