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There are Two Types of People Who Offer Help on this Forum....

Now, this is an obvious generalization, so please bear with me.   There are two types of people on this forum, Moms and Dads...And it has nothing to do with gender.   Moms are the empaths, sympathizing with the hurts and bruises of the people here, taking into account their feelings when they give their advice. Patting them on the back as they are bent over the toilet puking their guts out because they tried to test their band.   Dads are the authoritarians, telling people who ate a cheeseburger and fries on the way home from post-op "WTF did you do that for, are you stupid?" and "I was able to work my band, what the hell is wrong with you"?   The friction I see on the site comes many times from the Moms and Dads fighting over the best way to help the kids, when in reality, both types of advice and help are necessary for the people who come here. We need to stop beating each other up, and start realizing that we NEED both types of people. So, in the words of that great wise man Rodney King, "Why can't we all just get along"?   BTW, as I said at the start this is a generalization and the reality is not quite so clear, I personally relate more to the "Dads" on the board, but my heart also weeps for those who are struggling getting the band to work for them, especially when it has been so easy for me.

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


Well now, this is interesting......

I went for my 5th fill this morning, so today is liquids and tomorrow is mushies.   Normal for me is to pick up a quart of milk and a quart of OJ to supplement my shakes and get me through the day because I am so freaking hungry. Just got out of spin class and sat down at my desk and opened a shake and started reading the forum. Pretty soon half my shake was gone and I picked it up for another sip, and Mistress Band said "Sorry Bud, but you are done". Now, she didn't say it in a mean way, she didn't bring out the spiked heels, I just looked at the shake and thought to myself, ewwww! (And I love my shakes).   Interesting...

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


The problem with exercise...

is that it makes me hungry, and not just on the day that I exercise. Ate more calories than I intended at lunch, and I am at least a couple hundred in the red tonight. So my current fix is a large glass of crystal light and a small bowl of pickled cucumbers and onions. Thank God I am married, I think I find my sweetie and give her a big kiss   BTW if you interested in the recipe   Slice a large cucumber ( I prefer the english variety so I don't have to peel it) Thin slices of onion, I prefer red (bermuda) onions, but all I had in the fridge was a yellow Toss of a couple of tablespoons of sugar (or artificial sweetener if you use it) pour enough red wine vinegar (I grew up with cider vinegar, but I prefer the red wine) to get everything wet. Tomato wedges are good, but didn't have any Put in as sealed container shake real good to mix things up and put it in the fridge and turn it every once in a while, the longer the better.   Nutritional information? Haven't a clue.

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


A Hungry Night...

Plateau finally broke, and I have dropped 5 pounds since my fill on Friday. Last couple of days have been really interesting as I believe I am in the green zone with 4.3 cc in a 10cc band. Well today is different and my body has been hungry most of the day. But I ate my normal dinner, and had my evening treat (Skinny Cow), but I was still hungry. So I pulled a couple of chicken thighs out of the fridge, warmed them up and I am munching on those.   The sweet treats are nice, but the protein is what keeps the hunger away for me.

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


The Lap Band affects my entire family...

My wife and I have been quite open with our two daughters (9 and 12) about my lap band. Before surgery we walked them through what would happen, how it would affect my life and more than that why I was doing it. So as I have had to adjust to my new lifestyle, my daughters and wife have adjusted with me. But I didn't realize the extent of that adjustment until I heard these words come out of my 9 year old's mouth "Mom, you are chewing too fast, you need to slow down!" The look of shock on my wife's face was priceless

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


Not hungry, but I want to eat....

Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....Not hungry, but I want to eat....   I'll have a strong cup of decaf and play a video game instead.

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


More behind me than there is in front of me...

