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    tlynn4love reacted to R4TNM in what post op 1-5 year diets look like   
    I am 3 days post op and on my liquid diet. I was just wondering what a daily diet looks like 1-5 years from now.
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    tlynn4love reacted to OleHippieGal in Nsfw- I'm Sorry But I Have To Share This   
    I am so glad I don't have to worry about that anymore being an older woman I have no desires for such stuff anymore thanks to menopause and the fact that I did so much of that stuff in my younger years I hope to never ever see another penis ever. Haha don't tell the hubs. But with him at 400 lbs he surely has to have a clue. This ain't Easter and I am not going hunting for eggs ya know what I mean
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    tlynn4love reacted to Bert_n_ernie in Nsfw- I'm Sorry But I Have To Share This   
    Ok, I must admit I am roflmfao!! I'm sorry. Who would ever have thought?!
    New Life Started 07/24/12
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    tlynn4love reacted to lovealways in What They Don't Tell You About RNY!   
    So...I'm having surgery January 15 and start my two week liquid diet New Year's Day. Up until this point, I have not been so nervous. I've watched my 21 year old sister lose 110lbs in 5 months with VSG and was by her side every step of the way both pre-op and post-op. there are some days I get a little worried about malnutrition and Vitamin deficiency, but these fears are not enough to scare me away from the surgery I so desperately need.
    I've done my research. Years of research! I know everything there is to know and then some because I watched my sister with her sleeve...
    But what do I need to know that research probably has NOT prepared me for?? I want to hear stories! Facts! The ugly and the great truth of it! What's something YOU wish you knew or prepared for better going into surgery?
    I want to feel fully mentally and physically prepared; so lets get some stories going without sugar-coating!!
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    tlynn4love reacted to BustedBeauty in Not Prepared-Please help!   
    Bring Chapstick to the hospital! You can't eat or drink and your lips will get very dry. Also, be prepared to feel bloated when you leave the hospital. This is because of the gas from the surgery and the fact that you will be on an IV being pumped full of fluids. Best of Luck!!
  6. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to NikiG in I Made It   
    I'm amazed at my progress! I was so worried about the 1st few days after surgery. I know couldn't have been do successful without all of the feedback & things I learned from all of you! This site ROCKS!!!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  7. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to PaulB in and so it officially begins :)   
    The thing is when I did my psych appt they didn't ask me anything out of the ordinary. They did want to know if I was ready to lose the weight if I could keep it off if I had any OCD's that would hinder my losing weight and was done over a video conference. Just answer their questions the best you can and don't sweat the small stuff.
    You will do just fine. The waiting game is the hard part
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    tlynn4love reacted to MalyssaSue in I Can't Wait Till....   
    I love this!
    I want to be able to:
    Shop in a normal store(so sick of shopping in a speciality fat store)
    Wear shorts and a tank top!
    Feel positive about life again!
    Be able to keep up with my daughter!
    Go running
    Wear high boots and a pair of heels
    And not be the biggest in my family.
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    tlynn4love reacted to nickster81 in I Can't Wait Till....   
    I am less than 3 weeks post-op but i have lots of things i'm looking forward to:
    -being able to buy/wear boots that'll fit over my calves
    -flying and not having to get a seatbelt extender
    -hike with my friends without wanting to die
    -wear shorts for the first time in ???
    -shop in a store that isn't just for big girls
    -go to an amusement park and ride a roller coaster and not being afraid i won't fit and being miserable standing on my feet all day.
    -buying a bra at Victoria Secret!
    Important things to remember on a day when i am missing friends, family and food.< /p>
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    tlynn4love reacted to Miris in I Can't Wait Till....   
    Im starting a thread on things you cant wait to do/accomplish after surgery..
    I can't wait...
    for that moment where I don't have to use a beach towel after a shower!
    till I can ride my bike with my daughter without my tire going flat the moment I hop on the bike!
    to give my daughters a bath with out running out of breath!
    till I can take my boyfriend out on a date to his favorite place Six Flags without being in fear that the security lock on the roller coaster wont fit me or I wont fit in the seat period!
    till I can play hide n seek with my daughter and be able to run without feeling like I'm about to collapse!
    till food is no longer something I seek for comfort yet only for necesity because my body needs nutrients not because my emotions need to be fed!

