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Tx.......yes, sounds like Bandster Hell!! Your body is in a war to hold on to what you are losing. Journal,......high Protein, low carb.....and walk! Get a pedometer. Work to walk 10,000 steps a day. I started doing 6,000 a day then it just started moving up. I wear my pedometer all day. You probably need another fill, but if you get too much at one time you might start slimming and pbing when you eat. Hang in there! Keep looking for other tools to help you push through those hungry times.

I use the Livestrong app on my phone as a journal. If you are on a computer look up DailyPlate.....it is the same site. It keeps track of all of your Protein, carbs, fats, Fiber. Check it out.

I am going to Water aerobics this morning. Then babysitting the 3 month old all evening. My DD is taking the 2 year old to Yo Gabba Gabba Live. If you are a young mother or a grandmother I am sure you have had to watch it on tv.

What to eat this morning? Turkey sausage, fruit , egg.........Yum!

Apples, are you home yet? Missing your green posts!

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Good Morning Peeps

I went grocery shopping after work last night - buy the time I got home had major headache - just didn't feel like being on the computer - so I made an early dinner - bbq chick (oven) broc & 1/2 c mash taters - dessert sf vanilla bean ice cream - 1 whole cup ;0) but it was in my calorie budget ;0)

Chris - Isn't it funny when we work we want time off - but when we have it after a surgery - we get sick and tired of being house bound - I can imagine you are tired of being imobile ;0) - Yep bandster hell is just that - hopefully your doc will be aggressive - I was lucky mine was...

Cheri last nite was my 1st carbs in a while - I have been really good about the junk at work (that's why I had ice cream last night ;0)..

Charlene - LOL I'm still a volume eater - I want the most food for the least amount of calories - I learn that at WW - my plate usually has more veggies than anything else ;0) that and Protein ;0)

Julie Chris sent me his info - I updated the list and sent to everyone - Kelly's info is all that's missing - How's your pain - any better

Well it's time to hit the shower - tgif !!! But I have gym after work - I can't wait till we go back to our Monday/Wed schedule - Friday has never been a day I want to exercise - it's hard after a week at work - but gotta do it ;0)


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Morning everyone,

Had Water aerobics this morning and then I'll be up and doing some of the party work this afternoon, tomorrow morning and again at 5:00 -- we set up in the mail -- over 500 people are coming so we have 50 tables, 500 chairs, etc. to put out. I'll probably also go to the gym in the morning just cause I'll be eating some special treats tomorrow night.

Chris - I know you're in a tough place right now -- it is bandster Hell, but I promise it will get better - keep lots of sugar free Jello around and eat it so you won't feel deprived. Sounds strange, but it seems to help -- that and hot tea or hot coffee -- makes me feel full -- even if you drink it black. Once you are able to exercise and get active again you won't have any problem losing the weight. If you aren't walking much try increasing your walking - it is truly a great way to lose weight -- try to walk as fast as you can - try to measure out a 5 mile path and try to walk 12 or 13 min. miles -- you'll get a good workout and the weight will come off -- I used to do 5 miles every single day and then add other exercise in -- it does help get you started on good weight loss. Maybe you could buy some ankle weights -- I'm sure hand weights would be out of the question for you because of your shoulder surgery.

Gotta run all -- be back later. Have a wonderful Friday everyone!


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Well, I didn't go to Water aerobics. I pushed my DGDs in the double stroller. I was a good workout. Then I came home and finished cleaning house. I ate low cal tuna salad for lunch. It got stuck......I got nauseated and threw up. I guess it was from lifting my DGDS. I must have gotten my band in a bind. I am okay now except for the fact my drama SIL might come by. I don't want to be here. My stamp book is full ( remember green stamps and big bonus) and I have cashed her in for peace of mind. lol I get my DGD this afternoon for about six hours. I just may go over there and babysit.

What's for supper? hmmmm? I have 16 pts left. Later peeps!

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Good afternoon....still no ability to change to my green print or to change font. Don't get it. Could do it b/4. It's depressing to see and miss my green print. I know there are worse things (like being in bandster hell, Chris).

Been super busy with getting ready for Monday's tax appt. Not time for much else.

