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    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Tiffany Talbert Corbet for a blog entry, Finally Moving Forward   
    Yeah! The Nurse Practitioner called me Friday on the drive home from work. She was working through the files on her desk just like I was told.
    Now that things are in her hands, it seems as though the ride from here might be a bit smoother. I am not scheduled:
    August 21 - Endoscopy
    September 24 - Chest X-Ray; EKG; Blood Work
    September 26 - Review tests with Nurse Practitioner, go over 2 week diet requirement and schedule the surgery date!!
    After talking things over with my hubby, and trying to navigate the events we have coming up, I believe I'm going to work to begin the 2 week liquid diet on 10/15. I have a wedding party to do make up for (Mary Kay Consultant) the first weekend of October. We are taking my 88 y/o mother-in-law on vacation the next weekend (10/12). That would put my surgery (if I'm lucky and there's availability) the week of 10/29....which puts it very near my birthday. I'm TOTALLY ok with that, as this can then be my birthday present to myself!!! At 44, I'll be starting a new me! Next year, it will be 2 birhtdays in one! This will also mean (hopefully....if post-surgery recouperating goes well) that I could potentially have turkey and mashed potatoes with everyone at Thanksgiving! And Christmas will be even better because that will be about 8-9 weeks out and things should be showing significant progress. (I know, maybe a bit Pollyanna-ish, but if you're not positive, things won't happen, right?)
    WHOO HOO!!! I'm SO excited this is finally moving forward.
  2. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Tiffany Talbert Corbet for a blog entry, Whew! Breakthrough!   
    After talking to the Dr's office Monday and finding out they still had not received the letter from the insurance company, Tuesday I called again, and they told me it was in nurse review. I called the insurance company and they told me that wasn't so, that I was approved and the letters were all mailed out the same day (7/24). If they still had not received it, they could log into their website and use the reference number (she gave me) to pull up the letter and print it from there. I called the Dr's office back, and gave them the informatino along with the website and reference number. I called back yesterday, and was told they called the insurance company but had not received a call back, and asked if I could fax my letter to them. So as soon as I walked through the door when I got home, I dropped everything and faxed that sucker to them.
    This morning I called to confirm they had recieved it. She said they had and that my file was on the coordinator's desk and I would get a call soon to start the scheduling of pre-op testing that was needed. I didn't think anything about not getting a call back. At about 3:50 p.m., my husband called. He had just walked in at home and said I needed to call the Dr's office before 4 p.m., but he had not written down the number. I found the number on the web through my phone (one would think I would have it memorized by now) and called. The receptionist answered and found my paperwork. I was scheduled for an endoscopy on 8/21 at 2 p.m. The file will now go to the nurse practitioner who will call me to schedule a date/time to go in and meet with her to go over the next steps, procedures, what to expect, 2-week liquid diet, etc. She is on vacation next week, so hopefully she will call me tomorrow. I made sure to let them know to use my cell as my primary number, so now we wait......
    At least things are moving forward.
  3. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to ~*~ Melissa ~*~ for a blog entry, No More Hospitals!   
    Hey All!
    To start off, the last couple months have been nothing but craziness! Three hospitalizations, 30+ days and nights spent undergoing tests and sleeping in the most uncomfortable beds ever. For now, I want to thank my VST family for all the messages while I've been away. Below is an explanation of what I've been through for those who have asked (much easier than replying to multiple messages). Much love to you all <3
    At the beginning of September, I moved back home to Michigan to be with family and get well, leaving my new life and job in Tennessee behind. Everyone in my immediate family now knows of my secret trip and decision of getting sleeved, which has been a relief. My mom is my partner in crime and is always checking in on me which is something I appreciate more than I could ever imagine. I still have bouts of dry heaving and sickness + vomitting because of my siliva (thickness) but each day seems to get better and better. I'm now on a pill that has helped thin out secretions. I spend 3 days a week with a physical and occupational therapist, gaining strength and learning to walk again. All the hospitalizations caused me to lose much muscle, specifically in my legs. Each and every day gets better and I'm thankful for every professional that has helped me move closer to independence once again. From all the tests done in the hospital, I was told that my surgery went very well and that everything looks great- hooray! All worries regarding the procedure have been officially thrown out the window. The problem: Vitamin B1. Blood tests revealed that my B1 dipped critically low and seems to be the culprit behind many problems- numbness, blurry and double vision, etc. This vitamin has been added to my medicine and has helped much thus far.
    Just out of curiosity, has anyone else had issues with dry heaving or even vomitting up thick phelgm? It was much worse months ago but still lingers. If you experienced something similar, did it ever go away for good?
  4. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to skinnygirlinside for a blog entry, Waiting Almost Over!   
    When i started my journey in July, I thought it was going to be a lifetime away from actual surgery time. Now I am looking at surgery being only about 4 weeks away!!! Wow how time has flown. All the doctor appointments and lab work is done. Now just pre-op and setting surgery date! I am so dang ready it is not even funny. I have so many questions to still ask. I know this is normal. This is so exciting and I am ready to change my life for the better and live a healthier life as well!! Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Hollyrock100 for a blog entry, The Countdown Begins   
    The closer January comes, the more nervous I become. I wish there were some other way to loose weight and keep it off forever. I am convinced that there isn't. The more I research, the more I believe this procedure are sound and will help me, even over the long run. Never-the-less I am scared.