And no, I am not talking about the size of my butt!   Just looking at my ticker and based on my surgeon's first goal for me, I am over have way there, but as many veterans have warned me weight loss has slowed, but is still on a downward trend. It would be nice to extrapolate based on what I have lost so far as to how long it will take me to meet that goal, but WLS doesn't work that way.   My spin classes have been giving me great cardio, and building my leg muscles but they have also been playing havoc with the scale. As my body retains water to deal with the micro tears that encourage new muscle growth, the scale stays the same (or climbs) for days on end, then one morning I will get up and have dropped 3-4 pounds from one night to the next. But if I am logging my food, and exercise I can pretty much ignore this by knowing what is real.   Next step is adding in strength training, since I don't want a lot of upper body mass, low weights and lots of repetition will tone my upper body without making me look like the Hulk.

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky



I remember during my undergrad studies in Psychology reading a paper that talked about people who were addicted to gambling and a peculiar memory trait that only allowed them to remember the times that they won. This caused them to constantly misjudge the odds when placing a bet, because the were overly optimistic about their chances.   I think that we who are fat have a similar trait, but in reverse. We only remember the times that we have failed in our journey to be fit, and so when there is temptation, when there are rough spots we err by forgetting all the scale victories, all the nsvs, all the times that we beat temptation and made a right choice and we only remember the times when we failed. So we believe that failure is inevitable and give in.   Today has been a hard day for me, I am experiencing a bit of bandster hell, combined with a generous portion of head hunger and emotional eating and the only thing I can think about is why bother, I am just going to fail anyhow. No, I haven't given in to those voices, but I have had one NSV after another this last week, I am within 4 pounds being at the lowest weight I have been at since I was a freshman in high school, and yet my failures are the memories parade before me today.   One of the things that the people of the Old Testament did when God did something spectacular in their lives was they built a marker, a pile of stones to remind them of the victory that had happened in that place. I think I need to start building some markers in my life so that I can concentrate on the victories, and not the defeats.

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


And the journey continues...

I had my second fill today, the nurse added 1.5 to my 10 cc band bringing my total up to 2.5. Same little ache in the band area after fill, which quickly fades. So, liquids today, mushies tomorrow and solids on Sunday.   I have been adding some processed foods back in to try and combat the cravings. Taquitos the other night, and pizza last night. Some things lose their allure when I choose to eat them (taquitos), some things are still trigger foods (pizza), none of them satisfy and curb my hunger like non-processed nourishment. Well, I guess I will just have to sacrifice and eat more ribeyes.

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


All this talk of....

Cleaning our closets out finally got to me, so I went in to do mine, and it is only about a quarter full now. Got a nice NSV in the process as well. 2005 I hit the lowest weight of my adult life when I went from 324 to 249.8, I stayed there for a couple of weeks and then started gaining again. During the that time I bought a couple of nice sports shirts that I really loved, but haven't been able to wear since, and I ran across them while I was cleaning. On a lark I tried them on and they fit.   Now looking forward to the sale at Kohl's in a couple of days with a 20% off coupon in my hot little hand.

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


This is how normal people do it...

I was shaving this morning and my wife came in and weighed herself, curious I asked how much? Her answer was 122.5 (she is 5' 5"), and that around Thanksgiving she noticed that her back was hurting so she dropped 5 pounds and had been holding steady ever since. You know how my wife dropped 5 pounds and then holds her weight steady? She simply eats less. Not a diet, not skipping meals, not exercising, she eats less of the things that she eats every day. If she wants a beer or a cocktail, she will skip dessert.   This is how normal people interact with food. I am not normal, I am a mutant when it comes to food. The band is my tool to help me pass for normal person

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


My Body Once Again Reminds Me Who Is In Charge....

Moved to solid foods on Friday, not only have Mistress Band and I not been on the best of terms since then, my weight loss stopped.   This is why when we talk about calories in versus calories out, we always need to look at the big picture rather than the daily total. Once my body gets used to what I am feeding it, the loss will start up again. Until then I just need to concentrate on making sure that I am eating what and how much I am supposed to, getting my water and exercise in.   On the plus side, I had my first spin class yesterday and survived.

