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    dlmacarthur got a reaction from emma4884 in For those sleeved on or around 7/29/15   
    I was sleeved on the 29th. I'm down 31 pounds, but only 14 of those since the actual surgery date, most was from pre-op. I have been +/- 1lb for the last 2 weeks with 0 movement on the scale. One day I finally dropped 2.5 pounds but then gained it back the next day. I know a stall is normal but I have been getting very depressed about how long mine has been going on and the fact I only lost 14 after surgery when so many people have been losing significantly more. Again, I know everyone is different and stalls are normal, but that doesn't make it any less difficult emotionally & mentally.
  2. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to soocalchic in Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!   
    I'm tallish I'm 5'8" I'm down to 182 from a high of 315 I think I'm at goal if I lost another 5 lbs I'd be ok too..

    These are my befores

    These are after
  3. Like
    dlmacarthur got a reaction from The Candidate in Just sleeved Wednesday 07/29   
    Hi all,
    I am 30 years old from the Pacific Northwest and was just sleeved on Wednesday. I don't have many people I feel comfortable discussing this all with so I'm hoping to make some support friends along the way? I'm new to this page so am not entirely sure how it all works but I'd love to chat with anyone going through a similar time process.
  4. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to penman53 in I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)   
    Here I am at my highest and my lowest let me know what you think. Starting weight 387 current weight 230. Just bought my first pair of 36 jeans down from a size 50. And still losing yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Like
    dlmacarthur got a reaction from Daveo in Another year alone   
    It doesn't work for most but I gotta tell you, my husband told me on our very first date that he was going to marry me someday. I rolled my eyes and blew him off. We just celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary in June. Love is unexpected. There is great advice here, but truth be told, loving yourself is the most important piece, the rest will come naturally. Focus on you. And while you may feel lonely, you have all of these people here rooting you on and here for you. Stay strong! ????
  6. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to Daveo in Another year alone   
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone, just got to work on me.
  7. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to dbfn in Another year alone   
    There's some good advice here ... just concentrate on being happy and living your life for yourself. When you're happy in yourself, that's when you are best equipped to be happy in a relationship. Funnily enough, after a run of bad relationships a few years back, I decided to focus on my son, my career and myself. And wouldn't you know it, a couple of months later I met a bloke and the rest, as they say, is history. Next March we'll have been married for 20 years and sure, there are times I'd happily trade him for a box of Valium, but we're pretty happy 99 percent of the time!
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    dlmacarthur reacted to laguerr13 in Another year alone   
    I never had trouble dating, but since I have been married to an amazingly hot woman for 8yrs, I can no longer as the the kids say "be a playa" so I'm gonna give you my secret, I saw your pic and there is nothing wrong with you, so as funny as it sounds at first listen carefully: always use the 3 rules,
    No. 1 women, even beautiful ones, are just as insecure as men most of the time, they want a (not need) guy who always comes through for them even when they are at their worst.
    No. 2 always carry yourself with confidence (not cocky) and tell yourself that YOU can date anyone you want, and it's your choice.
    No. 3 unfortunately because it's primal and most women never even know they are doing it, they can smell
    INSECURITY!!!! , wear nice clothes, deodorant and a very light "woodsy" cologne, it throws their scent scanner off, and always smile no matter what.
    I hope that was funny and made you laugh, but believe it or not most of it is true, unless your gonna be a moron and ask a woman to go to bed with you the first time you meet her, in which case it may be followed by a bloody nose or damage inflicted with a swift kick to your "Boys" then the worst she can say is "no"or "no thanks" but you gotta try, regret is the worst thing to remember on your death bed when your old...... Try it!!!!
  9. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to caligul in Rag Doll!   
    So apparently my husband is more excited than me about my 80lb weight loss. ... everytime I turn around he's picking me up and throwing me over his shoulders! !! Once upon a time I could use my weight when playing around with him. ... not anymore. ..I'm going to have to really do some major strength training!
    ~HW 321 lbs
    ~Surgery Date: 6/2/15
    ~SW:288 lbs
    ~CW 241 lbs
  10. Like
    dlmacarthur got a reaction from LessOfMe0503 in Pain, pain, PAIN!   
    I was certain the pain wouldn't end either but honestly, my nurse said it best, every 24 hours that passes is a new day and a new you. It sounds so cheesy but it's true. Every day you'll feel just a little bit better. I didn't feel even semi-normal until about 5 days post op. I'm now 11 days out and I'm still sore and tired but so much better. I was also told not to focus/worry so much about the food, it's most important to make sure you're getting your fluids in because that's what's going to make the big difference on pain level, fatigue, etc.
