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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by bashful1269

  1. It was good to be back to work today, I was busy but it was fun. I love my job!

    Food was much easier because I was working. It's my down time that I have a problem munching. I have an incredibly busy week planned for after work this week so I shouldn't have too much trouble sticking to the plan.

    I have my third fill on Thursday. I'm pretty excited about it, I'm hoping that it is the fill that gets me to the sweet spot! I have the dietitian appointment that day as well. I have a ton of questions for her. I really need to learn how to plan my meals out so that I don't have to think about what I want and so I don't grab just what's convenient. I try to make good choices most of the time but there have been times that if I had a plan in place I wouldn't have made the same choices. I'm hoping she can help with that.

    I changed my hair color while I was on vacation and got tons of compliments today. I'll have to post a pic sometime soon. . . Still hiding from the camera. LOL one day, I won't hide.

    Hope everyone had a great Monday!

  2. I made a huge pot of chicken noodle soup right before I started my preop diet. I gave the "goodies" to my friend and kept just the broth and used it during my preop...I think it's the only thing that helped me survive it.


    1 or 2 boneless skinless chicken breast

    1 lb bag of baby carrots cut into pieces

    2 Large ribs of celery

    1 medium size onion

    3 or 4 cloves of garlic chopped fine

    lawry's season salt to taste

    salt and pepper to taste

    6 to 8 boullion cubes


    Bring all of this to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until the onion is translucent, take out chicken and chop into bite size pieces, add back to the pan. Bring back to a boil, add noodles and cook according to package directions.

    It's YUMMY hope this helps. Good luck on your surgery let me know how you do.

  3. Well, vacation is over...POUT POUT!! I think it's actually going to be a good thing. I eat way too much when I'm home. I want to snack all day and that's BAD! I try to choose healthy snacks but found myself eating CHOCOLATE today, that's BAD BAD BAD!!! I am a sugar addict so, I know not to eat it.

    I did manage to lose five pounds this last two weeks!!!!! So, I'm not going to beat myself up over it. I did take my diabetes medicine just so my sugar didn't spike. I haven't had to take it since I had my surgery.

    I am really feeling the restriction in the mornings, I tried to eat cherry yogurt this morning and got stuck on a little piece of the cherry. It loosens up after about three hours and a glass of water, I'm wondering if it has something to do with being a little dehydrated from the overnight, without water.

    Friday night, Dave (my friend) and I took my roomies ten year old to the races with us. It was a BLAST he was in awe! It was fun watching his reactions to the wrecks. He was having so much fun, and Dave was having as much fun watching him as the races. Too fun!!!

    Yesterday was a quite day, I didn't do anything but SLEEP!!! I was good and went and worked out for about an hour and a half.

    I LOVE Wilson's gym they are great people and it's not the type of gym that you feel intimidated walking into. I'm going to take a cardio dance class on Tuesday night, that should be fun. I found my flirty girl workout video's so I'm going to start working out to them and to the biggest loser workout videos too. I have found that I really enjoy exercise. It's my time! I love the way it makes me feel and I try to do a wide variety of things so I don't get bored with it.

    Today I cleaned house, did laundry and I cooked dinner tonight for Larry, for those of you who haven't read my previous blogs, he's my ex- relationship without a relationship guy...Man it was HARD seeing him...He's the first person that I can honestly say that I have been truly in love with. I ended it a few months ago because I knew it wasn't going anywhere and I was going to end up getting hurt. My roomie invited him out for dinner, not sure if it was her idea or his. I of course cooked his favorite meal and we had a great time. It was a little tense... and I was right...I ended up getting hurt. I still after four months have very strong feelings for him. He was very complimentary of my weight loss, he hugged me and was like "WOW, you're getting skinny"....Pardon me for a moment....Jumping up...giving myself a high five! ...YAY ME!!!!!! :thumbup:

    Ok back now, sorry about that....

    It made me feel so good!

    That's about it for today. I think I'm going to work on a menu plan for next week. I need to start keeping better track of what I'm putting in my little tummy so I can start losing MORE!!!

  4. One year ago today my best friend April called me from the hospital and told me that she needed me...Alex (her four yearold son) was not going to make it...I called work and rushed to the University of Missouri, he was alive when I got there...I saw the change at about this time 10 am..The life in his eyes was gone, his body was being kept alive by the machines ...but he was gone...They tried everything in their power to save this little guy, but it was too late. It wasn't until 8:45 pm that his little body finally gave out. We were waiting for his grandma to get there, but he couldn't hold on..

    As I sit here today remembering my little buddy and that day I feel the lapband getting tighter and tighter with every tear I cry, I can't stop crying, I can't stop remembering his eyes...That lifeless look as he lay there hooked to all of those machines. The helplessness I felt for my friend this was not her first lost child, this was her second in less than five years...Serinity was 20 days old and Alex was 4 years and 4 months old...WHY??? WHY does GOD do this???

    I found a poem that I shared at Alex's funeral, it makes since it's just still hard to understand WHY>>>> For all of you who are mothers out there...Hold Your Children Close!

    God's Lent Child

    I'll lend you for a little while a child of mine, God said,

    For you to love him while he lives, and mourn for when he's dead.

    It may be four or five years,

    or forty-two or three;

    But will you, till I call him back, take good care of him for me?

    He'll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief,

    You'll have the lovely memories as a solace for your grief.

    I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return;

    But there are lessons taught below I want this child to learn.

    I've searched the whole world over, for teachers kind and true;

    And from the throngs that crowd life's lane I have chosen you...

    Now will you give him all your love? Nor think the labor pain?

    Nor hate me should the angels call, to take this child back again?

