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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points


    Hello there guys. Hope all is well. Well most of you know my story. Started my weight loss journey 10.5 months ago. Had surgery 8.5 months ago. Been in maintenance now 2.5 months. My high weight when I met the surgeon was recorded at 322LBS and I have lost weight really well and consistently the whole time, averaging about 20lbs a month 😁 i got down to 165lbs and have been stable and maintaining that weight for the past 2.5 months, I still check my weight often to make sure I'm not going up and this morning my weight has gone down again.... i don't understand. Like I'm not even trying to lose anymore weight I'm already below goal weight and feeling amazing. In maintenance I've been eating more calories and adding in different foods and some carbs and to be honest I've had a few treats here and there; I honestly believe the bypass has completely changed my metabolism and how my body processes calories 😁 I'm not counting calories as much and enjoying my new life. I'm just wanting people to see it is possible to be successful. Today weigh in - 162.8. that's 159.2lbs lost and that is amazing literally HALF MY BODY WEIGHT GONE......
  2. 2 points
    You will do this! I’m not a psychologist... that being said I really believe the effectiveness of our journeys are mostly set post op. This surgery is a tool - a powerful one - to give us the time AND restrictions to allow any of us the ability to learn new habits. These are the facts: you will have a few weeks of little to no food, low calorie intake, weight loss. You will have a long period of very significant restriction compared to your preop capacity. You will see enough weight loss to know these changes work. The length of time these things last IS enough time to learn and incorporate new habits into a lifetime solution. The line between pre and post op is so significant that the old ways (to me at least) are completely irrelevant. Some will not make it, but I honestly believe our errors or lapses before 0-Day do not predominantly define our success or failure post op. I had some food funerals the first couple days after getting my date set but I ended up starting my pre op diet early, then I had one more food funeral and I didn’t enjoy it at all, got back on the program. I’m four weeks post op today, down 37 lbs. I don’t regret my food funerals, but I also do not think “oh I wish I had this or that one more time.” Healthy small portions taste amazing. My tastes have changed, my outlook on the future has changed, I don’t crave garbage, I’m so excited when I get full on such tiny amounts of food. I know I’m capable of popping a donut hole every hour and sabotaging all of this, but for the first time in my life of yo yo dieting I truly truly feel like I’m in complete control and capable and willing to make better choices. I used to self sabotage without conscious thought... like I was some robot with a self destruct sequence always running in the background. That’s gone. I’m rambling (I tend to do that, sorry) but you can do this. This is such an amazing gift you’re giving yourself.
  3. 1 point
    I just rejoined the page yesterday. I read through many forums which are great! I wanted to add one to see if it can inspire me to be more successful in my preop and postop weight loss. As we all know the journey is hard just to decide to go through the process .for the surgery in the first place. What have you thought or started doing to help your life change to lose weight and keep it off? They say it takes 21 days to rewire the mind to break a habit. Today I am started with not eating after 8pm.
  4. 1 point
    Today marks my 1 year anniversary for me and my weight loss surgery. Vertical Gastric Sleeve Surgery Start weight 245lbs Current weight 159lbs Goal weight 130lbs The hardest part is trying to get this last 30 lbs off and they my tummy tuck. Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. 1 point
    Your feelings are perfectly normal, many people have the same thoughts. Myself included. I’m four weeks post op and the first week for me I didn’t really process what I did, despite the obvious changes. The second week I had a few fleeting “omg this is forever” panics, particularly at night as I lay in bed with nothing but my thoughts. Now? Loving it. As soon as I started getting solids in and felt the restriction I was happy. Very few people know I had it done so eventually at holidays people will see my portion size and ask.. they’ll also see my weight loss, so I’ll tell them most of the truth... I’m eating less, I’m eating healthier, and I’m not going to gorge myself just because it’s a certain date on a calendar. Same would apply if I ate out. I’m already eating whatever I want (they’re all good choices though so that’s a new thing I’m enjoying). I honestly don’t miss the garbage and getting full on one egg or two grilled chicken bites is just as satisfying to me as any plate full of food i would have eaten prior. All the flavor is there, smaller nibbles doesn’t change that and I really think I’m taking longer and savoring it more. I hope you get better, I believe you will.
  6. 1 point

    July 2020 Surgery anyone?

    Maybe your hospital has its own lab where they do the testing. I think the tests really only take a few hours to run, but there is a long queue since so many people are getting tested. My hospital sends the tests to an outside lab, so they have no control over how long they take, but if your hospital is doing them in-house, they could put yours at the front of the line.
  7. 1 point
    Some good topics there.
  8. 1 point
    Congratulations for working towards a plant based diet. I am 5 months post op, and it is absolutely doable! As for protein, there are so many options. Let me count some ways....broccoli, beans, legumes, nuts, peanut butter, chia seeds, hemp hearts(omega 3), nutritional yeast, tofu, tempeh, setian, viral wheat gluten, most plant based pastas, quinoa, sprouted grains, oats, nut butters...ooh boy! That was a lot 🤣😂 There really is a lot of options out there. I have started to make my own unmeat crumbles. I didn’t learn this way overnight, but I didn’t get this fat overnight neither. My thinking on this WLS for me, is I took a drastic change to lose the weight, and I took a drastic change to keep it off. I comend anyone who is changing there lifestyle after this surgery. My surgery date was 12-12-19, and I have lost 68 lbs. I am living my best life, and I feel the best I have ever felt!
  9. 1 point

    Going Vegan... Is It Possible?

    Morbid obesity is a life sentence without surgical intervention. Despite endless debate about the relative value of different approaches — in every scientific head-to-head comparison, diet plans that provide the same exercise and calories through different types of food lead to similar weight loss and regain within similar timeframes. The science could not be clearer: there is no diet that overrides the basic complex biological reality of obesity. Bariatric surgery is currently the only way to permanently alter your genetics, reset your defended weight or set point, lower your metabolism, and alter the pathways and production of brain and gut hormones such as PPY, GLP-1, CRF, CCK, NPY, leptin, ghrelin, dopamine, cortisol, etc. *Edited to add that I regret squandering several years of optimal health and well-being by attempting overcome biology and evolution with a WFPB diet, instead of just having WLS. Good on you for not doing that! WLS got you to where you are now, and WFPB will keep you there for life.
  10. 1 point

    VSG on 5/11/20

    Every person here had second doubts - It is only a tool and it is a rough decision, but you are a addict you are addicted to unhealthy eating! This tool will help control this addiction and get you healthy if you follow the rules of the WLS Road. Only you can make the choice but i will tell you Most of us here will tell you it is the best decision we ever made! Good Luck -

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