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3 weeks Pre-Op

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Revision Surgery Scheduled For Next Week

Its been a very long time since I have been on.. I went through all of the hoops and finally got authorization to do the lap band to RNY revision surgery and I'm scheduled for next Wednesday. My new surgeon said if he had seen me original he never would have suggested the band for me. I'm nervous yet excited at the same time. I hear recovery is a bit longer so I'm expecting that. I hear different opions on the success rate. Anyone have any thoughts or know of anyone that has had the revision surgery, how they are doing and wait loss after the revision? I know everyone is different, all bodies are different but I'm sure hoping I have more success this time around.   Hope all is well!




Pea Soup Anyone....

Well, the weather here in MA is miserable and rainy, best described as pea soup!! Definitely makes you want to burrow under the covers and sleep sleep sleep lol..   Decided to reach out and see if anyone has some feedback. Since my most recent fill, I find that I have an aversion to a lot of foods or smells of certain foods, or a feeling of mild nausea should I say. And I'm not expecting. Not sure if this is just me or if its the fill. I have noticed much more tightness or feeling sort of stuck if I don't eat really slow and take much more time between bites so I'm thinking maybe too much fluid in there.   Any feedback or thoughts?   Thanks and be well!




Moving Onwards And Upwards

Its been a while since I have blogged, just haven't had the time, energy or desire I suppose.. I had a follow up with the doctor yesterday and am 9 months post-op and sooooo not where I expected to be. I've lost maybe 30lbs total and now have 9.4 in my 14 band.   I feel pretty good overall but disappointed at the same time. I know everyone is different but I honestly expected my weightloss to be greater at this point in the game, I'm still doing my kickboxing class every morning, hitting the gym and started hiking too. Just can't seem to break out of this rut. And yes, I do follow my diet although I can be accused of skipping meals on occassion which I know is not a good thing.   For some time I have been considering converting from the lap-band to the bypass and think I'm ready to go ahead with it. I've discusssed it with my doctors office and they aren't against it at all. I feel that this will be more suitable to me and my particular lifestyle and will work better for me long term. I'm not knocking the band at all trust me. I just need to wait for the new bariatric surgeon to get my medical records and I can meet with him. Hoping the process isn't lenghthy as I'm itching to do it soon. With any luck I'll have it before summer.   Hope all is well with my band friends and family!




Hello Hello.. Its Been A While

Hello everyone and Happy New Year to all!   So, I've started a kickboxing class this week and boy is it really hard but to my surprise I absolutely love it. Its much more fun than the bootcamp I did so I have a feeling I'm going to be doing it a lot and I think the different routines will really help..   I have a couple of questions for my fellow bandsters. All the exercise I'm doing, I'm not really noticing much of a difference in my upper body yet I seem to be slimming down quite a bit on the bottom ( not exactly happy about this). Normally when I lose weight it comes off from the top and then down. I'm wondering if this is something to do with having the band? any thoughts?   Also, I'm noticing that even 6 months after my surger my scar sites will start to get really irritated and puffy at the oddest times and they really hurt sometimes is this normal?   Hope everyone is well and have a great weekend!




Renewed Determination!

Hello all... So I had another appointment with my doctor today. I'll be 4 months post-op as of this week. I have been feeling pretty discouraged but I decided today that I'm not going to concentrate on what I haven't lost so far but what I can lose. I received another fill so I actually have 8cc's in my 14cc band at this point. I wasn't expecting them to put a full cc in but we'll see how it goes. I talked to the doctor about doing a 2 week liquid diet to jump start my weightloss and get all the crap and cravings out of my system and they said that's fine as long as I make sure to get enough protein so I'll start that today since I need to have liquids after my fill anyway. Not really concerned about Thanksgiving since I'm a picky eater.   My promise to myself is to NOT step on the scale, not even one in the next 30 days I'm going to give it to my mom to hold hostage so I won't be tempted. Then I'm going to take my measurements tomorrow morning and not again for 30 days. And I'm looking around for another class or bootcamp to take. Even though I go to the gym all the time I really feel the bootcamp makes me work harder and I see better results.   So, that's enought rambling for now Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Holiday!




Gasrtric Bypass after Gastric Banding???

I have been doing some thinking lately and am considering potentially going to the weightloss clinic near home ( my lap band was done near work an hour away) and inquiring about the bypass surgery. I'm beginning to feel that maybe I should have made the decision for bypass instead of the band. My insurance has no restrictions and would cover it as long as I am still at a BMI of 40 or over. Has anyone known someone that has done this? Any thoughts? I'm open to suggestions or feedback. I just feel after 4 months with the band I'm not nearly where I would want to be and wonder if the bypass would work better..




