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Question about Damage from SOda?

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I guess now we know why the success rate for lapbanders is low. Because they have doctors giving them bad advice and some of their patients don't follow the rules of the band anyway. The no carbonation rule is stated all over the place in LAP-BAND®® literature. It is no surprise or late breaking news that bandsters can't have carbonation.

I just don't get it! The first several months on this site I encountered some really rude and obnoxious people and couldn't understand why they were this way. I now understand! They just got fed up with all the dummies who wont follow the rules.

Wow, you really need to calm down. There are no hard and fast "rules", every doctor is different. I drink carbonated beverages, caffeine, I didn't have to lose any weight prior to surgery, etc.

I eat and drink anything I want, whenever I want. I pay attention to what I eat and try to make smart decisions, but I have zero stress, never count calories, never feel like I'm missing out on anything and don't even think about my band anymore. I've never had any issues, pain, or other problems. I just simply eat less than I used to. I have lost 100% of my excess weight in a year. Have you?

You are right about one thing though, there are plenty of bad doctors out there, and IMO they try to cover their butts by making up all kinds of ridiculous rules.

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I still have diet soda (and other fizzy drinks) occasionally; not nearly as much as before surgery, but when I feel like it. My doctor has no problem with soda (or caffeine or alcohol) as long as it doesn't bother us, we don't overdo it, and are conscious of our calories. I generally try to eat healthier than before surgery, which was my primary reason to reduce the amount of soda (and alcohol) I drink. Since I've cut down, I don't crave it as much.

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I just really can't understand the logic some of you use to convince yourself that its okay to break the rules.

The Allergen and Realize band manufactures all warn about the consumption of CARBONATED beverages by band implant patients. This to me overrides any surgeon's opinion of the consumption of carbonated beverages by lapband recipients.

There are many threads on this website in regards to carbonated beverages and the band and I highly recommend that those of you still consuming carbonated beverages seek out and read these threads.

It's really no skin off my back if you do damage to your bands people. Sorry if I just care too much about all of you messing up your bands and having to have revision surgery needlessly. It's your band to screw up!

Take care!

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Wow, happy2lose. :) My surgical group also allows me to have NSAIDs, alcohol, and caffeine. If you like, I can give you the contact information to yell at them. I'd prefer you berate them rather than me for following my doctor's instructions. :thumbup:

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There are several reasons I think they tell you to avoid soda....

1st being that the carbonation may stretch the pouch

2nd being that its empty calories

Also even if ou just drink diet soda....studies show that people who dont drink any soda weigh less than people who do. For me if I am drinking soda then I am not drinking enough Water.

One time since banding I shook up a soda till it was flat and then drank it...but I think its gross so no more of that lol. I was such a diet coke a holic that I just cant drink it bc I would be hooked again lol.

My doc said that I only had to avoid it for 1 year but i dont think I'll start drinking it again.

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Wow, happy2lose. :) My surgical group also allows me to have NSAIDs, alcohol, and caffeine. If you like, I can give you the contact information to yell at them. I'd prefer you berate them rather than me for following my doctor's instructions. :thumbup:

I'm not interest in berating you or your surgeon or anybody else for that matter. Perhaps you should re-read my previous post.

My insurance carrier will not cover lapband surgery anymore because of the high failure rate. For this reason and this reason alone, I had to self-pay for lapband surgery. I am extremely careful not to do anything through my own negligence to damage my band. Therefore, I do follow the manufacturer's guidelines to the letter. If Allergen says not to consume carbonated beverages then I will not consume them. I do follow my surgeon's recommendations so long as they coincide with Allergen's guidelines.

I feel extremely thankful to my husband for supporting my decision to go outside of network for a procedure my insurance would not cover. It was a financial hardship for me and my husband to pay out of pocket for my surgery during this poor economic time and even more of a hardship to have to pay for revision surgery especially if its for something I could have prevented.

Remember, if even a fraction of banded people don't follow the band rules and increase the failure rate, it affects everybody down the line who has the hope of getting a lapband in the future. Perhaps now you will all understand where I am coming from.

I really don't care a rat's ass if you disagree with me or not. Perhaps all of you need to calm down and practice a little more understanding of other's views on things because afterall, this entire thread would have been concluded if a select few of you didn't keep stirring the pot.

