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Jodi - Sorry you are sick too - yep being sick can do it to your band - I don't think i have been sick since banding - maybe a cold but nothing big - got my flu shot back in Sept..

Have fun on your girls weekend - What did you get for Chanucka ;o) the Girls weekend ;o)

Cheri - I know how frustrating it is to lose a post :0) - Hope you are doing ok..

Well back at it - hasn't been a bad day - but have boot camp tonite - not looking forward to it ;0)

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Laura, I'm sooooo sorry I missed you. Believe me it was not for lack of affection. I'm really sorry to hear about the allergy....maybe it is the soap, I know a few people with those issues. I'm also sorry to hear about your Dad. I wish them peace and love in the coming months. I know you are busy too especially with Nelson and work. By the way....I'm sending you something for Nelson.....just a little something I found when I was on my trip. I probably won't get it in the mail until next week, so hopefully it will get there by Christmas. Yes, I agree, 50 degrees is cold.

LauraK, I don't think the virus is on your machine. Both of my sisters and a couple of other people picked up the same email virus and nothing showed up in their computer. I'm just deleting your emails for now. The spam will continue to come for quite a while, then it must give up. At least you are getting out and doing the yoga a couple of times a week.

Julie, so how is it you've ended up with both girls? It will keep you occupied and should be a lot of fun especially around Christmas. I'm not going to bake a lot this year either...there is always too much junk around and I certainly don't need it. Take care of yourself lady.

Cheri, hugs to you today. Are you going to Europe next year? That will be cool. Chicago should have the scanning technology....if it's up and working. I would have loved to be at your concert....that sort of music always makes me cry. I rarely wear eye makeup to any sort of Christmas music performance because I end up crying.

Jessica, great score. Maybe you are just tired is why your eyes are blurring, hopefully it will pass quickly and you'll do great on your finals.

Janet, I made pot pie the other day and used my little ramekins...I made pie dough just for the tops and cut it so it just fit over the top. I also thickened it with tapioca instead of roux...I think it is less calories...you just have to get used to seeing the tapioca. It tastes really good either way. I actually packed the left overs for DH today to take for lunch (this is the 2nd time I've packed him a lunch since I've retired....LOL) I'm not a very good house wife.

Jodi, sorry you are feeling a little down. Hopefully it will pass quickly and you'll be back to your normal self soon. Sounds like Dassi had a very good holiday. The ghee idea was very touching and I'm sure she appreciated it a lot.

Apples, I know it's been in the 70's lately, but that isn't normal....usually. It's usually in the high 60's. I'm hoping that we don't have 6 weeks of rain and cold while you are here, but if we do, at least the sun usually shines at least once during the day.

When we were driving home from Ohio we got to experience that cold snap. It was 17 degrees in Kansas one morning. Even when it was warmer...in the 30's, the wind was so cold. I guess I just don't miss living and working in that weather.

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I thought it was a well woman appointment, but no...just a follow up and now I have to go back next week for the poking and prodding. Yuck.

Been working on my cards and have almost 1/2 of them done. Maybe JULIE will send out another update on everyone's addresses so we can exchange Christmas cards (or just holiday cards for Jodi) again this year. I certainly enjoyed that last year.

I have been running errands every day...including taking my 401K rollover check to the new money manager so it can be deposited in my IRA account. I also did banking, post office, Wal-Mart, and some other stuff. My the time flies when you are out and about. It takes up hours and hours.

So back to cards. Have a great day ladies.


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It seems to me all the web sites are trying to imitate Facebook or MySpace. I'm not sure I like these changes either. Bah humbug.

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Hey Gang! I joined WW. The processed food and foods with higher fats has higher points. So, do you want a apple for 0 pts or a 100 cal snack for 3 points. Makes you think. I plan on staying low on the starch stuff. There again they are low on high Fiber whole grains and high pts on starchy foods. Really it is very close to the way we eat. I have all this stuff to read about the plan. I bought some new stainless serving spoons....a 1 cup, 1/2 cup, and 1/4 cup. I use to have a set, but I lost all, but the 1/2 cup and they were in hard plastic.

Laurak.....No Worries! I am getting that email from two people I never talk to. Weird!

Laura, sorry about the allergy......that must be itchy.

Eva......glad to see you back posting. Missed ya!