    I'm sure almost everyone was feeling this, and are now healthier without all of the weight they were carrying around. (Deep Breath) Stay calm and Carry on.
    If anyone knows of a support group in Phoenix/Scottsdale that anyone can attend please let me know. The one that is offered by Banner is not feasable, as I just can't get there on time.
  6. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to NIKIMAC for a blog entry, Omg - Dumping Sucks Big Time   
    Today I had my first dumping experience. I decided to try and new protein shot, I normally use the Body Fortress 26 g shot and this time I decided to use New Whey liquid protein 42 g grape, I only drank half. I was driving home and I had to pull over into a parking lot until I was well enough to drive the rest of the way home. It started with feeling hot and sweating, then I started to have stomach cramps and dry heaving. I had to turn on the A/C on full blast and I fell asleep for about 15 - 20 mins. Once I felt okay to get back on the road, I went straight home. It started to happen again by the time I got home and then I started to have stomach issues. I was so tired after this, I had to take a long nap to get myself together. I had a lapband for 5 yrs and had never have had this type of experience, Ive had my sleeve for 16 days and all I can say is Lord i hope this doesnt happen to be again Lol.
  7. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to mrsteacher for a blog entry, Week 33 (Still In The 190's)   
    Week 33
    Last week’s weight – 191.8
    This week’s weight – 191.8
    Total weight lost this week – 0
    Beginning weight – 246 lbs
    Total weight loss since surgery – 54.2 lbs
    This week I stayed the same weight wise, which I am grateful for. I’m currently recovering from a Breaking Dawn movie theater binge – small popcorn with light butter and a bag of sour gummies (ugh!). Don’t have any giant Thanksgiving plans so I should be ok next week.
    Hoping to get into the 180's over the holidays.
  8. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to NewBeginningsForMe2012 for a blog entry, Another Bad Night! What The Heck?   
    Well, I had yet another bad night last night! Not sure what happened. I was fine all day until about 5:00 p.m. then all of a sudden I got all nauseated again. The only thing I had all day was a 1/2 cup low cal tomato soup, a snack pack size of sugar free pudding, and a cup of chocolate soy milk. Plus water to drink through out the day. OK, so what of those things made me sick??? I was nauseated, vomiting mostly stomach acid type stuff, and had to keep using the bathroom because I still had lots of gas, and loose stools. I felt awful from 5:00 p.m. until probably 2:00 or 3:00 am! I went to bed at 9:00 p.m., but was up and down several times during the night. Why is this happening to me??? Do you think it's the dairy as in the pudding, or the dairy in the tomato soup? Has anyone else had this problem? I'm 10 days out since my sleeve.
  9. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to mrsteacher for a blog entry, Weeks 31 And 32 Combined   
    Week 31 and 32
    Last week’s weight – 193.6
    This week’s weight – 191.8
    Total weight lost this week – 1.8
    Beginning weight – 246 lbs
    Total weight loss since surgery – 54.2 lbs
    Sorry for the failure to post last week. My weight stayed the same from week 30 to week 31 (193.6) but dropped in week 32 by 1.8 lbs.
    I got my period in week 31 and had a major Halloween candy binge (for me… with the sleeve…which was nothing compared to my pre-sleeve Halloween candy binges. Thank. God.).
    I am a little sick (cold like symptoms) this week but I have stuck to my Crossfit gym routine. I have to say when I stepped on the scale this morning I almost fainted from shock. I was expecting to see more of the same (bouncing between 193 and 195 which I have been doing lately). So seeing 191 on the scale was super exciting. That means I am pretty close to the 180’s. Yay! My goal is 150 (with a fantasy goal of 145).
    I went to an evening session of Crossfit (I am normally a morning girl) and someone I met when I first joined 2 months ago was impressed by my weight loss since I joined. I haven’t loss that much since I joined Crossfit but I think I must look “toner”. That was a nice compliment to get. It made my evening.
    Basically I am still trucking along. It is easier to stay on track when I am busy and not as easy to stay on track when I am off schedule (we had a week off for fall break that messed up my eating habits a bit…as in I was eating more).
    I ran into someone from my husband’s work at the voting poll and she said that my husband had said I had lost a lot of weight….since he never brings it up at home I was surprised he had said anything. He is a great guy who will love me at any size but it is nice to hear that he has been noticing.
  10. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to NIKIMAC for a blog entry, Whey Proteins And Heart Palpitation   
    HELP!! Ive noticed that everytime I use whey proteins in my shakes my heart starts racing, can anybody suggest any other protein that I can take. I dont want to get behind on my proteins, Im only 4 days out from surgery.
  11. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to NIKIMAC for a blog entry, My Time Has Come :-)   
    Tomorrow is the BIG day, surgery is at 9:30 and I'm scared to death. I've been a nervous wreak all day and I just cant calm down. OMG what the hell I'm I doing Lol, ok just calm down (this is so sad I'm talking to myself Lol).
  12. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to NIKIMAC for a blog entry, Wow So What's Next Now?   
