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Do Not Use Anyone Associated With Jerusalum Hospital

I had surgery there on 10/17/2011 and when I entered this very little office in a run down strip center, I almost ran. But I had to loose weight for my heart and so I went ahead with the DS surgery. I have had a hospital borne infection and I have been on antibiotics for over 40 days now. I had to cancel my cruise that I had paid for a year in advance with no refund, because my Doctor said if my fever got any higher I would have to go in intravenious antibiotics in the hospital. This place is so small only one restroom up and one restroom down. The 4 rooms they have are so small that the beds are only 1 foot apart. This is not a hospital it is a very small office building with not even a bath. Everyone has to share the restroom . Not sure what I was thinking when I did this but you are risking your life if you choose this place. Now the doctors seem to be ok, but the facility they have to use is very bad. There prices are great, but there is a reason. For a little more you can go to a real hospital and not have to take such a risk. Thanks jlweb55




Post Op Update

i was banded on december 1st and as of last week (my first dr's appt) i lost 25 pounds since liquid diet. i can't believe that 25 pounds in less than three weeks. i go back to him next wednesday and i am waiting for that appointment to hop on the scale. what a tough time to be banded, alot of parties and alot of temptations, but if we can get through this month i know we will be ok. went back to work yesterday and i feel great. hope everyone is doing well.




1 Month 25 Pounds Down

I'm so excited! Today I am down 25 pounds from when I started my pre op diet on November 11th! I'm also starting regular foods today but I haven't had any so far lol. This morning I had a SF Carnation Instant Breakfast and for lunch, FF Refried Beans mixed with Ricotta Cheese and shredded cheese. I seriously love that stuff. For dinner, however, I plan on having a Lean Cuisine. I had trouble picking some out last night. Even the Lean Cuisines are mostly pasta, bread and other carbs! I have no idea what to actually eat! I feel like once I take bread and pasta out of the equation, my choices are very slim. If anyone has any suggestions, it would be appreciated. What did you eat once you were back to "normal" food? I'm also kind of a picky eater so that doesn't help. My calorie intake is still between 600 to 800 daily. I haven't been hungry between meals, haven't been snacking or eating any sweets. Today I am not feeling well though. First time since surgery (besides the normal pain I mean). I have a headache and a sore throat. I almost didn't even want to eat but I made myself. I hope it passes quickly. Also, I'm at exactly 40 BMI! I started at 44. It's weird to think that if I go down just .1 more point, I wouldn't have qualified for the surgery as I have no other co morbids. Anyways, just felt like updating! I'm attaching a current picture (not very good).




6mo. Update

Hello my Fellow VSG'rs , its been a while since I posted on here !!!! I have been good and working my plan !!!! Yesterday I got on the scales and found myself down to 186lbs , YEAHHHHHH!!!!! I started out 6 months ago at 251 so I am really thankful!!!!! My workouts are the best , Jazzercise is awesome !!!!! Even on Thanksgiving day we had a special Jazzercise class to earn our Thanksgiving Dinner, it was deemed the "Huff and Puff before you Stuff Class" Honestly I can not stuff anymore, my stomach tells me your done in non negotiable ways everytime I sit down to eat! I have made up in my mind its ok not to taste or have everything served, its not like food is going to cease to exist , so I get in the protein and have a taste of whatever it is I desire and I am done. I will make sure to post new pics and update you guys a little more when I have some time off for the holidays . Hope everyone is doing well and don't let the holidays get you off track work your plan !!!!!! Work your sleeve!!!!   Two fingers, One Love !!!   CAMMYD:-)




