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Started with personal trainer!

I have both started weight training with a personal trainer. It has been kicking my butt!!!! It has been 2 weeks and we love it. The QuickSlim30 really helps with the weight training. My body is really toning up and taking on a very nice shape. I don't even recognize my body!   I am maintaining at 146 even during the holidays. QuickSlim30 is out of stock and I have not been able to take it, but I am still maintaining my weight loss. I know muscle weighs more than fat, so I may gain a little, but want to lose some too. My trainer thinks I would look good at 135. I will shoot for 140. I need to see how I look with the muscle tone. But, I am for the first time in my life very happy with my body size and the way my clothes are fitting me!   My metabolism was so low from being banded and I wasn't losing weight anymore. My fill was tight enough, but not tight enough to lose. I was pbing and getting stuck. I even pb'd the other day on liquids and a small bite of cracker! I don't want another fill and am happy with the loss of appetite and smaller portion control the QuickSlim30 gives me.




Reached my goal!

I weighed in today at 147!!! I have lost a ton in inches. I noticed when I added the 24 hour QuickSlim30 weight loss patch, things started really moving. First the inches fell off and then the pounds followed. I will never regret my band, but I never did reach a "sweet spot". I was either too loose and could eat anything or too tight and sliming, getting stuck and pbing. Then I guess my metabolism dropped so eating less was getting me no where. My band will always be there to aid me in keeping it off, but I know the QuickSlim30 is what helped me lose the weight. I could never tolerate a tighter fill than I have. I slime on almost everything and get stuck almost everyday.   Thank you Jesus!!!!! :clap2:




I feel great!

I didn't want to get another fill, since I slime on almost all my food, but I think my metabolism slowed down a lot since being banded. The Quickslim30 has definitely raised it up.   I am doing the happy dance!!!:clap2:





I am soooo excited!!! I lost another 10 pounds!! I was going to go and get another fill, but Ruben told me the thought I should try to take the QuickSlim30 again since I was pbing and was tight at leat 1 week or more out of the month. So I did and lost 10 pounds!!! I am at 153 now, only 7 pounds from my all time goal!!!




September 2007 check in

I have not journaled in so long!!! I had a 3rd fill and they put 3cc's in my 4 cc band. The fill level is good and I have pb'd a few times, but the weight is still not coming off. I have been at a plateau for so many months. I had even gained 5 pounds. They came off with this last fill, but no more. I am at 164 now.   When I first got banded, I lost the 25 in the first few months. I was also taking a supplement called QuickSlim30 in the beginning. I didn't really know if it was the band or the QuickSlim30, but it helped a lot with appetite and energy. I have not lost any more weight since I have not taken the supplements.   I am going to do a 2nd experiment. I am going to start taking them again and see if I begin losing again. That would be great!!! I was just on their website and they just came out with some patches too.   I am eager to see if I will lose again. I have been so frustrated lately. I don't want another fill because then I would be pbing all the time!!!! I am still doing South Beach, most of the time. But I am so tired of dieting!!!!!! That is why I got the band in the first place. The QuickSlim30 helped so much when I took it, I am hoping so much that it will help me shed the last 20 pounds. I lost it so fast the first time. Then, my band will help me keep it off!!!!!   I still have to get my butt moving to exercise. I know that I got too!!!!   I would like to have all my weight lost by my 34th birthday, on November 8. That is almost 2 months and I want to lose 19 more pounds. That is my goal!!!




Finally checking in!

I can't believe I haven't written in my journal since the end of February!!! I had a second fill to 2.4 cc's. Not much change in restriction. I am going for fill #3 next Saturday. I have lost 25 pounds and have 20 to go. I am cutting the 20 pound goal into two 10 pound goals. The first 10 pound goal I'd like to complete in at least a month, so by mid August. If my new fill is still holding, I will lose the last 10. I have started swimming, but need to step it up and add weight training.   I am still at a size 12 mostly in part to my booty. They are starting to feel looser. I am going back to the bandster rules after rebeling against them all these months. I am eating hard protien first then veggies. If I have a sweet craving, I am eating a sugar free fudgesicle or sugar free popsicle.   I am ready to get the rest of the weight off!!!!




