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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to Butterthebean in Probably gonna tick some people off.......lol   
    I agree with your overall message.... We shouldn't freak out over a little slip. But you have no clue how life is gonna be this time next year....or the year after that. Your assertation that your sleeve won't allow you to eat high sugar food in large quantities is just plain wrong. Embrace healthy eating habits now while it's still easy. Cause later on it gets a lot harder.
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to Arts137 in Probably gonna tick some people off.......lol   
    I am a junkie, and I can't stop, so I just avoid. But whatever floats yer boat!
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to cindygs in Probably gonna tick some people off.......lol   
    I agree with you pjackson. I was craving a choc chip cookie yesterday and I had one. It was delicious and I'm glad I ate it. I didn't die and I am fine this morning. Like my husband said "for your sanity, you should eat the cookie". Cindy
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to pjackson0523 in Probably gonna tick some people off.......lol   
    Okay, I see all these posts where people freak out because they ate something they shouldn't have. Yes, we are supposed to eat ALOT of Protein, which I do. And, we're supposed to drink lots of Water, which I try to do, we're not supposed to drink out of a straw, which I do, I haven't died or had any more pain than not, we're not supposed to eat bread, which I have a couple of times, it hasn't made me sick, if I have a craving for a cookie, I eat it. The bottom line is even if you slip and eat a little of something you're not supposed to , it's not going to ruin your life or end your results. The truth is you will never be able to sit and eat a whole bag of doritoes or a whole package of oreos again. You're stomach will not allow it. So don't freak out because you "slipped" a little, just realize you're human and you're losing weight no matter what.
    Now for all you haters out there go ahead and blow me out of the Water with your drama, I know it's coming. ........lol
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to terry1118 in I DID IT, I DID IT, I DID IT! :-) :-) :-) :-)   
    I wanted to hit the 100 pound mark by Christmas and I DID IT!!! I've lost 100 pounds!!! I'm at 133lbs this morning, down from 233lbs when I started my journey. That includes 12lbs I lost pre-op and 88lbs since my surgery May 30th. I am so very happy! Merry, Merry CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-)
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to LoryLosesXS in Hungry   
    Your new tummy only holds so much. I was hungry every 4 hours. That's normal. Before surgery we would eat so much that we wouldn't be hungry for 6 to 8 hours. Healthy people eat small meals every 2 hours. :-)
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to Madam Reverie in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    Aww, but you are really cute Misty! x
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to mistysj in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    I think if people question it, it's more about them than you. If you need surgery, maybe they are fat too? Also, people lie to us to be nice. With a BMI of 43 and 4'11" I was told I carried it well. I didn't. Here is a picture to prove it.

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    CarolinaCutie reacted to Madam Reverie in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    I'm in the same boat. Just over 35 BMI when I started. However, I'm 5ft 10 and do 'carry it well'. However and despite this, no one was in my body when I was tired, unfit, sweating, shaking through metformin ingestion, had crippling sciatica, gut wrenching periods, IBS, low self-esteem and a cracked kneecap. No one was sat there when I was given a shot across the bow by the doctors that if things didn't improve by the time I hit 40, I'd have a whole world of pain coming my way with a strong familial history of breast/womb/kidney/liver cancer which are ALL made more likely to occur by being obese.
    I think I've lost 40lbs by now. No one knows apart from my Fiance that I was sleeved in order to achieve it. Don't want the commentary and certainly don't need the judgement.
    I don't take any tablets any more apart from the Pill and a PPI. I can hike for 10 miles and not feel physically tired (my knee and back are still getting used to it!).
    When I wake up, I leap out of bed and say 'c'mon world, what ya got for me'... (well, most of the time!)
    As long as there are no unforeseen long term negative effects of having this surgery, I can't see my regretting it.
    There's a LOT to be said for keeping your own counsel about this. As for the people that do know and make comments? Let them wash off you like Water off a ducks back. Those people have no place to comment and ultimately, do you really care?
    I know I certainly don't!
  10. Like
    CarolinaCutie reacted to account closed in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    My BMI was 32 the day of surgery. I had the surgery because of my health problems: diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatty liver disease, sleep apnea and PCOS. I'm 26 years old and was on more medications than my grandparents ever were. Despite all these comorbidities, due to my low BMI, I did not qualify for any type of coverage here (in Canada), and self-paid for the procedure down in the U.S. Weight loss is a nice by-product but my main goal was to reverse my chronic health problems (particularly diabetes).
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to jimhead4866 in Hungry   
    Im 11 days out and i feel hungry. My wifes swears its in my head but my stomach physically feels hungry. Makes me think the dr did it wrong and also makes me want to eat real food. I even dreamed about food. Im also tired of Protein Shakes. I can never make them taste good enough and becauae im christmas shopping im too broke to buy new flavors or anything else to mix in it to make it taste better. Sorry to complain to everyone its just extra sucking today.
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to SueRN in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    My BMI is just slight higher than yours and I've had those comments and honestly think they speak more to the growing obesity epidemic in this country. According to the BMI chart I was given by the NUT 30 is obese, by 35 we hit morbid obesity. It's called morbid because of the effect on health.
    It's almost like the overweight range is our new normal.
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to mistysj in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    Search these forums for Low BMI and you will find a lot of others in a similar situation as you.
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to Kbee in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    Ps Sandisleeve sorry to hear you are not well. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Terrible timing to be unwell.
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to Kbee in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    Carolina don't worry about what other people think. You've done something amazing and proactive to help your future health. Just the sleep apnoea alone is enough to warrant getting the procedure - that's so dangerous and debilitating. Here's to your new quality of life. I am 14 days post op and I have told my inner circle of friends and family. I am glad I told them. The people that really love and care for you will support you no matter what. Take care!
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    CarolinaCutie got a reaction from dreamscometrue in Sleeved on the 17   
    I understand your pain! I was sleeved on the 20th. I wasn't expecting to be in so much pain. I've had a c-section and a hysterectomy, but the sleeve hurt the worse. When I awoke from surgery, they asked me my pain level and I replied 10! And then I was so nauseated, I couldn't tolerate liquids and had to stay an extra day in the hospital. It was rough. I'm on day 3 now and reading these boards helps me because I know I'm not alone
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to sandisleeve in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    Several people have told me I'm not "that big" and I don't even look over 200
    ie: BFF, sleep doc staff, even pre op room tech the day of my surgery (lol) just to name a few
    My aunt really pissed me off about my past and how at one point I was smaller than her -- yea no shit but that was 11 years ago and I have never managed to sustain my weightloss efforts -- I'm just sick and tired of the yoyo lifestyle
    I started journey fluctuating between 240-60 and got to 237 day of surgery ... Now around 220, 11 days post op
    Im actually in the ER now due to lightheaded-neas and fatigue, chills but I'm hoping all goes well
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to MindiJean in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    I had my sleeve done for a totally different reason.