Chris...as Linda stated, try to get out and walk. ANYTHING to take your mind off of your hunger. It's no fun to be wishing for that restriction and see the scale go up. I did whatever it took to get out of the kitchen or anywhere I had temptation. I would take a long/fast walk, brush my teeth when hunger hit, make myself a skinny hot chocolate, eat SF Jello, grab a couple of pieces of beef Jerky, get my book and hop in the tub, call a friend, take a drive, start a cleaning project...even if I didn't really need to. It WILL get better but hard to tell when and which fill will make the difference. Until that time, it's up to you. And, keep in mind, there will be hunger even when you get to a good restriction. Just make sure to have good/healthy foods to make your choices from and trigger foods out of your house.

We all know what you are going thru and are here for you. I get you on the idle time on your hands and wanting to be back at work. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm about 11 yrs worth of wishing.

Hope you all are looking forward to a nice weekend. Will check back later.

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Well all I recieved some e-mails asking for my address? I must have missed some posts, but I don't have a clue what's going on!

The weather here is really great..right at 60 degrees, but the sun is shining and when I went for my walk this morning I had to push the sleeves up on my sweatshirt....maybe a t-shirt this afternoon.

Still on a plateau, eating so much tuna salad, we are now out of lettuce. So going to have to come up with something clever for lunch?

I am sore from all my walking, but not so bad I don't go...but I can sure feel it! Tomorrow will be the beginning of week 14 of hard core walking. 40-60 minutes a day, and my little wieny dog has gone every step with me (it's too cute) she is sooooo serious when we go,,and if I lose track of time she is the first one to remind me. Animals internal clocks are amazing!

Well hoping everyone has a warm, safe, happy,and healthy weekend.

~Kelly~ My Sophie

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Kelly...cute photo of Sophie....another problem I am having. Cannot click on photos for a better shot...just keeps working and working with not results. Did Sophie also trim down some with all your walking? You are doing great. Once in the habit, it's so much easier to just keep moving.

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Apples..I had that happen to me too, so it's not you or me. I can't figure out why you can't do the color, that's just plain wierd.

Sophie doesn't have an ounce of fat on her and she is fixed...must just be good geans!

I was so tired last night from walking, that I went to bed at 7:30 and slept till 6:00 am, I am still sore today, but not as tired. I will keep on plunking away at this, I still have that big 50 in May that is a great motivator.The only way I could upload was in full editor!

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Linda, it's good to see you back. Glad your computer got fixed. Mine's only 2 years old too and sometimes it slows way down too, but it usually turns out to be some automatic update going on. Take care of yourself before and after the party...this is when you are more susceptible to catching a cold. I have a raw shrimp shell allergy too. If they are cooked, no problem, but raw shrimp shells make me break out and itch too.

Janet, I just looked at your pictures. You do look amazing and it looks like you all had a pretty good time. Brooke almost looks like I did at her age. It's going to be tough to break those bad habits already. You are a brave woman to do the para sailing.

Meredith, wow going for the PA, that's a lot of work, but well worth it. Good for you.

Arlene, give it a little time and the WW should kick in. I don't do well without Protein in the morning. oatmeal does not hold me for as long as an egg does. I eat the oatmeal, but end up having a Protein snack mid-morning when I do. Of course now, I don't eat Breakfast until 9 or 10 am and lunch is about 2. I really prefer eating this way, but it doesn't jive with the rest of the world. Hugs and best wishes to your friend maybe she'll wake up and take the anti-depressants. Your Soup sounds really good. I may have to make some this weekend.

Laura, hope you get off the steroids soon. I know those things make you feel bad. My sister is on them every now and then and they really make her cranky and make her gain weight. Not a great thing.

Great, so now you are going to know SLC inside and out. I think getting lost is a great way to figure out where you are going. Did you have a good visit with your daughter?

Apples, what kind of boots? Sounds like you had fun.

Julie, glad to hear from you. Are the girls getting along better? How's your DD doing? Congrats on the SIL getting a job closer to home with benefits. That's so important these days.

Cheri, see now you are aware of relying on carbs for comfort. That is a step in the right direction. Do you have a long drive to get to your school? I love the little kids Christmas programs, they are so cute.

