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Mz. NuNu

Pre Op
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Fallinstar in Finished my 6 months, waiting on acceptance. Any Bowling Green, KY People?   
    I did my last dietary yesterday. They were going to turn it into insurance today. Said it takes about a week. Oh the wait.....Is there anyone on here from or around the Bowling Green, Kentucky area??? I haven't been able to locate anyone. Would like to have a buddy.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Proud2BMe in Disappointed insurance denied   
    Fight it or go the self-pay route. If you decide to fight it then just know the battle can rage months to years without any progress. If you chose the self-pay option I would recommend Tijuana. Many people go to Mexico because it's far cheaper at about $4,500, including hotel.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to peki31 in PRE OP DIET SUCKS!   
    Thankfully my pre-op diet is only two days of clear fluids. So that's today and tomorrow, then surgery on Friday morning. I've been drinking Isopure, Water and Powerade Zero. I feel like I will float away from so much Fluid. I'm not really hungry, but I really missed my coffee this morning. Maybe this time of year wasn't the best time to get surgery..lol. We are getting yummy baskets of food almost every day at work.
    We pushed our holiday party to yesterday so I could be a part of it, so that was awesome. I am really looking forward to the feeling of being full easily . So excited and nervous.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to jmrondo in PRE OP DIET SUCKS!   
    I did my two weeks and surgery was supposed to be today! After day 5 my cravings went away for the most part! However Monday I received a call that they had to move my surgery to next Friday. Which means 2 more weeks of preop. Needless to say 3 Protein Shakes, 2 jellos, 2 salads and 2 c of chicken broth are my friend- for 4 whole weeks :-(! I am actually to the point that I am not eating the "filler" items. Sticking to the Protein shakes and water! It's not nearly as bad as I thought. Christmas parties have been hard- and mostly avoided. Cheers to 9 more days of protein shakes!!
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to MrsMurky721 in PRE OP DIET SUCKS!   
    Oh my gosh tell me about it! It really does suck! And I work as a manager/cook in an Italian joint. The smell of pizza as your brush garlic butter on the crust.. heavenly D: This is my 12th day of pre-op dieting (surgery is in 2 days!!! AHHHH!!!!) and it has gotten easier but I was tempted soooo bad when I opened the fridge to get milk for my Protein shake last night and there were meatloaf and brownies hanging out. Just calling my name. But I was a good girl and had my Protein.
    One of the only ways I've been able to stay on track is by thinking about how awful it would be to wake up and the surgery not be done because my liver was too big.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Elode in PRE OP DIET SUCKS!   
    Lol!! No!!! You LOVE your pre-op diet because it means there's a New you waiting just around the corner! Those brownies and Cookies are gross and they stink because they are little devils in disguises just waiting to attack your hip, butt, ect whatever! You don't want no stinkin baked "goods!"! ; )-
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to ShannonbKSU in PRE OP DIET SUCKS!   
    gotta keep repeating that to myself! lol
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to KMendez325 in PRE OP DIET SUCKS!   
    I'm going through it too sista! Nothing tastes as great as thin feels
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to ShannonbKSU in PRE OP DIET SUCKS!   
    I need a whining moment here. I'm hungry. I want to chew food. And, I work in a school and our home ec teacher has made caramel brownies, oatmeal and Peanut Butter Cookies for everyone already today because she "loves the smell of baking" around Christmas. UGHHHHHHH! I ate a sugar free popsicle....wasn't really the same lol
    Ok rant over
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to BLERDgirl in Disappointed insurance denied   
    I agree with everyone else . APPEAL Always exhaust every option to appeal. Meanwhile don't give up hope. Stay with the good eating habits you've learned.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Soontobeskinnyme in Disappointed insurance denied   
    I would appeal, I've read on here that there's a company who will support you in the appeal process, good luck to you, I wish you all the best.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Toodie1974 in Disappointed insurance denied   
    That sounds like a bunch of bs....appeal, appeal appeal!!!!