    Ive been unable to keep food down since mid July due to my lap band major issues. So me and my doct decided to try and have the band revised to a gastric sleeve, so we sent to paperwork to the insurance company and after 15 working days they decided to approve it, Yes I Win. We secheduled to have it done on November 1st, I went in today for my preop testing and guess what people: I had an abnormal EKG and now I have to go to a heart doct and get a stress test. All I can say at this point is REALLY REALLY, I'm I being punked!!!!!!! What do they think will happen to your body if you have been on a liquid diet from July 12 until the present & you lose 22 lbs in 6 weeks, Hello. Well I was able to get an apt with the doct tomorrow, Im going to cross my fingers and say a prayer that it come out good and I get the okay. Has anybody have had an abnormal EKG and did you have to cancel your surgery? Im sorry, Im just tired and hungry LOL
  13. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to mrsteacher for a blog entry, Week 30 (Vanilla Protein Powder - Still Don't Like It)   
    Week 30
    Last week’s weight – 194.6
    This week’s weight – 193.6
    Total weight lost this week – 1
    Beginning weight – 246 lbs
    Total weight loss since surgery – 52.4 lbs
    Surprised I lost 1 lb this week mainly because I had one of those “I’m tired of constantly thinking about what goes in mouth” week and pretty much said “the heck with it!” I ate poorly the majority of the week. Maybe that shocked my system?!?! Who knows. I did A LOT of medicine ball squats at Crossfit and someone told me that a good leg workout burns more calories than any other muscle group in the body. Maybe that contributed to my loss this week? Whatever…I will take it.
    Bottom line is I am getting closer to getting out of the 190’s. It definitely feels like a slow process to get out of there though.
    I have semi shelved the vitamix idea (unless I happen to come across one that is priced really really well).
    I did come to the realization that week that I am officially not a huge fan of vanilla protein powder. I bought a tub from Unjury and I’m not loving it. In their defense I didn’t like the slimfast vanilla protein drink either. I made a drink the other day with oj, vanilla protein powder, and frozen berries and I am thankful I looked in the mirror before I left for school because I had seeds from the berries all over my teeth from drinking it. I do like their chocolate splendor and strawberry sorbet and I usually drink two a day (for a total of 40 grams of protein).
    I still avoid soda but I have indulged here and there. I drink it very slowly and I never can finish one.
    There isn’t one particular food I avoid because it bothers my pouch. I can pretty much eat anything at this point but in smaller amounts. I don’t experience hunger like I did prepouch which is AWESOME. I’m becoming ambivalent about food and don’t feel the need to eat until I am stuffed. At week 30 I am still very glad I had the procedure done!
  14. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to mrsteacher for a blog entry, Week 29 (And The Vitamix Debate)   
    Week 29
    Last week’s weight – 195.8
    This week’s weight – 194.6
    Total weight lost this week – 1.2
    Beginning weight – 246 lbs
    Total weight loss since surgery – 51.4 lbs
    A bit surprised I lost weight this past week primarily because I spent the weekend up in the mountains for a wedding and there was a lot to eat and drink. I’m crediting the weight loss with the higher altitude and two days of hiking.
    I’ve been waffling between 195 – 197 for the past few weeks so it was nice to see 194.something on the scale. I tried to take a picture of my scale but the first time the flash was too bright and the second time my batteries died!
    I’m still doing Crossfit 3x a week and I’ve been getting a lot of compliments on how skinny I look even though I have not lost any pounds (I will have been doing Crossfit for 2 months as of next week). I haven’t checked my inches yet but will do so at the beginning of November to see what the affect of Crossfit has been on that. I do feel myself getting stronger and I can last longer and scale back less on the exercises.
    Right now my big obsession is with a Vitamix blender. I have been looking at them on and off since I visited my mother (who has one) this past summer. I have been saving up (they are ridiculously expensive!). My only concern is would I use it. I make shakes in the morning for breakfast and it would be nice to add some veggies into it and my current blender can’t handle it but would I use it beyond that? This is something I am struggling with. I may take a road trip to our local Costco to see a demo in the hopes it would sway me one way or the other.
    Does anyone have a vitamix and use it often after WLS?
  15. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to mrsteacher for a blog entry, Week 28 (7 Months)   
    Week 28 (7 months)
    Last week’s weight – 195.8
    This week’s weight – 195.8
    Total weight gained/lost this week – 0
    Beginning weight – 246 lbs
    Total weight loss since surgery – 50.4 lbs
    I need to have a serious “talk” with myself. I am not happy with this yo-yoing I am going through. Currently my weight is fluctuating between 197 – 195.8. I know this is due to a lack of focus. I hit the 50 lb mark and now I am not as motivated or as focused as I was.
    My worst time is after work. I am bored or avoiding house work. That is when I munch and drink.
    This is what I ate yesterday –

    16 oz of water
    Slimfast ready made drink with 20 grams of protein
    Walked into a training where the trainer had Halloween candy. I ate 6 small twix and 3 whoppers (not hungry it was just there).
    Cream of Chicken soup at hand
    Crystal Light Lemonaid with 20 grams of protein (added strawberry protein stuff from Unjury)
    Dinner with friend at Outback
    Firefly Lemonaid Drink (had a few sips and then took home and finished later)
    Ceaser Salad
    Chicken Flatbread Pizza Appetizer (ate one slice and then took the rest home which I ate later)
    [*]Finished rest of flatbread pizza (shared 3 slices with husband) and drink
    [*]Ate a bunch of pistachio nuts (not hungry – bored while watching TV – avoiding laundry)
    [*]Ate a bunch of dried mangos (not hungry – bored while watching TV – avoiding laundry)

    I did work out in the morning – Crossfit.