    Best of luck.
  11. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to Elode in What's your "weight loss pet peeve?"   
    First let me start off by saying I'm am a pretty happy and content girl these days. I'm thrilled with my progress thus far. I wouldn't change not even one thing! Not the good, the bad or the ugly (barium swallow test still ranks pretty ugly, I know simple yet traumatizing all the same) but I've noticed there are a few things that just really drive me crazy. Like, my Aunt who has also had WLS (gastric bypass almost 10 yrs ago). She has gained most all of her weight back. She insist that I send her update pictures via FB messenger and raves about how happy she is for me but then turns around and sends me a picture of a fruit pizza she made with the caption "yummy I bet you wish you had some". What the crap is that?! Is it suppose to be funny? Being as I'm a southern Christian woman and she's my aunt I don't elaborate on where she could fit that pie in her nether regions. I just say oh looks good. Puke. Also my lovely family (kids and husband) always make little remarks like "she's not going to be able to eat more that 5 bites" when ever I talk about cooking something or they make bets on how much I'm going to actually eat. Now, when it comes to them I know they aren't doing it in a mean spirited way they are just a bunch of smart a**'s which unfortunately I can't get too mad over because they got it from me. In fact the other night I had a small piece of tiramisu cake left and I heard them whispering about how they would end up with it because " mom won't be able to eat it all" so after a few bites they were right I couldn't so before they could say anything about wanting it I tossed it on the floor for the dog (see where the a** part comes in?) anyway those things are a few of my pet peeves I've acquired over the last 9 months. Anyone else care to elaborate on some of your own?
  12. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to Jasmine Smith in Post Op Day 4- First Emotional Break of Sorts   
    I know exactly how you feel!!! I'm 12 days post op and the mental aspect is starting to set in, but not for long!!!Hunni what we did is well worth it and will pay off!!! I'm down 21 pounds in 12 days!!! Hang in there!!! We are gonna get through this rough patch? ???????????
  13. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to pink dahlia in Feelings of guilt and failure   
    Missy5099, 1st off congratulations for putting yourself and your health first ! 2nd , there is no need to feel "guilty" for taking an extra step to get a healthy lifestyle. As I've said in the past, I've had Lasik eye surgery when glasses or contacts didn't work anymore, sinus surgery to fix a broken nose , and dental surgery for impacted wisdom teeth. Nobody in their right mind would expect me to "fix" those problems myself. Same with WLS, you are simply doing something to get your body healthy that your body cant do
    by itself. If anyone says you " took the easy way out "( and a lot of people hear that comment ) ask that person if they have ever visited a Dr. or Denist for any reason . Why didn't they "fix" the problem themselves ? Because the human body is not perfect, and sometimes you need medical help to get healthy again . That is all. ( As you can probably tell, I have ZERO guilt , Im too busy living my happy life with a strong, healthy body ! ) Good luck !!!
  14. Like
    dlmacarthur got a reaction from LessOfMe0503 in Pain, pain, PAIN!   
    I was certain the pain wouldn't end either but honestly, my nurse said it best, every 24 hours that passes is a new day and a new you. It sounds so cheesy but it's true. Every day you'll feel just a little bit better. I didn't feel even semi-normal until about 5 days post op. I'm now 11 days out and I'm still sore and tired but so much better. I was also told not to focus/worry so much about the food, it's most important to make sure you're getting your fluids in because that's what's going to make the big difference on pain level, fatigue, etc.
    Best of luck.
  15. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to JustWatchMe in Feelings of guilt and failure   
    You are not alone feeling this way. But let me tell you. Six months to a year from now post op, you will be amazed at your transformation. Health and attitude will have changed 180 degrees. You will be able to and want to walk and move your body. I joined a frickin gym! Me! On purpose!
    Please let go of the guilt. WLS saved my LIFE. I work my ass off now trying to lose my last fifty pounds. The LapBand made the first hundred down comparatively easy.
    WLS operates on the stomach, not the brain. There is so much more work to do besides putting the fork down.
    But until my WLS helped me put that fork down, nothing happened. I was trapped in a living death. My surgery was simply the first step in a chain of events that is changing my life.
  16. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to Sharon1964 in Eat what you want, eat until you're full, and still lose weight? Sign me up b*tches.   
    At the risk of a trainwreck, I'm going to use a phrase I used recently...
    "beg your pardon?"
  17. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to KindaFamiliar in Stop it!   
    So, I've just logged onto the computer at work and checked my emails...
    84 Bariatric Pal notifications, a lot of them for this thread.
    I've said it before and I'll say it again...
    Love to all(?)..
  18. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to OneDollarBill in Stop it!   
    This thread is pure magic

