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Good Evening Gang...

Lori - I have a LARGE walk in closet maybe 10x7 - it's brimming with clothes - I have clothes in the guess room closet - we really have 2 season - summer & winter - my closet is FULL... I could dress for about 3 months and most likely not where the same thing twice - well except for pants - but I could go a couple or 3 weeks without wearing them twice well that would be if I could wear jeans to work on days other than Friday.

My Kaitlin wasn't getting any milk when DIL was breast feed- she brought her over about 10 days after she was born and Kailtin looked like skin & bones I asked her - how can you tell if she's getting enough food she has lost weight - you need to take her to the doctor - sure enough - come to find out she wasn't getting enough food - so they switched to the bottle (DIL has big boobs and Kaitlin had a small mouth ;0)

Jaundice no biggie - but now you see the worry starts all over again LOL you worry about your kids - now you get to add DGD to the mix - it's never ending (motherhood) LOL

She is a beautiful baby....

Julie - Hugs - can't wait to hear how the doc visit went...

Melissa - I'm telling you - You DH has some issues - I don't think he wants you to be healthy - Come you are diabetic first and foremost and he knows you love candy - why in the hell would he bring it in the house - if he runs his own business then tell him to keep it at his office - that really pisses me off... Come on now food is our addiction - why is he doing that to you - There's a reason behind it imho - Tell him I said to keep the crap out of the house and at his office if he can't live without it - but to quit trying to kill you..

Charlene - Yes my #7 are coming next week - Candice arrives on Sunday 3/14 till the following Monday 3/21 - Linda comes in on Monday 3/15 leaves on the following Sat 3/19 and Phyl will be stay w/us too for a few nites and all of the days they are here - So all said and done - I have company for 1 week - Andrew's Bday is 3/18 he'll be 20 - so depending on his plans (which I won't know till the day of his Bday) he might be going out to dinner w/4 old ladies - he said that was cool.. He just wants his present so he's willing to dine w/us old ladies LOL

Gosh getting old is the pits - Hugs on your Mom having to have her eyelashed plucked and other issues..

Ya I just heard we change the clock back on Saturday night - it will be nice for my girls who are coming - more day light and it will give me a week to get use to it before I have to go back to work.. I don't like springing forward - losing 1 hr sleep is hard - but since I'm on vacation it shouldn't be too bad and I have my dogs who wake me up to go potty every morning and they don't know about clocks..

Can't belive you are going to be 60 !!! Well today's 60 is really young - not like our parents..

Meredith - How nice of you - I think shaving would be better than it falling out - I know w/my stepmom - it's not pretty - rather have it all gone at once,

Well my dinner is done - so gotta cut this short...

Food today - BF Yogurt/blackberries - lunch Homemade Ck Soup - Dinner Fish Broc rice - Had gym this evening - here's a thought - trainer said it's hard to get in shape but easy to stay that way - It's so true - it's all about lifestyle and changing it... Once you do it - it's not really that hard to maintain...

Linda hugs on the teeth issue - ugh...

Eva - we were windy too - it's suppose to stop tonite... I hate the wind.

Apples - are you getting back into the groove...

Well gang - gotta go eat...

Talk to you all in the a.m.

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Sorry I have been missing a bit. So damned much going on with us. It's been tough. So much crap. But, so good we faked it and forgot much of it for awhile and now dealing again. Not bad being back in our "real" world so much (we're talking about weather" but not so good being back in our "real" world. Sorry about being evasive...will do a group email in a day or two to let you all know the sh_t that has been going on since our arrival back home.

You all know me. I see the good in most things. So, things will be just fine. I am a true believer that if you can''t see the positive in the sh_tiest situation..I'd better go back and find out why not. Not saying everyone has to live with thinking that way...kind of like reversed psychology.

Kind of like getting the Lapband. OK...gonna be real here. I compare drugs to food addiction. Either you get it or you don't. Just saying....there HAS to be the AHA moment...kind of like someone doing drugs. If you don't get that "moment" where you want to help yourself, well....it just might not happen.

True...think about it. Will check in with you all in a day or two.

