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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from blondebomb in Am I going through STARVATION MODE?!   
    @@aubrey222 -- I agree, a lot of the first week or two feels like rehab. I'm a recovering alcoholic (sober 14-1/2 years) and as I was going through the pre-op classes I could see that a lot of what they were teaching felt very similar to the first months of sobriety, and I use a lot of those same tools I learned when first sober now that I am newly sleeved (just under 2 months out). In AA we ask what has to change -- EVERYTHING and nothing. The point is we still have to live our lives. We have to get up, go to work, shower, take care of the family, all that. But now we have to take care of ourselves. This is MY responsibility, just like staying sober was (is). Just like it would be dumb to drink to punish a perceived slight from someone (what we called "drink at them"), it would be dumb to "eat at them" too -- I'm only hurting me.
    I don't really know where this came from this morning, lolol -- I just took the thread topic and turned it all inside out.
  2. Like
    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from blondebomb in Am I going through STARVATION MODE?!   
    @@aubrey222 -- I agree, a lot of the first week or two feels like rehab. I'm a recovering alcoholic (sober 14-1/2 years) and as I was going through the pre-op classes I could see that a lot of what they were teaching felt very similar to the first months of sobriety, and I use a lot of those same tools I learned when first sober now that I am newly sleeved (just under 2 months out). In AA we ask what has to change -- EVERYTHING and nothing. The point is we still have to live our lives. We have to get up, go to work, shower, take care of the family, all that. But now we have to take care of ourselves. This is MY responsibility, just like staying sober was (is). Just like it would be dumb to drink to punish a perceived slight from someone (what we called "drink at them"), it would be dumb to "eat at them" too -- I'm only hurting me.
    I don't really know where this came from this morning, lolol -- I just took the thread topic and turned it all inside out.
  3. Like
    LisaPunkinHead reacted to UK Cathy in BMI rant   
    I have posted this many times before but you might not have seen it. It takes age into consideration too. Hope it helps
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to Healthy_life2 in OUT OF CONTROL! HELP   
    The only person that has to be happy with your results is you.
    We all have stressful lives. Its all a choice of what you want out of this and if you are willing and ready to put the hard work in. Making changes of how you handle stress is a good place to start. Instead of stress/emotional eating choose an activity to replace that behavior. You mentioned you have never worked out. Maybe its time to try it. Its an excellent way to release stress. Walking and advancing to what ever activity works for you.
    Wishing you the best,
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to Stephanie Stroup McIntosh in When will I learn to eat slowly?!?   
    Really chew your foods. My surgeon says to chew each bite 30 times. That alone will make it that you aren't swallowing too quickly. Also use smaller utensils to take smaller bites.
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    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from blondebomb in Am I going through STARVATION MODE?!   
    @@aubrey222 -- I agree, a lot of the first week or two feels like rehab. I'm a recovering alcoholic (sober 14-1/2 years) and as I was going through the pre-op classes I could see that a lot of what they were teaching felt very similar to the first months of sobriety, and I use a lot of those same tools I learned when first sober now that I am newly sleeved (just under 2 months out). In AA we ask what has to change -- EVERYTHING and nothing. The point is we still have to live our lives. We have to get up, go to work, shower, take care of the family, all that. But now we have to take care of ourselves. This is MY responsibility, just like staying sober was (is). Just like it would be dumb to drink to punish a perceived slight from someone (what we called "drink at them"), it would be dumb to "eat at them" too -- I'm only hurting me.
    I don't really know where this came from this morning, lolol -- I just took the thread topic and turned it all inside out.
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to purrfctangel in Am I going through STARVATION MODE?!   
    I'm scrolling past all the drama but one phrase stood out - previous diet mentality, expecting to fail. Wow. This is what I've totally been feeling. Thanks!
    Taking what i need and leaving the rest. In the end this is all advice based on what we have experienced and if you have genuine concerns, you should be calling your Dr or Nut for what to do.
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to jinxxy5 in Living below goal!   
    Hey all! I haven't posted since the very early days out...I was sleeved on 10/2/13 at 273 pounds. I reached goal in 9.5 months which was 159 pounds which would put me at a normal bmi. At about 8 months post op I started running. That was a game changer! I have since completed a triathlon, a 5k, 2 10ks, 4 half marathons, and on January 25th, 2015 I became a marathoner! I went on to lose and additional 20 pounds and I've been maintaining 20 pounds below goal ever since. From a size 22/24 to a size 2/4. I eat clean and train hard! I am really living my best life now!
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to BLERDgirl in 2 Days Post Open Severe Nausea   
    Having worked in an ER, I can tell you this is not uncommon. She was not in any breathing distress and she wasn't bleeding or dying. Unless her doctor called ahead and told the ER to expect her, she's gonna wait.
    If you speak with her doctor and they say there's is nothing physically wrong with her, she's gonna have to start to help herself. That means at the very least taking the pain meds no matter how nasty they are. If she can't drink, try ice chips. Laying there doing nothing is going to make her dehydrated and ill. I realize people have different pain thresholds, and this is your baby, but she's got to help herself.