    In 2011, I had my bladder removed because of bladder cancer. As a result (I catheterize thru my belly button into a newly built interior reservoir) I developed a huge hernia. I look ten months pregnant on one side. In order to fix the hernia, weight loss was suggested, to make the surgery less life-threatening. Bonus is that I'm off one insulin, my blood sugars are normal again, I've lost 31 pounds since November 20 and stopped three other meds. And as soon as I'm up to par physically again (April I hope?), I will have my hernia fixed!
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to Sleeveless in seattle in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    Don't worry too much about it, people tend to judge from outward appearances. A BMI of 35 is obese isn't it? I have a much higher BMI than you (would love your 35!!) yet you are actually a better candidate for the surgery than me because I have no co-morbidities like you. I do have a friend who is having "weight loss surgery" with a lower BMI than you and it is for severe digestive problems. To judge by just looking at her size, she definitely does not need it, but if you knew what she went through she really needs it. Also I have heard of people having a bypass for digestion issues and acid reflux.
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to re14768 in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    I'm keeping my wls procedure to only letting hubby, my mom, 2 sisters only..people are so judgemental. I carry most of my weight in my hips & thigh. When I went for my upper gi, the technician asked me why I was having wls, when I'm not that big. My current weight is 239lbs, 5'4..painful knee & foot pain..thyroid conditions, which makes it extra difficult to loose weight. Definitely not telling coworkers about my plans or even some friends. Upper GI, results show I have a small hiatel hernia. That's what I will tell them when I'm approved for wls.
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to JeanZ_RN in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    My BMI was 36 when I started this journey, but the only one who has asked me a question like the ones you've gotten was someone on this forum. It didn't bother me, especially when I saw on my questioner's profile that he/she started out at a much higher BMI.
    Even though my weight was "only" 204 when I met my surgeon, he did not indicate any hesitation about my need for the surgery. My goal weight is 130, and I have tried many, many times to lose that 74 lbs.
    While I am almost totally off my diabetes meds now, and I hope to be able to stop my BP med soon, my motivation for having the surgery was just as much to look better as it was to be more healthy. I want to be in a relationship again some day, and I'm convinced it won't happen until I'm at a "normal" weight. I know, it might not happen even then... but at least I'll have a chance then, and I don't think I have that now.
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    CarolinaCutie reacted to Jdub in Anybody sleeved for other medical conditions besides obesity?   
    I had diabetes, have high blood pressure, and high cholesterol and my BMI was 43. I made the decision to have the surgery based on the fact the road I was going down was a dark path for me, and now I'm on the right track. My T2 diabetes is gone, and I'm already reducing my meds for my blood pressure and I'm only 14 days post op. I still remember on my pre-op assessment weigh in, the nurse said to me "Wow, I didn't expect you to weigh that much, you carry it very well.". I didn't know if that was an insult or a compliment!
    Either way, keep your head up, you're doing this for a healthier you...who cares what anyone else says!
  23. Like
    CarolinaCutie reacted to ladyd728 in Sleeved on the 17   
    I feel so much better. Thanks to everyone that supported me this weekend. I know I sounded like a Debbie Downer but I was in sooo much pain. I just didn't imagine the pain to feel that intense. I prayed last night and with patience. I woke feeling so much better. Thanks to everyone that understood and listen And gave advise. I love the forum.

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