  19. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to Elode in What am I missing ?   
    @@Dub I show mine, it's right there on my profile when you look at it. I don't normally post a picture with every post though. Some might find that conceded lol! Kidding but if people ask I will post. I show the good and bad, heck I just displayed my old women belly on a post that went a trending! Here let me find some....there you go. Some of those fat girl pictures are pretty embarrassing! I'm just thankful I stopped the beating of the ugly stick! Very Italian

  20. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to gowalking in What am I missing ?   
    Here you go Dub. I post some of these before/after pics every once in a while but am happy to do so again. As far as why some do and some don't..it could be as simple as not knowing how to upload pictures to something as serious as body dysmorphia. Or..they could be trolls....
    Oh..and it's OK to tell me you don't recognize that I'm the same person in both photos. Believe me...I know it's me in both pictures...but it's certainly not the same person. I'm a new and improved version for sure.

  21. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to KDM74 in 9 weeks post-op - lost 50 lbs!   
    I am 9 weeks out and have dropped 50 lbs and 2 pant sizes! I feel the difference and it is wonderful. I can see the difference in my face, but maybe not so much the rest of my body yet (at least in these photos). I picked up my 30 lb niece the other day and could not believe I used to have more than one and a half of her on me all the time. So excited that the numbers just keep going down. I am walking my first ever 5k next week and am so proud of myself so all I have achieved so far! Best decision ever!
    ​Before WLS (gray) & Today (pink)
  22. Like
    dlmacarthur got a reaction from tcon in Any July 30th dates?   
    I was sleeved on the 29th and I still have considerable pain and swelling myself. It seems to be a little bit better each day but It does seem the more I'm up, the more sore/tired I am that day but the next day I feel more energized and better if that makes sense. Today was the first day I finally hit the 300 cal mark with foods but I'm still having a hard time with that. I had to start setting a timer to remind me to eat.
  23. Like
    dlmacarthur reacted to Elode in I know this is a crazy question...   
    One of the main reasons why you can't wear a bra besides it being in the way is because a lot of bras have metal in them, if God forbid something were to happen where you were to need a defibrillator used to restart your heart you would NOT want any metal on your body while being shocked. You would get fried. Trust me nobody is going to give a second thought to what you look like, we healthcare professionals see so much on a daily basis it's not even worth mentioning, unless you come in the ER with a foreign object shoved up your butt....we will laugh at you behind your back and then keep it moving good luck on your surgery!!!
  24. Like
    dlmacarthur got a reaction from The Candidate in Just sleeved Wednesday 07/29   
    Hi all,
    I am 30 years old from the Pacific Northwest and was just sleeved on Wednesday. I don't have many people I feel comfortable discussing this all with so I'm hoping to make some support friends along the way? I'm new to this page so am not entirely sure how it all works but I'd love to chat with anyone going through a similar time process.
  25. Like
    dlmacarthur got a reaction from Risabe in Surgery Wednesday still in pain?   
    Thank you all for the feedback. It's definitely helping me not panic so much.

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