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    gustavo52974 got a reaction from Need-a-Sleeve in My Favorite Thing About Wls...and My Least Favorite Thing. Join In!   
    Favorite thing: NOT getting attention from "chubby chasers".
    Least favorite thing: Looking at old pictures of myself, like my profile pic, my work ID card, vacation photos, pics of me on my friends' Facebook pages, etc.
  2. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from jayecat in Pissed   
    My weight loss is way beyond noticeable now (50 pounds in 6 weeks) And, ironically, most of the people in my office who have commented on my weight loss (in a good way) are the straight guys! Everyone knows I'm gay, so imagine my surprise. The women just gnash their teeth and look at me somewhat suspiciously. The other gay guys in the office are mostly of the "poisonous hissing queens" species, so I knew I'd get nothing from them except bitchy gossip behind my back. Go figure!
  3. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from kia in Does Anyone Else Have Problems With Their Coworkers?   
    Most of the support staff in my office are the unclassy, gossiping type of women who are all at least 30-50 pounds overweight. Even though I told no one at my office that I had surgery, I've already heard rumors that I used WLS.
    So when they say it's an easy way out, I look at their waistline and say, "At least I found a way out."
  4. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in Husbands   
    I'll say this: sometimes there's a very fine line between love and a waste of time.
  5. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from kia in Does Anyone Else Have Problems With Their Coworkers?   
    Most of the support staff in my office are the unclassy, gossiping type of women who are all at least 30-50 pounds overweight. Even though I told no one at my office that I had surgery, I've already heard rumors that I used WLS.
    So when they say it's an easy way out, I look at their waistline and say, "At least I found a way out."
  6. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from kia in Does Anyone Else Have Problems With Their Coworkers?   
    Most of the support staff in my office are the unclassy, gossiping type of women who are all at least 30-50 pounds overweight. Even though I told no one at my office that I had surgery, I've already heard rumors that I used WLS.
    So when they say it's an easy way out, I look at their waistline and say, "At least I found a way out."
  7. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from cherrybombknits in 5% of 1%?   
    I don't like to say I'm an atheist because I don't like to refer to myself in the negative. But no, I don't believe in god concepts. I find the whole idea illogical and rather silly.
    However, since I'm surrounded by it all the time and I try to be positive, I've decided to find religion charming.
  8. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from kia in Does Anyone Else Have Problems With Their Coworkers?   
    Most of the support staff in my office are the unclassy, gossiping type of women who are all at least 30-50 pounds overweight. Even though I told no one at my office that I had surgery, I've already heard rumors that I used WLS.
    So when they say it's an easy way out, I look at their waistline and say, "At least I found a way out."
  9. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from Jolie_KeMi in The Top 5 Things You Will Not Miss After Vsg   
    1. Not worrying that I have roughly 30 seconds to tie my shoes before I pass out.
    2. Not being a B cup.
    3. Not having the fear that the buttons on my clothes might pop off.
    4. Not wanting to finish the food on other people's plates.
    5. Not being able to see my feet (or other assorted body parts) while standing.
  10. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from Jolie_KeMi in The Top 5 Things You Will Not Miss After Vsg   
    1. Not worrying that I have roughly 30 seconds to tie my shoes before I pass out.
    2. Not being a B cup.
    3. Not having the fear that the buttons on my clothes might pop off.
    4. Not wanting to finish the food on other people's plates.
    5. Not being able to see my feet (or other assorted body parts) while standing.
  11. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from mrscastillo in Early Post Sleeve Dating   
    Intellect and emotion are two very separate things. Intellectually, he might know that you can't eat much. But emotionally, people who are foodies and/or love to cook can have a negative knee-jerk reaction to those who can't eat, or can't eat MUCH, of what they put in front of you.
    My Italian grandmother was an amazing cook and she needed validation for this by seeing everyone clean their plates. And when I spent time in the Middle East, the way you showed your host that you enjoyed their cooking was to finish everything that was served.
    I've been on both sides of this issue, and it involved two "new" friends. I met friend #1 at a party (way before I had the surgery) and we hit it off (just as friends) so we decided to hang out one afternoon. We were hanging out in my neighborhood, which is known for lots of great restaurants. Unfamiliar with the area, my friend told me to choose a place to eat. So I picked a pizza place that is known for having NYC's "best" pizza. I was excited to have him try it because I believed it was the best pizza I'd ever had. He ate three bites and left it on his plate.
    I knew he had had weight loss surgery (in his case, the Lap Band), and I knew intellectually that he couldn't eat much, but my emotional reaction was that I felt insulted. "You didn't like it?!? You only ate three bites!" It was like being told it WASN'T the best pizza and I was wrong. Then I remembered he had the surgery and I felt a little better. But the emotions kicked in before the intellect.
    I met Friend #2 after I had had the surgery. He knew I couldn't eat much, but he was one of those people who prided himself on his cooking. I went to his place to hang out one day and he had just cooked a big meal for himself and his brother. Despite the fact that I had gone into detail about the stages of the post-op diet with him (he was really curious about it, so I told him), a lot of the food he cooked I simply couldn't eat. But he shoved a plate in front of me and wanted me to try it. He stood over me with an expectant grin as I took the first bite of his mashed potatoes, which were really the only thing I could eat.