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    tlynn4love reacted to TinyMamiOf3kids in I Can't Wait Till....   
    Have sex standing up. I had surgery 5(almost 6 months ago) I haven't been able to try this yet. Need a few more pounds to go.
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    tlynn4love reacted to jeanetteramirez2 in Young Gastric Bypass Patients   
    I had the surgery when I was 25, it's been 5 months now and I'm down 94 lbs!!

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    tlynn4love reacted to jayla_mom_of2 in No Soda   
    I was/am a soda addict. I was told by my dr that 80 percent of people who gain their weight back is because they go back to soda after surgery. I have not had soda now for a little over three months and my surgery is in about three weeks. I'm glad I had time to get my mind right before surgery. Because for me this all seems to be more mental than physical.
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    tlynn4love reacted to Sylvia in Young Gastric Bypass Patients   
    Im 25 had surgery 11/5/12. Im down 60 lbs!!!! Yeaaaaa
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    tlynn4love reacted to msixkiller in Approval For Surgeon   
    ALLLLRIGHT!!!! I GOT APPROVED YESTERDAY. Thank you everyone for your prayers...our God is sooo good.
  16. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to snow25 in Not Prepared-Please help!   
    I had a lot of nausea after surgery, but pain was very manageable. Walking as soon as you feel up to it helps get the gas out... And you want it out! I've been on a liquid diet with Protein shakes. I ordered the powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury sample pack which is Protein powder you can add to almost anything. I am 7 days post op and feeling good. The Unjury you can order from their website. Good luk!
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    tlynn4love reacted to Catgyrl68 in Just got submitted for insurance approval...AAH!   
    I just got a call from my bariatric coordinator telling me that the doctor finished his report and she had just submitted it to my insurance company for approval. I should hear something within 2 weeks.
    I wasn't ready for it to be this soon. I had thought they would need to wait for the sleep study results to come in next week, but she said that wouldn't really have any effect, except that insurance may ask for "additional information". At that time, they would submit the sleep study findings. But the report they submitted showed my BMI at 40.5, so I am hoping that things will just sail through based on that.
    I can now proceed with my bloodwork, which is normally done about 30 days prior to surgery. I plan to do it tomorrow because I will be in the area of the hospital anyway.
    Holy crap! This may actually happen in time for my 45th birthday (February 3rd)!!
  18. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to snow25 in and so it officially begins :)   
    Oh yeah! I was both nervous and excited at the beginning, then more frustrated by the end of 8 months of appointments. A little advice... Be careful what you tell the psychologist at the psych eval. I was very honest and he wanted me to see him once a week for 2 months before he cleared me. I went for 3 more visits, then told him I wanted him to submit all my paperwork. Another month of that would have been a crazy waste of time and money. I had to convince him to pass me through. That part was frustrating!
    Good Luck!!!
  19. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to worm2872 in and so it officially begins :)   
    Congrats!!! And yes every appointment I was a nervous wreck. I think it's normal. We are all here to help you through this!! Time will go quick! :-)
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    tlynn4love reacted to libra_lisa in Starting to Regret.....errrrrr!   
    I'm starting to regret telling people about me having the surgery...when I first decided to have it I said that I would tell everyone because I don't want it to be a secret...well I should've kept it just that!
    The response I've been getting have been "your not even big enough"..."all you need to do is exercise"...."you know people die from that right"....like I just want to say shut up!!
  21. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to makemyownluck in Not Trying To Be A Downer But?   
    I'm pre op and very depressed and stressed - the way I look at it, I CAN'T FEEL ANY WORSE THAN I ALREADY DO! Anything would be an improvement at this point. And, I gotta say, this whole insurance process isn't helping!! I think getting over the insurance woes, the pre-op testing, the night-before-surgery-jitters - I'll be so exhausted that getting the dang operation over with will bring on a flood of relief and it will only get better from there!
    You have to have a positive attitude. You WILL get through this. You WILL feel better. You WILL succeed. You WILL be happy.
