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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to shrcumm in It Has to Come From Within!!!   
    True Love Will Never Be Found Outside!! It Has To Come From Within!!
    Love Yourself Regardless! Many Have Lost Much Weight While Others Have Not!! It Does Not Matter Only Effort Matters!! And Then More Continued Effort!!!
    Happy Tuesday!!!
  2. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Mrs. CMK in My BMI   
    As of this morning, I am no longer in the mordidly obese category! I am now just obese. When I started my journey, my BMI was 55 now I am at 40!!!!!!. I still have a long way to go but I feel so good about this. (she says with tears streaming down her face).
    As always, thanks for letting me share and God Bless.
  3. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to ChangingMyLife in Any February 2013 Bandsters?   
    My surgery date is in between both of you NurseKelly and WANTMYHEALTHBACK. I'm being banded on the 20th. I live in New Zealand. How are you both feeling about surgery?
    WANTMYHEALTHBACK: I remember the HUNGRY feeling when I started my optifast diet. I decided to do a 8 week optifast prior to my surgery date. The first 2 weeks I felt so hungry about an hour after having a shake ... but it does get easier I promise! For the past month I have struggled to finish a whole shake by about half I am close to full! I've lost 19.1kg (42lbs) since the start of December.
  4. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to WMHB (Dave) in Any February 2013 Bandsters?   
    Started my preop Optifast diet today. Surgery on the 19th. I will struggle the first few days, but won't cheat as my new life has begun! PS. I am hungry!!!
  5. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to ashly.auld in Any February 2013 Bandsters?   
    Haven't been on ere in a while. Being banded on the 7th. Pretty excited. Protein Shakes are nothing now. Usually not even hungry. I have to remind myself to drink it. Hope everyone is doing well.
  6. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Smallwcw in Any February 2013 Bandsters?   
    Hello everyone! I'm a "newbie"..... Am scheduled for the 14th. I'm on day 5 of the liquids and am so proud I made it through a Super Bowl get together.
  7. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to asr2468 in Any February 2013 Bandsters?   
    Hi guys I was banded on January 28 I wanted to say good luck to you all! You each others biggest supporters!!( along with those banded!) feel free to reach out ask questions. I may not have all the answers because I'm just starting my journey but I'm on the other side!! Good luck everyone! And remember this is sooooo worth it for a health new life! <3
  8. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to general_antiope in My turn!   
    Hi all, I can't post to our feb group from my phone so I'm posting here. I'm at the hospital ready for my 12 pm surgery. My band is getting replaced and I am so psyched to be a big loser again!!
  9. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to shrcumm in This is My Year 2013!!   
    Today I will do Something I have Never Done Before!!
    Put Me First!!
    I will complete All My Weight Loss Goal!!! No Matter What!!! By Eating Healthy!!
    The Numbers: 20 Represent: God's Number is 20. This is Biblical Fact!!
    The Number 1 Represent: new openings, beginnings and creation.
    The Number 3 Represents: 3-Is the number of personal completeness,
    It therefore represents God.
    With That Being Said The Year 2013, 13 Is My Year!! No Exceptions!!
    Love You Happy Monday!!
  10. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to goingfoit in 19 lbs away from my dr.goal   
    I went for my 6th fill tonight got weighed in at 189. The dr told me I'm no longer obese just over weight which is a huge success. He said he would be happy with my weight loss when I weigh 170. I just had to share
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    SeaSounders♥ reacted to brannewmee in 15 min burned almost 150 calories!   
    Just wanted to share that this morning I went to the gym n decided to do the elliptical for only 15 min. since I was early to my class. To my surprise I burned almost 150 calories n did 1 mile. Of course this varies by weight but I was happy to have burned those calories vs. Sitting my but in my car waiting for class to start!
  12. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to A New New Dawn in Being Negative..   
    This is so true and a great reminder. Sometimes rather than focusing on what we can't do or our limitations, we need to focus on what we can do. I cannot run marathons, but I can walk. I cannot eat most breads, but I can eat many other delicious and more nutritious foods, etc... There are always alternatives and even the worst experiences are opportunities for us to grow and learn from!
  13. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to ☠carolinagirl☠ in Being Negative..   
    "Being negative is easy. There will always be a downside to everything good, a hurdle to everything desirable, and a con to every pro.