1st fill

I went for my first fill on Wednesday. It didn't hurt and they put in 1.2 cc's in my 4 cc band. We drove into Mexico no problem. Dr. Romero pulled out the air, put saline in and asked if I could feel it. Then did my fill. He said I would feel pretty good restriction and could come back in 8 weeks.




Friday weigh in

I am premenstrual and bloated. I stayed the same in weight which I see as good, since I usually gain during this time. So, could mean I actually lost but won't see it for a few days or so?   Yesterday I ate a 3 egg omelette with crab and cheese and 3 turkey bacons for breakfast, for lunch had carnitas with cheese and 1 Laughing cow for dinner since I got so busy I just didn't eat dinner. So maybe about 900 calories? I only got about 32 ounces of my water too since the people who were doing this demonstration at my house took forever! I didn't exercise since hubby was home on his day off.   Today for breakfast I had 3 eggs and soyrizo, so about 350 calories. I have already had 32 ounces of watered down crystal light and my liquid vitamins and 1 QuickSlim30.   I feel thinner though, clothes are feeling looser.My rings feel looser.




Just checkin in!

Breakfast (had it late): 2 scrambled eggs, 3 sausages and 2 bacon (left behing ham, hash browns and pancakes-Dad took me out to Denny's)   Snack: 5 almonds Snack (took my kids to the park and had a picnic): 2 Laughing Cow cheese, 2 string cheese, 1 sugar free fruit pop   Dinner: 5 small chicken mozerlla meatballs in marinera sauce   Calories: between 1100-1200   Exercise: I took my kids to the park and ran around so I was too tired to exercise   Mood: I was feeling good, then I was feeling kinda emotional. I skipped my period last month, was actually due to start the day of surgery. So, I feel very premenstual, all the symptoms, more hungrier than usual, emotional, wide range of moods. The only thing I don't really feel is bloated like I used to. I hope I start before Fridays weigh in.   Liquids: 64 ounces of watered down Crystal Light with Pure Lemon   Supplements: 1 tbsp. Glacial Milk, 1 QuickSlim30 and 1 Biotin __________________




Checkin In

I have been doing really good!!   I LOST 3.5 POUNDS ON FRIDAYS WEIGH IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I have been eating really good on South Beach. My ability to eat more has gone up a little. I can tell I don't have much restriction because I don't have to chew as carefully and I can eat more. But, being on South Beach helps a lot. For example yesterday I had for breakfast 2 scrambled eggs, 2 sausages, and two bacons, with another sausage cut in half. For lunch I had almonds and 2 laughing cows and for dinner I had a carne asada burrito without tortilla and beans. Today I had cottage cheese, colds cuts and cheese, almonds, 8 small chicken meatballs and beans.   I think I may weigh myself to keep myself in check before Friday. I don't want to get too out of hand. But, I am eating foods on the phase 1 plan but just want to make sure. I need to watch my almond intake also, That has gotten me in the past. I also think I am premenstrual and I always get hungrier during that time.   I get my fill in 2 1/2 weeks and I am glad. I don't feel any restriction anymore and I am glad I am doing South Beach because I'd hate to gain weight at all!




Day 4 for solids

This is what I ate today: Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 slice of cheddar cheese and mushrooms with salsa Lunch: 5 chicken and mozerella cheese meatballs with hummus Snack: black beans with cheese Dinner: stirfy fish and shrimp with brocolli   Liquids: 70 ounces of water and crystal light Exercise: 1 hour of elyptical machine Supplements: 1 tbsp. Glacial Milk liquid vitamin and 1 Quickslim30   I had a good day. I only had about 900 calories but don't know how I'd get more in. I ate till satisfied everytime. I'd have to up the snacks. I ate my dinner too fast and my tummy isn't feeling to good. It is all gurgly and I feel bloated. I don't know how we are supposed to get in 1200 calories a day and have 3 protein and veggie based meals. You'd have to be eating super fattening meals.   Eventually I am not going to count anymore since South Beach does not require it. I am just wanting to know so I can tweak my calories up or down if weight stalls. So, I think I may just keep a rough estimate for a while.