    "Trying" to be or do anything already implies failure. You have to have the will to see the bigger picture, to keep your eye on the prize, and KNOW IT WILL GET BETTER.
    I woulda thought an old hippie lady would know that a positive attitude gets you through anything. Stay strong! You've survived this long as a heavy person - that speaks volumes for your capacity to adapt already! Life isn't easy being heavy. But every movement you make will be easier when you lose weight. Just eliminating the depressing effects of pain, pain you may not even recognize because you've had it so long, will change your overall mood.
    I know I'll probably have body issues for my whole life. Things I'll want to change or whatever - like most women have. I'm okay with that. I'm not okay with being the biggest person I know. I'm not okay with struggling up my FOUR porch stairs. I'm not okay with cracking ankles and knees at age 32 because my poor legs were not made to sustain this weight. My body is a mess, I don't expect that to change completely by losing weight (if anything, things could get reallll ugly!). But being accepted by society is so important to me. I bully myself harder than anyone, but I'm so fragile to society because I've been ridiculed too many times. I recognize how I'm treated differently, and I know I'm a smart person! I know I have valid, thoughtful opinions. I know I'm a great, funny, talented person - but being severely overweight, no one sees that!
    Wow. This reply got really long. Sorry bout that. I need a therapist stat! LOL
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    tlynn4love reacted to babygirl901 in Not Trying To Be A Downer But?   
    I didn't have high blood pressure or depression, so those issues weren't a problem for me. My dr. took me off my diabetes medicine before I left the hospital. I regulated the same day.
    I NEVER had incisional pain. I only took my pain meds to sleep when I got home. Just gas pain from hell for a couple days. I took infant gas drops and it dissolved in a matter of minutes. I still do occasionally but not often at all. I've never dumped, vomited, or been nauseated.
    I have had no complications besides being dehydrated for two days the week after surgery. It was my fault, because I just didn't feel like drinking anything. I haven't dumped or vomited. I may have an occasional gas pain. I take some infant gas drops and it's over. I seem to tolerate all foods very well so far. I just don't go crazy. I've eaten Cookies, very thin slices of cake, candy, fried food, etc. JUST IN GREAT MODERATION. I still go out with friends. I'm even able to shop on the same side of the store with them now. I have no complaints.
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    tlynn4love reacted to BBdoodle in Not Trying To Be A Downer But?   
    I can honestly I feel AWESOME.... I have yo-yo dieted for the past 20 years. I once lost 100 lbs all by myself by dieting and exercise. Then put 60 of it back on, then lost it again.. then put it back on again. Now that I am 53 I was tired of the non-healthy yo-yo dieting, I knew a few people who hand RNY and never knew that insurance paid... if I knew that years ago I would have had surgery a long time ago.
    My cholestrol was 220 before surgery and it is now 157, my BP was boarderline high is is now 115/76. Surgery helps you to not over eat, it helps you maintain control. Once you start loosing the weight you get a natural high that is so awesome. There is no feeling like when you put on a pair of pants that were tight and are now loose or someone say "wow you look great". That only fuels me to do even more I love the way I feel and look now !!!
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    tlynn4love reacted to OleHippieGal in Not Trying To Be A Downer But?   
    I have been reading so many of your post alot of them, I am in 3 different support groups, here, Facebook, and sparkpeople. I have read the post of folks going in for surgery, 4 days post op, and even up to 5 years post op. I have read about the weight losses, and great going for you!!,
    I have read the pain in my side. the dumping, and all that, and the excitment to buy new clothes.
    but not once have i read any post that says I feel so good now. I cant believe i could feel this good.
    I need to know??
    Yes i have read if i had a choice knowning what i know now about the surgery and the pains and stuff would I do it again. and most of everyone says hell yea in a second. and thats awesome
    BUT ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?? is it everything you thought it would be? are you off the medications that you had to take for diabetes? and cholestrol, and high blood pressure. that the surgeons claim you will be off of? What about your depression, because i know most of us are depressed from being obese. are you still depressed?
    I am scared and i just need everyone to be honest please.
    thank you
  25. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to Butterfly2013 in March 2013!   
    Never been so excitedly scared in my life. 3/12/13 will change my forever !

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