Not in a celebrating mood

Hello all...   Its been a while since I have posted, haven't really had too much to say lately. This week is bring lots of thoughts and some disappointment. I'm almost 4 months post surgery and have not lost anything, I'm basically either staying the same or I'm up a few pounds. Its so frustrating to not be at my own personal mini goal. My birthday is this week and I'll be 35. I'm having a hard time with 35 for some reason and even more disappointing is that I seem to be stuck in this rut. I still believe the band was a good choice, just really wanted to lose more. I'm working out as much as I can and even taking different classes. I'm really hoping that the weight loss will start to pick up




does the gas ever go away!

Ugh, for some reason today I woke up with gas, not the icky smelling stuff lol but like after we had our banding surgery. It won't go away no matter what. Its making me feel so bloated and my stomach hurts.. I've had this several times and nothing seems to help, not even walking. Does anyone else get like this randomly? I need a cure! any suggestions or feedback are greatly appreciated.   on another note, struggling to decide on a cardio kickboxing class or to sign up for the fitness bootcamp again. need to make up my mind by Saturday either way. decisions decisions




Hello my friends

Its been a little bit since I've been blogging, not too much to talk about. I have one more day of my fitness bootcamp left this week and that ends my 4 week journey. I haven't lost during this time as far as pounds go but I feel stronger and my fitness level has definitely improved! I'm actually thinking of doing another 4 weeks to keep it going. I like the challenge a and the variety it provides.   I think my lack of weight loss is due to my thyroid, or lack of one I should say. I had my thyroid removed 3 years ago and I gained a ton of weight due to it. Of course I'm on hormone replacement medication but my meds aren't regulated so its frustrating. Does anyone else have hypothyroid or no thyroid at all? I would love to get some input on how your weightloss is going and if there are any tips you can offer.   Hope everyone has a great day!




2nd Fill and no restriction

I had my appointment with the doctor on Wed and discovered I have actually gained 1.5 lbs in 2 weeks. This was very disappointing but I'm trying to stay positive. I had my 2nd fill and they put in 2cc's so now I am at 6 cc's in a 14cc band. I really don't feel restriction and am nervous that the band could be too big? I have heard varying opinions regarding the 14cc band and of course everyone is different but is it possible that the band can be too big?   I completed week 2 of my fitness bootcamp which I am thrilled with and I love the feeling I get after a hard workout. I'm considering joining up for another 4 week camp. I would love to start seeing the weight come off soon. I am watching what I eat and trying to stick with lean meats and fish and vegetables. I really don't care for starchy foods so I don't eat those as a general rule.   Well, next checkup is 10/14 I'll keep my fingers crossed that I lose some by then. I really wanted to lose 15-20 by my birthday which is 11/10.




Feeling a little discouraged

I started today feeling pretty good, had my second bootcamp session. I won't lie, its soooo difficult but I'm glad I had the guts to try something like this. I can't believe though that I, at the rip age of almost 35 do not know how to jump rope! I seem to have absolutely no coordination so that was embarrassing. Going to keep at that.   I found myself lookinga the calendar and I've realized I'm 8 weeks post surgery and only down a total of 20lbs since my surger. I feel a bit disappointed and a little discouraged. I know I can't count just the pounds, its inches as well. Just figured I would have lost a little more by now. I'll keep trying to be positive and hopefully the addition of some serious workouts will be the boost I need.




Trial and error

I had my first fill last Wednesday.. The doctor put 4 cc's in and I have a 14 cc band I guess. She said its standard to put 4 cc's in on the first fill. I don't really feel any different though, still not feeling that restriction but of course it may take time. My next appointment is on 9/28 so I'll see how I feel then and how my weight loss is.   I started my outdoor fitness bootcamp this morning. Wow! I work out at the gym regularly and thought I was in decent shape. This class proves that I definitely don't push my body as hard as I could. I feel a little awkward and self conscious but I'm glad I joined up and can't wait to see how my body and fitness level will transform over the next 4 weeks.




Adventure Bootcamp here I come!

Hello my fellow bandsters,   After much debate with myself, back and forth and indecision I have signed up for a 4 week outdoor bootcamp with a girlfriend. I was going to do cardio kickboxing but at this point feel the bootcamp will be better. I'm nervous, excited and ready to go. Not looking forward to a 4:50am wakeup but it'll be worth it.   I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. I'm glad to be seeing the doctor since I am hoping to get my first fill. Not feeling any restriction at this point and I'm almost 2 months post surgery. I have been feeling really nauseaus lately (NOT expecting a baby) and its not when I'm eating its random and frequent so I want to ask the doctor about that too not sure if its the band or just me.   That's about it for now.   Wishing everyone a great week!    