Chris, sorry the WL has slowed down, but it usually does after a while. Just keep doing the right thing and it will come off, even if it is slow. I was banded in Mexico and went back to get my fills (Tijuana) so it's not easy to go every month. They are a little more aggressive with their fills and I think I'm at a good level. I just eat crap and don't pay attention like I should. The band is working, I'm not. Remember the band is a tool, you still need to make the right choices.

Kelly, good for you and keeping up the walking. My old dog loves to go for walks too but she is all tuckered out when we get home. The address request is for Christmas Card exchange.

Well I've been manically making cards. I'm getting close. I still need to stamp the inside message and the hallmark, then figure out who's getting what card. I can do the letters and addresses at night and get the cards out next week. I'll have to work on cleaning and organizing next week.

Bought the dog a new bed for Christmas today. It's a big round pillow, hope she likes it. We found a TV at costco....flat screen HD, etc. We may go back and get it tonight or tomorrow. Those things go fast usually. It's one of the things DH and I have been saving for. I can hardly see my old 27" TV anymore....have to wear my glasses.

Hope everyone has a great day!


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Morning everyone,

Had Water aerobics this morning and then I'll be up and doing some of the party work this afternoon, tomorrow morning and again at 5:00 -- we set up in the mail -- over 500 people are coming so we have 50 tables, 500 chairs, etc. to put out. I'll probably also go to the gym in the morning just cause I'll be eating some special treats tomorrow night.

Chris - I know you're in a tough place right now -- it is bandster Hell, but I promise it will get better - keep lots of sugar free Jello around and eat it so you won't feel deprived. Sounds strange, but it seems to help -- that and hot tea or hot coffee -- makes me feel full -- even if you drink it black. Once you are able to exercise and get active again you won't have any problem losing the weight. If you aren't walking much try increasing your walking - it is truly a great way to lose weight -- try to walk as fast as you can - try to measure out a 5 mile path and try to walk 12 or 13 min. miles -- you'll get a good workout and the weight will come off -- I used to do 5 miles every single day and then add other exercise in -- it does help get you started on good weight loss. Maybe you could buy some ankle weights -- I'm sure hand weights would be out of the question for you because of your shoulder surgery.

Gotta run all -- be back later. Have a wonderful Friday everyone!


OMG LINDA 5 miles - I usually just did 3 or 3.5 once in a while 4 - You go girl - I never walk anymore - I do bootcamp, pilos (yoga) 2 x weight training and it's been good enough to keep the scales on track - but I do miss the treadmill a bit - but 4 times a week of exercise for me is enough..

Well, I didn't go to Water aerobics. I pushed my DGDs in the double stroller. I was a good workout. Then I came home and finished cleaning house. I ate low cal tuna salad for lunch. It got stuck......I got nauseated and threw up. I guess it was from lifting my DGDS. I must have gotten my band in a bind. I am okay now except for the fact my drama SIL might come by. I don't want to be here. My stamp book is full ( remember green stamps and big bonus) and I have cashed her in for peace of mind. lol I get my DGD this afternoon for about six hours. I just may go over there and babysit.

What's for supper? hmmmm? I have 16 pts left. Later peeps!

Charlene - So what did you do - go to DD house to babysit :0) Green Stamps !!!!! I got a lot of good stuff w/them ;0) 16 point !!! WTG I bet you don't eat that much tonite ;0)

Good afternoon....still no ability to change to my green print or to change font. Don't get it. Could do it b/4. It's depressing to see and miss my green print. I know there are worse things (like being in bandster hell, Chris).

Been super busy with getting ready for Monday's tax appt. Not time for much else.

Chris...as Linda stated, try to get out and walk. ANYTHING to take your mind off of your hunger. It's no fun to be wishing for that restriction and see the scale go up. I did whatever it took to get out of the kitchen or anywhere I had temptation. I would take a long/fast walk, brush my teeth when hunger hit, make myself a skinny hot chocolate, eat SF Jello, grab a couple of pieces of beef Jerky, get my book and hop in the tub, call a friend, take a drive, start a cleaning project...even if I didn't really need to. It WILL get better but hard to tell when and which fill will make the difference. Until that time, it's up to you. And, keep in mind, there will be hunger even when you get to a good restriction. Just make sure to have good/healthy foods to make your choices from and trigger foods out of your house.

