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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by stephaniel71

  1. I eat out all the time. Left overs are GREAT! The hardest part of the journey is the first 2-3 months. After that, it is just learning what you can and cannot eat. And keep in mind, that changes with every fill. But I still enjoy going out. I did however have to give up going out for breakfast...so we do brunch. I can't eat much for the first 2-3 hours after getting up.

    BEST decision I ever made for myself! I hope this post finds you doing well...POST OP!

  2. It is a difficult decision that you should make with your family and health care providers. yes, bypass is more invasive. However, based on what I have seen (3 of my aunts have had bypass), you drop the weight very quickly upfront. Now that may sound great, but that can be dangerous and cause other problems.

    I am 7 months out with my band. I have lost 52 pounds. All of that was in the first 4 1/2 months, when I believed all I could eat was 6-8 ounces of food. Then I learned I could eat more...ugh. I also have been tightened very slowly due to acid reflux. So I really wasn't getting the restriction until recently. I started at 278, so my journey isn't as long, but I wouldn't have done it any other way. I chose lapband because it was reversable, less invasive and the thought of my anatomy being changed physically didn't set right. But bottom line, talk with your family and your doctor. You are doing the right thing by taking your time.

  3. I see the PA every time. The only time I saw the doctor was when I was having an issue that the PA wasn't sure about. Then he came in to talk to me. Seems strange. They slice you open and then fade into the night.... lol.

  4. I am going to be blunt, but you didn't get this surgery to become bulimic. I am 8 months in and have lost 52 pounds. All of this was done in the first 5 months, been stalled for the last 3 months, because I learned how to eat around the band. Also, I had to be tightened very slowly because of acid reflux. As I get tighter, I am now just experiencing the need to vomit. But I know why...I am not eating the right things, I eat too fast and too much. I feel your pain, but you have to be honest with your doctor and get this straight. There are some VERY serious consequences to what you are doing. They are there to help you. Good luck.

  5. So for the past 2 1/2 weeks I was stalled and had been fighting with 2 pounds. I would lose it, then the next day it would be right back and I would have to lose it again. So frustrating. Then I noticed this horrifying thing...my eyebrows were thinning and falling out. WTF!!!

    So I started thinking what I was doing before that I wasn't doing now. The answer was being deligent about my protein. I was naive in thinking I could get my protein through food without drinking my daily shake. I would drink it maybe every other day or every 3rd day. It was because I didn't want to use up the calories. Wanted to save them for food. So I re-read my nutritionist info and reminded myself I need to be getting about 75 grams of protein. That task is impossible unless all you eat is protein all day. So for the past week, I have skipped my regular breakfast and instead I do a 12 ounce protein shake (about 50 grams protein & 260 calories) in the morning. I eat normally the rest of the day. This way I can easily get the remaining 25 grams and even exceed my quota. I have been doing this for about a week now and weighed this morning...to my delight I am down 3 pounds!!!

    All I can say is don't fight the process. We need our shakes. If you just start the day right, you don't have to worry the rest of the day. Your body NEEDS protein. So if your stalled, this might work for you too.

  6. Thanks for the encouragement. I am realizing it is all based on the way you want to live. I guess she is content with that life. I have to find what works for me. Mybandjourney2009 - I had 3 fills so far. I go every 4 weeks. 10 cc band with 4.5cc. I can say I am getting some of my restriction now since I posted this. So I am doing better with hunger. I have a feeling when I go back Feb 4, I should be at or close to my sweet spot. Keep up the good work all!

  7. So I went to my first support group at my doctors office. I was excited to actually talk with other people (in person) that have the band.

    I explained at group that this journey has been a lot harder at times then I thought it was going to be. I feel like there is lot more willpower involved than I anticipated (as I am getting hungry every 2-3 hours). I did learn a valuable lesson...they assured me it does get easier. I guess the golden "sweet spot" is truly the key. The point where the band works more for you rather than you for it??? The hunger I guess does go away...thank God. Can't wait!! I did get a big boost to my ego as everyone said I was doing great (38 pounds in 12 weeks). The counselor said that most of what I am doing is dieting. Yes the band is helping, but I needed to give myself a lot more credit. Most lapband patients lose most of there weight further down the road when they reach that 'sweet spot' rather than at the begining. So that part was great. However...

    The counselor that ran the group has had the band for 8 years. She is a 5 ft woman who has lost over 150 pounds and is at goal and maintaining. However the way she maintains is rediculous. She eats yogurt, protein shakes and cottage cheese 85% of the time. She is perfectly content with this life. She says she doesn't miss the food. Do I have to do this? Is this what my future holds? I realize because I don't have a lot of restriction right now, I can eat more then a cup of food. I know this will change, but will have to live like that?

    All of you out there that have reached goal and are maintaining, please give me some hope for the future. I can't see my life like this woman chooses to live. I am happy it works for her, but COME ON!!

  8. Well I had M&Ms last night for the first time since surgery. I know it was all mental. I have been struggling with some things at work and feeling a little overwhelmed. I couldn't get the thought of CHOCOLATE out of my head. I caved! A bit disappointed in myself, but life goes on. When will the mental hunger go away. I thought I had it under control, but i guess I don't quite yet. Don't know if that will ever go away. But needless to say, my stomach didn't like it much so I regretted it physically and mentally. Will be staying away again for awhile!

