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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2012 in Blog Entries

  1. 2 points
    I have to say, I am simply amazed by this journey thus far! I wanted to post my story (in a condensed version) for those of you who are thinking about getting this procedure or have just begun your journey. I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. I just ate what I wanted, and enjoyed it very much. I had little to no concern about my health. I remember in middle school, I would sit in my bedroom closet just eating a can of icing. How disturbing is that?! I finally started thinking about WLS about a year ago. My highest weight was 259 LBS. Although I didn't have any health issues, I had began to miss my monthly visitor (sorry for the TMI). This really concerned me because I desperately want children in my future and I knew that the direction I was going in would make that difficult. I went to meet with a surgeon, and got the ball rolling! My insurance required that I meet with a nutrionist for 6 months before surgery. Those 6 months just FLEW by! However, I had not originally planned on getting the Lapband. My heart was set on getting the Vertical Sleeve. A week before surgery, my Insurance Cordinator gave me a call saying that my insurance will not cover that surgery as I needed to have a BMI of 50. I was really far off. However, I COULD get the Lapband. So after crying my eyes out all day, I decided that this is how it was supposed to be and I agreed to get the Lapband. It was the best decision of my life! I stayed one night in the hospital. It was my first surgery ever, and was relatively easy. The only difficult part was that I felt more comfortable resting in a chair than I did in the bed. I did not sleep much that night. Also, the first time they got me up to walk, I thought I was going to throw up and/or pass out. It got better. Today, it is exactly 4 months since my surgery, which I got on November 21st 2011. Today, I am exactly 60 pounds lighter. Today, I am FINALLY in Onderland (199 pounds)!! It has been simply amazing! I have had 2 fills. My doctor decided to hold off on another one due to the amount of weight I have lost. My weight loss has slowed down a bit, but I am still losing about 2 pounds a week. I will probably ask for another fill when I see him next month. I know everyone says this, but the band really is a tool that YOU have to use. I believe you have to want to put some effort into this before even getting the surgery or it won't work for you. Your mind has to be in the right spot. You have to WANT to change. You have to be willing to give up some of the foods you love or at least only have them on a very rare occasion. You have to be willing to work out. I guess its possible to lose weight without working out, but you will lose more slowly and you may end up looking disproportionate. Thanks to the band, better choices, and the gym, I have lost 60 pounds. I never thought I would be here. I love to work out as it makes me feel so much better and I have so much more energy. I also do the Couch to 5K Program. I strongly suggest this program to anyone and everyone! Although I am only in the 4th week (9 weeks total) I am seeing an improvement. My thighs are smaller, I have lost inches, and I am more fit! Since my surgery, I have also lost 2 inches on my neck, 7 inches on my waist, and 6 inches on my hips. Oh, I also use myfitnesspal like a fanatic! Feel free to add me on there. My username is legnarevocrednu. Also, feel free to message me on here if you have any questions. Good luck to all of you on your journey! I still have about 54 pounds to lose, but I'm glad that I could finally post my story as a success!!
  2. 1 point
    Back in 2009 my medical Dr, told me while i weighed 350lbs. that i need to do something about my weight before i hit 50 yrs old, which at the time i was 46 yrs old and on BP Meds. So i was like yeah,yeah ,yeah. On July 3, 2010 i participated in a health research and was weighing 395lbs. Then moving forward to the early 2011 weighing 410lbs. and now had a new female Dr. for a while now. She had me do blood work-up which showed elevated cholesterol and sugar level rising. So my Dr. starts to mention about bariatric surgery to lose weight. So now I'm looking at my Dr. who looked like she weighed 350lbs herself(keep reading it get interesting). So I'm not convinced by what she was talking about, but agreed to attend a bariatric seminar at Jacobi Hospital. The same day i met with a nutritionist who impressed me and gave me a meal plan. As soon as i got home that meal plan went into the night stand somewhere.So i attend the seminar and walked away displeased by the noisy people in the audience and a post-op pt. talking about his ordeal while holding up his old trousers he wore prior to his surgery.(keep reading trust me). At the seminar i get an appointment for the bariatric clinic which i didn't bother going to. So now summer 2011 comes around and i balloon up to 442lbs, 90 degree weather outside and i'm wearing long pants because I'm embarrassed by my swollen legs. I make an appt. with my Medical Dr. and when i arrived at her office I WAS LIKE WHAAAAAAAAT. My Dr. had shed like 100 lbs and i was like WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY REGULAR DR. So she proceeds to tell that she had a Gastric Sleeve operation was the reason she had slimmed down. So i confess to her that i didn't attend the bariatric appt. So she gives me another meeting date for a seminar, i attend and receive my appt for Oct,2011. I attend the appt and weighed 331lbs. I receive a list of appts for various specialties which took from Oct 2011 thru Jan 2012. One of the Appts was for Sleep Apnea which i wind up having and get put on a sleeping machine call CPAP. Now i go back to my Medical Dr. who now looks like she lost 150lbs and i was amazed and went home that day and began exercising. So finally after completing a whole battery of test i receive my surgery date for March 1st. So i had to request a Leave from work for 6 weeks which was approved based on the Dr. notes i submitted from the Bariatric Dept. So the day before the surgery i go to finance Dept at Jacobi and was devastated when i was told that My