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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Pelekania reacted to deltadawn817 in IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY...THEN DON'T SAY IT.   
    To the original OP when I first found this sit I thought it was GREAT, WONDERFUL I was ecstatic I found a place to go to HELP me.
    I am now a year out and I rarely visit due to peoples posts being mean, hurtful, accusatory..etc I could go on.
    I decided that to make my VGS trip successful I had to stay away from here because even typed words hurt and bring in doubt.
    I feel some people forgot that we are/were all overweight for a reason. Weather it be food addiction emotional eaters or some other suppressing issues. There for a lot of the responses were not helping me. I now when reading a post don't read responses I just post to the OP.
    I have stopped asking any questions and just hope to help others how I want to be helped.
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    Pelekania reacted to anniemay in IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY...THEN DON'T SAY IT.   
    I have not been on this forum for long and have found some really great support and ideas here. I understand about the "train wreck" and have seen some threads like this.....I would have to say my biggest frustration with the forum is that many threads get bogged down with people bantering back and forth and you have sort through all the bs to find solid answers - many times it really looks like these users should be utilitizing the chat function rather than the threads.....I am not criticizing - just observing - and I will continue to sort through threads and unsubscribe when my email gets blown up with silliness.
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    Pelekania reacted to dat_sweetmami in IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY...THEN DON'T SAY IT.   
    PEOPLE.....Please learn how to speak to 1 another and if you're not going to say something nice then don't write on the the forum. This is not a place to humiliate or degrade anyone. This is a place where we can come to each other ask each other for advice and to lean back on 1 another. Obviously because we might feel comfortable with the people on here and speaking to some of you who have gone through what were going through might be helpful. STOP THE NEGATIVITY...
    GOD IS LOVE<3<3<3<3 PEACE
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    Pelekania got a reaction from NicholeRain in If a sleeve is a sleeve...why do diets from the dr's vary so much?   
    I can't really elaborate on the post op diet as I was a self pay in MX. But what I do know is that diets don't work and if I look at this like a diet then I will fell. I make better choices about what goes into my mouth, I drink alot of Water and low cal drinks, and I don't eat junk food. Not because I am on a diet but because those things do not add any nutritional value to my diet. Now if I want some ice cream, I will have me a couple of tablespoons of the real thing and it satisfies my craving. If I am eating guacamole and want chips instead of my peppers, I will have about 5 chips or so. I dont overindulged anymore. Some foods are slidders, but I am not eating just to eat. Now some individuals will disagree. Some people plan on sticking yo dieting until they reach their goal weight, but IMO if I did that I would have not learned how to live a normal life with normal food if I am constantly dieting. To each its own though, and through trial and error we know what works for us in the end.
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    Pelekania reacted to Judy_asd in If a sleeve is a sleeve...why do diets from the dr's vary so much?   
    I agree, if my head thinks its dieting I will crave everything. I now eat whatever I fix for dinner for everyone else. Before surgery I ate a lot of potatoes, or Mac and cheese or whatever carb I fixed with my meat. Now I find that I eat my meat and a little of my vegetables, I just skip the potatoes or whatever because I know I need the Protein and I only have so much room in my sleeve and I don't want to fill it with those things. What really amazes me is I don't miss them! If I make spaghetti or something like that, I have a little. I want to cook just one meal for my family and eat with them, I want to feel normal not like I'm dieting. I think that's important for my long term success. I've never felt better and I don't feel like I'm missing a thing, no diet has ever let me feel like that!
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    Pelekania reacted to COnative in Frequently Asked Questions   
    I would love to see a tab at the very top of the page where we have Forum, Community, Photos. And have a tab that is labeled "frequent questions' and in the pull down menu: stalls, Hair loss, Vitamin ideas, Protein Shake debate. I don't know if this will help. Or if there is a tab for frequent questions and then it pulls up a search where you can enter your question easier and get answers faster from previous posts? But you kind of have that already. hmmmmm.