    In hindsight I should have not ordered the drink. I should have avoided the Halloween candy. I should have had the croutons taken off my salad. I should have drunk more water. I should have avoided the pistachio and dried mangos. Ugh….I stepped on the scale this morning and yup I was up from 195.8 to 197.2 (not counting it because I only record weight on Wednesday).
    Need to be more mindful about my eating and drinking this week.
  16. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Hollyrock100 for a blog entry, Psych Eval Day   
    Well, I had my second psych eval. (The first one was a year ago) No big deal. Except, I have been thinking about going to councilling after surgery. I have had some issues with my mother commenting on my weight throughout my life. I am wondering if I am keeping this weight on for a reason. I mean when I am in new love/lust. I loose the weight. Once I am single or in a dissatisfying relationship, I gain weight. I'm not sure if this is normal. Anyway, I am considering it.
    So, I really want to suceed. I think that if I don't change my way of thinking or feeling about myself, in 6 or so years I may be back where I started, or worse.
    For those of you who haven't had your psych eval. It's no big deal. You don't have to tell them anymore than what they ask.
    So, is there anyone out there who does get therapy? Or, do you have some sort of self-help program that will help you discovery why you do one thing or another?
    Thanks, Holly
  17. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Hollyrock100 for a blog entry, Dissent   
    I don't know how to respond to comments so I'm just going to do it here. I agree with the statement of not telling people about my surgery. It's funny how people act towards having bariatric surgery vs plastic surgery. If I told them I was having a boob job it would be totally acceptable. Living and working in Scottsdale I am most likely one of the last people over 16 to get one. Hahah! It's true, maybe one day. Anyway, Its a whole different story when you're trying to save yourself. I really think that soon, I will be at a normal healthy weight and not have asthma, high blood pressure, a fatty liver, low vitamin D and a bleak future. Now, with my decision I can be healthy, happy and live a long life without fat discrimination and co-morbidities. I am happy with my decision. I applaude all of you who have also made this decision for yourself.
    I have been researching vitamins and found that I can buy most of them at Costco. Yay! On to the Protein Powder. I really like the taste of Vi by Visalus. I think it might be to thick and heavy after the surgery. I wouldnt mind doing it for the 2 week pre-surgical diet. If you havent tasted it. It tastes like vanilla cake. Holy Yum! However, I still need to find something less heavy with less ingredients. Please give me your suggestions. Thanks and have a great day.
  18. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Hollyrock100 for a blog entry, Dissent   
    So, I told my family. It was difficult to tell my mother. I guess she has been researching on her own and did not start crying again. Thank G-d! So, I finally have the support of my whole family. Woo Hoo! So,this is why the reaction from my co-worker was so funny. She said I was taking the easy way out. I wasn't even obese; and I should just exercise. I laughed and said," Ok, I'm taking the easy way out." I think this is funny. However, I can now see what people are taking about when they say people you don't even know have an opinion. Oh well whatever, I am taking control of my out of control life. I am just thinking about my health and the size 6 I hope to fit into one day. Ahh, the wonderful thoughts of shopping in regular store.
    I have listed some websites I have found with patient guidelines.
    www.peachtreebariatrics.com- Patient PDF Manual
    www.muhealth.org - Missouri Bariatric Services Guidelines Before and After VSG
    www.northwestobesitysurgery.com- A comprehensive list of dietary information
    PS: Thanks for reading my Blog and pushing through my spelling errors, crappy grammer and dyslexia.
  19. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to Hollyrock100 for a blog entry, Back To The Surgeons   
    First thank you for reading my blog. I hope to help others with information that I am digging up on the Gastric sleeve.
    A few months ago, I decided to go back to the bariatric surgeon because I am not loosing weight. I suspect its because of my Thyroid, the fact that I live with my ex, something deep in my brain and that I hate to exercise. Not to mention I am in Arizona where it so freakin hot. I have already gone through the 6 months of Dr supervised weight loss. So when I went in today, I was told that I just needed another psych eval and pre- op labs. Good! The doctor suggested the sleeve as the gastic band's failure rate is 50% and going higher. I agreed to the sleeve.
    The thing I am concerned about is long term effects of the sleeve. Not 5 or even 10 years from now but 25 to 30 years. So, I started digging into what could possibly happen. I am doing this to make my life better. I just want to be sure that I am making the right decision. You know, all of those women who silicone breast implants thought they were safe. Now they are having chronic problems. I dont want chronic
    So, here we go. What I already know. The stomach will be reduced by 80%. The spincter ( tho opening to the stomach) will still be intact. The stomach will still have the ability to digest food, move and absorb vitamins. Although, It will produce less acid and absorb less vitamins and can form ulsers easily. Hense, the no anti-inflamatories. The surgeon will not do the sleeve on anyone who is already being treated for gastric reflux as rhe procedure will make it so much worse. In addition, even if you haven't had reflux you may develop it around the 5-6 year. The surgeons believe this is due to the internal pressure of the stomach and the weakened fibers of the stomach walls. So... if you are worried look up GERD. If it gets too bad, the doctor will ask you to get a RNY or bypass, as they will releave the pain. Which leads to... looking up everything about these procedures.
    Well, this is enough tonight. I will be back with more concrete info and websites.
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    erpiedbnuebn reacted to desertmom for a blog entry, How Much Do We Really Eat?   
    It is interesting to see how little I really eat.Also will be interesting to see what the scale does when I get back home.
    We are staying in a hotel and we have breakfast included.This is what I ate.Half a soft boiled egg,.25 of a arabic flat bread,about half an once of brie cheese,one teaspoon of hummus,half a slice of deli beef.A cappucino before I ate.
