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hehe Vickie.

I have wiifit. Got it for my bday in sept. Like the hula hooping thing but honestly it got boring quick. Everything is in 2 min exercises then you have to grab the remote and switch to the next. When jogging you can't catch up to the lead guy and smack him in the head or anything. The yoga stuff is kind of goofy. And not sure how the balence exercises help get your heart rate up enough to be considered exercise.

I prefer putting the ipod on and walking.

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Lots and lots and lots of crazy sex. :thumbup: :lol:

My husband will aprove of that! I fizzled out with this last 20 lbs. I put on. I'm hoping to rev things back up!

As far as walking, working out, etc. I've got that covered. I have about 2,000 songs on my Ipod and walk a lot now. I also have a cross trainer and a Bowflex at home. Exercise isn't really my problem. Controlling my appetite is.

I'm thinking more of quick distractions that can get me past that initial craving. Puzzles are a great idea. I actually have one of those ready to go for after my surgery. I work in a library, so books are readily available. I think I'll pick up a couple of those puzzle books. The kind with crosswords, logic puzzles, etc.

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Wow my insurance came threw for me:thumbup:and my surgery will go on as planned,December 8thMONDAY,i have to be in the hospital by 6:30 and surgery is at 7:30 and i will have to stay over night at the hospital.So far Ive done everything the Dr said to the teeeeee,I was to lose 30lbs before he would do surgery on me -had to have my bmi below 50 I'm on my 12th day on my fast of Protein Shakes, sf Jello and plain broth now that is going a lot better then i felt like it would but when you eat less then 700 cals a day you lack energy:thumbs_down:well anyway so far i have lost 36lbs wow if i could just keep going like this i would not need the lap-band bbbbbbbut we all know it is not that easy-Right if it was we would be thin and healthy well anyway wish me luck---is anyone going in the same day as me? Kerry:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

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HI everyone,

I wanted to check in and wish everyone having surgery this week good luck.

I had my surgery on Dec 3 (Wednesday) I had to stay over night. I spent most of it as drugged as possible. By thursday morning I was moving around pretty well. Yesterday I was up, shower and dressed and felt pretty good but still napped twice during hte day. every time I wake up I feel better. I started full liquids today and I feel pretty gassy. It hurts to burp.

Otherwise all is well. I am two weeks full liquids and then two weeks mushy. I go back for my follow up on Dec 17. I will find out how much I lost then b/b I refuse to play the scale game at home.


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Wow my insurance came threw for me:thumbup:and my surgery will go on as planned,December 8thMONDAY,i have to be in the hospital by 6:30 and surgery is at 7:30 and i will have to stay over night at the hospital.So far Ive done everything the Dr said to the teeeeee,I was to lose 30lbs before he would do surgery on me -had to have my bmi below 50 I'm on my 12th day on my fast of Protein shakes,sf Jello and plain broth now that is going a lot better then i felt like it would but when you eat less then 700 cals a day you lack energy:thumbs_down:well anyway so far i have lost 36lbs wow if i could just keep going like this i would not need the lap-band bbbbbbbut we all know it is not that easy-Right if it was we would be thin and healthy well anyway wish me luck---is anyone going in the same day as me? Kerry:thumbup::girl_hug::thumbup:

Grats on getting insurance approval. I know you were concerned about that.

My surgery is on the 10th, but I won't have a time until the day before.

I'm a little miffed because I stepped on the scales today and it said I gained 1.5 lbs from yesterday. :thumbup: How is that possible consuming under 800 calories a day??? I hope its just my scales being screwy or maybe I'm retaining Water.

Good luck and God bless! I can't wait to hear how you are doing post op!

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HI everyone,

I wanted to check in and wish everyone having surgery this week good luck.

I had my surgery on Dec 3 (Wednesday) I had to stay over night. I spent most of it as drugged as possible. By thursday morning I was moving around pretty well. Yesterday I was up, shower and dressed and felt pretty good but still napped twice during hte day. every time I wake up I feel better. I started full liquids today and I feel pretty gassy. It hurts to burp.

Otherwise all is well. I am two weeks full liquids and then two weeks mushy. I go back for my follow up on Dec 17. I will find out how much I lost then b/b I refuse to play the scale game at home.