    Somehow it is getting missed.
    Thanks! And I am looking forward to the new version of VST!
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    Pelekania got a reaction from Annie04 in Dating Post-Sleeve (advice needed!)   
    I personally do not look at it as a skeleton in my closet. I believe that some of those feelings derive from the way society view obese people. Once you become comfortable with the decision you made, it will be easier to share with others. And if that person is for you, they will be happy that you did something to become healthier. If they aren't, don't waste your time on him. The way I share my surgery with people, is I make it light and funny. Usually the response I get is thst you're not that big...why did you have it or thst you look good. So I end up explaining my reasoning about being unhealthy.
    Good luck to you! His DUI is much worst than your WLS...
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    Pelekania reacted to MrsG in Biggest loser conspiracy!   
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    Pelekania reacted to Chaparra in Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish, Quarter Pounder, French Fries, Icy Coke, Milkshakes, Sundaes and Apple Pie!   
    Although it wasn't a great food choice, I think some people need to give her a break. My nutritionist told me that if I want to splurge every now and then, that I just need to make a compromise in doing it. For example, if I want a mocha instead of just regular coffee, walk to the coffee shop to get it rather than drive (it's not that far from me). If we don't feed our cravings once in a while, we are going to drive ourselves nuts with desire for it. Yes, a Big Mac is a lot of food, but she did eat it without the bread, which cuts out a lot of carbs and calories.
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    Pelekania reacted to BigFatLoser in Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish, Quarter Pounder, French Fries, Icy Coke, Milkshakes, Sundaes and Apple Pie!   
    I think that a burger every rare occasion is ok if you can handle it. I mean.... We only have one life. I personally don't want to live on Protein shakes and eggs my whole life. Everything in moderation. You ate a whole burger! Savor it. But don't get out of control. That's just my VERY humble opinion from a newbie!!!
    amymorrison29 on MyFitnessPal!
  11. Like
    Pelekania reacted to CBT in Not happy with this before and after pic   
    Your husband is BLIND!!! You've lost many inches off your stomach. Your neck and jaw line.
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    Pelekania reacted to DanaMomto3 in Ate one slice of 7" pizza frm dominos! :)   
    Eating one slice of pizza on occasion is not going to sabotage your weight loss. I am a big proponent of nothing being off limits as long as its in moderation.
    I am so glad you enjoyed it, I am going to have a slice tomorrow!
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    Pelekania reacted to Alamoloser in Ate one slice of 7" pizza frm dominos! :)   
    Its ok to test yourself every now but don't fall in the bad habits of trying to eat the old junk we did in the past. pizza has its advantages and disadvantages so chalk it up as a slider food. I have pizza every once in awhile and like you its only one piece which doesn't discourage me about the total carb intake. Enjoy your sleeve and remember its a journey so don't get discouraged by the post that are coming about the devastating consequences of eating 1 piece of pizza.
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    Pelekania got a reaction from sharonintx in Almost 2 Months Post-Op - And I feel like i can eat everything!   
    I for one didn't have the sleeve to be on a diet for the rest of my life! For my Snacks (if I can fit them in) I eat whatever. i choose to, but it mostly include fruit, cheese, cup of choc milk, and wheat thins. If I have a taste for ice cream, I will have a tablespoon or two. Seafood and some chicken feels better eating than beef. But I have been able to pretty much eat anything with no adverse reaction especially salad and.eggs.
  15. Like
    Pelekania reacted to minimii in Food Network   
    The entire time I was off from work after me procedure all I did was watch food network, cooking channel, and man vs food
    My hubby thought I lost my mind watching food I could not eat
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    Pelekania reacted to Sadtosaygoodbye in Food Network   
    Love love love the food Network!!!! Chopped is my fav.
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    Pelekania reacted to Geminidrive in Food Network   
    I love watching the food Network and the Cooking channel, neither bother me with my food cravings. . I really love Eat Street.