    Then at 12:00 2 pieces of beef jerky.At 2:30 we ordered lunch.I ordered a beef burger that looked so great I told the kids to get the camera,Im going to eat the whole thing...lol.Well,I ate .25 of the hamburger patty because I first saw some lettuce leaves with a little balsamico and I had to eat that.At 17:30 we decided to have a pina quilada in the sea while gently rocking on our chairs in the water.This made me so nauseous I am still recovering...lol.Also a bit giggly as I still havent learnt to stop after half a drink which would have been just enough.Now there is a international buffet my family wants to go to and I will have to see what I can eat.
    The thing is I am totally HOOKED on protein pancakes.It is so crazy!I miss them so much when I cant have it.It like a meal,protein and pudding all in one for me and I just love them!
    Tis stupid scale at the hotel weighed me 3 pounds heavier than my home scale just whe we arrived and of course this makes me paranoid.Hope it isnt right though I doubt it.
    We went on the boat today with the kids on the tube.Tomorrow we will go and snorkel ar Dibba rock and then join the kids for a joy ride on the banana tube just to show how brave mom's gotten.
    We played badmington on the beach for a long long time and my energy is endless now.
    Life is so different now that i am so much lighter.I dont sit and watch everyone do the fun things any more,I participate in every thing there is to do.
    I cannot wait to go skiing some time early next year.
    More than anything I cannot wait to lose this last 30 pounds so I can start looking into plastics.My butt is hanging behind my knees and no bathing suite stays over it.I am constantly pulling and tugging to keep it in place and will seriously have to look for a different style one.The wrinckly skin also bothers me a little,but hey,I dont know anyone one here so am not too self concious (spelling!)
    Life is good and not even the cold I have could spoil the fun this time around!
  21. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to @DomLorenVSG for a blog entry, 9 Weeks Post Op   
    Well, this week I only lost -.5 lb. ONLY a half a pound after a -5 lbs weight loss last week. But, such is the journey of weight loss. I didn't stall, I didn't gain, and the scale went down, if only a little bit, it still went down. And for that I'm very thankful. I posted my 2 month post op pics on Wednesday, and I am really starting to see a difference. Mostly in the way my clothes are fitting me. Everyday this week I've worn something that had been in my closet collecting dust for years. My next hurdle, is to sit down and really go through EVERYTHING and clean out my closet and organize by size and really start getting rid of stuff. I've held on to so much in fear my weight would go up and down. My closet ranges from size 8 to size 16. Just think of all the closet space for new clothes once I finally get to my ultimate size?! And as for what that size is??? I don't know. Smallest I've ever been was a size 8, and that lasted for a few weeks and yo yo dieted myself up back to a size 16. So maybe size 8? Maybe a size 6? I really don't know. I do know it will be a journey, it won't happen overnight. I'm still wearing my favorite pair of size 10 jeans that I fit into for the first time just a few weeks ago, and they are already starting to get lose on me. Until I get to my first goal weight of 169lbs, I'm really not buying anything new, re-discovering all the old clothes in my closet, and preparing for a mass spring cleaning!
    Height: 5'9
    Highest Weight: 216
    1st Goal Weight: 169
    (8/17/2012): 216 lbs
    Week 1 (8/24): 204.8 (-11.2)
    Week 2 (8/31): 200.6 (-4.2)
    Week 3 (9/7): 196.8 (-3.8)
    Week 4 (9/14): 193.5 (-3.3)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 9/17/12- 1 Month Anniversary w/Pics Posted in Blog
    Week 5 (9/21): 191.6 (-1.9)
    Week 6 (9/28): 190.1 (-1.5)
    Week 7 (10/5): 187.0 (-3.1)
    Week 8 (10/12): 181.9 (-5.1)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> 10/17/12- 2 Month Anniversary w/Pics Posted in Blog
    Week 9 (10/19): 181.4 (-.5)
  22. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to IsaacsGram for a blog entry, 46 Days Postop Update   
    I haven't updated in awhile as I'm back to my busy life. Returned to work this Monday, 12 hours shifts, no restrictions. I am doing pretty well, keeping up, keeping hydrated. I was afraid of not having time to drink, let alone eat, but so far I've been able to make it work. I'm also babysitting my 1 year and 2 year old grandsons-that seems to wear me out faster than work! I had this surgery to help me keep up=but so far I'm struggling just as much as before. A bit disappointing, but I'm hoping my stamina increases as I lose weight and get a regular exercise regimen. Speaking of which, I started back to the gym on Saturday. My plan is to go every day off, even if I'm babysitting I will go afterwards. But there is no way to go on work days.
    Other issues I'm running into include constipation, back pain, and so much gas!! I think the back pain is just due to the abdominal muscles having gotten weak since surgery. For the constipation I have increased the fiber I take daily and now taking colace daily as well. This may also be contributing to the gas thing.
    So at least I'm finally losing weight again, I said goodbye to the 240's this Tuesday. I also got into some size 18 jeans and my work jackets that I had "outgrown". In case anybody is curious about my stats, i started out this journey at 277lbs, wearing size 22 jeans and 3x scrubs. My scrubs at work are now XL pants and 2x tops. I'm an apple shape-that hasn't changed too much yet. But I'm hoping I will become a thinner apple!!