Day 3 of solids!

I have been on solids for 3 days and all has been well..I was able to get in 1200 calories yesterday but by constantly eating small meals. Today I was only able to get in 900 calories. I did get to go to the gym for one hour, forty minutes on the treadmill and twenty on the bicycle. Breakfast: One egg with chedder cheese Lunch: South Beach chicken and green beans Snack: two string cheese Snack: yogurt dinner: smoked oysters   Liquids: 44 ounces of crystal light   I forgot my vitamins




Post Op day 21

One more day to go!!! I get to start solids tomorrow!!! Ruben made me weigh myself since he said I looked so much thinner. Well, I started at 190, the day of surgery was 186. Last night I was 175 and this morning I was 173!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: So, for a total loss of 17 pounds!!! How's that for a lower bmi bandster!!! I am also taking Quick Slim 30 which is supposed to assist with weight loss on top of suppressing the appetite. It stimulates the metabolism, so even if I was eating such low calories, I know it helped!   I feel really good! I am on my way! And tomorrow I start the South Beach Challenge! So, as far as tools go, I am utilizing my band as best I can even if I don't feel the restriction like I did in the beginning, I am utilizing the QuickSlim 30 as a tool and the South Beach diet as a tool! I see the more tools I can combine the better. So, next is the working out tool!!! I get my clearance to work out tomorrow so I will do my elyptical or Salsa dance tape!   This is what I have had today:   Breakfast: 1 cup soy capuchino; 70 cal. 7 grams of protein, Carnation good start breakfast; 130 calories, 5 grms of protein; Gano Mocha coffee 108 calories. Total for breakfast=308 calories and 12 grams of protein   Liquids: Drank 20 ounces of crystal light taking the kids to school   Supplements: 1 tbsp. Glacial Milk liquid vitamin and 1 QuickSlim 30




Post Op day 19!!!

YIIIPPPPEEEE!!!! I am almost to solids!!!! Day 22 is almost here!!! I am feeling really good and feeling thinner! I have found out why Dr. Ortiz does not have a mushy stage and it is as I suspected. You can get a lot of calories in during the mushy stage and gain back weight. So, he cut out that stage. 3 weeks on liquids is enought time for the stomach to heal and you just go straight to solilds!!!   Makes sense to me! I have heard of some people pureeing tamales, enchiladas, mole, very fattening food and then wondering why they are gaining???? Well, that is why I have this handy dandy journal to keep myself in check!!! As well as my Lower BMI and January thread sisters!   I took a QuickSlim30 this morning and let's just say it is really doing what it says it does. I am not hungry at ALL and have no desire to eat AT ALL! I have no more restriction and am going to use it as a "tool" to get me through until my first fill where I hopefully get some restriction.   I am also starting the South Beach Diet on day 22 and starting a challenge on the Lower BMI thread.   This is what I ate today:   Breakfast: 1 Gano Mocha Coffe and 1 cup Silk vanilla soy milk, 1 Carnation Good Start Breakfast: 340 calories, 11 grams protein **** I find that when my breakfast is a little higher in calories, I am not as hungry in the evening.   Lunch: 1 can of V8; 70 calories, 33 grams of protein (My 2 daughters are vomitting so I was advised to eat light,just in case)   Dinner: Pureed chili, 1 cup; 400 calories,   Total calories: 810   Supplements: 1 tbsp. Glacial Milk liquid vitamins, 1 Quick Slim 30   Liquids: 24 ounces crystal light, 20 ounces crystal light.   Mood/energy: I feel really good, hopeful and happy. I also have no hunger. I wasn't really hungry today. I am still keeping to the 1 cup of pureed soup even if I don't feel restriction between bites. I do feel full after I am done though. I am gearing up for the South Beach Diet on Saturday. I bought crab cakes, angus beef patties, teriyaki chicken, cod, orange roughy, shrimp, mushrooms. I am going to write up some menus. I just need to get my butt moving and do exercise!!!