    The real courage is in finding the good in what you have, the opportunities in every hurdle, and the pros in every con."
  14. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Pebbagirl in Delicious Smoothie   
    I made a delicious new smoothie today! Here's the recipe if you want to try it:
    1 C (8 oz) unsweetened almond milk
    1 scoop Protein Powder (I used Cytosport)
    1 small container (8 oz) chobani yogurt (I used strawberry)
    4-8 frozen cherries
    1 packet splenda
    A handful of crushed ice (I keep ice from Sonic onhand)
    Mix in a blender on high until smooth.
    Makes about 20 oz (or two servings)
    Per 10 oz. Serving: Calories-300, fat-3g, protein-23g
  15. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to general_antiope in Any February 2013 Bandsters?   
    Jim, you're in a great program! I've been with Dr. Ren-Fielding (Dr. F's wife) for 8 years! She's replacing my disconnected band on 2/4, too I'm going in at 11 am. See you in recovery!!
  16. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to bigjimc in Any February 2013 Bandsters?   
    ok its a go.... pre opt all done .. 2/4 date just waiting for time... down 21lbs just really doing the liquid diet to the T... excitement taking over the fear also found out that my surgeon does 20 procedures a week at one of ny's biggest hosiptal ..lets get r done...
  17. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Kped in Any February 2013 Bandsters?   
    Prayers Needed!! Day 1 of Five Days liquid diet. Surgery is Tuesday, excited and nervous but sooo ready! Sipping my Unjury Protein Shake now
  18. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Maddysgram in Considering the "Advise of Others"   
    That is how the forum is suppose to run and I know their are a lot of ppl that are smart enough to bring it to their Drs attention. And I'm glad you're one of them.
    But this forum has ppl from all around the world and even Americans go to other countries for cheaper surgery and then they come here for medical advice, when they should be seeking a Dr in their area. I'm sure those are the one's OP is worried about. Them getting good medical advice from a qualified Dr.
    I've seen post here and replied to "I'm throwing up blood, do you think its a problem" and someone comes on and says "oh, I threw up blood too, but it was old blood from my surgery". When the reply should have been "get off the boards and call your Dr or go to ER", lol my reply.
    The forum is a wonderful educational experience. It helped me a lot, as it will you.
    Best wishes on your journey!
  19. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to toritz in Considering the "Advise of Others"   
    I agree with the post on whole thank you for the reminder.
    As a newbie and also pre-band I read everything possible on this board. I find different people give different advice and I like that. I am like a sponge soaking it ALL in but I am smart enough to make decisions for my own body. I like to hear other people experiences it helps me to formulate my experience. A lot of people reply to a lot of posts to ask your doctor or NUT and I agree that should be the first port of call but reading other peoples experience of getting to the green zone or how much Protein they eat helps me to figure out the questions to ask…..
  20. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to CHEZNOEL in How can I get my family to support me?   
    Might I suggest that take one or more of them with you to the consults and seminars. The more they know about the process, the less fear, uncertainty and doubt (AKA FUD Factor) will cloud their judgement. Buy a book and ask them all to read it. Ask them for their support to help make yourself healthier. Gather statistics about failed diets... 96% fail in the long run, and 94% succeed with Lap Band. Dot write them off yet. Never, Ever Give up! Family is too important!
  21. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Sojourner in Considering the "Advise of Others"   
    I've been a member of this forum for just about a year now...and have definitely found that reading about the experiences of others and discussing topics related to best practices about adjusting to the new way life with your band to be beyond helpful. They have saved me many a phone call to my surgeon's office.
    My concern is that there are some forum members who seem to have taken it upon themselves to venture beyond the spirit of the forum and write in terms of "this is the way you do that". My perspective, which I realize is tempered by my professional training and experience, is that each of us has the right to read what we choose, and can either accept/try the "advice" of others, or ignore it and move on.
    When it comes to the area of the "bandster diet", there are many variations, and the best approach will be to follow the instructions you were given by your surgeon. You can choose to modify them, however I feel it is important to discuss your concerns with the physician or nutritionist, and only proceed with major changes with their knowledge. My concern is that the "low carb" or "doesn't matter carb" or "cheat day" regimen has the risk of confusing newer members of this community as to what guidelines they should follow. This is a good topic to discuss with your own nutritionist.