8 Months Out ~ Woooop! Photo Included :)

Yesterday was my 8 month bandiversary! I have to say that I have not had even one moment of regret for having made the decision to have a lap band! Not ONE!!   Today I am wearing cute jeans in a size 9 and they are fitting loosely! Today I weigh 106 pounds less than I did at my highest weight just before my surgery. Today I can more than keep up with my grandbabies and match their energy all day long! Today I can share clothes with my best friend! Today I am healthy beyond my wildest imagination! Today I can wear bras that I bought from Victoria Secret (her secret is that if you're bigger than a 38DD you don't get to wear her stuff!!) Today I barely remember how I used to look until I see those photos! Today one of my grandsons 3 year old friends told me "You don't look like a grandma!" Today I know that my goals are completely obtainable, and very well within my reach! Today I know that I need a new driver's license photo and well.. a whole new license because mine says I weigh WAY more than I do! Today I want to tell you that a Lap Band can help you be the you that is hiding inside beneath all those layers of weight. YOU know who you are.. now it's time to show everyone else!! Here's to better health, better self esteem, better shopping, better dating, better sex, better sleep, better choices, better LIFE!!   Today I look like this:   Today is GOOD!! Cheering you all on from the Nebraska prairie!!   Follow me @ http://www.myotherbutt.blogspot.com

freelance frog

freelance frog



So I went last week for my first fill and all went okay. Initially, my doctor put 3cc's into my band and then took 1 cc out because he thought I was too tight while looking at the imaging. He says to me that for the next few days you should eat soup because that is all you will be able to take in. NOT the case...I honestly don't see a difference in what I was eating before the fill and what I am eating now. I am able to eat more than 3 ounces if I wanted to but that defeats the purpose, I do get hungry between meals and I haven't lost anything. So, do I call the office or do I just wait until my appointment next month on the 12th? Picking up the phone now seems premature but I don't want to wait an entire month...




6 Month Diet Examples Or Tips

I have to do the 6 month diet for my insurance to cover the lapband surgery. My appointment with the surgeon and his team isn't til next week, but I was hoping to get a "head start" on the 6 month diet. I was hoping to get some input on what others' 6 month diet consisted of .. ??




Today Is The Day...

Well ladies and gents, today it my day. Today i get banded!!! Nervous? You best ur ass!!!!...... cudnt sleep all night, tossed and turned. 3 1/2 more hours till i head of to the hospital to check in. 5 till im on the table. Got my bag packed with comfy clothes, puzzle to do while im sittin round, and a few other things. Since i couldnt sleep the NPO after midnight was a bit rough cause i was so thirsty but i got through it. Stomach is a growling. Well off to go shower before we leave. TTYL!!!!!!!! -Katie




Export?s Sac Burberry Sont

de distribution en grande partie non sac burberry soldes réglementée et chaotique. agriculteurs de cours de langue chinoise ont souvent utilisé nuisibles ou illégaux de pesticides et d'engrais d'augmenter les rendements, utilisé illégitimes antibiotiques et les hormones d'élever du bétail et de progrès de poisson et employées conservateurs illégales de soulever les possibilités de commercialisation de produits semi-transformés. En outre, produits contrefaits et options souvent clées en fournissent les cha?nes, les deux comme des intrants agricoles et prêts à consommer des produits alimentaires. Bien que les options et les produits de denrée alimentaire pour le cours inférieures aux normes de langue chinoise a fait les manchettes au sein des Etats-Unis en 2007, les problèmes est pas nouvelle pour des chinois langue acheteurs de cours et a attiré une pensée répandue dans les médias de cours de langue chinoise. au sein d'une tragédie très médiatisée de 2004, 13 bébés morts dans la province de l'Anhui de poudre de lait contrefait qui a connu pratiquement aucune valeur nutritionnelle. produits de denrée alimentaire pour le cours langue chinoise et les options qui ont lieu à être exportés sac burberry sont question à un examen plus élevé, entra?nant beaucoup plus attentatoire produits et options de magasin de cours de langue chinoise atteignant les tablettes que les marchés dans le monde entier. Bien que les régulateurs de cours de langue chinoise placent hors que beaucoup inférieur % de celui des exportations vers les états-Unis et le Japon, EU tests remarquable de l'échec, comme une bonne offre que 15 % des produits et options échantillonnées dans les segments de marché pour le cours langue chinoise échouent. Incapacité du gouvernement de cours de la langue chinoise à réglementer beaucoup plus efficacement une denrée sac burberry pas cheralimentaire décentralisée, industrie de production a conduit à une diminution de confiance en eux au milieu des organismes de réglementation dans le monde entier qui ont adopté une séquence de l'interdiction des exportations de denrée alimentaire de cours de langue chinoise beaucoup plus par rapport à des 5 années précédentes. A