Post Op Day 18

I am feeling very good today!! I do have a slight cold, but band wise, feel really good. I didn't feel any restriction yesterday, but ate the same and when I felt restricted. I didn't want to try to see how much I could pack in before getting sick. This is what I ate today:   Breakfast: 1 cup Gano Mocha coffee; 100 calories 1 package of Spirulina Oats (stired into my coffee); 125 cal. 1 cup of Silk vanilla soy; 100 cal, 6 g. protein   *** I felt very satisfied with this combination. The Spirulina oats are supposed to help with appetite and I can say it worked. I didn't feel hungry till about almost 2pm. And even when I ate lunch, I wasn't hungry, hungry like I usually would be.   Lunch: El Paso Chicken Cheese Enchilda Soup, pureed; 170 cal, 8 g.pro.   Dinner: Cream of chicken; 200 calories, 3 grms protein   Total Calories: 695 calories     Supplements: 1 tbsp. Glacial Milk liquid vitamins 1 Quick Slim 30   Liquids: 24 ounces of lemon crystal light, 40 ounces crystal light     I took my QuickSlim 30 today for the first time. I didn't necessarily take it for appetite suppression, but it is also for energy and assisting in helping the body to lose weight. I opened the capsule and put it in with my liquid vitamin. I just wanted to see how I felt with it. I'd like to go for a walk but haven't had the energy. I will report how it made me feel.   My pants feel looser and I notice I am peeing a lot more.     I wasn't too hungry and the QuickSlim 30 gave me a lot of energy!!!




Post op day 17

I am feeling really good, positive and pretty energetic. I started going to the gym again just doing the treadmill for now. I am clear to do full exercise on Saturday. I will go 4 -5 times a week and do cardio, free weights, swimming, sauna, jucuzzi. I can't do ab work for 3 months, but walking/elyptical/stair master while holding in your abs works them pretty well. I still have not gone on the scale, but my clothes are fitting much better. My thighs also look smaller. I just know I can't take any disappointment or anything discouraging and I have heard how people lose on the liquids then gain on the mushies/solids. So, I will weigh when I start the solids, so like in another 2 weeks. I don't feel hungry and I think it helps that I am always sipping on crystal light. Even if I feel like I can eat more than 1 cup right now, I am not going to push it. I am also going to start doing the South Beach Diet on Saturday. It isn't really like a "diet" as there is no calorie counting or denying yourself, only in the first 2 weeks which is like a detox from white flour products and sugar. It is bandster friendly and has always helped me curb my appetite naturally. I am also drinking the worlds only healthy coffee (Gano coffee) for breakfast. I am going to add a packet of the Spirulina Oats to it. My friend told me she adds the Spirulina Oats to the coffee and it completly disolves. It helps keep her colon regular and keeps her full. I am going to start doing that for breakfast tomorrow. This is what I have eaten so far today:   Breakfast: 1 cup Gano coffee with 1 cup soy milk; 200 calories, 11 grams of protein. Lunch: 1 cup of pureed Chili beans with V8 and cheese; 350 calories and 16 grams of protein   Dinner: 1 cup of pureed chili beans with V8 and cheese; 350 cal and 16 grams of protein   Snack: 1 Activia yogurt; 110 cal, 5 grams protein 2 tbls. hummus; 80 calories   Liquids: 24 ounces of crystal light, 24 ounces of crystal light, 8 ounces of Airbornne (feeling a little under the weather), 24 ounces of crystal light   TOTAL CALORIES:1100 TOTAL PROTEIN: 48   Supplements: 1 tbsp. of Glacial Milk vitamins