  13. Like
    Mz. NuNu reacted to ProudGrammy in Disappointed insurance denied   
    @@Mz. NuNu
    i have heard of OP appealing 2 and 3 times, finally getting approved
    don't throw the towel in at this early stage
    here is my "little" insurance story 101
    i was told by my surgeons office i had been approved!!
    I took what the doctors office said was the final word
    i "thought" everything was fine
    had uneventful surgery, easy recovery et al - GOAL
    2 years AFTER surgery i received a bill for $22,000.00
    yes - i said after 2 years!!!
    turns out both my primary and secondary insurance denied me
    i do take some responsibility
    i should have asked insurance for written approval
    after i couldn't get anywhere with my primary insurance about the denial
    called BCBS my secondary ins
    it took many months of "discussion"
    finally got the approval on the phone
    i was elated!!!! but.........
    i requested and received a formal letter with a copy of my bill
    on the bill, big word stamped
    that's my story and i'm sticking to it!!!
    don't take this news sitting down
    get moving
    i wish you the best of luck
  14. Like
    Mz. NuNu reacted to Elode in Disappointed insurance denied   
    Appeal! That sounds like crap to me!
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Miss Mac in Disappointed insurance denied   
    Oh, crud. Well, while you are deciding how to proceed, you can do what the rest of us have to do on our pre-op diets........you know the drill. Lots of Protein, some veg, a little fruit, limited starchy carbs. Don't become part of the couch. Drink Water until your eyeballs float. So, if that door has been closed, come in through the window.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Ladiec2 in Disappointed insurance denied   
    Sorry to hear that. Is it anything your doctor can do to appeal? I'm so worried that I'll end up in the same boat when my paperwork gets submitted. Hopefully something can be done or maybe consider going to Mexico. My twin sister's insurance doesn't cover the surgery so she's heading to Mexico next week. Hope things work out for you if they can appeal.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to wannaBthinsoon in Eating Mcdonalds, twinkles, 64 oz cokes, smoking, binge drinking, and knocked up 2 weeks post op!   
    OMG!! lol I was almost screaming STOP!! You're going to kill yourself!! Then I read the rest of it. whew! nearly called 911 on your a$$!! lol
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to bellabloom in Eating Mcdonalds, twinkles, 64 oz cokes, smoking, binge drinking, and knocked up 2 weeks post op!   
    I thought this surgery was going to change my life. Instead I feel worse than ever. I never even drank soda before this and now I guzzle it down all day long! Before surgery I stocked my cupboards with all the junk foods I wanted to eat as a last hurrah and I thought I would have no problem with it after the surgery! But the hurrah just keeps going! I ate an entire plate of cookie dough last night before bed.
    Now all I can do Is eat candy and burgers, go out dancing and have one night stands. I just found out I'm pregnant from the last one I had the week after surgery! I still had my stitches in and we got it on all night and snorted some #%##% and order room service - pancakes!!!
    I just stretch my pouch and then I throw it all up after to I can eat some more. It's crazy! And I never smoked before but since the first cigarette tasted so good and that nicotine buzz feels amazing, I just chain smoke now. I might even try some other drugs, I never knew they were so fun!
    I think the surgery did something to my brain. All I want to do is have sex and eat junk food, my husband doesn't even know. He thinks I'm at work! And now I'm pregnant and he has a vasectomy so boy am I in trouble.
    My favorite thing to do is lay in my hotel bed and dribble maple Syrup into my mouth and post on bariatric pal about my fiendish bad girl behavior.
    Do you think the surgery changed my brain? Before this I was a straight laced schoolteacher with five kids and a pastors wife to boot!
    Just kidding. Thought you all might need a laugh. I'm totally committed to my journey and all of us seem to be doing amazing, and I am very thankful tonight to have this great supportive board of people to talk to. Happy Thanksgiving.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to filmgal in Help!   
