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3 weeks Pre-Op

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Almost a week post-op feeling much better!

Well, here I am almost a week post-op and FINALLY starting to feel a little more human lol. I do feel much better actually. The gas is almost gone and my stomach isn't making me look like a pregnant alien. I'm still getting some episodes where I feel like I want to burp but it just won't come but that too will pass I'm sure.   Went to the beach yesterday with the family and it was great to be able to hang out and watch my nephew play at his first beach outing. I didn't have as much energy as I thought I would but I was able to walk around the beach and even went swimming! It was a little uncomfortable between my sister and I when it came to lunch time. She is not on board with this surgery and hasn't been so we don't mention it at all. Basically they ate their sandwiches and chips and I had a protein drink. I refuse to apologize for doing something that will make me healthier and happier. Everyone decided after the beach they wanted to go out to eat so of course I bowed out for that and felt a little bummed out especially when my 2 yr old nephew asked why auntie.. In any case, I know one I'm on solid foods I'll be able to join them and will just eat less and only eat certain things.   I can't wait to get back to the gym, I really miss it. Also trying to resist the urge to hop on the scale since I know my body is still healing and the numbers might not be what I want to see.   Guess thats all for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!




does it get better??

Ok, so today is day 3 post-op. I feel worse today than I did the day after my surgery. I can't seem to shake these gas pains no matter what I do. Debating on whether I should pick up some gas-x or something. Don't want to waste the money if its not going to work. I've been taking little walks and last night took a half mile one around the block. I guess I need to be patient which isn't my strongest trait. I'm not used to sitting around with nothing to do, it drives me crazy lol.   I'm excited to see how I do after I start feeling back to normal. I can't wait to get back to the gym.   Guess that's it for now, not too much else going on. Hope everyone has a great weekend!




Day 1 Post-Op

Well, I had my surgery yesterday and all in all I feel pretty good. I am getting the gas pains but I'm walking around as much as I can manage. I am disappointed I shouldn't have weighed myself but I did this morning and the scale says I have gained back the 12 I lost on the pre-op diet. My mom says not worry, that its just the gas and water weight and will disappear. Does anyone know if this is true?   I'm just taking it easy, reading up on some books and watching movies and adding couple of walks around the block. I'm very excited to see where the next few weeks take me!




And, its approved!!!

A few moments ago my phone rang, and recognizing the doctors office I answered, holding my breath and then they said " your approval came through this morning". I started shaking like a leaf, partly from relief and partly because at that very moment it really hit me, this is it I'm really doing this. I'm 100% sure of my decision and have no doubts at all. I can do this and I will do it. So, fortunately I have tomorrow scheduled as a vacation day and was planning on a beach day but maybe I'll spend the time cleaning the house, shopping for what I'll need and getting everything in order. Now I can breathe a huge sigh of relief and move forward!    




Anxiously waiting and down to the wire

Well, surgery is exatcly 7 days from today. I am getting really worried and anxious because my health insurance still hasn't come through with the approval. I called to check and they basically wouldn't say anything other than its under clinical review and it may take up to 15 business days for review!! I mean come on! I'm supposed to have surgery in 7 days and have been doing this liquid diet. I'm so afraid it will get pushed back and I have worked so hard to get here. Not to mention that would be another 10 days of this dreaded liquid diet. I'm praying with every fiber that the approval comes through before my surgery and all goes according to plan. i've done my part and then some and am more than ready for this.




Suggesstions Please!

In my last blog I mentioned that I did a trial run of the liquid diet and started it last Monday 7/11. Well, today is day 3 of my official liquid diet and its going well. I'm down 6.8lbs since last Monday which is great. The problem I'm having is the greek yogurt I managed to find that I like is a no no apparently. I like the chobani greek fruit on the bottom and it has 14g of protein but the doc says it has to be plain. Ugh.. the plain tastes like a mouthful of sourcream but worse and I hate cottage cheese. So now I'm wracking my brain for a way to get my 50-70g of protein a day and they say to limit the protein shakes to no more than 3 a day. Anyone have any suggestions?? On a good note, I made it through my bosses party on Saturday without breaking. I admit though, when they fired up the grille 3 hours into it, I was gone faster than you could say chicken. lol Only other thing at this point is my insurance carrier has still not come through with the approval and I'm getting nervous as my surgery is now 7 days a way.    




The "Official" liquid diet

So.. today is the official start of my pre-liquid diet. I say official since I decided to test it out this week and see how I would do. I actually wanted to make sure I didn't absolutely hate the shakes since I'm extremley picky. The aren't bad as long as they are extremely cold and I don't take too long to finish them, hope that doesn't work against me in the long run. I finally managed to like the chobani greek yogurt. Does anyone know if the fruit on the bottom is ok for this brand? It has 14g of protein and is great for you. I digress. I managed to lose 4.6 lbs this week from Monday-Fri and that was even with a pasta day on Thursday and a class of wine and a shared app on Friday night and that made me feel great! I woke up this morning and feel I'm raring to go and mentally prepared. The only downside, of course my boss is having a huge get together today and I have to go. It would be anti-social of me not to show and I will be the only one not eating or drinking alcoholic beverages. sigh..... Well, wish me luck, I am now 10 days from surgery and am waiting on pins and needles!




To tell or not to tell?

Well, today I went for my pre-op testing and all is good to go. This is my first blog and I'm a little rusty. I'm scheduled to be banded on 7/26 and getting pretty excited. I just hope the insurance company doesn't hold it up for any reason. I have definitely been feeling stressed recently, not because of the surgery but more because of my family's reaction to the surgery. I expected them to be skeptical but my sister is being downright nasty and unsupportive and has basically told me never to bring it up again to her. So.... I wonder, do I tell anyone else or am I better off keeping it to myself? I'm afraid that if this is how my family is reacting how will my friends and co-workers act? I definitely need support but I don't want the added stress..



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