Ex: of a day on South Beach diet

South Beach Diet Recipes   Once you get to Phase 3, you will be eating all the foods listed. The following recipes are sample of food you can eat. Feel free to explore new recipes by referring to South Beach Diet foods list. Breakfast – Tex Mex Style (South Beach Diet Menu) ½ grapefruit 2 scrambled eggs mixed with Monterey Jack cheese and salsa 1 slice of whole grain toast Decaffeinated coffee or tea, fat-free milk and sugar substitute if desired Mid-Morning Snack 1 hard-boiled egg Lunch – Roast Beef Wrap 1 ¼ cups reduced-fat cream cheese 4 flour tortillas (9” or 10”) ½ red onion, sliced 4 spinach leaves 8 ounces roast beef, sliced   Spread a small amount of cream cheese over the tortilla. Layer the spinach, onion, and roast beef, roll up, and fold. Serves 4. Mid-Afternoon Snack 4 ounces Dannon Light ‘n Fit yogurt Dinner – Lemon Couscous Chicken (South Beach Menu) 1 ¼ cups water 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 2 cups broccoli florets 1 package Near East Roasted Garlic & Olive Oil Couscous mix 1 ½ chopped cooked chicken 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice ¼ teaspoon lemon peel In a large skillet, bring water, oil, broccoli, and spice from couscous mix to a boil. Stir in couscous, cooked chicken, lemon juice, and lemon peel. Simmer until heated through and then remove from heat. Cover and let stand for 5 minutes. Using a fork, fluff lightly, then chill and serve cold. Serves 4. Dessert – Lemon Peel Ricotta Crème (South Beach Diet Menu) ½ cup part-skim ricotta cheese ¼ teaspoon grated lemon peel ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract 1 package sugar substitute   Mix the ricotta cheese, lemon peel, vanilla extract, and sugar substitute, served chilled   Link to some more: http://www.southbeach-diet-plan.com/...ollection.html