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


No Temptation...

I Corinthians 10:13 ESV 13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it     I have seen a common theme in the posts of new banders, and it is "I don't know if I can do this, what if I fail?" This where the I draw solace from the stories of our veterans, successful or not. I know that I am not going into uncharted territory, that someone has been there before me, faced the same issues as I will and they were successful, and if they were successful, I can be as well. It is also one of the reasons that I answer the posts that I do, not because I have all the answers (or really, any of them), but it is just to let people know that they aren't alone, that yes it sucks right now, but there is an end to it and they need to focus on their goal, they too can reach the other side.     Oh, and the verse also speaks to the care and control that God exercises in our lives, but that is a topic for a different blog

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


Not the piano tune either.....

I ran across a post about using baby silverware or chopsticks to help get the proper speed and bite size for bandsters. So I decided to try it out. This morning's breakfast consists of 2 scrambled eggs, 1 cup of spinach and 1 Tyson reduced fat sausage patty. I cut the spinach and sausage to the proper size, dumped that and the eggs into a microwavable container, and when I got to work this morning microwaved it for a couple of minutes. I am now sitting at my desk with the chopsticks I bought off of Amazon, eating breakfast, and it is working well. The chopsticks slow me down and force me to take small bites and I don't feel nearly as silly as I would with a baby fork or spoon. That and the sticks are much easier to clean.

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


Listening to Mistress Band.

I packed my normal breakfast of a Protein shake and a some steel cut oats, and drank my shake when I got to my desk. a couple of hours later I was hungry again and pulled my oatmeal out. Then Mistress Band spoke, "I'm not eating that stuff, get me some more protein!" So down to the cafeteria for a couple for eggs and hash browns, threw 3/4 of the hash browns away, and Mistress Band is now one happy camper.   When I woke up this morning, I was feeling pretty lethargic, I knew I had been doing a lot of physical labor on 1300 calories a day with the constant snow fall here, but I thought I had been allowing for that. My body disagreed, and a real part of my journey is learning to listen to my band and my body.   Food for thought.

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


Different Days, Different Needs

I still don't understand my body and why it does the things it does. I have slowly been building up my daily calories as I work through the mushie stage, my goal is 1300 a day. Well for some reason yesterday I just had the urge to graze, and the only way I kept my net calories at 1300 was to exercise. I wanted to eat all day long. Now today, I am having a hard time getting down 900 calories, I simply have not been hungry all day long. Add 550 calories of exercise on top and MFP is going to yell at me   Same foods, no emotional upsets, but my body is behaving totally different. It will be interesting to step on the scale tomorrow morning and see what other surprises my body has in store for me. This is one of the reason that while I am a firm believer in the burn more calories than you consume weight loss formula, I also believe that this is a "big picture" paradigm and only really works over the long term.

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky


1st Time Eating Out

I was banded on 1/7/13 and one of the things that my instructions talked about was that during the "Healing Phase" of my eating, many patients stop losing or actually gain weight. With this in mind I have been very careful to log all my food and count calories Even thought my NUT said that calorie counting wasn't necessary, she told me to shoot for between 1300 - 1500. So, this morning I was able to go back to one of my pre-band rituals of Saturday morning breakfast with a friend, but I was scared because I was flying solo, no scale, no measuring cups, just me and "Mistress Band".   So, the result? I ordered two eggs and hash browns, I pre-cut all my food to the proper size, and tried to focus on the conversation and my eating. Pretty soon I hit a soft stop (hiccup) and then each bite I started asking myself why I was taking that bite. When the answer because "Because it tastes so good" I put my fork down and moved the plate out of reach.   At that point, I was satisfied, not full, but satisfied and it looking at my plate, I realized that I had eaten about the same as I would have if I had pre-measured it. Maybe one day, I will be able to move rely totally on listening to my body and my band, but until then, I will log and count.

Terry Poperszky

Terry Poperszky

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
