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Soo Embarrassing Taking Before Pictures

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OMG I thought I was going to cry :( I had my co-worker and really close friend take my before pictures. One I was fully clothed and the other I had leggings with a sports bra (wasn't brave to let her see me in underwear or shorts) After seeing the pictures I felt so bad and upset that I let myself get to this point. I am trying not to torture myself in imagining what was going through her mind but luckily, my body will soon change.

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I think our close friends love us enough to not judge us. Your taking a big step to change what you see and let that be your focus. I have taken before pics for friends and if anything I felt sensitivity and compassion for them because I know how hard it is. Don't try to imagine what they were thinking. We beat ourselves up enough!!

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I understand how you feel...but trust me, you will be sooooo happy you took them. It took me three months before I was really able to see all the changes. I have to take my five month ones soon and to be honest, I can't wait. I still look at my befores just to remind myself where I came from and where I am headed. :) Best of luck to you!!!

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I understand sweetie, but you are doing something about it now. Think of how much healthier and beautiful you will GOD BLESS you with your weight loss journey!

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I never took before pics for this reason. I'm 2 months out and just starting to feel slightly ok with getting my pic taken.

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The before pics were empowering for me! I knew that my body was going to change for the better and that I would never look like that again. I did mine fully clothed but I still wanted them so I could look back and see what I was and what I've become. You will be glad you took them but cant let yourself get upset about where you put yourself. It is time for you to focus on your future of being healthy!

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I dont even like to look at my before pictures. It's hard to believe that I was that huge. I still have a long way to go but I have come a long way already!

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Not to get off subject but HalfTheWoman, what a wonderful difference in such a short time. You are doing great,

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I cried after I took my before pictures as I didn't realize how big I really was until that point in time. You are going to do great and you will look amazing very soon. I am much healthier and am proud at how far I have come. Before I would grab food and drinks that I loved to intake, throwing it in the shopping cart. Now, I actually look at the nutritional value of things and know what's good and what isn't. Yay!

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I am very glad I took a before pic of myself. It's actually very motivating. Let’s you see the changes that you can’t see in a mirror. I took a picture every month on the about the same day and did a Powerpoint slide with weights and sizes. My only regret is that I didn’t have my measurements.

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