    The last 2 weeks I have been struggling with the same 2 pounds. I take it off, it comes back...ugh. I guess stress really has a lot to do with weight loss.

    Hope everyone is doing well into the New Year.

  9. So tonight has been a night I dreaded for many years. Where will I go, will I go, what will I wear? The pressure was rediculous. Of course all the skinny woman are dressed to kill on this special night. Well I don't feel intimidated anymore! Yes, I am still very overweight, but I feel better than I have felt in years. I feel confident and optimistic. I am going get all gussied up and I am going to a real New Years party tonight. No convincing myself it is ok to stay home, then cry over my 1/2 gallon of ice cream watching the ball drop. Those days are DEAD!

    I wish you all the confidence and determination to find your joy in this coming New Years. Don't let your weight control your actions for 1 more day!

    Happy New Years!:)

  10. Good luck with not weighing every day. 10 weeks and my scale and I have a date every morning around 8:30am...me naked, him scared as hell. LOL.

    Regarding week 2 and 3, don't sweat it. I gained 2 pounds during that time. Your body is adjusting to all the trauma and depletion. Once I got my nutrition back to normal (calories about 1000 and protein about 70g) I went right back to losing.

    Good luck. Doing great so far.

  11. The first couple weeks is for healing not necessarily for losing. I gained 2 pounds my second or third week, but once I started getting my calories and protein in (1000 calories and 60-75 g of protein) I have been losing a steady 2-3 pounds per week since. Down 36 pounds in 10 weeks. Your body is crazy the first few weeks. It has gone through a lot. 10 pounds is great. Just follow the rules and you will be successful!

  12. I am 10 weeks post op today and down 36 pounds. I have only told 3 people at work and these are the 3 people I really care about and consider my friends (my tier 1 co-workers) Unfortunately, now people are noticing the drastic change. And people are asking questions. I am facing the challenge of the the tier 2 co-workers. You know the ones, the ones you like, you would have a drink with after work, you might share some stuff, but they just don't quite make the tier 1 cut.

    Of course they are asking, what are you doing to lose the weight. Everyone wants to know the magic pill. Well basically I tell them I am working closely with my nutristionist and doctor...eating a lot of protein, eliminating bread, reducing sugar intake and cutting back drastically on my portions. ALL very true. Do I feel guilty with some of them...YES. But when they bridge the gap to Tier 1 co-workers, I'll tell them. Otherwise, not really their business.

  13. Well first of all, I weigh EVERY day! LOL. Just have to. I need to know I am doing the right thing. And sometimes I need that kick in the butt or just a pat on the back.

    Regarding the surgery, only you can decide. But I am SOOOO happy I did it. Yes you are doing FANTASTIC without it. But the challenge we all face is keeping it off. I have lost this horrible weight at least 2 times before. Each time, gaining back 10 or 20% more. We simply are food addicts. One bad stretch in our lives, we turn to food. And the slippery slope begins. At least that is what happens to me.

    I am confident now when i get the weight off it will keep me in check. I personally need that check. But that is me.

    Do some soul searching and be completely honest with yourself. I am sure you didn't get to be the size you are because you have great self control. NONE of us do. I had doubts before the surgery as well. I had doubts 2-3 weeks after the surgery, but today I can say I AM 100% happy with my choice. Do I wish I didn't have to have the surgery...absolutely. Is it challenging, yes. But so is everything else. That is a small price to pay for the feelings I have today! I am optimistic about life for the first time in a long time because I KNOW I will be successful now.

    This is a difficult decision and only you can make it. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best. Keep up the great work.

  14. My fiance and I went away for a 4 day trip to a casino...yeah you know the places. The ones with the endless buffets, endless cocktails....UGH! So after going to 2 Christmas parties in that week, we went away for 4 days. So mind you this was my bands worst nightmare.

    So did I go to the buffets, yes. Did I probably eat more than I should, yes. Did I eat things I shouldn't have, yes. Did I drink with my meals, yes. The only rule I kept to was no bread (out of fear alone). I will give myself credit that I didn't eat A LOT! I ate a little of everything I wanted to try. I didn't over do it to the point of being sick. I did try to listen to my body. But ohhhhhh the food was soooooo good. Why is eating bad food, so good. It's like why are we attracted to the bad boys.

    So I came home and thought let's get on the scale...to my suprise I was down 1 pound for the week. Mind you I have been losing about 2 1/2 - 3 pounds per week, but I was thrilled!!! I thought I really F*&KED up. But as i thought back over the week, I did have some restraint thanks to my band. I was a little disappointed with myself, but I hadn't broken a rule in 9 weeks...NOT ONE! I am sure if I didn't have this lovely band to remind me not to eat like a pig, I would have gained 3 pounds that week. Instead, I lost 1 pound. I am so happy I did this for myself. Now back to strict rules!!! I decided every 8 or 9 weeks, I can go a little nuts. I said a "LITTLE" nuts. I have to keep the demons at bay or this will all be for nothing.

    I am going to New Orleans in February...OH GOD HELP ME!!!:Dancing_wub:

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