We all know what you are going thru and are here for you. I get you on the idle time on your hands and wanting to be back at work. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm about 11 yrs worth of wishing.

Hope you all are looking forward to a nice weekend. Will check back later.

Apples - Glad you are back !!!! Missed you junking up the thread :0) - Clear your Cookies & catche (sp) and your color & mulit should come back - right now when I got back from the gym - my keyboard wouldn't work - and I too couldn't change fonts - so I rebooted - cleared my cache and deleted lbt Cookies and I can now type and multi quote and change fonts...

Well all I recieved some e-mails asking for my address? I must have missed some posts, but I don't have a clue what's going on!

The weather here is really great..right at 60 degrees, but the sun is shining and when I went for my walk this morning I had to push the sleeves up on my sweatshirt....maybe a t-shirt this afternoon.

Still on a plateau, eating so much tuna salad, we are now out of lettuce. So going to have to come up with something clever for lunch?

I am sore from all my walking, but not so bad I don't go...but I can sure feel it! Tomorrow will be the beginning of week 14 of hard core walking. 40-60 minutes a day, and my little wieny dog has gone every step with me (it's too cute) she is sooooo serious when we go,,and if I lose track of time she is the first one to remind me. Animals internal clocks are amazing!

Well hoping everyone has a warm, safe, happy,and healthy weekend.

~Kelly~ My Sophie

Apples..I had that happen to me too, so it's not you or me. I can't figure out why you can't do the color, that's just plain wierd.

Sophie doesn't have an ounce of fat on her and she is fixed...must just be good geans!

I was so tired last night from walking, that I went to bed at 7:30 and slept till 6:00 am, I am still sore today, but not as tired. I will keep on plunking away at this, I still have that big 50 in May that is a great motivator.The only way I could upload was in full editor!

Kelly - We exchange Christmas cards - So that's why we want your address - send it to me (email jwrightpim@aol.com ) if you want to participate - we aren't serial killers or stalkers ;0) - well since you and chris are new and we haven't met you - I don't know for sure LOL - Where as the rest of us have met - and we are all still alive and well - so I can vouch for the others LOL - you see we make a joke - that we tell our kids not to meet pple who we meet on the internet -and all of us have flown or driven from all over the USA to meet each other ;0). and here we all met on the internet ;0)

Linda, it's good to see you back. Glad your computer got fixed. Mine's only 2 years old too and sometimes it slows way down too, but it usually turns out to be some automatic update going on. Take care of yourself before and after the party...this is when you are more susceptible to catching a cold. I have a raw shrimp shell allergy too. If they are cooked, no problem, but raw shrimp shells make me break out and itch too.

Janet, I just looked at your pictures. You do look amazing and it looks like you all had a pretty good time. Brooke almost looks like I did at her age. It's going to be tough to break those bad habits already. You are a brave woman to do the para sailing.

Meredith, wow going for the PA, that's a lot of work, but well worth it. Good for you.

Arlene, give it a little time and the WW should kick in. I don't do well without Protein in the morning. Oatmeal does not hold me for as long as an egg does. I eat the oatmeal, but end up having a Protein snack mid-morning when I do. Of course now, I don't eat Breakfast until 9 or 10 am and lunch is about 2. I really prefer eating this way, but it doesn't jive with the rest of the world. Hugs and best wishes to your friend maybe she'll wake up and take the anti-depressants. Your Soup sounds really good. I may have to make some this weekend.

Laura, hope you get off the steroids soon. I know those things make you feel bad. My sister is on them every now and then and they really make her cranky and make her gain weight. Not a great thing.

Great, so now you are going to know SLC inside and out. I think getting lost is a great way to figure out where you are going. Did you have a good visit with your daughter?

Apples, what kind of boots? Sounds like you had fun.

Julie, glad to hear from you. Are the girls getting along better? How's your DD doing? Congrats on the SIL getting a job closer to home with benefits. That's so important these days.

Cheri, see now you are aware of relying on carbs for comfort. That is a step in the right direction. Do you have a long drive to get to your school? I love the little kids Christmas programs, they are so cute.

