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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Liquid Diet

    Today is day 5 for me....I'm better than I thought I would be. I try to stay bust. Omw to sleep now. It's MY time!
  2. 1 point


    Hi everyone! I am a bit nervous about surgery but I’m definitely anxious and ready to conquer this milestone in my life
  3. 1 point

    2 years post op

    that pretty much nails it. Yep - it's our life now. Grrrr. But for me it's either that, or eating my way back up to 300+ lbs again...(and unfortunately, it does happen to some of us!)
  4. 1 point

    2 years post op

    Im a cheese-lover too. I did stay away from it during weight loss phase, though. In terms of cravings, I always want salty things, even during weight loss phase (which is weird because I did drink a crap ton of water during that time...). I know I probably add way to much salt to food (then AND now). I also go through periods of wanting dessert. It usually comes after having some. I've read, and experienced, that once you eat something sweet, you will crave even more sweet stuff. So when I think I'm going too far on the dessert front, I'll cut it out for a few days and the cravings will go away. Rinse and repeat, lol. I did gain 6 lbs from around the the end of Feb to around the beginning of April (which sort of coincided with a hiatus I took from the BP forums, and corona-quarantine...coincidence?) And according to MyFitnessPal, I was averaging around 2500 cals a day and practically ZERO EXERCISE. So yeah, weight gain. And this wasn't a fluctuation. I held onto those 6lbs for a couple weeks... I have a personal upper weight limit I set for myself, and those 6lbs took me ONE POUND over that. I long ago made a deal with myself that if I go over my upper limit, I have to bring myself down to my lower limit. I realize this may sound extreme, but a deal is a deal. Sooooo...I consciously reduced my calorie intake and went back to running daily and doing some strength training and am happy to report that as of last week I got back down to my lower limit. I figure this is my life now. Will eventually have a period of gain, and if that gain takes me over what I am comfortable with, it will be followed by a period of effort to reduce that gain. I mean, I do love cheese, lol. (I realize that my comfortable weight range may change in the future, but this works, and is maintainable, for me, for now) @Meadow76: have you considered doing some sort of alternate day fasting? Lots of folks on here have seen success with it. Simply put, you fast (or limit your cals to 500 or so) a couple days a week and loosen the reigns the rest of the week. They could be like cheese days, and no-cheese days, lol. This way, it may be easier to lay off the snacks today because you know you can have some tomorrow... P.S. Sorry this was so long!
  5. 1 point

    Liquid Diet

    *busy It's MY time!
  6. 1 point

    Liquid Diet

    I’m not physically hungry, but my mind is trying to tell me that I’m hungry (if that makes sense).
  7. 1 point

    My Transformation

    Getting slammed with the company - guess i gotta up the protien even more - Not gaining muscle but not losing anymore weight? Like a reverse stall.... Going to take a big hit on this virus thing but my staff is being taken care of and heck just make more later to make up for it - Have a full gym now in my office, Kid set it up kinda nice
  8. 1 point


    Day 4 of my 14 day quarantine. Bring in the golden tan
  9. 1 point

    Not losing weight

    Update: I’m back losing weight 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽😌😌😌😌😌
  10. 1 point
    Several of the things that happened for me after bypass - GERD is gone. I had developed Barretts esophagitis with a precancerous Barretts polyp. All that is resolved now. (Polyp was removed of course), but all evidence of Barretts has now vanished. With the GERD gone, my asthma is also gone. I had no idea of the relationship between obesity and asthma. And my sleep apnea is gone - no more Cpap needed. Prior to surgery I was taking Aleve twice a day for arthritic pain. I already had gotten one knee replacement and the other was in pretty bad shape, as well. I did not know a day without pain. Since bypass, I have not used any NSAIDS and I have NO PAIN. My knees, back, and hips do not hurt. Unbelievable. Adipose tissue releases all kinds of inflammatory cytokines and I was surprised at how quickly the inflammation and pain resolved. I was able to greatly increase my exercise and finished a triathlon just 8 months after surgery and a 50 mile bike race a month later. No NSAIDS needed! I am presently training for a 100 mile bike race, another tri, and a rim-to-rim hike of the Grand Canyon. More energy that I know what to do with. As far as malabsorption goes, I do have fat malabsorption. It just goes right on through. My vitamin levels are fine except for vitamin D, so I am on extra doses to keep that up. From what I have read, the lower parts of the small intestine will eventually start taking on a more absorptive role, so it will be interesting to see how that plays out for me in the future. Complications for me included some blood clots in my legs a week after surgery, even though I was walking within hours of surgery and was doing 10,000 steps by the end of the first week. It's just something that can happen with any surgery, especially in an obese patient. I also developed an ulcer about 6 months out. Both conditions easily treatable and resolved with medication. I hope this offers some light on your specific concerns. I think the biggest thing is to have a positive mind set and realize that this surgery offers you a whole new life if you are willing to seize it. There will be ups and downs, and you have to focus on the ups and learn from the downs.

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