South Beach Diet Tips

SouthBeach Diet Tips and Guides   The SouthBeach Diet is different from the Atkins diet in that it is not a low carbohydrate diet. Regardless of which phase you are currently in, you should follow these recommendations: Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water, decaffeinated beverages such as club soda, tea, coffee, or decaffeinated sugar-free soda every day
Limit your intake of caffeine-containing beverages to 1 cup each day
Take one multivitamin and mineral supplement daily
Take 500 mg of calcium for both men and women under the age of 50, and 1,000 mg for women over the age of 50, each day Eating can be both pleasurable and healthy as long as you eat the proper foods. All the meals in the SouthBeach Diet consist of healthy combinations of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Dishes can be made by anyone and the ingredients can be found in most grocery stores. These foods will satisfy your hunger without depriving your system of the low-quality starches and sugars that caused problems with your blood chemistry in the first place. The SouthBeach Diet does not involve counting calories, fat grams, or portion sizes. This plan was designed to be simplistic and will help you understand the principles of metabolism and put it to work for your own body. A major key to success with the South Beach Diet is the Glycemic index (GI), which ranks carbohydrate foods based on the effect on blood sugar levels. When you start adding foods back into your diet in Phase 2, keep your focus on low-GI foods such as apples, berries, grapefruit, high-fiber cereal, and whole grain breads.   Preparing For The Rest Of Your Life   Mindset Change for South Beach Diet   You have learned what the South Beach Diet is, how it works, and what to eat. Now, you need to get prepared to change the way you eat, for life. Start by accepting that the first couple of weeks will be a big change but one you will not regret. The first morning of this diet, you will eat a breakfast that may consist of a two-egg omelet with two slices of Canadian bacon, cooked in either spray canola or olive oil. In your old life, you may have toasted bread or a bagel and had fresh fruit or fruit juice to go along with your omelet. However, with the South Beach Diet, the bread will have to wait. Most people have been conditioned their entire life to add bread to meals. You have toast with breakfast, sandwiches on bread for lunch, dinner rolls with dinner, and cake, cookies, or pie for dessert. However, during Phase 1, you will have to forget about the bread. It may take a few days to leave old habits behind but keep in mind that it is during this time that your body’s inability to process sugars and starches is being reversed. After trying numerous diets, most leave you feeling hungry, is one of the most difficult aspects of any diet. A common denominator seen with overweight people is that most of them skip eating breakfast. When this happens, blood sugar drops, which then increases the desire for bad carbohydrates to escalate until lunch when the entire meal is blown.   Planning for South Beach Diet   Planning will help you stay away from snacking or substituting things that are not healthy and could cause weight gain. Remember that once you start into Phase 2, carbohydrates will start being introduced back into your diet along with fruits. You also need to remember to eat your mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks, even if you do not feel like it. Some of the greatest low-fats foods to incorporate into your planning include cheese and yogurt to replace the fats since they have no bad carbohydrates. In addition, the sugar is found in the lactose, milk sugar, is one of the things you can have with the South Beach Diet. The South Beach Diet is a lifetime change, lifetime commitment, and a lifetime of health and vitality!   How Does The South Beach Diet Work?   As mentioned, the South Beach Diet is unique, successful, easy, and works in a three-phase process. Unlike many other so-called diets, with the South Beach Diet, simply substitutes your bad carbohydrates and fats for good ones. After trying this, you will be amazed by how well and quickly it works.   South Beach Diet Phase 1   South Beach Diet Phase 1 lasts for two weeks. During this first phase, you will eat normal meals of chicken, beef, turkey, fish, and shellfish, lots of vegetables, eggs, cheese, nuts, and garden salads using 100% olive oil for your salad dressing. Each day for 14 days, you will eat three, well-balanced meals. While eating until your hunger is satisfied may go against most diets, with the South Beach Diet, it is part of the plan. Trying to lose weight and become healthy by depriving the body of food makes no sense. In addition to the three meals each day, you will also eat a snack between breakfast and lunch, and then again between lunch and dinner. Even if you do not feel like eating these snacks, for the South Beach Diet to work, you need to, and after dinner, you will even have dessert. Additionally, during this phase, you can drink all the coffee and tea you want and be sure to drink lots of water. You may be thinking that this is a lot of food - it is! With most diets, you deprive your body, eating only small portions of foods that are unappealing. The change you will make during this phase is that you will cut out all bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, baked goods, fruit, candy, cake, cookies, ice cream, or sugar. Keep in mind that these eliminated foods will be added back into your diet, starting in Phase 2. In addition to taking these foods out of your diet temporarily, you will also need to avoid beer, or any kind of alcohol. Once you start Phase 2, reasonable amounts of wine can be added back in. Instead of feeling overwhelmed about the foods that will be taken out of your diet during the first two weeks, stop and think about this for a minute. To achieve a life of health and lose unwanted weight, two weeks is a small investment to make. After all, you are worth it! The first two or three days will be somewhat challenging, but breaking any bad habit starts out a little bumpy. Once you pass this small hurdle, the rest of the time will go by quicker than you think. When you see the results that these changes bring, you will be glad you did not give up!