Chris, sorry the WL has slowed down, but it usually does after a while. Just keep doing the right thing and it will come off, even if it is slow. I was banded in Mexico and went back to get my fills (Tijuana) so it's not easy to go every month. They are a little more aggressive with their fills and I think I'm at a good level. I just eat crap and don't pay attention like I should. The band is working, I'm not. Remember the band is a tool, you still need to make the right choices.

Kelly, good for you and keeping up the walking. My old dog loves to go for walks too but she is all tuckered out when we get home. The address request is for Christmas Card exchange.

Well I've been manically making cards. I'm getting close. I still need to stamp the inside message and the hallmark, then figure out who's getting what card. I can do the letters and addresses at night and get the cards out next week. I'll have to work on cleaning and organizing next week.

Bought the dog a new bed for Christmas today. It's a big round pillow, hope she likes it. We found a TV at costco....flat screen HD, etc. We may go back and get it tonight or tomorrow. Those things go fast usually. It's one of the things DH and I have been saving for. I can hardly see my old 27" TV anymore....have to wear my glasses.

Hope everyone has a great day!


OMG Eva 27 inches... Yes it's time to upgrade - What size are you getting - I would love one of the new t.v.'s they cost like $5 or $6 thousand when I bought my house - so I got the projection one it was like $2k

Well now those $5/6 K are going for $2k - But since nothings wrong w/my t.v. I can't justify spending the $$ - Plus then I would have to have a cabinet built so there would be more $$$

Yep my little Brooke is going to have issues - I have told them over and over again they are killing her - Melissa taught her to eat pizza w/ranch dressing - and made a comment - no use to eat pizza if you can't have ranch - well just cuz it taste good - doesn't mean you should eat it ... Hell drugs make you feel good to - but do you do them... She has some big issues w/food - Joseph's big too - but w/him I rather have him eat than do drugs - he has lost about 40 lbs - They eat alot of fast food - Melissa is a BIG BIG starch eater too and thats how she feeds the family - you should have seen the devouring the bread... I just kept my mouth shut - I have said enough on the subject - so I am letting it go.. But Andrew did say something to Brooke about eating healthy ;0)

Well back from the gym - hate working out on a friday nite - only 1 more week of it - then back to our normal schedule of Monday & Wed...

Food today

BF ????? Oh I remember a fifty cent size cookie

Lunch Green salad w/4 oz chicken - Bolthouse Ranch Dressing

dinner ??? I have bbq chick & veggies from last night I guess ;0)

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Hey everyone!

Busy busy day! On my way to shower and bed. Just thought I would ck in real quick and read. I will have time to post tomorrow night.

Linda~ Girl! Do not worry! I already have my bachelors degree (graduated this past May) and now am just working towards my masters. In order to apply for any program I need to #1 Save money because I spent ALL of my savings on school this past year, and #2 I need to take two very tough tests to get into any masters program and score well on them. I am on a mission! Quitting is not an option, I have my mind made up and I have been going year round for 4 1/2 years. A break is greatly needed to get ready for my next chapter in education. Plus, I'm so worn out.

Janet~ Ok, I go tomorrow morning at 9 am for my appt with the surgeon to determine what we are going to do. Cross your fingers. Eating has been so much better. 4 of the pounds that I put on are gone, and the scale is continuing in the downward pattern. But, with finals, I'm stressed. When I'm stressed, the pounds stay on. So, it's been a slow go.

Ok, I will ck in tomorrow night and let you know how the appt went. We are going to an outdoor hockey game at the University of Michigan (andrews alma mater) in the "Big House" football stadium. It's called

"The Big Chill". http://www.thebigchillatthebighouse.com/ It is sold out with about 110,000 people expected to attend. It will be fun, but coooold!

Night! Night!


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Hey everyone!

Busy busy day! On my way to shower and bed. Just thought I would ck in real quick and read. I will have time to post tomorrow night.

Linda~ Girl! Do not worry! I already have my bachelors degree (graduated this past May) and now am just working towards my masters. In order to apply for any program I need to #1 Save money because I spent ALL of my savings on school this past year, and #2 I need to take two very tough tests to get into any masters program and score well on them. I am on a mission! Quitting is not an option, I have my mind made up and I have been going year round for 4 1/2 years. A break is greatly needed to get ready for my next chapter in education. Plus, I'm so worn out.