    Sandy ...you ate too much, too fast and too soon. You need to stick to pureed foods for a lot longer than two days. Speaking from painful experience. Sounds awful, but you can puree tuna salad. Take it SLOWWWW. I had a lap band and now a RNY bypass. I speak from long experience.
    To help now try a hot cup of chamomile, Or some no caffeine tea. Sip slowly it can clear and soothe an irritated pouch-tube, etc. Just take your time.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Djmohr in I'm only allowed 1/4 C of food per meal, how about you?   
    I am almost 10 weeks post op now. Most times I can only get about 1/4 cup down and I am very full however if it is really mushy stuff like yogurt or oatmeal I can usually eat a few bites more before I hit the wall. I have had a hard time getting more than 550 - 600 calories a day including Protein Shakes and I usually do two of those for 320 total. I have lost 60lbs in 10 weeks. I never ever have thrown up or have dumping syndrome.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to bellzfamily in Why did I do this?   
    My surgery was December 2nd. I should have been out on Thursday the 4th. My bowels would not wake up...I could not pass gas. I walked my rear off. I fought hard too. Friday the 5th I decided enough is enough and would walk til I could not go anymore, take a short break and walk again. Still no gas coming out. By 430 I was having projectile vomit, my IV wouldn't support a drip and I was so dehydrated they couldn't get any others to go....after and this # is accurate I counted 24 sticks from various people a guy came in and got one on the first try in my foot! It worked. So from 430pm to 12am I was being stuck. Finally exhausted I crashed. The next morning I was slowly passing gas. I was discharged Sunday about 430pm. Had my first post op today. I told them I felt like I just opened my front door to publishers clearning house and they had a check for the rest of my life back along with all the other hoopla. I can tell you I cried several times while in the hospital...said to mulitiple nurses I can't believe I did this to myself. But each of them encouraged me to believe it would get better. I have a full 4 weeks of soft foods, nothing thicker than greek yogurt. When we checked out my hubby under my encouragement went to a Wendy's got himself a burger with cheese meal...the smell doesn't bother me. Just me for now I know there will be challenges but being this overweight has taken away so many options for my life! I feel like I am empowered to take them back!
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to DMoon in Why did I do this?   
    I think we all feel like that at one time or the other. Last week as I was transitioning to soft foods, I drank some skim milk and got so sick I was in bed all day.I thought I was going to die and wanted to! I sure asked myself what the hell did I do to myself getting this surgery, am I going to be sick all the time etc.
    But in my sane moments I know I made the right decisions long term, although it might be a bumpy ride overall, due to surgery pain and food intolerance, this too shall pass.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to SandyS in Why did I do this?   
    I said the same thing in the hospital. My surgery was 11/20 and was supposed to go home the day after. I ended up with an infection from the Foley catheter. The surgery pain was nothing I was prepared for either. I asked my nurse what in the world would possess me to do this to my body. She gave me a hug and said I made the right decision. I would have to agree even though today I am having a difficult time after having tuna salad and vomiting because it didn't settle well. Trust me when I say we are doing something amazing! This too shall pass. Keep your head up and keep smiling. In the end it will be worth it. Hugs to you!
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to maggie0210 in Why did I do this?   
    I am sorry that you are feeling this way. It's especially sad that you are sick. I regretted this surgery for at least 3 months or so. Sometimes I still do. But I am 1 year out this month and have some amazing changes. My diabetes is gone, arthritis not bothering me, can walk longer, not out of breath when I exercise etc... You have lots of good things to look forward to. Hopefully your cold will go away soon and you can try a more positive outlook. I have lost over 100 pounds and so can you. There will be times when you are tempted, but be strong and you will prevail! Best of luck to you. Email me if you like at emmafiona0926@gmail.com. I will try to help you.
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    Mz. NuNu reacted to Homecie in It finally happened.   
    I was walking, and one of my old students drove by, flipped a u turn and came back by to speak to me. He said he didn't know if it was me because " You look hella skinny". Out of the mouths of babes as they say. The first person to notice ! Makes it all worth the hell of the first 3 weeks.

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