Feeling great!

Feeling great today! I went for a nice long walk before work this morning, a walk on my dinner break and I have so much energy I might just go to the gym after work as well.. sounds a little crazy I know..   I'm scouring the websites for some different low fat recipes for Cod and Haddock. I eat mostly those two and chicken and don't want to become bored too quickly. Also, does anyone have any recommendations for breakfast things that are really quick, easy to make and can be eaten in the car or on the run? I have an hour commute to work and work a ton of overtime so generaly I do not eat my meals at home and breakfast is a must.   I made a pact with myself. I'm going to try not to weigh myself for the next 2 weeks, until 9/14 when I go to the doctor for what could be my first fill. I want to concentrate on eating right and finding that spot where I feel full rather than stressing about what my scale says. With any luck when I arrive at the doctors office I will be pleasantly surprised.   Hope everyone in bandland had a great week and have a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend!    




Calorie intake??

I just started on solid foods this week and not too bad. I am tracking my food and liquid intake using myfitnesspal.com which is great! I have only had a total of 571 calories today and 92 grams of protein.. Is that normal? I can't see how I am going to get more calories when I'm eating my 3 meals and a snack. Any suggestions? Does anyone know if its ok to get such a low amount of calories? I'm hearing different thoughts. Thanks for the help!    




First day back to work!

Today was my first day back to work after being out 30 days. It was easy to adjust and thankfully I wasn't swamped so I could catch up on my emails. One of my co-workers who is a good friend, she's the only one in the office other than my boss that knows about my surgery hugged me tight and said you look absolutely amazing. It was such a great feeling.   I'm a little aprehensive about the whole eating thing at work. My schedule is so crazy and I work a lot of overtime. I pretty much end up having lunch and dinner at work but sometimes we're so busy that I don't end up eating and I know I can't do that w/ the band. I usually bring my food its just getting time to eat it. One day at a time.   I go back to the doctor on 9/14, little over my 6 weeks post-op and I'm wondering if they will do a fill at that time. Time will tel.   Hope everyone has a great weekend!    




2 Days to go

I go back on Wednesday for my 4 week post op checkup. I don't even think I'm seeing the doctor I think its with either the nutritionist or the nurse practitioner. I haven't managed the mushies very well so I'm afraid to tell them when I go but know I need to be honest. When I eat or drink lately I feel a sharp pain in my stomach, sort of like a cramp and not sure what would cause it.   I'm back to work on Thursday and that will be an adjustment since I have been out 30 days. Everyone keeps saying I should stay out longer since I'm not even eating mushies let alone solid food but I can't imagine being out any longer. Not sure what to do.   Oh well, positive outcomes only!




Looking at the bright side

Decided enough was enough, no more moping around the house over my failed relationship. By no means will it be easy but I'll do what I need to for me. I even have two dates set up for this weekend. Yikes! haven't "dated" in over 4 years lol.   I think I have found a cardio kickboxing class near home that has early morning classes so I'm excited to check that out. I hear its a tough workout but great for total body sculpting and firming which I want of course.   I finally stepped on the scale this morning and I'm down a total of 22.4 lbs since my surgery date on 7/26. By no means is i a ton of weight but it sure is a start! I have my next appointment on 8/24 and back to work on 8/25. I don't have any fluid in my band and won't get a fill for at least another 2 weeks. Hopefully I feel some restriction when I switch to solid foods even without having any fluid in the band.   Hope everyone has had a great week and have an even better weekend!!




No appetite..

I'm sure its probably been due to my mood but I have had absolutely no appetite for the last 4 days. I am attempting to get my protein in but am falling short. Also, I was ok'd to start mushies last week and have yet to do that. Has anyone else stayed on strictly a liquid diet even though they were given the go ahead to move on? For some reason the idea of pureeing my food or eating baby food just does not appeal. I have managed some soup but not more than 3 oz at a time.   I'm definitely going to try and get more protein in and try for more mushy food. I'm back to work next week and will probably have to start with solid food and I'm nervous my body won't be able to handle it.




Rough day, temptation abounds

Today is a rough and more days like this to come. After 4 yrs my boyfriend decided he is done. Lots of friends will mark this as a great event and feel its for the best and my family will probably stage a celebration party but of course I'm not in agreement. I'm trying to stay busy and distract myself but its so hard and I find myself wanting to hit the grocery store running and pick up all the crap thats so bad for me. Of course I can't and I won't but the temptation is there. And of course I'm still not back to work until the 25th so I have all this time on my hands and not a whole lot to do.




