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Blog Comments posted by illgeturhairdid

  1. For those of you having issues getting protein early out, I'm not sure what your doctors plan is, but my doctor had me mix my shake in the following manner.

    9 oz 1% or skim milk

    2 scoops of carb free or super low carb protein powder

    I would take my medicine cup and measure out 3 oz for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It would take my about a half hour to drink those three ounces the first two weeks. By the time I went back to work I could do it in 10 minutes, which was nice.

    I also struggled A LOT with fluids up until about two weeks ago when I discovered Propel Zero. I love that stuff! I now drink at least 2 24oz bottles a day and usually a medium ice coffee from DD. I can now smile without my lip splitting!!

    Keep up the great work guys, it is SO worth it!

  2. I haven't yet. I've thought about it but I'm waiting to see how much hair starts falling out around the three month mark like everyone says it will. I may decide to cut it off then. My hair is curly now I'd hate to see what it would do shorter! Pictures girl!! Pictures!!!

  3. And I just want my mom to be around when I have kids! I've watched my aunt (whom I'm very close with) and my cousins as they've had their children and there is this huge green eyed monster in me as I watch. My mother- even if she is alive- can never watch my kids for me, she will never be able to come to my house and just do a load of laundry to help me out... She barely made it to the hospital for my surgery- only by the grace of god was my fathers power chair strong enough to carry her around. It was so nice having my "mommy" there in recovery until the stupid power chair bumped my bed lol.... My mother and I have such a rocky history- that if something happens to her before I'm able to work it all out... Idk.

  4. You're doing fine. What a lot of people don't understand is that you actually want stalls. Yes, I typed that correctly. You want to stall. It tells you that your body is progressing through this process. Let's take a look at what your body has gone through lately:5 incisions in your bellyRemoval of 85% of your stomachHiatal hernia repair ... ? Reduction of calories by about 2/3rdsReduction of liquids by about 1/2How should the body react? It is going, "WOA! I just lost a lot of incoming resources! I need to remap how I am going to deal with this and start using some local reserves."Everyone goes through this. It is a good thing. You want your body to figure this out. This will not be your last stall, either, and again, it is a good thing. This is part of the natural progression.

    Greatest advice I have seen/heard about stalls. It is very true! I wish I only had 5 incisions! I have 7, although two of them are smaller then the others and one of them is larger.... And man do they itch!

  5. YAY!! So happy for you! It is so nice to see all of these things happening to other people because I never thought about how nice it will be to move the seat up in my car! I totally understand what you are saying about the cold. I had to buy an electric blanket 3 days post op- and I'm thinking about getting an electric throw for at work!

  6. You're right... You don't have a beautiful face. You have a GORGEOUS face! Gorgeous is so much better than beautiful- like EVERYONE knows that. DUH! LoL. And congrats on the jeans love!

    Now, I want you to know that not only do I think you are gorgeous- I'm a tad jealous of your butt too! When I started losing weight my bum was the first place it evacuated.

  7. I think this is very profound! Opening up and sharing how you are really feeling can be very difficult. You will get there Pookyism! I'm going to go all religious on you for a moment, and I'm sorry if this offends your or anyone- but it is what got me through those same kind of moments.

    I know Heavenly Father wanted this for me. He wants all of his children to live life to our fullest and we are all given unique challenges to overcome. There isn't always going to be one right answer for the problem. For some people weight loss is easily done through exercise, for some they don't even have to worry about it. Some people have medical conditions that make it difficult to lose and in fact contribute to gaining. For some, like myself, WLS is an answer to a prayer.

    You'll get there. For some the journey may be longer and harder- but in the end it will all work out the way that it should.

    Good luck to you!

  8. DebiC, I haven't even hit the point where I can manage to care if my hair falls out. I'm 3 days out and just want the pain to stop. I've been on clear liquids up until today. I'm getting ready to sip my first three ounces of shake. It is so weird to have no interest in food whatsoever. Before surgery I could always eat something, especially if it was being offered. Now I have to force myself to put anything ot my lips.

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