insurance didn't approve my surgery because some nutritional notes were missing. I went home and began to lose hope and felt that the last few months were all in vain. So my wife and daughters begin to tell me not to lose hope and have faith. The very next day i receive a call from Jacobi and I recognized the voice as the Bariatric nurse Lynn who tells me how she is fighting with the insurance company and filed an appeal. This call does little to cheer me up but my wife does not want me to think like that. So on March 2 i get a call from Jacobi stating that i have been approved for surgery and if i wanted to come in on March 5th, and i was like WHAT TIME YOU NEED ME TO BE THERE. So March 5 comes around and i have my Gastric Sleeve surgery and i awake in a PACU ward and staff telling me all went well with the surgery. I then receive instruction on using a Morphine drip and feel a pain below my chest above the stomach which i was eventually told that is the area where a alot of cutting takes place. I also had a dry feeling sensation in my lips and kept requesting for ointment to be put on my lips. So my family and co workers begin to come into the hospital ward to see me, so i'm smiling when i see them but inside my mind is starting to ponder was this the wrong decision i made to have this surgery. March 7 i get discharged from hospital with a meal plan for the next 10 weeks and a load of prescriptions to fill plus vitamins and protein shakes i have to get. So prior to leaving the hospital i weigh myself and i was 415lbs. So the first two weeks go by and I'm on a liquid diet and I'm doing walks in the streets and parks.My wife and daughters start telling me that I'm trimming down' in my eyes i do not see it but I'm noticing that i'm not getting back aches and don't feel that heaviness that i felt with 442 lbs of weight on me. I go into my closet and i tried on a suit jacket i brought 12 years ago for my best friend's wedding and was able fit into it and that's when it hit me and i thought about the guy (remember earlier in my story) who held up his trouser at the seminar and now realized what that meant to him at that time and his accomplishment. Week 3 just started this Monday March 19 and i'm onto pureed food.So today March 20 i attended my first post-op appointment and my weigh was down to 386lb. I was elated that i began to text my family and close friends of my accomplishment. Although i'm just 3 weeks into my Post surgery i continue to follow the meal plans, drink my fluids, drinks my protein shakes and read on line anything i can find on the subject of nutrition and pass on tips to my friends struggling to lose weight. So far i have lost 56 lbs since Oct 2011, and 29 lbs. of that in 2 weeks since my surgery. My brother has also been an inspiration to me as well because he's trying to run 50 marathons by the time he's 50 years old. I now sit back and think of that Dr. who told me in the beginning of my story to get my act together before you hit 50yrs old because it get harder to do then. So Dr. i was listening all along. Source: Operation Skinny Jeans
  3. 1 point
    Monday, March 19 was a very emotional day for me. Today was my first meeting with the surgeon. I was scared, nervous, shaking, stomach pains and sweating profusely. ( It was warm on Monday.) Luckily, the Ambulatory Surgical center had complimentary valet parking. It was a blessing in disguise. As I walked to the building my legs felt like cement beams with every step I took. I glanced at the directory but already knew the office was on the second floor. I was a little thrown off because there were signs for center, west and east elevators. After getting to the secod floor I learned the office was on the west side of the building. I was 30 mins early so I sat for a minute to collect myself and mop up some of the sweat from my brow. The chairs in the lobby were snug so I figured I would be much more comfortable waiting in the doctors office. The girl at the desk was pleasant, Joan was sweet (Physicians Assistanct), Dr. Nusbaum was awesome and Denise was very informative in a matter of fact kind of way. Denise will be my point of contact because she handles the approval process with the insurance complany. Dr. Nusbaum calmed my fears and I feel completely safe in his hands. He explained the procedure and answered any questions I had. I didn't have many at the time but I'm keeping a journal of future questions to ask. I left the office feeling confident and ready to get my journey started. :wub: I was surprised that I do not need to follow a pre-op diet. I was hoping I would get to experience how it would feel to consume only liquids. I guess I will have plenty of time to do so my first week. Dr Nusbaum said I will need to stay in the hospital overnight and then after a week I can return to work. I have tons of tests and appointments with doctors for clearance. I've made all of my appointments and will have everything complete next week. Awesome!! Below is the list of things I have to do before my surgery can be approved by my insurance company. Letter of Medical Neccesity from my PCP Letter from my Nutritionist Pulmonology Consult Cardiology Consult Psych Evaluation Bloodwork Venous Doppler Lower Extremites Bilateral Filter to prevent Blood Clots inserted Trans-Nasal endoscopy I figure I'm on track to get sleeved mid April!
  4. 1 point
    My surgery took place on March 16, 2012 in Celebration Florida and was done by Dr. Keith Kim, a very good surgeon in this field. I have done research for about 4 years on the subject and talked with countless people about the surgery and those who have had the procedure done. The most surprising thing that I learned was that most people view WLS as a negative cheating way to lose weight, but the majority with that viewpoint were often uninformed or just ignorant to the whole weight loss process. As I sit here 3 days post-op and can feel my body returning to the size it was meant to be I can say that much of my concern is not centered on getting in shape. As a former Army recon scout I was really ashamed of how I let myself become out of shape and lacked the self discipline to eat right and stay in shape but I vowed to not be over 50 and fat……. And so begins my first steps.
  5. 1 point