Dans De Sac Burberry Soldes

A été que partiellement levée de l'interdiction d'Union européenne de 2002 sur les importations de produits ou de fournisseur animales en 2004. solde burberry subséquentes la malachite 2005 éco-crise, en 2006, la Chine face nouvelles interdictions dans le monde entier sur les poissons de turbot rapidement après que inspecteurs à Shanghai a jugé trop grande quantités de remèdes vétérinaires causant le cancer chez les poissons d'élevage de la province du Shandong. En 2007, l'abus persistant des remèdes vétérinaires en aquaculture s'est porté sur la gestion de produits alimentaires et de la SDMM U.S. (FDA) à interdire l'importation de 5 sortes de poissons d'élevage de droite de la Chine jusqu'à ce que les importateurs pourraient s'avérer le fait que n'englobent pas les options et les produits interdit ou des niveaux excessifs de médicaments vétérinaires. En dépit de la réalité que le Président Hu Jintao et ministre Wen Jiabao ont publiquement mis en gage pour soulever la protection de produit alimentaire et la qualité de produit ou de fournisseur, les problèmes fondamentaux le fait que le gouvernement fédéral chinois de cours de langues viennent au moment sont supérieurs et peu susceptibles d'acquérir résolu par des discours, les resserrements de corruption, règlements mis à jour sacs burberry comme la création des comités de gouvernement fédéral d'agence intermédiaire identifiés en tant que ? petits groupes. ? Il y a trois problèmes essentiels qui gênent l'établissement de l'inadvertance efficace du produit alimentaire digérant l'industrie. D'abord, le produit alimentaire digérant l'industrie en Chine est dominé par les processeurs minuscules. En second lieu, les autorités gouvernementales voisines manquent de la capacité ou de l'incitation d'installer l'inadvertance efficace. Troisièmement, la méthode politique de la Chine diffère des nations occidentales et manque des structures qui contribuent à la protection de produit ou de fournisseur dans d'autres pays. Comme une offre fabuleuse des choses en Chine, la portée du produit alimentaire digérant l'industrie est énorme et difficile à mesurer. Experts en matière de citation, de Chine de journal le montage récemment la quantité de processeurs de produit alimentaire à un million, avec 70 % d'opérations d'individus obtenant beaucoup inférieures à 10 personnes. dans de sac burberry soldes la conséquence du scandale de produit alimentaire de chiot de l'avril 2007 en dedans des états-Unis, la gestion de base chinoise de cours de langues de la surveillance remarquable, l'inspection et la quarantaine ont déclaré qu'elle augmentera la ? application ? en dedans du produit alimentaire digérant le secteur, affirmant qu'elle se compose de 448.153 entreprises, avec 352.815 obtenant moins de 10 employés.




Pour Solde Burberry Imposer

en plus ils ont précisé cette moitié de tous burberry pas cher les permis inexacts expérimentés par affaires et 164.000 n'ont éprouvé aucun permis du tout. Par comparaison, la FDA des états-Unis a cru qu'environ 210.000 sociétés domestiques éprouvées nécessaire pour s'enregistrer en dedans des états-Unis dans la conformité utilisant ? le travail public de protection de bien-être et d'état de préparation et de réponse de bio-terrorisme de 2002. ? La réglementation de ces processeurs minuscules et cellulaires est difficile, d'autant plus que le travail tombe d'habitude sur des fonctionnaires de banlieue noire et de comté-niveau, au lieu des administrateurs provinciaux et municipaux bien mieux placés et expérimentés. Ces microentreprises, entreprises généralement aimées de sortes, sont travail à partir des maisons ou espaces de location minuscules et ont l'entrée minuscule à la technologie, sont généralement unknowledgeable au sujet de la science de protection de produit alimentaire et des normes mondiales. De même, elles ont l'investissement minuscule de budget, et n'ont pas des noms ou des réputations de producteur à protéger, niant n'importe quelle incitation pour acheter la qualité. les processeurs soldes burberry minuscules avec le budget minuscule sont pas simplement rapides pour s'approcher et procéder des secteurs une fois qu'ils viennent sur une situation défavorable, mais ils sont dans un placement pour changer des produits et des options rapidement, dépendant de ce qu'ils per?oivent pour acquérir l'occasion de revenus la plus fine. Ces mobilité, polyvalence et opportunisme posent des problèmes considérables aux régulateurs recherchant pour instruire ou imposer des normes. L'application de protection de nourriture est supérieure par la capacité faible de gouvernement fédéral, particulièrement aux quantités voisines dans lesquelles une offre fabuleuse des processeurs de produit alimentaire fonctionnent. Souvent, les nouveaux règlements et préceptes de Pékin sont des mandats sans couverture qui sont ignorés par les fonctionnaires voisins qui les discutent manquent des moyens de donner des directives. dans ce que quelques autorités gouvernementales voisines peuvent posséder la volonté pour solde burberry imposer les règlements et les normes, ils manquent généralement des moyens. Les fonctionnaires de niveau local viennent sur des contradictions en essayant d'imposer des normes parmi des processeurs de maison. la digestion de produit alimentaire de ferme est encouragée par des autorités voisines comme des expositions pour augmenter des revenus agricoles, un plan vigoureusement approuvé, mais mal soutenu, par les autorités gouvernementales fédérales moyennes. l