  23. Like
    erpiedbnuebn reacted to AngelEyesInNJ for a blog entry, My Surgery Journey - 11/8/12 - Dr. Garcia - Tijuana, Mexico   
    About my surgery! Date 11/8/12 - Dr.Garcia booked through Ready4AChange
    Arrived in San Diego at car rental place 11/7/12 and Samuel picked my sister and I up on time. He was very pleasant helped load our bags into the minivan and he spoke to us the whole ride into Mexico. He answered any questions we had which was great.
    Arrived at the Marriott in Tijuana - it is BEAUTIFUL the pool area is also very relaxing. Ok back on track! When we arrived at the Marriott, the bell hops helped with the bags (they also are very very friendly) and then Samuel helped us check in and mentioned that Rosie would stop by later to talk to me about my surgery the next day.
    We went upstairs got settled in, and the beds are COMFY!!! Rosie did stop by later on and she went over what time I would need to be ready the next day and also let me know about ordering the broth, popsicles and water. Also, just as a note because we weren't aware of this, if you are going through Ready4AChange if you are bringing someone with you or if you want to order Jell-O or something not included in the package from the hotel restaurant just let them know you are with Ready4AChange and you should receive a discount I think it is like 10 or 15%.
    After Rosie left my sister and I took a walk to the Casino and Wal-Mart although it looks like it is right behind it is a little bit of a hike maybe like 2 ½-3 NYC blocks. Yes the exercise is great but I didn’t realize what a hike it was going to be for me. We were too tired to walk back so we just took a taxi back to the hotel. The whole time we used US dollars I think you make out better, I wouldn’t exchange into Pesos.
    The next morning arrived 11/8/12 - YAY surgery day is here! We went downstairs to the lobby with our belongings and waited to be taken to the hospital. While sitting there, we bumped into others that had the surgery already and they were speaking with us letting me know there is nothing to worry about. It kind of made me feel a bit better, not that I was worried but always great to hear the great stories of post-op ya know. I think it also helped my sister calm down some; she was the nervous one for me.
    When we arrived at the hospital, it is smaller than the ones here in the US but still very clean. We were greeted by Melly she is also awesome helping answering any questions we had. She helped me hand my paper work in and then also let me know what to expect. They took me down to the 2nd floor for blood work that was over in a matter of minutes (faster than any US place I have been). I then went back upstairs to the 3rd floor where we were waiting for the room to be cleaned. We were brought into the room and it had 2 beds and a TV so my sister stayed in the room with me. I was given the beautiful gown to put on along with the compression stockings. TMI*** my monthly friend was visiting so as a suggestion on the day of surgery just use a plug and afterwards you can go to the pad otherwise I was told the OR nurse would place pads for you while in there. I didn't want that.
    While waiting for surgery the nurse came in to start the IV and I knew she was having a hard time finding the vein (it’s the story of my life) but when she couldn't get it she kept trying and trying and it actually had me crying my sister ran out to get Melly and at that time the nurse stopped and placed a band aide over where she tried. When Melly came in my sister explained what happened and we were told that she should have stopped once I was in pain. After this the Anesthesiologist came in to speak with me and he let me know that he was going to take great care of me and place the IV in when I was knocked out (that was fine with me).
    The next doctor that came in was Dr.Velazco, she was just letting me know after surgery I need to walk walk walk this will help with the gas pains and that I should get up and walk about 15-20 mins every hour. The next doctor (I can't think of her name) the internal doc was just explaining to me the importance of blowing into the breath tube to help prevent pneumonia and she also had surgery I can't recall if she had the bypass or sleeve but she was also very very nice.
    The last doctor to come and see me was Dr.Garcia he is like a cute cuddly teddy bear. He is very nice he had his iPad and drew up a diagram of what he was going to be doing and asked if I had any questions but from all of the research I had done I really didn't have any questions, I knew what to expect. Also each doctor aside from all being very nice each also stressed the fact that I needed to walk to help with the gas pains and also to help prevent blood clots.
    So, moving on.. It’s time for surgery. They bring me into the OR and I lay on the table. The anesthesiologist mentioned the first breath of air may feel a little irritating boy was he right oh my word I felt like I was going to be suffocated but by the second breathe I was out because the next thing I remember was them bringing me back to my room asking me to scoot over into my bed. I was barely alert and my sister kept calling my name to get me to get up and walk. Oh my goodness how the heck am I supposed to walk when I can't even keep my eyes open ha-ha.
    Eventually I came too and got up to walk and use the ladies room. That is when I discovered the drain, at first I was freaked out but then I just tucked it between the waistline in my panties so it wasn't dangling by my ankles. The nurses came in with 3 different shots to place in the IV one was for nausea, the other was for pain and the last was an antibiotic. I was ok after these shots but did start to feel a bit sick so later in the night when it seemed everyone was sleeping I went out to the nurses’ station and let them know I was feeling very sick and that I needed something. So, the nurse came in with a shot that he had to give me in by butt cheek lol (I am 31 and I can't remember getting any shots there in at least 20 something years so it was quiet funny).After the shot I started feeling better so I tried to sleep, but that was a no go. I was coughing and coughing and then before I knew it with the walking and trying to sleep here comes another 3 shots into the IV. This time almost immediately after wards I was in the bathroom getting sick.
    11/9/12 - In the morning I was taken downstairs for the leak test, I was hoping I would be able to keep it down which I was so that was great. No LEAKS!!! Yay! I was brought back upstairs where there was more walking. I was also able to shower and had my bandages all cleaned and changed.
