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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2024 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    (Nurse here) If your kidneys and liver have normal function your body does just fine detoxing itself. Fruits & veggies only is likely to cause uncomfortable gas and/or diarrhea. And not have much protein, which our bodies need.
  2. 1 point

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Had my surgery on 4/15 then 3 day later I had and infection with 15 count white blood cell, heart racing and temp 104. I was taking the following day for.catscan and was told that i had a cyst or abcess. When i was returned to r[m the Physician told.my hisband they had to do surgery and my.husband asked when and we were told in 45.minutes. I have another surgery within 3 days of the gastric surgery. Part of stomach was left open. Which caused infection. This has been and scary situation for me.and my family. I stayed in hospital for 18 days and was sent home with 3 drainage tubes and PICC LINES. Not sure why I am have some much saliva which causes me.to spit constantly and want to stop.
  3. 1 point

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I got the gastric sleeve 5/1. I heard that I would be tired and wanted to sleep all day, but I haven’t slept in the day, or sleep for long periods of time. Ive been using bands to exercise my arms, and been walking a mile a day. I can’t wait to introduce more food to my life. Lol So far, I’ve been eating Greek yogurt, broth, water, popsicles, tuna, and every now and then cream of wheat. One protein shake a day. I’m tired of the same flavors. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I can’t wait for my incision area to heal. I started getting a rash due to the glue they used.
  4. 1 point

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I started getting anxious as the date got closer. I don’t remember going under. I remember going into the surgery room and that’s it. Then waking up in the recovery room. You got this!!!!
  5. 1 point

    I needed to talk…

    Hi Vanessa! Is there something particular that has made you sad, or is this the weight loss blues (which are totally valid BTW)? I find empty theaters so soothing. I just wish they'd turn the movie down a little. I keep meaning to try going to see one with earplugs in, I hear that helps sensitive ears. 60 lbs that quick is amazing! My weight loss has been slower, but we all have our different paces... Have you struggled with depression before surgery? Sometimes surgery and the weight loss journey can trigger it. You are not alone. Thank you for posting and letting us know what you need. I will just say that if you were on medication for depression before surgery, you might want to touch base with your provider. Our surgeries can sometimes change the way we absorb our medications. I had to change mine around because I wasn't absorbing them properly and was slowly going through withdrawals, which was NOT fun! Thankfully all is well now, I knew to watch for that issue and we caught it quickly!
  6. 1 point

    On TPN to gain weight

    it's really, really rare to have a stricture that late - they almost always appear - if they're going to appear - within the first three months after surgery. I had two - at four weeks out and again at eight weeks out. The first time I knew something was wrong and I called my clinic. They suspected it was a stricture and sent me over to the hospital for an upper endoscopy to confirm (and "fix") it. The second time I knew exactly what it was since I'd seen this movie before and I went right in to have it stretched. So no, I never got to the point you were at. For those newbies who are reading this, strictures only happen to about 5% of bypass patients (they can happen to sleeve patients as well, but they're very rare with sleeve), and they almost always happen within the first three months after surgery. Just be aware of the symptoms she listed and contact your clinic if you first start noticing stuff like this. They're not going to heal on their own, and they're an easy fix. Just make sure to let your clinic know if you start having these kinds of symptoms (can't keep anything down, nausea all the time) since these are not normal and are usually indicative of a stricture.
  7. 1 point

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I had my surgery on the 9th , so far so good. I did have a hiatal hernia and some scar tissue that the doctor had to remove from my previous lab bad surgery. I have had a mild fever 100.4-100.7 any thoughts on why I would appreciate. Other than the fever and lack of sleep I am doing well. I do have a call into my surgeon to see what he says!!
  8. 1 point
    “I'm curious if you have gotten a bodyfat test that shows increased muscle mass 9 months after surgery coupled with weightlifting?” Great question! I do an InBody assessment once a month. One month I gained 7/10 lb in muscle but then this last month I lost both muscle and fat Very interesting video by Dr V This is helpful. Thank you!
  9. 1 point

    Food Before and After Photos

    Not quite but close to it
  10. 1 point
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