South Beach Diet Phase 2

Allowed Foods in Phase 2 (Foods you can reintroduce to your diet)   FRUIT Apples
Apricots-dried fresh
Strawberries DAIRY Milk-light soy, fat-free or 1%
Yogurt-light, fruit-flavored, plain, low-fat or fat-free STARCHES (USE SPARINGLY) Bagels, small, whole grain
Bread-multigrain, oat and bran, rye, whole wheat
Cereal-Fiber One, Kellogg's Extra-Fiber All Bran, oatmeal (not instant), other high-fiber, Uncle Sam
Muffins, bran-sugar-free (no raisins)
Pasta, whole wheat
Peas, green
Pita-stone-ground, whole wheat
Potato, small, sweet
Rice-brown, wild VEGETABLES AND LEGUMES Barley
Beans, pinto
Black-eyed peas MISCELLANEOUS Chocolate (sparingly)-bittersweet, semisweet
Pudding, fat-free/sugar-free
Wine, red FOODS TO AVOID OR EAT RARELY!!! STARCHES AND BREADS Bagel, refined wheat Bread-refined wheat white Cookies Cornflakes Matzo Pasta, white flour Potatoes-baked, white instant Rice cakes Rice, white Rolls, dinner   VEGETABLES Beets Carrots Corn Potatoes   FRUIT Bananas Canned fruit, juice packed Fruit juice Pineapple Raisins Watermelon   MISCELLANEOUS Honey Ice cream Jam




South Beach Phase 1

South Beach Diet Food List   During Phase 1, the foods eaten will be in controlled portions to include chicken, beef, turkey, fish, and shellfish. These types of foods along with vegetables, eggs, cheese, nuts, and salads can also be eaten, although all of it will be in controlled portions. Refer to the following list to see the types of foods that are acceptable in phase 1, 2, and 3. Remember that bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, baked goods, fruit, candy, cake, cookies, ice cream, or sugar will be slowly added back into your diet in Phase 2.   Foods to Enjoy Phase 1     Boiled HamCanadian BaconCanola OilChicken Breasts (skinless)Cheese (fat-free or low-fat - American, Cheddar, cottage, cream substitute, feta)Cornish Game HenEggs (whole)Fish (all types)Green VegetablesLunchmeat (lean)Peanut ButterPeanutsPecansPistachio NutsOlive OilSeasoning/Spices (broth, butter sprays, pepper, anything containing no sugar)ShellfishSirloinSweets * (chocolate powder, cocoa powder (baking type), hard candy, sugar substitute (sugar-free)TenderloinTofuTurkey BaconVealVegetables (artichokes, asparagus, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, legumes, lettuce, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini)Quick Shopping List for South Beach Diet Starter - Phase 1 A lot of eggs! (at least two dozen. I ate 3 a day)
Turkey and Canadian bacon
Sugar free Jell-O
Lettuce & whatever else you want in your salads (buy enough for the week)
Salad dressing (balsamic vinaigrette is good)
Veggies (no carrots)(broccoli & zucchini are good)
Chicken breasts and whatever other meat you like
Nuts (for snacks)
Low fat string cheese & shredded cheese (I use it on my salads)
Part-skim ricotta cheese
Splenda or other sugar substitute




Post Op day 16

I have been doing really good. I went to the support group in Rancho Cucamonga and they really helped me. They really focused on getting enough protein and the 64 ounces of liquids. You can dehydrate and have problems. I also met a 34 year old lady who has lost 130 pounds in a little over a year. She followed a South Beach Diet type of plan. Lots of water and exercise. I want to follow in her footsteps. They also told me to make sure I am getting over 1000 calories a day or else I will go into starvation mode and you can't lose weight in starvation mode. I added pureed chili beans with cheese and that got me to 1000 yesterday. I am also focusing on my liquid intake.   I am also going to start the South Beach diet on Saturday when I can have solids. I still have not weighed in,but was able to squeeze my butt into size 12 slacks!!! My 14's that were tight are not fitting me well anymore. I am looking for for non scale victorys.   Today I have eaten/drank:   Breakfast: 1 cup Gano Coffee (healthy coffee) with soy milk and carnation good start breakfast: 230 cal, 11 grams of protein     Liquids: 20 ounces of vitamin water: 125 calories   vitamins: 1 tbsp. of Glacial Milk liquid vitamins.