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Phyl, I'm with you -- I'd want that surgery done asap too -- why not have the doctor in So. Cal do it instead of waiting to go home? Since you've lost all that weight and exercise I'm sure you're in good shape for surgery -- that's why I was able to get my hip done so quickly -- another NSV. If I need something done to this shoulder I'll want it done right away too - no sense putting it off in my opinion. CBL Love to all. Linda

If this problem had come up earlier in the winter I probably would have the surgery done down here. But, we go to Cabo on April 1st for 9 days and when we get back we'll be getting ready to head home.

Found the name of it the book is called Fighting Weight written by Kahliah Ali with the help of that Dr and two others.

Ah, YES!! That's it!! I knew her first name started with a "K", but couldn't remember it.

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Happy Birthday Arlene!!!:party: :party: :party:

Apples, I am so glad you had that nice break in AZ so that you could let it go for a while. Now that you are back I know you wil deal with it and put it behind you. You are in my thoughts.

Cheri, you are in my thoughts and prayers. You have a lot on your plate right now. Stay strong.

Melissa, Janet is right. It is time to assert yourself and tell DH, in no uncertain terms, what you need. Tell him to keep the crap out of the house! My DH is a candy lover too; and I am diabetic. He keeps it in his truck so it doesn't tempt me. Take a stand. Let the people in your life know what you need.:seeya:

Joyce, what is up with your elbow? Has your struggles with eating gotten any better?

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Good good morning to all. First of all, before I forget, Happy Birthday Arlene -- may be 60s be even more fun than the 50s.

Joyce I must have missed a post about you hurting your arm -- sorry to hear you've been down and out with that, sounds very painful.

Lori, so happy things went well with little Katelyn -- sounds like she's going to be a very good baby - my DS was like that -- slept well right from the beginning. I think it's great she had an easy labor - less trauma for the baby as well. So happy her DMIL stayed away and is behaving a bit -- maybe her son had a good talk with her.

Julie, hope all is well - thinking of you and praying they will take good care of you.

Cheri, again, I have little to add except I pray for your daughter. My friends who've had cancer all cut their hair first -- to avoid the expierience of the hair coming out in clumps. I think I would do that too if I had to go through chemo.

Good news on my brother - they found some mysterious infection hiding in his lung - so no surgery -- can cure it with IV antibiotic and he'll go home today with that and a little machine that will suction out his lung -- thorugh a drain. So he'll be home for his b-day on Friday -- he's been in for over 2 weeks now. Poor guy. They had done an exploratory type surgery last week and biopsied some of his lung - that's how they found this weird (their words) bacteria.

I had my appt with my ortho surgeon on a follow up on my hip nad to check out my shoulder problem -- took lots of x-rays and then sent me back for more x-rays - not my shoulder -- have neck problems --he's referring me to an ortho surgeon who specializes in necks -- in fact he said it's the doctor who did neck surgery on him. I'm not surprised as I've had problems witih neck all wunter -- but on right side and shoulder pain has been on left - so to me that's weird. But also getting numbness nad tingling down my arms and a weird thing with my neck and swalling -- feels like my neck is out of place--- that's been going on for several years now. I just don't want any more surgery -- maybe I can get that new procedure where they inject gel in between the disks. Anyone here eve rhave a neck fusion? My back fusion went wrong so I'm not really happy about having a neck fusion. Other than that, I'm doing fine. Went to zumba last night and did 20 mins. on elleptical afterwards and then weigihts.

Have a great day all.


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Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday, Dear Arlene

Happy Birthday to You!

Love, Karen

Have the best birthday ever!

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Have a fantastic day - calories don't count today - Enjoy your Birthday !!!

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Thanks peeps! I am going to have a great day. I am going to grandparents day at my DGS's school for lunch then having dinner with my DD this evening.

I did not realize today was Fat Tuesday......so what are you giving up for Lent. You don't have to be a Catholic to participate. I am giving up anything that is considered a starch. I will still eat good carbs. Now, Janet you might want to give up shopping.....lol! I might do that too!

My scars from the face waxing are still there. At least they quit stinging. I am going to get my Vanique filled and quit waxing for a while. I don't think I can even get Radiesse tomorrow. I am still going and let her see if I should wait.

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Good Morning Gang...

Apples, Hugs - I figured since you weren't posting - crap again - Hugs....

Linda - We are twins - my neck shoulders still bugging me too - but I hate going to the doctors - do haven't gone - figure it will work it's self out.. The Chiropractor helped a little - massages haven't been deep enough and I carry my stress in my shoulders - Hell all the stress you have w/Katie I'm not surprise your neck hurts - I would be afraid of fusion - but don't know enough about it.. Glad your Bro has an answer with surgery.

