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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Pearldrop in I hate protein shakes   
    I’m ok with Protein Shakes but sometimes I need something savory. My saving grace had been Bone Broth with some soy sauce, garlic and a few drops of sesame oil, I then add some non flavored Protein and then thicken it with some corn starch.
  2. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from EsoKev in Coffee   
    He’s why so many surgeons have different “rules”- a lot of docs infuse their opinions into their treatment as opposed to staying evidence based. Or they rely on older literature. I am an organ transplant coordinator and see this in critical care all all of the time.

    Caffeine is a mild diuretic. However the research shows that you absorb more liquid from the Water in the coffee than you urinate out. So yes. Water is better for hydration. However no amount of coffee will dehydrate you. It’s not possible.
  3. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from madscientistmommy in Any Diabetics? Learning new insulin dosages   
    Disclosure- I’m a long term paramedic who has treated thousands of diabetic emergencies. But I’m certainly not a GP or an Endo. Please consult yours.

    That being said, having your blood sugar slightly elevated (less than 200) for a little while while you titrate your meds isn’t a huge deal. Over time it does a lot of damage. Hypoglycemia however is immediately life threatening.

    So my best advice would be to consult your GP or in the mean time your surgeon and ask about stopping your your long acting and increasing your monitoring. Especially if you also are on orals.

    Wishing you all the best.
  4. Like
    MedicVSG reacted to YeahOkay31 in Loving the SUPPORT from my Husband!!   
    Aw, so glad he has been there for you! I always feel so bad when folks post about rotten spouses. This is hard enough as it is with someone in your corner.
    I was blessed with a supportive spouse too. He has been unbelievable, not only with me but with our two young kids. He is even trying new foods with me which he would have never touched before like zucchini noodles and riced cauliflower. I could have never done this without him.
  5. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Frustr8 in Loving the SUPPORT from my Husband!!   
    I’m just going to brag a bit. My wife had been an angel. And I’m kind of a pain in the butt as a patient.

    As relieved as I was to wake up post op to her I was even more reassured as I waited to be wheeled into Surgery that she’d be there afterwards.

    A good partner makes such a difference. Cheers to those that support us!
  6. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Frustr8 in Loving the SUPPORT from my Husband!!   
    I’m just going to brag a bit. My wife had been an angel. And I’m kind of a pain in the butt as a patient.

    As relieved as I was to wake up post op to her I was even more reassured as I waited to be wheeled into Surgery that she’d be there afterwards.

    A good partner makes such a difference. Cheers to those that support us!
  7. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Frustr8 in Loving the SUPPORT from my Husband!!   
    I’m just going to brag a bit. My wife had been an angel. And I’m kind of a pain in the butt as a patient.

    As relieved as I was to wake up post op to her I was even more reassured as I waited to be wheeled into Surgery that she’d be there afterwards.

    A good partner makes such a difference. Cheers to those that support us!
  8. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, Lock down the guys/gals rooms by gender!!   
    I have another perspective. My wife and I are going through this journey together and we both have read the other gender forums to get a feel for what support we each might need. That info is really valuable.

    Maybe just now allowing one to post in the opposite genders room.

    I do understand and respect the other perspective of course.
  9. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Pearldrop in I hate protein shakes   
    I’m ok with Protein Shakes but sometimes I need something savory. My saving grace had been Bone Broth with some soy sauce, garlic and a few drops of sesame oil, I then add some non flavored Protein and then thicken it with some corn starch.
  10. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, Lock down the guys/gals rooms by gender!!   
    I have another perspective. My wife and I are going through this journey together and we both have read the other gender forums to get a feel for what support we each might need. That info is really valuable.

    Maybe just now allowing one to post in the opposite genders room.