Feeling good!

Today was day 2 back at the gym and I was amazed at myself.. I figured after having not been in over 2 wks I would be sluggish and out of shape a bit but surprisingly I managed an hour of intense cardio both days and yesterday I worked my legs w/ the circuit training and today I worked my arms with weights. What a great feeling!! I'm trying to find a cardio kickboxing class I can take a few days a week but might need to join a different gym to take it.   On another note, I was supposed to start on the mushies this week but am feeling like I want to do another week of just liquids. I have no interest in eating baby food or going through the trouble of pureeing the food myself. Wonder if t his is ok? any thoughts?   I'm still 4 weeks away before I can even have my first fill. I don't feel any time of restriction in the sense that I can drink normally I even guzzled my water today (oops). I'm not sure how I would be with food but I'm sure I'll find out in the next 2-3 wks when I'm cleared to move on to the next stage..   Thats about all for now. Hope everyone is having a great week and have an even better weekend! :D




On my way

Here I am at exactly 2 weeks post-op. I had my checkup yesterday and they finally removed those stupid staples! Amazing how much less my incisions bother me with them gone. Doctor feels I'm on track, the appointment was actually very brief, it was a longer wait to see the doc than the appointment itself. He cleared me for the gym, basically to do what I'm comfortable with and go at my own pace.   On another note, I decided to take the full time that I have been approved for and not go back to work until 8/25. Feel a little guilty but I also don't feel 100% and I know I'm not ready to go back to working 60+ hrs a week. Better to take the time now.   Thats about it for today. .I'm off to do a major cleaning on the house one room at a time and of course the closets! The with any luck I'll have enough energy for the gym   Have a great day all!!




2 Week check -up

Tomorrow will be my 2 week post-op check up with the doctor. Not really nervous since he's probably just taking out my staples (thank goodness!!!!) and I think he's just doing a weigh-in. For some reason, my doctor's instructions have been to weigh myself each morning and keep track so I won't be pleasantly surprised. If my scale is correct and its a good digital one, I'm down 18lbs since the day after my surgery. I had thought to lose a little more pre-op but it seemed I gained that back right after the surgery but I'll take every lb lost I can!   I went to my girlfriend's luau yesterday and did fine. I poured myself a glass of wine when I got there and 4 hours later still had a half glass. I added water to it when no one was looking so they thought I had a new glass I didn't really care much about the not eating since I really don't have an appetite these days. I have to admit though the dessert table looked sooo good including the cheesecake platter I brought. I made my exit before they started serving them though lol.   Last night I went out with friends for a little while and had a pretty good time. My boyfriend was nice and tipsy after a rugby tournament so I got to be designated driver . I got a glass of wine while we were out and it took all night to drink it. So I'm thinking I'll never have another drunk buzz again thats ok though, I've never been a huge drinker anyway.   ok, so that's a lot of rambling on lol I'm off to go take a walk.. with any luck the dr will allow me to go back to the gym!




Happy Friday Bandsters!

Its Friday already. I am now almost 2 weeks post-op, or will be as of Tuesday. Its amazing how fast the time goes by when you aren't doing much of anything. I have my post-op checkup on Monday and am curious to see how I do. I'll be thrilled to get these stupid staples out!! My incisions are bothering me a lot but I'm sure its because they are actually healing. I'll also find out if I can move on to the mushies stage.   Originally I was planning on going back to work on Tuesday which would be exactly 2 weeks. I'm not sure now if I should take another week off. Part of me is worried about being on the mushies at work and how I'll do. I'm actually approved under my short-term disability to be out until 8/25 but its only 80% of my pay. Decisions Decisions lol   A close friend is having a big party/pig roast tomorrow. I sort of have to make an appearance but don't want to. There will be so much good food and drinks and I'll still be on liquids. I didn't tell her about my surgery so I know she'll be wondering why I'm not eating. I'll just have to wing it. I know she'll be mad if I don't go.   Not much else going on. I am antsy to get back to the gym and do more than just walking so hopefully I'll be cleared to go back soon.   Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!




First slip up and last I hope!

Not sure what on earth possessed me but today I decided to try some turkey chili and pick out the pieces of turkey. I'm only a week post-op and supposed to be on liquids only so I definitely should NOT have done that. What surprises me most is that it went down without any trouble and I felt fine for the most part. That was about 2 hrs ago and now I actually feel somewhat sick to my stomach. Not sure if its the chili or my guilt I hope I didn't do any damage and I will definitely not do that again. I'm supposed to be on straight liquids for another week before I even get to the mushies..



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