Joyce - Hugs on the elbow - for you who don't know she fell and dislocated it - in a sling for a while - right elbow hard for her to type ;0)

Well ot much to report - Watch OC (orange county) Housewives and bed - woke up at 4:20 - lets see if I can get to work early -

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Thanks peeps! I am going to have a great day. I am going to grandparents day at my DGS's school for lunch then having dinner with my DD this evening.

I did not realize today was Fat Tuesday......so what are you giving up for Lent. You don't have to be a Catholic to participate. I am giving up anything that is considered a starch. I will still eat good carbs. Now, Janet you might want to give up shopping.....lol! I might do that too!

My scars from the face waxing are still there. At least they quit stinging. I am going to get my Vanique filled and quit waxing for a while. I don't think I can even get Radiesse tomorrow. I am still going and let her see if I should wait.

Arlene...I just cannot figure out how that salon person could burn your face that badly. She must not monitor her work very well...Sounds like you have a nice day planned. I was up early cooking/baking. My "fake bro's" FIL passed away and I want to take a meal over for them. Everything is done and loaded in the car. Just waiting for a decent time to take it over. As you know, it's also my DS's bday today. He already had cake at his party. Would make him another one for today but he is watching his weight and don't want to tempt him. I am making a low fat version of his favorite country fried steak for lunch today.. It's made with a very lite breading and low fat Carnation milk.

Linda....when you posted about your teeth troubles, I just cringed. So happy to have all that behind me. Hugs.

Julie...waiting to hear what is up. Hugs

Heck...hugs to all. Joyce...thinking of you. Bet you are bored to tears.

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Thanks peeps! I am going to have a great day. I am going to grandparents day at my DGS's school for lunch then having dinner with my DD this evening.

I did not realize today was Fat Tuesday......so what are you giving up for Lent. You don't have to be a Catholic to participate. I am giving up anything that is considered a starch. I will still eat good carbs. Now, Janet you might want to give up shopping.....lol! I might do that too!

My scars from the face waxing are still there. At least they quit stinging. I am going to get my Vanique filled and quit waxing for a while. I don't think I can even get Radiesse tomorrow. I am still going and let her see if I should wait.

Charlene - I would you nair instead of waxing - hell I shave mine - it's not true if you shave it grows back thicker - Yep Shopping is off - My new reward will be getting eyes done - this filler stuff/botox doesnt last long enough - so for what I have paid for my 2 treatments - I would have almost paid to get surgery and it last longer..

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Charlene - I would you nair instead of waxing - hell I shave mine - it's not true if you shave it grows back thicker - Yep Shopping is off - My new reward will be getting eyes done - this filler stuff/botox doesnt last long enough - so for what I have paid for my 2 treatments - I would have almost paid to get surgery and it last longer..

Yeah, if my mother wasn't paying I wouldn't be doing it. You might want to check into the Lifestyle Lift. My friends face looks nice and natural. She did get some Radiese last week, but she really didn't need it. Her recovery time on the Lift was much shorter than a face lift. She had her eyelids lifted too and the bags under eyes removed. I think altogether it was 7500.

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Linda, I had symptoms similiar to yours but my pain level in my arm was off the charts. It was a nerve that was compressed between C6 & C7 vertabrate. They did a laminectomy (sp?) and I am doing great! If yours turns out to be the same we can talk further. Let me know what the doctor has to say.

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Arlene, Happy Birthday to you. Enjoy.

Great, my DD was jaundiced also, it passes fairly quickly.

Joyce, I missed what happened to your hand? Hope it heals fast, but then again, someone helping with the house isn't a bad thing. lol

I tried to keep up but wasn't on much this weekend. I am doing a lot better, the lbs I put on are coming back off. Talked with the dietician a week or so ago, got a slight fill last Friday. I did the liquids for 3 days to really get a jump start. The weather is breaking, for a day or two, so I will get out there and do some walking. And I do mean a day or two, supposed to snow and freezing rain again starting tomorrow. oh yeah. not.


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Cheri, my mother had her hair cut off after we were in the car and strands were flying by. She let my son and niece shave it off. Of course they had a lot of fun first, gave grandma a mohawk. lol


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    • ChunkCat

      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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