    To which the parents did reply...

    Dear Lord, Thy will be done.

    For all the joys thy child will bring, the risk of grief we'll run.

    We'll shelter him with tenderness,

    We'll love him while we may...

    for all the love this child will bring,

    forever grateful we will stay.

    But should the Angels call for him,

    much sooner than we've planned,

    We'll brave the bitter grief that comes,

    and try to understand.

    We had a grave side memorial today, April read a poem that she had written last night and I thought my heart was going to fall from my chest.

  5. I FEEL YOUR PAIN...it's tough I think we are in what they call bandster hell. It's tough because truly we can eat most anything, but know we shouldn't ...It makes me want to shout....HELLO captain obvious if I had will power I would not need the band!!!!

    Keep your chin up once we get enough fills it's supposed to be easier.

  6. There are times when I am not sure what kind of hunger I'm having. It seems that I am hungry most of the time. I've had two fills, after the last fill I was feeling pretty good and not hungry. Now, it seems that I am hungry all the time. I'm not sure if it's real hunger. I'm on vacation and staying at home since I don't really have the money to travel on this vacation. When I'm working I have set times to eat and don't think about food. Now that I'm home on vacation my roomy thinks I should cook for everyone and their dog...I love company and cooking, but it's tough for me because I want to taste everything I'm cooking. Then when it's time to eat I'm not really hungry and I eat anyway....BAD HABIT!! Roomie doesn't cook, she loves to brag on how good of a cook I am and that's why she's always inviting people (guys) over to eat.

    My question is this...how do I make myself stronger? How do I realize when it's head hunger, real hunger or habit hunger? I chew really good and it seems that everything goes down just fine...Am I just not restricted enough?

    Oh, update on Hot Greg...He now knows that I am interested...I was being bad text messaging back and forth earlier... I told him that I left HR Manager Stacy at work for a week. He told me I was allowed. He's SO HOT!!!! I know this is terrible to say, but it's my view point. The way that he dresses and just the way he presents himself he is a perfectionist, I am NOT, I feel it's more important to have fun and enjoy life than to keep an immaculate house. I don't think that I'm good enough for HG...Besides, he's talking about moving away. :redface: Oh well, if it's meant to be it will be.

    That's it for me tonight.

  7. Ugh, the flu is kicking my butt!!! I'm coughing a lot and I'm a little worried that it could cause my band to slip. I've read several post about people having coughing fits and their band slipping. It has only been six weeks or so since I've been banded. I'm hoping nothing bad happens.

    I've been able to eat the recommended amounts and stay full for three or four hours which is much better than what I was able to do.

    I ate steak for the first time tonight, it was wonderful! I had to cut it very thin and chew chew chew. I'm beginning to feel like a train...chew chew ...chewwwwww

  8. IT'S FINALLY DONE!! As any of you who have been reading my blogs know, I have been diligently working on flowers and decorations for a friends wedding. I'm so glad I'm done with that! It turned out awesome and she was extremely happy.

    NSV of the day, I wore a skirt to the wedding that my ex husband bought me about 15 years ago and I have never been able to wear it, he bought it about four sizes to small. (thanks honey) It FIT today!!!!! It was fun I had a friend tell me that it made me look really skinny!!!!! I will admit, it was a nice thing to hear~~ I'm starting to see a change, with this last fill and feeling the restriction, I'm hoping the number on the scale changes too.

    That's it for me, I have the flu and I'm headed to bed.

    Hope everyone in bandland is doing well, keep in touch!

  9. 30 pounds lost is good, just think of it this way...It's 30 pounds that are never going to be on your body again!!

    Not sure on the occasional left shoulder pain, I've read some post that people do have this for several months after surgery, I'm not sure why.

    Just had my second fill and can really tell the difference now, I must CHEW CHEW CHEW or end up paying the price.

    Hope the fill works for you!

  10. I know the feeling!! I had my second fill and I have definitely been reminded that my band is playing now. It's tough getting used to the new restriction. Like you I forget to chew and then end up running, to what feels like jail...It's a journey that's for sure!

  11. I slept in a recliner for the first four days. It HURT to lay down and the only way I could get comfortable was sitting mostly upright. It took about five days to feel half way normal again. Make sure you walk a lot it will help.

    As far as getting stuck on liquids...Did you have the lapband or realize band? If the lapband they now come with a partial fill and everyone that I've talked to has had to go into their surgeon to have the fluid removed because the swelling and the fill were just too much restriction. Don't hesitate to call your hot doc...that's what he's there for...besides it might just be a good reason to have to go see him again :smile2:

    Good luck!

  12. I went for my second fill today, I felt fine drinking the little bit of water that she gave me. I stopped and bought a bottle of water on the way home and drank a little bit, by the time I made it back to work, 40 minutes later (long drive) I felt ROUGH ROUGH ROUGH!! After about three hours I started feeling better and attempted to eat some white chili, after about four spoonfuls I was full!!!! YAY!!!! FINALLY!!! That feeling of fullness lasted well over four hours and a five mile bike ride. Went for dinner at a chinese restaurant and ate one crab rangoon and the broth of my egg drop soup and was full again. AMAZING, this is what I've been waiting for!

    I have to admit the prospect of getting stuck more easily makes me a little nervous, I know there have been times in the past when I have not chewed well enough. This fill, I'm going to have to be careful and chew chew chew. I'm still a member of the clean your plate club, I need to break that habit. I'm hoping with this fill, it will help me control that by that last bit syndrome where I'll really feel it if I over eat.

    Not much else to report tonight, I'm tired and heading to bed. With a special prayer of thanksgiving for finally feeling some restriction.:smile2:

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