As far as I'm concerned you can all keep this going or you can let it rest, but I'm done! Goodnight!

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happy2lose, I really admire your passion! I don't think that people necessarily disagree with what you have to say, but you know how tone can be over the Internet, I'm sure. Some of your statements come across as being combative to me and I think that it might be easy to mistake your enthusiasm and desire to educate others for an attempt at picking a fight.

itsalmosttime, my surgeon says carbonation is okay after 60 days. Honestly, though, I really lost my taste for soda completely after surgery. I drink Water and unsweetened iced tea almost exclusively now. Very very occasionally, I'll have a bit of beer.

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I can't believe that this is still carrying on. It's almost like a competition to see who can have the last word. LOL.

I make my own soda at home. I find an occassional glass of diet lime and home made soda really refreshing when its really hot. I also like to dilute white wine with soda. I am sure that 1 glass of half soda half wine is better and has less calories in than plain wine.

And yes I am allowed to drink alcohol. Both my "rule" book and my Dr say its fine.

Now if everyone can just stop arguing and trying to convince everyone else that they are right......................

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I just really can't understand the logic some of you use to convince yourself that its okay to break the rules.

The Allergen and Realize band manufactures all warn about the consumption of CARBONATED beverages by band implant patients. This to me overrides any surgeon's opinion of the consumption of carbonated beverages by LAP-BAND® recipients.

There are many threads on this website in regards to carbonated beverages and the band and I highly recommend that those of you still consuming carbonated beverages seek out and read these threads.

It's really no skin off my back if you do damage to your bands people. Sorry if I just care too much about all of you messing up your bands and having to have revision surgery needlessly. It's your band to screw up!

Take care!

I know that by replying yet again I am not following my own advice but this whole argument is really annoying me!:scared2: I decided to go into the Realize and Lapband sites to see exactly what it is that they do say.

This is what it says on the Realize site. Note it says you MAY want to avoid........... It does not say you have to . In fact the word MAY is repeated a number of times.

Sip 64 ounces (8 cups) of low-calorie, noncarbonated fluids daily. You may want to avoid carbonated beverages because bubbles in these drinks may temporarily block your stoma, may cause discomfort, and may increase burping.

This is what it says on the Lapband site.

Drinking high-calorie liquids (like milkshakes or soda), or drinking liquids during or immediately after meals can drastically reduce the effectiveness of the LAP-BAND® System. However, it is important to stay hydrated and drink lots of Water throughout the day.

Note it is referring to HIGH - CALORIE liquids. It does not mention that you cannot drink diet soda.

It is possible that maybe I have missed something but as far as I can see neither site say's that carbonated drinks CANNOT be drunk. I think therefore the best advice is that which has been repeated many times over.

Follow the advice of YOUR DOCTOR.:confused:

Edited by elcee
Adding quote marks

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That sounds wise. Most docs give different advice, so best to stick to what one's local doc says. Sharing your own doc's advice is great.......implying that your own doc has the only correct way is kind of foolish.

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I know that by replying yet again I am not following my own advice but this whole argument is really annoying me!:wub: I decided to go into the Realize and LAP-BAND®®®®®® sites to see exactly what it is that they do say.

This is what it says on the Realize site. Note it says you MAY want to avoid........... It does not say you have to . In fact the word MAY is repeated a number of times.

This is what it says on the LAP-BAND®®®®®® site.

Note it is referring to HIGH - CALORIE liquids. It does not mention that you cannot drink diet soda.

It is possible that maybe I have missed something but as far as I can see neither site say's that carbonated drinks CANNOT be drunk. I think therefore the best advice is that which has been repeated many times over.

Follow the advice of YOUR DOCTOR.:scared2:

Well said, but using logic to debate with an illogical person doesn't really work. :lol:

There are many good reason to avoid soda. Empty calories, too much artificial sweetener, lots of burping, discomfort, etc. "Stretching" something is a ridiculous argument, no way your body can maintain that level of pressure without burping. It's just not possible, even if you tried to do it on purpose. I'm not a doctor so don't take my word for that, but it is my personal experience.

People fail with the band because they cheat with slider foods, or force too much food at once, or their doctors in some off-shore low-cost band factory did a lousy job of installing it and then cover their tracks by making up bogus rules.