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    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Sunnybaby in Biggest surprise/regrets after surgery?   
    @ -- it must be something about Dr. Khayat's technique, because he removed my sweet tooth too!!! I had S/F chocolate pudding all ready for my full liquid stage, and took one bite and BLEAH.
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to JamieLogical in really struggling   
    I think everyone goes through a period like what you are experiencing. At some point, the weight of the permanence of the surgery sets in. You realize that your relationship with food can never be the same. And when you are used to turning to food for comfort and that's the one thing you CAN'T do anymore, it makes it all the harder. It was tough tough for me probably into my 4th or 5th month to fully wrap my head around it. In those early days of solid foods, I even tried to eat my old comfort foods and was disappointed and frustrated because I couldn't eat enough of them to feel satisfied. I couldn't achieve that old feeling of comfort just eating one or two slices of pizza the way I did when I could eat an entire pizza. Eventually my body and brain both caught onto the fact that food just couldn't be my source of comfort anymore and I really don't crave those old foods anymore. Though, I assure you that you CAN eat pizza and wings again eventually. You just may not enjoy them the way you remember, which is a little sad, but really worth it in the long run when you think about the happy and healthy and full life you have ahead of you.
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    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Chrystee in Am I going through STARVATION MODE?!   
    I have read several articles that talk about starvation mode is a myth -- it was based on a study of guys in Minnesota or Montana or some place really cold. BUT -- I agree, work on that protein! And don't let the head hunger get you down - we all have been through it!
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to LipstickLady in Silly question   
    My answer. A lot. Then I smile and change the subject.
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to Sunnybaby in Biggest surprise/regrets after surgery?   
    I have no regrets whatsoever about having surgery but I was surprised how much my tastes changed. I used to LOVE the sweets. Any type of sweet. Now I can't stand it, not at all. I think I was also surprised because I had it in my head that this was going to be an easy journey.....it is not by any means easy. There is a lot of hard work involved and I have had to really stay on top of things.
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to roundisashape in Biggest surprise/regrets after surgery?   
    The biggest unpleasant surprise was the Masonry Poops - I actually do seem to shit bricks. I'm in the "add Fiber and colace" part of trying to get a fissure to go away now. Don't take it lightly when your doctors suggest that you have stuff on hand for post-op for whatever might end up coming out (or not coming out, as the case may be). Use it liberally. Add Fiber. Drink lots. Complain often, lol.
    The BEST surprise was how fast all those obesity related aches and pains started going away. My legs and feet stopped aching within a couple of weeks. No more back pain, stairs aren't as much of an issue as they were the FIRST time I was this weight (and I'm still really large), etc.
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to Quest4TheNewMe in Biggest surprise/regrets after surgery?   
    Sorry, I don't know how to tag you from my phone.
    It was a family friend who has kids my age and he was saying things like:
    "Where'd you leave the other half of you?"
    "Day-um!!!" (damn)
    "You look GOOD!"
    "You look amazing!!"
    I also had one of the male Directors at work come into my office and ask "what's with the transformation", that he saw me and wasn't even sure that it was me. That I don't look anything like I did before. He just kept going on and on.
    I weigh right now what I did when I was 15 yrs old. I have lost almost 100 lbs. I get that it's significant and that I look good, but I wish people could just comment that I'm looking good and leave it at that. I'm tired of the continual comments and need to ask me a bunch of questions. Or the people that I see frequently that feel the need to comment every time. And those who ask how much I've lost (she's just catty and competitive). I'm just over it and ready for people to move on.
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to CheleLynn45 in Biggest surprise/regrets after surgery?   
    I would have to say that my biggest surprise would have to be my recovery. Short of one day where I tried a new shake and it didn't agree with me. my recovery went way smoother and easier than I thought it would. I am such a big baby when it comes to be being uncomfortable or in pain. Even my family was surprised at how well I did. YEAH ME!! LOL
    My biggest regret would definitely be not doing it sooner. I had gone to a WLS about 5 years ago and ran out of it early thinking this is not for me, I don't need this. Now knowing what I know now, I really really wish I had stayed and did it then. But hey better now than never.
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to timetotakeitoff in Salad   
    I'm just happy I never have to try to impress someone by ordering a salad ever again, LOL. Never really liked the taste of lettuce and for the dressing calories I'd just as soon have chicken!
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to skinnybitchgoals in Salad   
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    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Bonawanabfree in Not losing anything? ?   
    Welcome to the three-week stall!
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    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from BLERDgirl in Salad   
    I can handle about 1/2 cup of green salad.
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    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Bonawanabfree in Not losing anything? ?   
    Welcome to the three-week stall!
  23. Like
    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Bonawanabfree in Not losing anything? ?   
    Welcome to the three-week stall!
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    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from BLERDgirl in How much Yogurt - post op?   
    I could get in about 2 ounces at a time in that phase (1/4 cup)
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to paddrick in Today is the day   
    I have to be at the hospital at 6:15. Aside freezing right now I'm pretty good. Nervous, but that's expected.
    Here's to the new me!!!!!

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