D?veloppant Un Burberry Pas Cher

les fonctionnaires voisins sont peu burberry disposés aux compagnies proches qui contribuent au travail dans les secteurs de ferme, dans lesquels d'autres possibilités financières sont limitées. Cette hésitation pour imposer des normes ou des règlements a arrangé dans le provincial ou le niveau large de pays le produit peu probable que la protection de produit alimentaire pourrait probablement être assurée uniformément dans tout le pays. La corruption en dedans du gouvernement fédéral chinois de cours de langues lance un défi additionnel. les fonctionnaires voisins s'entendent généralement avec les compagnies voisines, stymieing essaye par des autorités de plus haut niveau d'imposer des règlements de protection. La corruption en Chine s'étend des cadres de bases vers les plus grands niveaux. D'endroit le produit alimentaire burberry soldes dehors et la gestion de meds (SFDA) en Chine peuvent être ruinés avec un scandale de corruption faisant participer son directeur de fondation qui se prolonge aux administrations provinciales de produit alimentaire et de meds. Les producteurs sans scrupules de produit alimentaire et de meds ont éprouvé été dans un placement pour acheter de nombreux permis à partir de votre compagnie large de pays et de ses branches provinciales et voisines. La portée étonnante de l'incapacité de l'administration de maintenir effectivement l'industrie a été indiquée une fois que le gouvernement fédéral rapportait dans 2005 qu'ils ont éprouvés ont trouvé 114.000 producteurs non autorisés de meds et ont démoli 461 usines offensantes. les sociétés qui ont éprouvé publié ? bonnes produisant la pratique ? (GMP) délivre un certificat expérimenté plus tard avéré acquérir transporter les produits peu s?rs. Le gouvernement fédéral chinois de cours de langues a promis ? la maison propre. ? Wen Jiabao premier entre eux avec d'autres chefs a?nés ont publiquement diffamé les fonctionnaires corrompus de SFDA, comme le directeur de fondation du SFDA a été par la suite exécuté pour la corruption. La corruption aux quantités voisines lance un défi spécifique aux régulateurs essayant d'imposer des règlements aux niveaux voisins, dans lesquels les processeurs fonctionnent. Les fonctionnaires voisins sans scrupules peuvent favoriser des fabricants illégaux ou non autorisés, développant un burberry pas cher découragement à fermer confortablement des violateurs. les gouvernements voisins, particulièrement dans de mauvaises régions sont dépendants sur des fines pour la génération de revenus, particulièrement dans quelles recettes fiscales légitimes sont insatisfaisantes pour aider des opérations de gouvernement fédéral. La fermeture confortablement d'un producteur illégal coupe effectivement loin un jet salutaire de revenu, fournissant les fonctionnaires voisins encourageants aux violateurs de ? imp?ts ?, bien que simultanément leur permettant de se tenir sur l'opération et produisant des revenus de ventes de produit. En plus, des fonctionnaires voisins sont inquiétés que la fermeture confortablement des organismes ou refuser à des fermiers la capacité de créer résider peut causer à malaise interpersonnel, un endroit dehors que tous les fonctionnaires sont au-dessous de l'effort à éviter.En outre, la Chine n'a pas une culture civile robuste et productive qui représente collectivement les occupations des acheteurs de plus pour les fabricants.