    Almost Like I Was Banded!

    Well, I finally did it! I finally lost an amount of weight in one week that didn't show up on the scale as 0.something or 1.something. This week, I lost 2.8 lbs!!! (Picture me doing a happy dance here. It involves sparkles. And trained poodles.) This feels almost like I've got a lap band. It's hard sometimes to read about how fast other people are losing weight when I've been losing mostly a pound a week, if I'm lucky. 2.8 brings me real satisfaction. Even if it doesn't happen like this every week, getting a result like this at least every once in a while is like a shot of inspiration. I can take this and run with it. GO ME!!!
  6. 1 point
    April 27th is the first meeting I have with my surgeon to decide what surgery I want to do. I am so excited about it and really thought I wanted the lapband, now I am not too sure. I think I might want to do the gastric bypass. I know I have plenty of time to decide and want to know if this is normal to go back and forth about what surgery to get. Can you guys tell me if any of you went thru this, and what at the end made you decide to get the lapband?
  7. 1 point
    Wow, I can't believe I've made it to this point. I'm still sticking with the diet. Only one slip back on Day 2. I weighed this morning, and didn't lose any more, but that's really not surprising. I think because my calorie intake has dropped so dramatically on this diet, that my body has gone into "starvation" mode and is hanging on to what I currently have. That's okay, as my surgery in in less than 48 hours. So I'm sure that will shock my system in to letting go of some more fat. I have so enjoyed this website. It has everything! Good, bad, and ugly. It helps me to stay "real", if you know what I mean. And the support out there is phenomenal! I've met so many wonderful people, and have really enjoyed their input. I'm looking forward to all the support and "pearls of wisdom" that I will get after the surgery. No one very close to me has had this surgery, so the support from this website is vastly needed. Even though my DH and family are supportive, no one will truly understand what I will be going through.
  8. 1 point

    Starting Week 14

    I have lost my butt and my boobs but can't seem to get to lose the middle of me. My stomach area is still as fluffy as it was or at least it seems that way. I measured and not many inches gone. So my plan for this week is to really push up the work outs on the stomach area. I hope this works. I have lost 72.2lbs as of today and am losing my hair by the hand fulls. If I lose to much more I will have to look for wigs lol. I still don't see a lot of change when I look in the mirror I still look big, but I do see the changes when I look back at photos I wonder why that is? I notice the changes in my clothes I'm almost out of clothes in the closet that fit I hate the thought of having to go shopping. Well this is short and sweet. God Bless this journey I'm on. Day by Day Step by Step with Jesus is my thought for the day.

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