    I do understand and respect the other perspective of course.
  11. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Frustr8 in This is a pro choice topic, so please if this offends don’t read.   
    Wow so much heavy feels in this thread. Rucamama I’m glad you are on the other side of this and doing well! You are an incredible strong woman.
  12. Haha
    MedicVSG reacted to FluffyChix in Out With the Old--In With the New!   
    Day 13 Done! Take that world! (T minus 3 and counting! Woot!)
    Wow, yesterday was killer busy and today I'm paying the price with high pain levels. But hells, no time to stop! Gotta push through! I was hungrier yesterday and it felt like I was constantly eating/drinking. But the reality was I still came in at under 500 cals for the day. Let me repeat. I'm not intentionally trying to keep my calories low. My RD would prefer me to get in about 1000cals, and 50-60g of carb along with 80-100g of Protein. But my body doesn't like that much protein from Protein Drinks (causes leg and lymphedema arm swelling), and the only way for me to add carbs cals at this point is to add skim milk. But it gives me asthma.
    So if you're reading this (all 2 of you--and you know who you are ), don't spaz out thinking you gotta go as low as me. You most certainly don't! This is just where it falls with me getting in about 70-80g of protein and about 20g of carbs and super low fat. About 2 1/2 Premier Protein drinks a day, plus a couple cups of broth, a popsicle and some Jello.
    I was maybe hungrier, cuz I split my Protein Shakes up into 2 drinks each. I had either banana Joe Iced Protein coffee or Choco Banoffee Iced Protein Coffee all day yesterday. LOL. By last night, I was "sweetened" out and had to go for protein broth for dinner. It made a nice, if bland/boring break from the sweet.
    Today we're going to watch my sweet great niece cheer at a basketball tourny! So excited to see her and our niece! It's gonna be a test for me. Cuz we're taking them to lunch. Everyone will eat except me. I'm planning on having iced tea. I think I can do it.
    I can't believe it's been 13 days already. When this part began, I thought it was gonna take forevs and now in retrospect, the time feels like it's flown and it's hard to remember the pain of the first few days. I want to be sure to remember this phenomenon for surgery. I think the pain of surgery/recovery will be the same.
    (Oh, btw? I think it's safe for me to claim that I have officially lost an elephant's penis. And I've no idea where it went, but I really don't miss it. (elephant penis=60lbs) )
    Day 13 food Log:

  13. Like
    MedicVSG reacted to FluffyChix in Out With the Old--In With the New!   
    @ChaosUnlimited Thank you sweetie!! ((hugs)) Yeah, you know the hunger part isn't so bad (today--haha), but I definitely get you on the chewing part! But so far for a first day it's pretty tame I think? I can have milk, soy milk, or coconut milk (fat free, skim/unsweetened). I think for dinner I will make a shake as you suggest with Isopure bananas and cream powder, Peanut Butter powder and also 1/2c of Fairlife Fat Free and 1/2c of unsweetened vanilla SO Delicious coconut milk with ice cubes, then take a really long time to drink it. LOL. I'm stocked with broth, popsicles, and Jello for later if needed. I know that days 2&3 will be worse before it gets better though, so will just take it a day at a time. Right?!
    @kakatlady612 So sorry to read about your scheduling snafu!!! ((hugs)) I'm praying that they get it worked out for you quickly on Monday morning! I'll go check Feb. Bypassers after dinner hon! Hang in there. Please don't be sad. Gosh, there have been so many false starts and then stops on this journey, I think we all "get" to experience them.
    @Creekimp13 Thank you hon!!! ((hugs)) I am back on track for certain. And you know, to be honest, it wasn't as if yesterday was "super off track" by other people's definitions. LOL. I at maybe 10oz of BBQ from 11am to 6pm with green Beans as my side. No sauce, no sugar. So really, it was just the shear volume of calories from brisket and sausage. Lots of fat to be sure! hehe! MMMMMmmmmm fat! But today's been an easy-ish first day and hopefully tomorrow will be tolerable as well!
    I'm just actually excited and beyond nervous that my baser instincts won't screw up my golden shot at redemption.
  14. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Sunshineprincess in when did everyone first poop?   
    Same here I’m 6 days out. My Doc started me on ducolax. I’m also taking a Fiber supplement. Lots of gas passing and peeing just fine. Hitting all of my Water and Protein goals.

    I’m getting a touch concerned. Would appreciate your experiences.
  15. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Frustr8 in This is a pro choice topic, so please if this offends don’t read.   
    Wow so much heavy feels in this thread. Rucamama I’m glad you are on the other side of this and doing well! You are an incredible strong woman.
  16. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Hop_Scotch in Intimacy / mental health / pre-op thoughts   
    My wife and I discussed this before my WLS. To be frank I brought it up. She is a teacher and has seen people have WLS then often plastics and watched them “go crazy” with affairs and then divorce. From her perspective people seemed unused to the newfound physical attention from people and spiraled out of control.

    10 years age we had real challenges in our relationship with a close call with infidelity. I was really worried that my losing weight would make her afraid of me falling into the patterns above.

    I’m a week out and 30 down from my HW. I’m still a little worried about how this stressor will affect us. But I have OSA and high blood pressure on 3 Meds. My dad had a stroke at 50.