My Lap Band Story...so Far

I hate diets! And yet it seems like I've dieted for my entire life. My entire 29 years of life! At my heaviest I was 220lbs. I'm only 5'4 so I was quite a butter ball! I went on the prescription Phentermine in 2008 while at my very biggest. I lost 47lbs. in about 6 months taking me down to 173lbs. And then I had to quit taking the prescription, partly because I got the flu and also because it's unrealistic to think after six months the drug will have the same affect it did on day one. It doesn't. Not to mention the awful side effects! Jitters, cotton mouth, extreme irritability, constipation, sleep apnea...just to name a few. But what I loved about that drug was that for the first time in my life, I was losing weight without dieting! I ate whatever I wanted but very small portions. It was so great to be able to eat what everyone else was eating and never feel deprived and never feel the need to rebel! It also gave me a huge amount of energy, so I was working out almost every day. But when I stopped taking the Phentermine, the weight slowly but surely crept back on...like it always does...I mean, did! I had looked into the Lap Band surgery years before Phentermine but never really had the nerve or the pounds to get it done. Years ago you had to be at least 100 pounds over weight. Today you only have to be at least 50 pounds over weight. As the weight started to creep back on, I knew I had to do something! I felt like I needed something like Phentermine but better and that was for life! And that's exactly what Lap Band has been for me...my no dieting weight loss plan! This hasn't been a cake walk, but it has been relatively effortless so far! Notice I said "so far". On my surgery day, 7/8/2011, I was 208lbs.Today, 12/13/2011, I am 177lbs so in 5 months, I'm down 31lbs. So I'm still over weight, but I sure look a lot better! I've had 3 fills in all and I think I will stay with only three. I feel good where it's at. I'm pretty tight, but not too tight. It's been a slow process. And I realize if I worked out it would be quicker but I've actually not worked out for a reason...not that I would recommend it. I also DO NOT diet!!! If I have fast food, I might have a couple chicken fingers or part of a cheeseburger. Sometimes I have a grilled chicken salad. I eat whatever I'm in the mood for, but I eat small portions. Now I realize that I may not be able to keep this up. My goal weight is around 125-135. And fried chicken and burgers probably won't take me to my goal. So when I begin to plateu from just calorie restriction alone, my plan is to start the exercise. Please don't get me wrong, I do eat very decent. And have also found that veggies actually are easier for me to eat than any other foods. But I am by no means on a strict diet plan or ANY diet plan for that matter! The month before my surgery I went crazy eating, as though I would never be able to eat any "bad" food after my surgery and that is not the case at all! I have everything and anything I want. The band had just taken my "want" away. I explained it to my mom and sister like this, "Before the Band, my stomach was a bottomless pit,my appetite was huge! With the Band my stomach is a very shallow pit and my appetite is tiny." So life really is pretty good! I'm finally seeing progress, getting compliments from others, feeling so much more confident in myself and also realizing that success is actually within my reach! I'm actually going to achieve my goals this time! I asked my doctor, "About how much weight can a person like me,who wants to lose 80 pounds, lose with the band?" He said, " The band will give you about 40 pounds, the rest is up to you." That's fair. I can meet my band half way. So far it's given me an easy 31lbs. It's about to be my turn to take myself the rest of the way!




Staples Removed Today!

Well the ugly staples are gone---I think I had 9 or 10? I think its healing pretty good cause its starting to itch!! Im so afraid of scratching them while Im sleeping, so my husband slathers them in neosporin for me. I couldnt have done this without him--he has been so wonderful!! He is trying to lose weight on his own--which of course he always has been able to do....grrrr I have my 1st fill scheduled for Jan 4th--and the office has a meeting for all the newly banded people that day too. Im looking forward to meeting people in the same current situation as me. The office gave me a card today to present to restaurants---it has the Dr's office name on it & on the flip side it id's me as a weight loss surgical patient & asks that I be allowed to purchase a smaller portion at a reduced price or to order off the kids menu!! That is such a great idea! Then I wont be tempted by left-overs!! Everyday is a new step in the right direction!!