    I have great concerns when someone posts definitively that "your doctor does not care"...or "all insurance companies follow the same practices", is just simply inaccurate. Stating broad generalizations about the guidelines each insurance company follows is way off the mark of reality. I know that much definitively...as I have dealt with them for years as both the consumer and the provider of services.
    Most concerning to me though is crossing the line to give medical advice in response to some of the questions posted on the forum. I believe that we have paid for the medical expertise of our medical team, so we should utilize their knowledge. I understand that some of the members of this forum have received different levels of pre op and post op education, however it is important to understand that we are not physicians here, and all medical questions are best discussed with your surgeon or medical team. Your well being and health are far too important to be entrusted to other forum members. Peace of mind is a priceless commodity...so call your medical team for your answer!
    In the medical field, and other allied professions, we are educated to understand that we must remain within the scope of our specialty. To go outside those boundaries and advise patients in an area beyond your expertise is considered to be unethical. Such actions are considered to be serious violations, and one could possibly jeopardize their professional license to engage in such practices.
    The bottom line? Unless you have the proper credentials issued by your state's medical oversight board, it is advisable to not give medical advice to others, even if offered in the spirit of well meaning and only wanting to help others...
    IMHO...others mileage may vary...
  22. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in How can I get my family to support me?   
    I suspect you'll have a harder time getting their support because they're overweight. Let's face it, misery loves company, and when an entire family is fat they get really jealous of whoever dares step out of that cycle and becomes fit. In time when they see your success, you may inspire them to change too, but at the beginning I fear you're going to have a hard time convincing them.
    I've dealt with similar, by the way. My parents, brother, aunts, cousins, etc are almost all some degree of overweight. I've heard it all- how it's the easy way out, how I'll be sick, I'll look awful with saggy skin, I'll look older, etc. You name it and I've heard it. Oh and now that I'm down over 180 pounds? I hear from my own mom "oh great, now I guess I'm the fattest one". As if it's my fault she doesn't lose weight! LOL!
    You have to remember you're doing this for you. Like me in the beginning, you may simply have to find your support elsewhere, be it online or at a support group. My family mostly has come around and is supportive these days, but even if they never did I know I made the best decision for me getting the Lap Band.
    Hang in there!
  23. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to B-52 in I'm the HAPPIEST Man Alive!!!   
    Just got back from my appointment with my surgeon...from the moment I walked into the office I received nothing but
    praise and compliments from all the office staff on how well I looked...there were 2 Med students there who came out to see what all the talk was about...
    After an introduction and a little background story from the Nurse...one Med Student said "You're a runner! I can tell...you can always tell a runner a mile away...it shows!"
    Back in Exam room with the Dr., weighed in...gained 1 lb in 6 months...he looked at me with a big smile and said what did you expect? You don't have an oz. of fat on your body...there's nothing left to loose!
    Just keep on doing what you're doing...it definitely worked!
    There is nothing else I can do for you, unless you think you're having a problem...then call me...
    It's been 2 years....I wish I had done this sooner....to be honest, I never felt it would be this successful...sure, I knew I would loose weight...but for the Dr. (and everyone else there) to say
    I look fantastic, and that I cannot possibly loose anymore???
    It's also a big relief to know that everything I have been doing, everything I eat and drink, all the exercise...has been 100% SPOT ON!
    And confirmed to keep right on doing everything the way I am now used to...
    Words cannot describe how great I feel right now!!!!
    Just live the new life!!!
    To all the newbies out there that may be reading this, I just want to say that THIS THING DOES WORK!!! All THE WAY!
  24. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to goalseeker in 50lbs...4.5 months   
    I'm so happy, I hit 50 pounds down this week and got my first fill. Thought I'd share. It's been hard work but so worth every calorie counted and burned.

  25. Like
    SeaSounders♥ reacted to Mama Mama in 6 Months Banded and I'm Down 65 POUNDS!!!!   
    I have tried EVERY diet on the planet since I was 13! I am soooo thankful to God (and my Dr) that I was strong enough to get my band. I feel so much better physically and mentally. I can finally play with my children ! If you're undecided about the band...it's changing my life!!!

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