    Since I passed the leak test I was now able to have some liquids so a few hours passed and I was given some Gatorade. I drank a little and it was ok then they asked me to drink the blue dye to check my drain I was able to take 3 sips with no problems. A little later on here come 3 more meds into the IV. Once again I felt sick and right to the restroom I went to get sick. At this point I was trying to figure out what was making me sick, but still wasn’t sure. Dr.Garcia also came around to check on me to see how I was doing and to answer any questions I had, he also mentioned that the next day if there was no blue dye in my drain it would be taken out the next day. I almost forgot, along with Melly, Dr.Velzaco also came around to check in on me.
    Later that night Holly and Harmoni came to visit me I knew Holly from one of the message boards and just met Harmoni that night. It was very nice of them to come and see me I just felt bad that I couldn’t talk much because I was feeling so sick from one of the meds. Eventually later that night I asked that they stop giving me the pain meds because I thought it was making me sick, when they stopped I started feeling a little better, not 100% because it was still in my system but a little better.
    11/10/12 - The next day it was shower time and pack up time. I had seen Dr.Garcia and then Dr.Valzco came in asking how I was feeling and mentioned my drain was going to be taken out. A little later the nurse came in and removed my drained cleaned the area and re-bandaged me also changed and cleaned up my other incisions. After this I was ready to go J
    Melly helped us downstairs and I was not allowed to lift anything just had to sit and enjoy the wheelchair ride to the van. When we got to the van they were bringing down two other patients Harmoni and Sheila. I was feeling so sick on the ride back to the hotel that as soon as we got there I had to run straight to the restroom. Rosie had come with me in there to make sure I was ok (what a sweetheart). After that little incident Rosie walked me back to check in and all 3 of us that just had surgery we are staying on the same floor which was awesome. Harmoni and Sheila came to visit me a few times, I just felt bad because I was still feeling a bit sick and had no voice I really didn’t leave the room.
    Rosie came back later that night to check on me and explained that Dr.Luna would be by the next day to take out the staples which was awesome! That night I tried to sleep but was only able to dose off maybe for 2 hours in a propped up position but I kept coughing so that kept me awake.
    11/11/12 - The next day Rosie and Dr.Luna showed up, he looked at my incisions and removed the staples and placed the stitch tape stuff over them. He also checked my drain incision and cleaned that up for me and just reminded me that I could wash my incisions with soap and water but the incision where the drain was I could use antiseptic spray and Neosporin and have to cover it back up. The others the tape will come off in a few days and by then they should be ok. Later that day Samuel was supposed to come by so that a few of us could do some shopping I believe it is on Revolution Street. He wasn’t able to make it but he father filled in and so my sister, Harmoni and another couple went shopping which was great. That night I was able to actually sleep for about 4 or 5 hours which was great! I was no longer feeling sick since the meds would have finally left my body and the new meds that I was on were great. The whole time I was never in any pain so I opted not to take the pain meds that I was sent back with.
    11/12/12 - I couldn’t believe that my time in Mexico was coming to a close it all seemed to happen so fast and those beds I just wanted to take one home with me. My sister and I went downstairs so that she could order some food, also as an FYI I believe his name is Hector, which runs the restaurant he is a sweetheart and is very helpful. So if you need anything during your stay from the restaurant I am sure he is the one you will be speaking with.
    We get back to the room after she eats we start packing up and at noon time we are outside in the minivan with another couple and one other woman that had the surgery. We were lucky to not have to wait on a long line coming back through the border. Samuel had some type of medical pass that let us skip a lot of the line and then when we got to the booth he just had to show our passports or birth certificates and IDs and we were good to go, no inspections.
    We were dropped off at the San Diego airport and we were prepared to sit there for hours until our 9pm flight home but God was on our side and the flight that was supposed to leave at 11:45am we delayed and was now departing at 3:30pm so we were able to have all 3 seats in the back of the plane to ourselves. I also requested wheelchair assistance which was great I really didn’t have to wait in any lines for security and I was able to board the plane first.
    I have been home for a few days and today 11/15/12 is my one week out and I am down 14 lbs from surgery. Getting my liquid in has been a little bit of a challenge for me only because I forget to sip every 15 mins. Tomorrow I start with my protein intake and also allowed to start warm cereals if my tummy can tolerate them.
    This is a very exciting journey to be on and I will post more updates maybe on a weekly basis.
    -If you can check your luggage you may want to bring some neosporin and or antiseptic spray and if not using ready4Achange you may want to see if your company will provide any guaze and tape if not you may want to pack that as well.
    - I also brought pedialyte pops with me for after the surgery and they worked well, better then just the liquid
    -Gas-X strips helped a little - walking helped a lot more
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    erpiedbnuebn reacted to drqqpy2 for a blog entry, My Weight Loss Journey   
    Hi, I had my sleeve surgery on August 6th, 2012. I actually tried to get the lap band back in 2006 but due to insurance regulations and morbidity-lacking qualifications, I was unsuccessful back in 2006. Jump forward a couple of years to 2012 and I finally had the right insurance and actually had some morbidities that helped me get the desired surgery. I kinda felt alone having to do this surgery because none of my family members have had some type of weight loss surgery, or had any friends that has gone thru this type of surgery. My husband was not very supportive in my decision and basically said "why ask my opinion when your mind is set already". Pretty much it was a true statement. All of my friends, coworkers, and mom stated that I didnt need the surgery, "your beautiful just the way you are". I appreciated all the kind words and concerns BUT none of them could even start to comprend what I see every day. Im not talking about being on a scale, Im talking about seeing myself in the mirror every day. Before finding this site, I started blogging my thoughts, my journey on www.blogger.com (Rhelm of Droopy). I hope you take the time to check it out, you will see my pre-surgery picture and my monthly pictures that I try to update on the 6th of every month give or take a few days.
