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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Electrawoman

  1. I took my son to have breakfast with Santa. Why did they have to serve pancakes? There are only 2 foods I am craving right now: pizza and pancakes.

    Anyway, my kiddo talked about santa all night, slept with santa all night and woke up soooo excited to see the big man. But when it got to be his turn, he froze. Poor child. I guess I understand. Santa is a hige celebrity to a 2 year old. To me, it would probably be like meeting Madonna. I might freeze up too.

    They are having a holiday meal at the Masonic Temple tonight so it will be another challenge for me. Cross your fingers that they will at least have some soup.

  2. I read them too and I am glad I did. You have to read them and think about yourself vs the person posting them. The ones that scared me the most were ones for whom the band "didn't work". Well, alot of them had one thing in common, they ate things they weren't supposed to--lots of slider foods like chocolate and ice cream, etc. Well, I am allergic to chocolate and don't eat much ice cream as it is so that didn't apply to me. I think it was BG who also explained to me that most folks who are doing well with their band don't hang out here. They are out living their lives and only stop by if they have a question. You will find a lot of the folks with problems here because they have questions and are looking for answers. Even with that, there are more positive than negative and I think you should be well informed before you get it. Dont let it scare you., Trust your heart and your gut. If you think you can handle all the things you have to do with the band and the benefits outweigh the risks, do it! If not, don't. My Daddy always says, "When in doubt, don't". There are risks for everything but what are risks for your health and lifestyle if you do nothing?

  3. Well, not really. That wouldn't make any sense. So why are we talking about her on LBT?

    LBT member, Pattygreen, has posted over 1600 posts on LBT, only a handful of those pertaining to the Lapband. I made the mistake of responding to one of her Sarah Palin posts with lists and lists of researched facts. What a waste of time.

    When she couldn't fight facts, she ran crying to a moderator who reprimanded me for calling her an ignorant fool in response to her hateful posts against our president, gays, and more. It is my opinion that zealotry has no place here, whether it is listed as "off topic" or not. She needs our prayers and sympathy before she does something crazy so I am asking those who read this to say a little prayer for pattygreen in the hopes that God will surround her with love that she can share with others instead of sharing hate and fear.

    In other news, I am please to report that I can see a difference in my body with each passing day. When I look down, I can see my boobs before I see my stomach. My clothes are loose and folks are starting to notice and make a big deal about it. It's nice but I hate being the center of attention so I wish they would just be quiet about it.

    I also started writing a fiction novel last night. It's going to be GOOD, ya'll!

  4. Little Miss Muffet

    Sat on a Tuffet

    Eating her curds and whey.

    Who hasn't asked the question, "What is curds and whey, anyway?" Well, today, I think I found out.

    I had the bright idea to mix protein powder with my cream of wheat. I dumped a scoop into my cereal while it cooked.

    It immediately clumped up so I grabbed a whisk and beat the crap out of it. Still lumpy, though not as much.

    It turns out that the protein powder actually cooked. It changed into a form similar to very rubbery egg whites. So my cream of wheat was full of these little rubber chewy curd-like balls. I do not recommend it.

    Now, I must find out what a Tuffet is.

  5. Im not really on mushys but cream of wheat, malt o meal, and oatmeal is on the list. That's what confused me about mushies. anyway, each doctor is different. I dont think I will ever understand the pre and post op diets! ha ha

  6. You can do it! Mine came really fast, too. I thought I would have months to mull it over. I was banded less than a month after my seminar. Now, only one week post op, I feel great and think it was the best decision I ever made.

    I have always felt that when things just "fall into place" there is a reason for it. It means you are doing what you should be doing in your life. So, go for it! The universe is behind you cheering you on.

  7. Wow! I just watched this documentary called Food Inc. It's much of the same info as the book, Fast Food Nation. I had tried to read the book in the past but just couldn't get into it. I am so glad they made this documentary.

    I am pretty informed about factory farming, especially where it concerns animals. I was a vegetarian for 13 years and did my share of pamphleting, protesting, and lobbying for animals but I really didn't know the extent of the Nation's food problem until I watched this documentary. It has changed me and will change the way I shop for food.

    Now that I am able to eat less food, I can afford to switch my family to whole, natural, locally-produced foods and that is what I am going to do. My husband is happily on board (rare since we usually disagree on "green-hippie" issues like this). He watched the film with me and is appalled at the state of our country's food processing methods.

    Watch it as soon as you can! It will change the way you look at food and what you learn from it could be a good companion to your healthy new lifestyle.

    Meanwhile, I had another good day with the band. For breakfast, I renewed my childhood love affair with Cream of Wheat. Man, that is good stuff. I added a little varietal (blueberry) honey to it and it was incredible. Later, I made chili for dinner and just ate some of the sauce. I am still having trouble getting all my water and protein, though.

    My Grandma stressed me out again today and for a second, I felt the old twinge to eat my feelings away. Instead, I just sat there feeling what I felt and then I felt better.

    I also had a ton of energy and felt like my old self. Since my car accident, I have not been able to do all the things I used to. My house stays messy because I can't keep up with it and it that been a constant source of guilt and anxiety for me especially now that I stay at home and feel it is my job to stay on top of this house. Today, I was able to do a lot of chores and chase after my kiddo and critters for 12+ hours. I even finished cleaning 3 rooms! That hasn't happened in 2 years when, before the accident, I could clean my entire house in a couple of hours.

    I am really really really happy that I got the band.

  8. Today is another high-stressor. MY kiddo is pushing my buttons today. He is just into EVERYTHING! ha ha

    We decorated the Yule tree last night and it looks beautiful! It's got a peacock theme. Of course the cats are trying hard to destroy it. We had 4 ornament casualties this morning.

    Anyway, I have to get some of that unflavored protein powder. I am neither getting enough protein or veggies in. Mostly, I am drinking and eating milk-based foods and that can't be good. Where can I get the powder without ordering it online?

  9. I ate a cookie today. Yeah, I am on liquids. Yeah, it broke down nice and smooth. I hate knowing now how easy it went down. It's impossible for me to turn down the cutest two-year-old on the planet when he hands me a pink frosted cookie and says "chuckie and mamma eat cookie wif each other" as he climbs into my lap. Those damned cookies shouldn't even be in this house but somebody stuffed them in my husband's hands as we left the party last night. He also scored half a chocolate cake which I am trying to pretend I don't know is in the kitchen pantry now.

    This shouldn't bother me too much. I am trying to break free of food, not continue to obsess over it in a brand new way. Ugh.

    In other strange news, I have a weird rash. I am not sensitive or allergic to any meds to date but I am wondering if it is from my pain medicine. I have taken hydrocodone in the past and never had a problem like this. I didn't take any today, though and the rash does not feel any better. It's just redness with itchiness..no bumps. I may have to call the doctor tomorrow to find out what's going on because it is way uncomfortable. Maybe I will try some Benadryl first.

    BTW, I ate that cookie slow slow slow and felt just as satisfied as if I had eaten an entire dozen. That is great news.

  10. 1. get some GasX strips and keep them with you.

    2. Dont be afraid to ask for pain meds

    3. make sure you have everything you need for post-op diet because you may not want to go out and get it afterwards

    4. If the hospital gives you a foam wedge pillow and you like it, ask if you can keep it. They usually throw them away after one use and sleeping on it will help with the gas/reflux issues you might have.

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