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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About PAstudent

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  • Birthday 05/27/1996

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  1. Really excited to have gotten back into jogging! I used to do cross country back in high school, but after putting on weight I found running difficult, painful, and that I was getting injured often. I'm in the middle of couch to 5k right now and I'm so amazed at how much easier and more pleasant jogging is! Can't wait to get faster, be able to run longer, and see the pounds/inches continue to come off :)

    1. Gen17


      It's the same for me! I love it. Go you!

    2. Newme17


      I’ve heard that program is great to start with. Keep it up!

  2. You may find this video helpful
  3. PAstudent

    Anyone in school?

    I'm a PA student so I'm guessing we have similar curriculums. I had surgery over the summer (the 9th of May) and started online classes 2 weeks after with no problem. A little over one month out I was feeling very much myself. I was a little weak and easily tired, but was able to go to summer classes and returned to work (I probably could have gone back to work around 2 weeks out, but I decided to take it slow). By 2 months post op I started going to the gym, got a personal trainer, and started low intensity cardio/ strength training. 3 months post op I was able to climb a 60 foot rock wall. When you say nursing school, is it all classroom stuff for you right now? If so, you'll have no problems. If you're doing clinicals, you'll definitely be able to do them after surgery, but I didn't find that I had the stamina for that much walking and standing until around 2 months post op. Everyone's recovery is different, but trust me: once the weight starts coming off, you'll likely have more energy than you started with
  4. PAstudent

    Protein Cookie?

    Those are the "net" carbs. Many people don't include fiber or sugar alcohols when counting carbs so they'll subtract the fiber and sugar alcohols from the total carbohydrates listed.
  5. You don't really have to count calories yet at this stage. Focus on staying hydrated and trying to meet your protein goals Calorie counting can start when you're on to solid food
  6. I'm 5 and a half months out and haven't vomited since the 1st week post op. I think being mindful of how fast you're eating, being aware of how you feel while eating, and measuring your portions will help prevent throwing up your food. Not to scare you, but the first 4 days post op were extremely difficult for me. I constantly had a bag or cup or something with me in case I needed to throw up (and even then it was mostly just dry heaving or foam). The nausea that I felt was primarily from the anesthesia, so if you've been under before, your previous experience may give you a good idea of what to expect. Things got better with time and as gas pains went away. If you'd like a more detailed picture of my 1st week post op, feel free to look at my profile Really, this surgery has been amazing for me and I wouldn't let a week of discomfort deter me from all of the positive outcomes I've seen
  7. PAstudent

    What are you eating

    Is stage 2 for you full liquids? At that point I was having protein shakes, sf pudding, jello, sugar free popsicles, crystal light drinks, bone broth, and strained soups. I tried to stick to the protein shakes and bone broth for the most part because they were my main source of protein at that time. Not the most fun stage, but I'm sure the pounds are just falling off of you at this point!
  8. PAstudent


    Sleeved 5.9.17 Size 18 at my highest 256 lbs at my highest
  9. I'm a fan of the taste of quest shakes, but they're just too thick for my preferences. In terms of feeling short changed, the powder may have settled since packing. It may weigh what the packaging says, but the powder settling will cause the powder's volume to decrease between the time they filled the container and when you opened it. In terms of measuring, volume isn't super accurate in the context of powders because you can pack them down very easily (changing their volumes)
  10. Had a few sips of my friend's sweet iced tea last night and felt SO sick for all of last night and most of this morning. Symptoms were consistent with dumping syndrome, but I was under the impression sleevers didn't get dumping syndrome because our pyloric valves are intact?

    1. Newme17


      Apparently 17% of Sleevers can....BUT, in my opinion, I think it can be your body's way of rejecting what it doesn't recognize anymore. Eating so good for so long and introducing something so sickly sweet or fatty, we will feel sick doing that. Hope you feel better hon.

    2. Apple1


      I can't eat super sweet anymore either. I hope you are feeling better today!

      It is a blessing in disguise though because it will help you resist any temptations for sweet junk.

    3. MowryRocks


      I think it is your body rejecting sugar. Happens to me too.

  11. PAstudent

    How bad are the scars ?

    Thank you! I think one of the funniest parts of losing has been that the weight doesn't all come off evenly at the same time, which threw me for a loop. So month 1: I lost 2 inches off my bust and 2 inches off my waist, month 2: I lost 3 inches off my hips, and month 3: I lost 1 inch off my waist I've just got to keep working at it and trust things will work out eventually Do you have a surgery date yet? I'm excited for you!
  12. PAstudent

    How bad are the scars ?

    I'm 3.5 months post op and mine don't bother me at all! I only have two, one vertical incision in my belly button where my stomach was pulled out and a small one in my upper right quadrant to move my liver out of the way. They're darker and slightly raised, but I think they'll fade a little over time. To be honest though, I wouldn't mind if people see them even if they don't fade away haha
  13. It varies from surgeon to surgeon. I had no lifting restrictions after surgery. My surgeon advertises that patients could run a marathon the day after surgery if they wanted to (they wouldn't feel like it, but they could lol). I had the McCarty minimally invasive sleeve (with only 2 incisions as opposed to like 5 though) so that may be why. Ultimately, you can feel out what your limits are (while staying within your surgeon's guidelines). For me, I was able to carry my 40 pound suitcase up the stairs at around 1.5 weeks out so I'd take a guess and think 25 pounds at 3 weeks out wouldn't give you any issues.
  14. PAstudent

    Always starving

    Ahh that makes a lot more sense! If you're still of pureed/soft foods, I can see them going down a lot easier and you being able to consume more of them. They're almost like slider foods in that sense. I remember at 4 weeks out I could easily consume 5 ounces of greek yogurt. Make sure you try to differentiate head hunger and real hunger! I think that's one of my biggest struggles right now.
  15. PAstudent

    Always starving

    8 ounces in one sitting definitely sounds like a lot for only 4 weeks out. I second the surgeon suggestion. Also, what does your exercise look like? I started hitting the gym starting at 2 weeks post op (4 or more times a week for up to 2 hours each time) and found that all of the physical exertion seriously upped my feelings of hunger. I've since lowered it to 2-3 times a week for an hour and a half or less and the hunger has gone down significantly. With all of the exercise, I was eating up to 1500 calories a day through constantly eating small portions (this was at only around 2 months out) and never really felt sated. Now, at 3 months, I can feel pretty good eating around 900 calories a day.

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