    Lets make my first blog entry short, my consultation weight was 235. My two-week liquid diet before surgery weight was 210. My two-week follow up weight was 191. My two month post-surgery weight was 189 and just this past Tuesday, November 13th, I weighed in at 176. So give or take, Im losing 10 pounds a month, Im going to be honest, wish it was more but Im happy nontheless. Clothes are starting to be baggy, I've gone thru alot of clothes and have given some to the salvation army. My face is alot thinner and thou my double chin still is visibily seen, its not as much as before. In my blogs I mention how a chubby girl notices weird things. I noticed that my inner thighs got thinner. By this I mean, when I walked my thighs would rub sometimes even chaffe from the friction. I guess you have to be chubby to understand this feeling but now I have notices that they dont rub as much as before. There are so many things that a chubby girl notices that a slimmer individual would take for granted. Yes, I have lost some pounds, BUT I'm looking for particular things in my weight loss and they may seem weird but it's something I personally want to see. Im not saying that everyone is the same, Im saying these are things I want to see personally in my "transformation". They are, naturally the weight loss, duh who doesnt! I want to see my collar bone popping out, I want to see the bone on the top of my shoulder's popping out, I want to see my torso start slendering rather than see my love handles sticking out or as I call them "my arm rest" defining my pants. I hope this makes sense because honestly in my head it does lol.
    Getting rid of my clothes gave me anxiety. I kept telling myself "no save that or save this, what if you dont loose your weight, you wont have any clothes". I swear my mind is my own worse enemy. I did however get rid of alot of clothes and kept telling myself "you will loose weight". I was an 18/20 and currently Im a snug 14. My tops that I normally would buy in a XL or 1X are falling off my shoulders. My pants that are 16 or 14/16 are real bagging in the crotch area but I refuse to buy any clothes for the simple reason that Im going to try to reach my goal weight and to be buying clothes every time I go down a size is just really crazy. I dont know about you but I know I surely dont have money growing on my tree in the back yard. So yes, Im wearing baggy crotchy pants, and the shirts/blouses I have are in the 14/16 range in size. I actually went to the store yesterday and just window shopped. Funny how I would like a blouse and automatically would look for a 1X or an X-Large when clearly I could possibly may fit in a Large now. My mind is so used to being a certain way that even thou I see my full figure transformation I refuse to see my Skinny figure transformation. My mind is my worse enemy! Im not going to lie, I am my own worse critic, I still see the chubby me every day in that mirror. You would think that im on a scale daily to see my progress BUT im not. I have fear of gaining and a bigger fear of not losing. Make sense? Im not saying that this will happen to you, Im telling you that this is what Im dealing and going thru on a daily basis.
    Im glad I found this sight, I hope that I can read some of the blogs and in some way compare notes, take pointers on how someone is dealing with particular things, find some sort of comfort knowing that Im not the only one that may feel this way or that way and most importantly, find moral support that we may have in common.
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    erpiedbnuebn reacted to JessieRetro for a blog entry, My First Entry   
    So here i am, most of my friends and family are just as excited as me...some even more than me. But then there are the select few who tell me "i'll support whatever choice you make, but i wouldn't do it if i were you." Hearing those things makes me hesitant to go through with this. It almost feels like they think i'm not trying hard enough or that i'm taking the easy way out. In fact...this isn't easy for me at all. Those of you reading this already know that though. I struggled to make this choice and come to the conclution that this is what i need to do. In fact, a year ago i thought i didn't need this surgery and that i could do it on my own. I lost 15 pounds then, but a year later, i am at my highest. Well, that was 6 days ago that i was at my highest. Thankfully i have lost 10 pounds so far during this pre-op waiting game. Anyways, they tell me of all the horror storied of the people they know who've gotten the bypass (which i'm not getting) and how you turn into a totally different person even down to your personality, how i'm going to have these crazy adiction transfers, and how i might lose my loved ones because of how much i'll change as a person. Stuff like that obviously scared the crap out of me...but i had to think, what's more important: having a healthy life where i know i wont die before 45, or POSSIBLY running into one or more of those previously stated issues? After asking myself that AND if i really thought that "without surgery would i be able to lose this weight and maintain it on my own", i realized that this is my only choice. Thank God i have insurance, otherwise this wouldn't be possible.
    So, again, here i am......and this time i'm fully excited. I haven't really told my nay-sayers about my decision, but when the time comes, i will. I'm keeping a tottaly WIDE open room for communication with my boyfriend to make sure that he feels comfortable with all this and that he doesn't feel like i'm dragging him on this rollercoaster. haha
    Soon i'll tell the rest of my family, cause so far only my mom, grandma, and cousin (who had bypass surgery) know of this. But for now i'm just making a YouTube journal of this whole thing (JessiesSleeveJourney) and documenting on here now too. My mom says i shouldn't tell any of my family when we go to Thanksgiving, but i'll let you know if i do. haha

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