We all should research the facts, ask our doctors the hard questions, and ultimately follow our doctor's advice because they are the ones we'll turn to if we have issues. If your doctor tells you things that don't make sense, find a better doctor. Every med school class has a bottom half. :confused:


a person who hit 100% of goal in a year with no issues whatsoever, drinking carbonated drinks the whole time.

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I'm not interest in berating you or your surgeon or anybody else for that matter. Perhaps you should re-read my previous post.

My insurance carrier will not cover LAP-BAND® surgery anymore because of the high failure rate. For this reason and this reason alone, I had to self-pay for LAP-BAND® surgery. I am extremely careful not to do anything through my own negligence to damage my band. Therefore, I do follow the manufacturer's guidelines to the letter. If Allergen says not to consume carbonated beverages then I will not consume them. I do follow my surgeon's recommendations so long as they coincide with Allergen's guidelines.

I feel extremely thankful to my husband for supporting my decision to go outside of network for a procedure my insurance would not cover. It was a financial hardship for me and my husband to pay out of pocket for my surgery during this poor economic time and even more of a hardship to have to pay for revision surgery especially if its for something I could have prevented.

Remember, if even a fraction of banded people don't follow the band rules and increase the failure rate, it affects everybody down the line who has the hope of getting a LAP-BAND® in the future. Perhaps now you will all understand where I am coming from.

I really don't care a rat's ass if you disagree with me or not. Perhaps all of you need to calm down and practice a little more understanding of other's views on things because afterall, this entire thread would have been concluded if a select few of you didn't keep stirring the pot.

As far as I'm concerned you can all keep this going or you can let it rest, but I'm done! Goodnight!

The group that placed my band publishes its complication results online:

http://gravitas-ltd.co.uk/index/cms-filesystem-action/results/complication_rates.pdf and is proud they out perform 5 star facilities in the United states. My diet sheet says I can have the occasional coke or beer. I was banded on the 15th Sept and have lost nearly 55 pounds. At first I though they were starving me, but now I know their advice is best. I think I will listen to them for this advice because they seem to know what they are talking about. If they say a beer and coke is ok now and again that is fine with me.

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I know that by replying yet again I am not following my own advice but this whole argument is really annoying me!:lol: I decided to go into the Realize and LAP-BAND® sites to see exactly what it is that they do say.

This is what it says on the Realize site. Note it says you MAY want to avoid........... It does not say you have to . In fact the word MAY is repeated a number of times.

This is what it says on the LAP-BAND® site.

Note it is referring to HIGH - CALORIE liquids. It does not mention that you cannot drink diet soda.

It is possible that maybe I have missed something but as far as I can see neither site say's that carbonated drinks CANNOT be drunk. I think therefore the best advice is that which has been repeated many times over.

Follow the advice of YOUR DOCTOR.:confused:

You're not missing anything. Neither company indicates on their website that carbonated beverages (or some of the other so-called "no-no's") are forbidden, just NOT to drink them while you're still healing, they MAY cause gas, burping, etc., some doctors recommend patients not drink them, and basically to use caution when ingesting them (and pretty much everything else). :scared2:

Of course, there are plenty of indications that even diet soda isn't beneficial and can even be unhealthy. That's something I can get behind, and is why I don't drink it too often. But my doctor is fine with some diet soda consumption as long as I stay hydrated with Water and other healthy beverages. I'll work with my doctor's guidelines, everyone else can work with theirs. :wub:

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Hey guys,

Been thinking some and realized I've been too opinionated here. My goal is really to help those who need it and I did get way too much of an attitude about this subject. As you all know I am very passionate and strive to follow the rules so my band isn't compromised. I wish you all the best and hope you all do well with your bands.

Thanks to all of you for the reality check.


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Hey guys,

Been thinking some and realized I've been too opinionated here. My goal is really to help those who need it and I did get way too much of an attitude about this subject. As you all know I am very passionate and strive to follow the rules so my band isn't compromised. I wish you all the best and hope you all do well with your bands.

Thanks to all of you for the reality check.


:scared2: :confused: (LOL, had to throw the carbonated beverage smiley in there :wub:)

I never doubted that you want to help. It's all good, nice to know someone cares about all of us so much. :lol:

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