    I want to be around to see my children get married. So I’ll very mindful of
    My marriage. We have had a few really positive discussions about it and I’ve validated the concerns she didn’t really know to voice yet. But as much as I value my marriage I value my health more. I’ll be very careful to feed my marriage but I won’t continue to risk my heath because of the risk to my marriage.

    So that gets to the important point. I had surgery to save my life. That truly was and is the most important thing for me.
  17. Haha
    MedicVSG reacted to Frustr8 in Intimacy / mental health / pre-op thoughts   
    Especially because men tend to lose quicker and easier. All goes back to Mother Nature or whoever else you want to blame. The real answer is: females could be incubating,the next heneration, we are a little more important in the contnuation of the species. The male drops by, makes his little donation, then disappears to new,greener and more funner projects, like making war, blowing things up, setting things on fire, imprenating other females and whatever other mischief he can get into. Meanwhile we bake, nourish and grow the next generation until they are big enough to be born and the human race goes on.
    Now at 72 it is foolish to maintain this store of body fat and weight so I'm trying to get in shape for a weightectomy, honestly think,of would be easier to take a cold chisel to me and pry it off, but I'm told that doesn't work too well. So I'm trying to convince my body it wants to lose this weight off, it's usually peeved enough over the,prospect it's not speaking to me.
    Meanwhile I hear from others
    Push yourself away from the table
    Just exercise, lift weights. OMG I'm 72 with 2 shot knees, it's all I can do to lift ME
    Drink this magic drink- Eat this magic Food- shoot I never was any good at magic
    You are not committed, you don't WANT to lose weight!. Any more commitment I'll be in a rubber room cutting things out with a pair of blunt scissors.
    And THAT is just the way life goes!😜🌷😝
  18. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Not sure it's working   
    I’m 2 days out of my sleeve. And the head games are real.

    I find myself wanting to be hungry. It’s a really weird feeling. It’s also really strange to mix a Premier Protein with some espresso and have it last for 3 hours.

    I want to want to tear up a Chinese buffet. Or I want to want to eat a tomahawk ribeye. But I don’t want to.

    I don’t know if that makes sense. I’m also sore, thirsty and can’t sleep.

    Wish you well.
  19. Haha
    MedicVSG reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Shoot overdid it and angered my sleeve.   
    Yup, nothing like a good spanking to get you back in line Hope you feel better soon!
  20. Thanks
    MedicVSG reacted to Syntax_Attack in Shoot overdid it and angered my sleeve.   
    I am doing fairly well on my Water but my Protein intake is really falling behind. I had my procedure on monday and the past 2 days I was barely getting 20 grams of protein I should be getting 65 grams. But even getting all my liquid in is a challenge at this point. My doctor had me going to full liquids yesterday but no way am I feeling ready to even push it to thicker liquids at this point.
  21. Like
    MedicVSG reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Shoot overdid it and angered my sleeve.   
    Congrats on your surgery! Hope you're healing nicely! Focus on the Water, that's the A#1 goal right now. Increase the protein as you are able.
  22. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Not sure it's working   
    I’m 2 days out of my sleeve. And the head games are real.

    I find myself wanting to be hungry. It’s a really weird feeling. It’s also really strange to mix a Premier Protein with some espresso and have it last for 3 hours.

    I want to want to tear up a Chinese buffet. Or I want to want to eat a tomahawk ribeye. But I don’t want to.

    I don’t know if that makes sense. I’m also sore, thirsty and can’t sleep.

    Wish you well.
  23. Like
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Shoot overdid it and angered my sleeve.   
    Clear liquids 3 days then liquids for 3 weeks. My Dic basically said nothing thicker then a Premier Protein shake. So blended Soups are ok if they are thin.

    sugar free Jello high Protein jello is fine if I let it dissolve in my mouth before swallowing.

    So far I’m hitting my protein calories and Water goals. 100g protein, less than 600 cal and 64 oz water. So I got cocky. It was quite humbling.
  24. Haha
    MedicVSG got a reaction from Orchids&Dragons in Shoot overdid it and angered my sleeve.   
    Yikes Doc. Fat thumbs. Lol.
  25. Like
    MedicVSG reacted to maddysmommy in Side sleeper?   
    I was sleeved on Monday (5/21) I am also a side sleeper but that has been impossible. I have been sleeping on the recliner. It’s easier to get in and out of. Best of luck to you.

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