Post op day 13

I feel great today!!! I woke up with energy. I am also meeting my mom at the gym today. I think that is what it takes, for someone to just ask me. I need to keep it up. I think she wants to meet twice a week to work out together. I should ask Marlene to work out with me at least once or twice a week since she works at the gym anyway and I get a free account because she does.   This is what I have had today so far:   Breakfast: I Gano Coffee with 2 cups of Silk Vanilla soy and I Carnation Good Start mixed in (I could only drink 1/2 so I am taking it so i can sip on it till I get to the gym) Calories: 400 , protein: 17 grams   Liquids: Taking 32 ounces of Crystal Light to the gym




Post op day 12

I feel really good today!!! I still have very good restriction. I was only able to drink a small amount of Myoplex protien drink in the morning. I gues I need something hot in the morning, like my coffee. My incisions look really good. This is what I ate today.   Breakfast: 3-4 ounces of Myoplex Protein drink: 50 cal, 10 g. protein Lunch: 1 cup Old El Paso Chicken Cheese Enchilada soup, blended, 170 calories, 12 g. fat, 8 g protein Dinner: 1 cup Old El Paso CCE soup, blended; 170 cal, 12 g. fat, 8 g protein Snack:Campbells Creamy chicken soup; 250 cal, 12 g. fat, 6 g. protein Snack: Activia Yogurt; 110 calories, 5 grams protein Snack: V8; 70 cal, 3 grams protein   Total Calories: 820 calories Total Protein: 32   Crystal Light: 60 ounces   Vitamin: Glacial Milk I am day 12 post op and have very good restriction. I get full on very small amounts. My Bandy is doing her job. I have 9 days to solids/mushies. Day 22 is my day!!! I wonder how things will be different and what I will be able to eat or not eat.




Post Op day 11

I need a plan of action. I am officially burned out on cream soups. I need to focus on not eating the same food over and over until I get soooo burned out on it. I need to buy some V-8 in regular and spicy, try all of my new Nectar protein drinks, try different liquids like juice or the soy drinks that are sugar free. I am also making a pot of homemade beans with a lot of water. I put them to boil for an hour and am now putting them in the crock for the rest of the night on high, with some sea salt, beef boullion and some chili bean spices. The juice will be really good. I need to try new things. I can start on mushy/solids on day 22 and that is not that long from now. Someone also told me to transition into solids on day 22 with mushies so I can avoid PBing. I have some instant mash potatoes that I have been waiting to eat. I can make lentils, my famous refried black beans, the ricotta and spaghetti thing... I am half way there. I need to use this time to learn. Learn and apply the bandster rules. No drinking 1/2 hour before, not during and not for an hour after. I need to take my time, chew, take no more than a cup at a time and wait. I don't want to feel sick like I did. I don't want to PB. I need to use this time also to let myself lose weight that can only be dropped doing liquids, as much as I can. I know a few will come back on once solids are reintroduced, but that is okay. I need to make sure I am getting enough calories. I also need to watch my liquids because liquid calories are so easy to rack up.   breakfast: 1/2 cup of gano mocha coffe/soy milk; 100 cal, 3 g. protein   lunch: 1 cup of bean liquid with a small amount of pureed pinto beans, a touch of shredded cheese. I can only guess on the calories; 100 cal, 5 grams of protien   Dinner: tortilla soup; 200 calories snack: bean soup/laughing cow; 150 cal snack; myoplex, 8 oz; 150     Total calories: 700   Liquids: 5 ounces water, 20 ounces crystal light, 20 ounces crystal light   snack: V8; 70 calories, 3 g protien   exercise: walked around Sams for about 1/2 hour   Feeling/mood: I feel very good today.   I am taking it slow in regards to eating and am going to measure 1 cup at a sitting. I am keeping something to drink by me at all times, except near meal time, and I feel that is helping a lot with hunger pangs. I have not had to take my appetite suppresant, but I have it just in case I need it (QuickSlim 30). I still have not weighed myself. I feel thinner, face it thinner, fingers are thinner.   I am so happy I did this. I also named my band today. Her name is Bandy! I feel I owe her so much! When I try to get out of line, there she is ready to pull me back.



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