    I took three bites and told him that they were indeed excellent and put my fork down. "That's all?!? You don't want anymore? You didn't like it?" I kept telling him that was all I could eat, but he still seemed rather hurt. He got over it and we went on to do other things, but seeing the pained expression on his face when I put my fork down made me feel bad.
    My point is (and sorry for the novel I just wrote), people who make food a priority in their lives might be a bit of a challenge for those of us who have had weight loss surgery. That doesn't mean you can't have them in your life, and I'm still friends with the guys in my story. But it took time and understanding to get used to the idea of a stomach that could only hold a few ounces of food.
  12. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from Justine13 in Funny Response From My Husband...   
    Wow! A total failure of deductive reasoning if I've ever seen it...I hope you properly edumicated him!
  13. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from GivingItMyAll in Relationship Help   
    Remember the sanctity of marriage. I'm willing to bet that you said something like, "Till death do us part", or "As long as we both shall live" when you made your vows. This might just be my opinion, but I don't think vows are something one should abandon when they become inconvenient.
  14. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from Jolie_KeMi in The Top 5 Things You Will Not Miss After Vsg   
    1. Not worrying that I have roughly 30 seconds to tie my shoes before I pass out.
    2. Not being a B cup.
    3. Not having the fear that the buttons on my clothes might pop off.
    4. Not wanting to finish the food on other people's plates.
    5. Not being able to see my feet (or other assorted body parts) while standing.
  15. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from Justine13 in Just Make Me Feel Better ;)   
    Oh..one more thing...I have to keep reminding myself that the rate of weight loss isn't as important as knowing that, if I do everything I'm supposed to do, I WILL reach my goal. Besides, I've read that the faster you lose weight, the greater the loose-skin problem can be.
  16. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from kryssaboo in Jerks.   
    My pleasure. Trust me, I've had my moments too. There were times when I wanted to throw someone out a window because they were happily eating a huge bowl of macaroni and cheese in front of me. It passes. And you are more than welcome to vent it here--you wouldn't be the first! And don't let the harsh comments bother you. Everyone's version of "tough love" can be very different. You'll find FAR more support on here than not.
  17. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from kryssaboo in Jerks.   
    Trust me, you get used to it. People eating your "former foods" in front of you, that is. It WILL get easier. I don't know if my experience is typical, but I look at someone eating a hamburger and fries in front of me and I'm surprised at how little I want it now. And trust me, hamburgers and fries were two of my best friends!
    You go through a transformation with this surgery. It makes you look at food differently. And if your experience is anything like mine, you realize how strange it is how you need something so much for so long, and all of a sudden you don't need it anymore. It's almost religious.
    Hang in there. It gets better. Eventually you'll be able to eat most of the things you used to, it's just that smaller portions will fill you up. And you resent people less and less for eating the food that made you need the surgery to begin with.
  18. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from samsmom in Macho Cheese Doritos   
    Oh darn...when I saw the title as "Macho cheese Doritos" I got a little excited. Hehe. I thought maybe there was a new brand of Doritos targeted specifically for men or something. Well, it was probably just the word "Macho" that got my attention, if I have to be completely honest. :wub:
    I assume that "Macho" was a result of some predictive autocorrect situation.
    But yes, I agree with those above that you should wait until you've developed solid healthful eating habits and follow your surgeon and nutritionists post-op food stage diet, etc. before you even think about eating junk food--you might find that you don't want those Doritos anymore after a while.
    You should also consider WHY you want those Doritos...and what caused you to gain weight in the first place. Emotional eating, volume eating, etc...it's important to know what got you to the point of needing weight loss surgery. Discuss this with your nutritionist, VSG support group, or maybe even a counselor.
  19. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from GivingItMyAll in Relationship Help   
    Remember the sanctity of marriage. I'm willing to bet that you said something like, "Till death do us part", or "As long as we both shall live" when you made your vows. This might just be my opinion, but I don't think vows are something one should abandon when they become inconvenient.
  20. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from PEvette in How Many Chips Can You Eat?   
    This is awesome. It certainly puts things in perspective. Has anyone tried Pop chips?
  21. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from sramos89 in You Should Really Get Professional Help!   
    Oh don't worry. I'm never giving advice on this website ever again.
  22. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from Lissa in Changing Up The Exercise Routine   
    I like it! The idea is to never let your body get used to your routine. Once your body gets used to whatever you're doing, it gets complacent. Mixing it up is a good idea. And yes, I became exhausted as well just reading your routine. But that's a good thing. Maybe I'll finally get off my lazy ass. It's been about 5 weeks since my surgery, so I should start hitting the gym again.
  23. Like
    gustavo52974 reacted to Butterthebean in Macho Cheese Doritos   
  24. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from Tiff187 in Marriage & Vsg...   
    A little bit of tough love here, but let's add things up: he's a drug user (yes, marijuana is a drug), he's cheated on you, he's emotionally abusive, he's controlling and doesn't want you to spend time with your family, he's a financial disaster, he'd rather you be big than thin, he's emotionally erratic, you're waiting for him to physically hurt you before you can divorce him, and you think giving him children will help things. Seriously, how many red flags do you need here?
  25. Like
    gustavo52974 got a reaction from FDclerical in The Stuff They Don't Tell You   
    And you may sneeze when you're eating for what seems no good reason. This means you're full AND STOP EATING!

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