Hello Chris glad to hear all went well. I was also banded on the same day and honestly the gas has been the worst part. I have been taking mylicon drops and gas-x per doctors orders and it has worked. Also,I noticed the gas gets better when I am active. I plan on walking around the supermarket with my wife today just to get out and move. Good luck to you!

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Just checking in with everyone. My surgery was on Thursday and I spent the night in the hospital. I felt really good post surgery, some soreness at incision sites, otherwise good. I was on some pretty good painkillers in the hospital, and have taken some since getting home yesterday. The 1 1/2 hour drive home was not bad, but I was really tired and sore after arrival at home. I went to bed early last night - with drugs - and slept well. DH got up at about 4:30 and brought me another small dose of drug, and I slept until almost 8:00. I feel pretty good this morning, still sore around the port site, but since that is stitched into muscle I think it will be sore for some time. I'm able to eat (drink!) my full liquids this morning just fine, and they taste good after nothing but broth and juice! yum - Tomato Soup for Breakfast - my favorite!

Hope everybody else is doing well. Sue from NE - you are doing great. I would not attempt a shopping trip this weekend!

About the early weight loss - I don't think we should plan on a big weight loss early in the game. For one thing - if you are on liquids and drinking juices and broth, you are still getting a lot of sugar and salt. Even tho it's not a lot of calories, you will still retain Water. Post surgery, you have some of the same issues - not a lot of calories, but you may still retain Water on the full liquids. Don't forget that when you drop to very low calorie intake, your body tends to believe you are starving (feel like it too!) and will adjust your metabolism to conserve its resources (fat). The scale will be playing tricks on you the next few weeks so don't get discouraged. Just follow the rules and allow your innards to heal - the weight will come off.

Mr. Mike - it's good to hear from you. I'm glad everything is going well. I have not had any of the gas pain people have talked about. The nurse said some people just don't have it. I feel very lucky! Have fun at the grocery!

Good luck to all.

Edited by JoannMarie

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Just checking in with everyone. My surgery was on Thursday and I spent the night in the hospital. I felt really good post surgery, some soreness at incision sites, otherwise good. I was on some pretty good painkillers in the hospital, and have taken some since getting home yesterday. The 1 1/2 hour drive home was not bad, but I was really tired and sore after arrival at home. I went to bed early last night - with drugs - and slept well. DH got up at about 4:30 and brought me another small dose of drug, and I slept until almost 8:00. I feel pretty good this morning, still sore around the port site, but since that is stitched into muscle I think it will be sore for some time. I'm able to eat (drink!) my full liquids this morning just fine, and they taste good after nothing but broth and juice! yum - Tomato Soup for Breakfast - my favorite!

Hope everybody else is doing well. Sue from NE - you are doing great. I would not attempt a shopping trip this weekend!

About the early weight loss - I don't think we should plan on a big weight loss early in the game. For one thing - if you are on liquids and drinking juices and broth, you are still getting a lot of sugar and salt. Even tho it's not a lot of calories, you will still retain Water. Post surgery, you have some of the same issues - not a lot of calories, but you may still retain Water on the full liquids. Don't forget that when you drop to very low calorie intake, your body tends to believe you are starving (feel like it too!) and will adjust your metabolism to conserve its resources (fat). The scale will be playing tricks on you the next few weeks so don't get discouraged. Just follow the rules and allow your innards to heal - the weight will come off.

Mr. Mike - it's good to hear from you. I'm glad everything is going well. I have not had any of the gas pain people have talked about. The nurse said some people just don't have it. I feel very lucky! Have fun at the grocery!

Good luck to all.

Joannmarie, I am glad to hear from you and that your surgery went well. I havent had an appetite but I have been drinking becasue I know I have to. I am not concerned about the weight either because I know it will come off sooner or later.I just want to get 100% better. Good luck to you and keep in touch.

I have been thinking about Florida Pete, I hope all went well with him also! Hopefully he is also doing well and coming home soon to report to us..

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Hello to all my fellow DEC 3 BANDSTERS!! So nice to hear how all of you are doing:tongue2:. I was also banded Dec 3 and I am like most of the others with painful gas. The Gas X sorta helps, but then it comes right back:cursing:. I also still have alot of pain at the port site, but I guess thats expected since its sutured to the muscle. I have to say it is more painful than I thought it would be:thumbdown:.