new chapter in life

new chapter in life


Still Learning My Band

This is my first time ever blogging, but hopefully this will assist me in reaching my weight loss goal, and with the aid of others some of my questions can be answered.   Ok, here we go:   I had the lap band surgery on October 13, 2011. It was a seamless procedure, everything went well, and I was out that night. I was sore, but no pain (thank goodness). One week later went to the doctor, and lost 15 lbs. I was happy as a bee eating honey. Then went back the day before thanksgiving (go figure) and got my first fill make it 5cc's. By that time I lost another 9lbs (still happy). Then here I go getting on the scale everyday which made me sick, especially when I did not see the numbers move, so I had to tell myself to stop weighing myself. Now I weigh every week.   I say that I am learning my band, because certain things I eat seem to go down like a rock, and I have to sit there uncomfortable until the food goes down. I know it my fault, because I still following my old habits like drinking with my food, eating too fast, and not chewing well. All number one rules I know.   The only thing is I don't know if I am doing everything else correctly. I believe that I should have lost more weight than I have it will be 2 months tomorrow. My friend is telling me that I am doing fine, and it's a slow process, which I know that's why I wanted the Lap band, but who know.... LOL   I am attempting to stay away from carbs, such as bread, and rice. Although I have had a couple of Pringles, and some fried items, but for the most part it’s been just soup, veggies and meat.   I'm exercising, but not as much as I should; I know that. I'm getting back on track. I guess at this point I am looking for suggestions on how I can lose more weight per month, and/or what are some of your best practices.




5th Fill Finally!

Ok today dec 12th i finally got my 5th fill. on oct 28th i got my second unfill and have had nooooo restriction since then. I gain 7 pounds in those 6 weeks, but i'm not complaining cuz it could have been much worse. My clothes are actually feeling looser. I dont get it and I dont care. as long as i'm not gaining! LOL! this band has been such an experience. I'm nowhere near where i thought i would be almost 7 months post, but i'm not where i was 7 months ago and for that i'm grateful. Now that my band is back where it needs to be, let's get this ball rolling. Currenlty I go to the gym 4 days a week and my goal for next year is 5 days. I told my trainer that jogging on the treadmill isnt all that bad, and i'm no longer too embarrassed to do it. But now of course he's like it's not good for the knee joints. now me being a therapist i kinda already knew that, but i figured that moslty applied to running on concrete. oh well, he said not more than 2 times a week and i'm ok with that. well that's all for now. Jennifer




From: Just Beginning My Gastric Sleeve Journey

I talked to human resourses, cause she wants a conference call with HR and the director of nursing about the timing of surgery,. I read up about FMLA, if you meet critieria hours worked ect. they don't have the right to deny you. If the Dr. says it's neccessary, it is. You employer does not even have the right to even ask yow what the pricedure is.   THIS IS TOTAL BULLCRAP! and i have to do what's right for me. I shouldn't let this sap the joy out of this     Source: Just Beginning My Gastric Sleeve Journey

rebecca b

rebecca b


Back To Doc Tommorrow

well I go back to my great doctor Collier in Conroe tommorrow to get back on track. I had surgery 6 weeks ago and I have gained some weight but he is a very patient man and I know he will help me get back on track he is a good doc.




One Week Banded!

One week ago at this time I was in the hospital, groggy and uncomfortable but so relieved all went well. Today I am feeling good, healing well and for the first time I am truly feeling motivated and sure that I can do it this time. It is a little scary to write or say that outloud after so many failed attempts but I am writing it anyway -- I need to lose that fear of failing again and see this as the first time I have ALL the tools I need to succed -- I really believe the lapband was the missing tool in all my previous efforts to lose weight.   Since surgery last week, I've lost another 5 lbs since surgery bringing my total loss to 24lb since August! And my husband has lost 45lbs since August (he was banded 11/7)!!   I have been using MyFitnessPal daily to log my intake and I check this site at the beginning and end of every day to keep myself motivated by reading about others successes and about their struggles. I feel so supported when I read the entries and I offer my support and cheers for them. I think checking in here each day and blogging each week will help me keep my goal front and center so I will be better able to stay motivated. So here's is this week's entry to keep me focused and a thanks to all those who share thier story. Hope anyone who may read this has a great week and stays positive in their journey   Kath  




My First Unfill

On 12/2/11 I went and got a 1/2 cc fill. I do not tolerate fills well so to only get a 1/2cc is normal for me. I did GREAT and I was sure to follow my dr.s instructions to a -T-!! Liquids only for 2 days and then on to soft foods and then to solids. I felt very good restriction up until Thursday...pms kicked in and I could not even keep my protein shakes down. This is the first I have encountered this because I have been on the depo shot for 12 months up until now. I went for a slight unfill today 1/2cc taken out and I feel like a million bucks. Ate a protein filled lunch worked out with the Jillian michales biggest loser DVD and getting ready to do some house cleaning!