Janet~ Ok, I go tomorrow morning at 9 am for my appt with the surgeon to determine what we are going to do. Cross your fingers. Eating has been so much better. 4 of the pounds that I put on are gone, and the scale is continuing in the downward pattern. But, with finals, I'm stressed. When I'm stressed, the pounds stay on. So, it's been a slow go.

Ok, I will ck in tomorrow night and let you know how the appt went. We are going to an outdoor hockey game at the University of Michigan (andrews alma mater) in the "Big House" football stadium. It's called

"The Big Chill". http://www.thebigchi...hebighouse.com/ It is sold out with about 110,000 people expected to attend. It will be fun, but coooold!

Night! Night!



Forgive this old lady - but what are you going to school for ???

Have fun at your game tomorrow nite - too many pple for my taste ;0)

As LauraK says - good ju ju being sent for your doc appt tomorrow... Keep us posted..

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Hey there, just a quick note..... It's 5:45 in the morning and I haven't been to sleep yet..... The pain is severe and I think I've overdone it on the pain pills with no success at all..... tried a hot bath, my tingly cream, ice packs, hot packs, slef-massage, pain meds................... nothing...... I'm about to climb the walls... I need to sleep so badly...... but it just won't let loose..... I'll take some of your good juju, Laura K............I sure need something......................gotta go pace the floor some more..... Hope all of you are doing okay..... I'll try to get back here later.... Love you.......... Julie

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So sorry Julie, on the pain.

I've got my co-workers coming to my house tonight for our Christmas party. I also have a small cold. Just gotta get my house ready. People are bringing appetizers and Desserts. I collected $ to order pizza. But there's a lot of picking up and cleaning to do, so I won't be posting much.


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Hey there, just a quick note..... It's 5:45 in the morning and I haven't been to sleep yet..... The pain is severe and I think I've overdone it on the pain pills with no success at all..... tried a hot bath, my tingly cream, ice packs, hot packs, slef-massage, pain meds................... nothing...... I'm about to climb the walls... I need to sleep so badly...... but it just won't let loose..... I'll take some of your good juju, Laura K............I sure need something......................gotta go pace the floor some more..... Hope all of you are doing okay..... I'll try to get back here later.... Love you.......... Julie

Hugs Julie - Sure hope you got some sleep - I know that for some vicoden can make them speedy (like taking an upper) and not tired like most pain pills do - I know how frustrating not sleeping can be..

So sorry Julie, on the pain.

I've got my co-workers coming to my house tonight for our Christmas party. I also have a small cold. Just gotta get my house ready. People are bringing appetizers and Desserts. I collected $ to order pizza. But there's a lot of picking up and cleaning to do, so I won't be posting much.


Cheri - Have fun at your party tonite - Phyl & Earl are coming for dinner tomorrow nite - Zoey & Bella have a play date ;0) - so I don't have to clean till tomorrow ;0) - but it's on the schedule this weekend too..

Since Andrew has a 2nd job - I may be losing my housekeeper ;0) - he said not just yet - but he didn't come this week -

Everyone getting ready for Christmas?? I have a few gifts I gotta get today for girls at work - but that's about it - oh ya some Xmas cards, so I can get them out next week...

That's about it for me - this weekend...

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      Innovation is at the heart of what we do. By integrating the latest tools and technologies, many of which are cutting-edge open source solutions, we stay ahead in delivering efficient and effective testing services. This approach allows us to provide exceptional quality testing without the high costs typically associated with advanced testing methodologies.
      Understanding each client's unique needs is fundamental to our service delivery. At Frugal Testing, the focus is on creating customized testing strategies that align with specific business goals and budget requirements. This client-centric approach ensures that every testing solution is not only effective but also fully aligned with the client's objectives.
      Our team is our greatest asset. Composed of skilled professionals who are experts in the latest testing techniques and technologies, they bring dedication, expertise and a commitment to excellence in every project. This expertise ensures that our client’s software not only meets but often exceeds the highest standards of quality and performance.
      Frugal Testing is more than just a service provider; we are a partner in your success. With a blend of quality, innovation and cost-effectiveness, we are here to help you navigate the complexities of software testing, ensuring your product stands out in today's competitive market. 
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