I got up and took a shower yesterday and felt so much better:smile2:. Still on a little pian meds, but as soon as my DH gets me liquid Tylenol, I will be taking that.

Walking helps with the pain and the gas, so I try to do that as much as I can. Im still on Clear Liquids only. I will be on full liquids next week. Looking foward to that.

Good luck to all that are already banded and to those of you that are getting banded. :thumbup:

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Just checking in with everyone. My surgery was on Thursday and I spent the night in the hospital. I felt really good post surgery, some soreness at incision sites, otherwise good. I was on some pretty good painkillers in the hospital, and have taken some since getting home yesterday. The 1 1/2 hour drive home was not bad, but I was really tired and sore after arrival at home. I went to bed early last night - with drugs - and slept well. DH got up at about 4:30 and brought me another small dose of drug, and I slept until almost 8:00. I feel pretty good this morning, still sore around the port site, but since that is stitched into muscle I think it will be sore for some time. I'm able to eat (drink!) my full liquids this morning just fine, and they taste good after nothing but broth and juice! yum - Tomato Soup for breakfast - my favorite!

Hope everybody else is doing well. Sue from NE - you are doing great. I would not attempt a shopping trip this weekend!

About the early weight loss - I don't think we should plan on a big weight loss early in the game. For one thing - if you are on liquids and drinking juices and broth, you are still getting a lot of sugar and salt. Even tho it's not a lot of calories, you will still retain Water. Post surgery, you have some of the same issues - not a lot of calories, but you may still retain Water on the full liquids. Don't forget that when you drop to very low calorie intake, your body tends to believe you are starving (feel like it too!) and will adjust your metabolism to conserve its resources (fat). The scale will be playing tricks on you the next few weeks so don't get discouraged. Just follow the rules and allow your innards to heal - the weight will come off.

Mr. Mike - it's good to hear from you. I'm glad everything is going well. I have not had any of the gas pain people have talked about. The nurse said some people just don't have it. I feel very lucky! Have fun at the grocery!

Good luck to all.

Mike Joann nice to see you back and thank you for the report I will be in there on the 9th.


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Happy Saturday morning early December bandsters!! I feel scared that I'm still experiencing port site pain. On a scale of 1 - 10 I'd say I'm at a 5 or 6 most days (surgery date was 12/1). The most comfortable position is either sitting up straight (then hurts like Hades when I stand up) or reclining on my back on my bed. I still can't tolerate laying on my side even with a firm pillow braced against my stomach. Walking (I think it's the weight of my lower belly "dragging" the port site down) is tough and I'm still taking LorTab exilir every 7 hours or so. I'm scheduled to return to work on Monday and am scared I'm not going to be well enough to go back. I think if I'm not feeling considerable relief by Monday morning, I'm going to call my doctor (my post-op appointment isn't until 12/16).

I'm worried that I'm injured myself either coughing or dry heaving the first night I was home from the hospital.

Ugh. I didn't expect this much pain. :thumbup:

Edited by VickieSH

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Vicki...I was banded on Dec 3 and I am also experiencing horrible pain at the port site. Im still taking the pain meds to help with the port site pain. And yes, it hurts like heck when standing, like something is pulling in there. I too think its from my hanging belly. It helps a little when I hold my tummy up, instead of letting it hang. I am up and walking, but there is no way I would be able to go back to work. I also thought it was something I did.....

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I am a novice when it comes to the signature. Can someone please please send me the code for the december bandsters. I think it is awesome!

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Welcome back, Joann, Mike and all of week one! Joann, so glad you are doing so well, was looking for you, and found your first post! Hope the healing and recovery are quick and whole, with less and less pain and gas! Thank you for coming back in with every report, helps to keep us on the right track with many added hints to make it simpler along the way! Please keep them coming!

Hooray for our December Forerunners that are shining from the rough (Diamonds that is!)

December Week 2, we are up! The countdown is on, and the serious nesting begins! hehe, Here we go!!!:thumbup:

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I'm so glad to hear that everyone who has had their surgery is doing well for the most part!!!

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    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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      1. BabySpoons

        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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