Scared About Surgery

i have to get a peroneal tendon repair done 4 days before christmas IDK what to do the surgeon says I will be in a cast for 4 months then physical therapy to teach me how to put pressure on my tendons and work the muscles again I am just nervous I have had surgery befor but never something like this never something that takes almost a yr to recover something that will demobilize me what about my daughter i live in an upstairs apt how will i get her to school and home and take care of her the doctor says that I will not be allowed to walk on it for the first 2 months I am just scared a little bit and worried because the success rate is not all that high to me for this paticualr surgery but I am hoping that I will be able to walk withought the clicking and pain anymore so hopefully it will be well worth it




My First Week On The Loser's Bench

For so many misinformed years I thought that surgery was the easy way out. How wrong was I? I am working so hard to make sure I am hydrated enough, getting in all of the supplements and getting out for walks. What I have learned is that, it takes a lot of planning and effort to be successful which is certainly not easy.   Day 7 post op today. I am feeling pretty good. I also had my gallbladder removed during surgery and the largest incision site is still pretty sore. Mostly due to a couple vomiting episodes and a coughing fit I had . The other ones don't bother me at all I have a total of 8. I have only taken a half dose of the pain medication.   My post op diet is a sugar free clear liquid diet, no protein shakes until day 8 and this is until week 4. I was feeling pretty weak so I added regular juice and Gatorade I will stop it once I start protein shakes tomorrow. I can't wait. It blows my mind that I am excited for a protein shake. Thus far, I am not feeling any hunger which I hope sticks around. Pre op I always felt hungry and was constantly thinking about food.   My starting weight was 278. My weight the date of surgery was 250. My weight today......drumroll please.........239!!!   Looking at 239 on the screen is unreal, I can't remember the last time I weighed that. I love my sleeve!!!!!




Drum Roll Please...and It Is Another New Middle Number

well, I got on the scale Saturday morning, and I hit a new middle number...I am now officially into the 230's. Five months since I started my journey and still going strong.   I love my band and everything it has made me realize. I have always been a strong individual, but even so, I needed help with the eating thing.   At the risk of repeating myself, my band has made me so much more aware of what I eat, when I eat and how much I eat. I am also aware of what others eat and how much. It is truly mind boggling. I really love my band. I think this was the wisest decision I have ever made. I have lost 61 pounds since I started my journey and I have about 80 more to go. I feel so much better, have more energy, sleep better, and don't mind the exercising. I have even started to walk more on the treadmil in addition to the bicycling I do. Next step will be getting in front of a video and doing that challenge. I love everything my band has done for me, even though I know it is really not doing the work, but it has given me the courage and conviction to keep on track with what I know must be done.   Yesterday we had 12 adults at the dinner table and 5 children. My hubby and I cooked 2 large trays of lassagna, 5 pounds of chicken tenders, a 4 pound bag of meatballs, and served with it 2 loaves of bread and a very large salad, can you believe we only has 2 pieces of lassagna left and about 4 pieces of chicken. They inhaled the food. And before dinner they ate a dozen tamales we had just made. I don't know where they put all that food. Then they had a piece of chocolate (from the chocolate candy box which I have during the holidays) and they ate 2 dozen mini cupcakes.   But me and my band, we had a salad with a piece of chicken on it and we were stuffed.   Today I go to the dr for another fill, but I think this one will do it for awhile. I definitely have restriction, but I am still able to eat a little more than I should...thank goodness I stick with the healthy foods and only once in a while have a little treat (I must confess that I did eat a small tamale yesterday).   Anyway, I am proud of my 61 pounds down and here's to another 60 pounds gone. Hope they come off at fast as the first 60 did.



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