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    Pelekania reacted to enigmachik in Not comparing weightloss to others   
    I have been a slow loser and my losses have slowed down dramatically over time. Right now I'm only losing about a quarter of a pound a week. Yes, you read that right. But you know what? I'm still losing! And that's what counts. It isn't about how quickly I lose in comparison to anyone else, it's just about the fact that the number on the scale is going down when for years it was only going up!
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    Pelekania reacted to sharonintx in Almost 2 Months Post-Op - And I feel like i can eat everything!   
    Most of us completely understand the post-op diet and the reasons for it. I've noticed several of us have chosen to advance our diets at our own pace. I'm one of them. The reason for this forum is for support and understanding from a group of people who have had VSG or will be getting it. There are always a few who will (nicely of course) inform the rest of us how we need to follow Dr's orders to the T, to not make any choices about diet on our own, and give a lot of potential negative consequences for making our own choices. I would imagine that we all know the potential risks and have determined that we are intelligent enough and have enough self control to make decisions about our own bodies. With the wide variance on post op diets set out by various doctors, it seems that there are many choices and courses of action.
    Not knocking following Dr's orders at all - just saying that if we choose to follow our own path, the same support should be given either way. I'm down 17.5 pounds in 12 days.
  20. Like
    Pelekania got a reaction from sharonintx in Almost 2 Months Post-Op - And I feel like i can eat everything!   
    I for one didn't have the sleeve to be on a diet for the rest of my life! For my Snacks (if I can fit them in) I eat whatever. i choose to, but it mostly include fruit, cheese, cup of choc milk, and wheat thins. If I have a taste for ice cream, I will have a tablespoon or two. Seafood and some chicken feels better eating than beef. But I have been able to pretty much eat anything with no adverse reaction especially salad and.eggs.
  21. Like
    Pelekania reacted to NewKristen in Top Secret!   
    I am going to tell you a big secret to feeling good and having confidence all the way through this WLS journey. We all have moments where our clothes don't fit right. Even when they are getting too big and loose, it can make us feel frumpy and awkward. Sooo...the secret to always feeling sexy...?
    Panties! Buying new panties are just as important as having clothes that fit. Go through your drawers and throw out the granny panties, the Hanes her way with holes in them...and get yourself a little something sexy or functional...your choice. Just make sure you feel confident in them and they fit. Those who are girdling it up....that's cool. Just make sure they aren't stained up or falling apart.
    I can wear baggy sweats and still feel like a Goddess with a little lace or ruffles! That is just a little tip from how I roll.
  22. Like
    Pelekania got a reaction from RebecaSparkles in About to head to TJ for TT, BR/Bl, Lipo   
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    Pelekania reacted to JP69 in Jealous   
    I have a co worker who happens to be a dear friend to. When I finally told her I was going to have this surgery, she just keeped telling me about how her sister had RNY 12 years ago and gained back weight. Well maybe she gained 20 or so lbs back, but not close to what she ever weighed at het highest. I can tell just from listening to her it sounds like jealousy. With me she says she was happy and supports me, but has never mentioned anything to me yet. And I am down 55#! Everyone else I know has said something positive. I hate that some people just can't be happy for you. She is over weight also, so why doesn't she chose to do something about it instead of being unhappy all the time. I just don't get it:)
  24. Like
    Pelekania got a reaction from sharonintx in Almost 2 Months Post-Op - And I feel like i can eat everything!   
    I for one didn't have the sleeve to be on a diet for the rest of my life! For my Snacks (if I can fit them in) I eat whatever. i choose to, but it mostly include fruit, cheese, cup of choc milk, and wheat thins. If I have a taste for ice cream, I will have a tablespoon or two. Seafood and some chicken feels better eating than beef. But I have been able to pretty much eat anything with no adverse reaction especially salad and.eggs.
  25. Like
    Pelekania got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Feel like I must be doing something wrong   
    You are doing great! Try not to compare yourself with othetrs because it can be a real ego killer.

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