Phyl, ......take care of yourself!

Jodi......I was like that when I was too filled and it was only about .2cc. Maybe just a tweak will help. I think it is the cold. I have restriction now......then next week it will be 80 and I will have an appetite like a horse. Maybe this new accountability will reel it in.

Janet......Kick butt!!! at boot camp!

Cheri......I hope you are doing okay this evening. It must have been a trying day. HUGS!

Joyce......you are so encouraging to all of us.....thanks for the props! Yep, Janet's pictures are the closest we will get to warm weather for a while. lol

Great......BRRRRR! Sounds like a dreary day for you. Crank up the Christmas tunes!!! I don't know how you peeps in the north endure all this cold. Speaking of cold......Hugs to anyone north of me.....Julie, Linda, Sndy, Kelly........stay warm too!

Tx How is it going? How is the Shoulder?

Apples......I hope you had a great day with GF!

I spent the afternoon sitting with my friend. She just cried. I think the reality of her disability is setting in. Also, her blood sugar was 357 with insulin. I think it may be partly do to an aid that didn't know how to help her today. My friend had been an aid so she was frustrated. The cardiologist came in and told her there is a dark spot on her heart ultrasound. She will be having a dye test on Thursday to check out her heart. She is a good example of why we need to eat right and exercise.

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OK. Let's see if I can rewrite.

Funeral went OK. Three 1/2 hours long. Huge line for the wake. Oldest girl, Jade, went to Morgan Park High School and just about all her classmates seem to be there. Worst part was the viewing. Joi actually had a net over her and I didn't recognize her. Whatever this psychopath did to her, it changed her face. I just glanced at her. But I became very angry at whoever hurt her that much.

This morning during before school care I went into the gym to see if any of my before school students had shown. They hadn't so I watched the little kids who were there. They were up on the stage. The attendant had put on the Christmas music they'll be performing Thursday night at the K-3rd Christmas program. The kindergartners and first graders were trying to do their praise dance. One of my students, a second grade girl, saw they were struggling and got in front of them and started leading them through all the motions and steps. This is a child who has struggled to learn to read but she took charge of those kids like a pro and smilingly led them through the routine. Joi could not master the steps of adding fractions, but she too could remember and gracefully perform each routine she learned as a praise dancer. I wonder which steps she's finding useful in heaven? I doubt she's doing fractions.


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I am getting sick of winter and it just started. LOL, such a whiner but really 4 days straight of <20 degrees? And a snow storm on the way, I hate to say it but another of my mothers sayings are starting to ring true to me - "As you get older you just don't deal with the cold well."

(((Hugs Cherri)))

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Arlene, sounds like WW is going low-glycemic. It's healthy eating but with your sensitivity to carbs you may have to eliminate even low-glycemic carbs to lose weight. Or do a couple of days of no carbs to lose and then do the low glycemic to maintain. I alternated during weight loss and I go back to no carb to take off any weight gain. Also, just a few lbs weight gain, including that caused by salt, can make your stomach swollen and your band tight. I find that just a few lbs makes a huge difference. When my weight is down and I'm not eating salt, I don't pb and vice versa.

Eva, I am going to Europe in June. The concert was unbelievable. We're doing a number of spirituals for Martin Luther Kings Birthday celebration in South Holland and a couple more concerts before we leave for Europe.


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Cheri, yep, I have to watch it. I am not going to eat any different except try to eat more veggies. I am a terrible veggie and dairy person. Oh, sitting in that meeting today I realized how much I had learned about food over the last year. It looks like WW has moved towards making healthier choices. Back in the day when you counted calories with WW that is how we ate. Then the point system moved in which allowed too much junk eating.

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Sounds like WW has changed some. Before banding I had gone for years and knew the points program inside and out. Actualy they never really did allow the junk but people manipulated the plan to include it. If you followed their 'healthy guidelines' it spelled out how you were to eat. But folks translated it into well I can have a Big Mac for X amount of points and still be on plan if I don't eat the rest of the day because I am within my points. But tended to ignore the 5 fruits and veggies requirement, the dairy requirement, Protein, etc. I used to like the Core plan when they had it. My friend is real nervous about switching to the new plan as she's done so well on the old and is almost to goal and may stay with what she knows.

LauraK, that 'virus' in the email has been going around. I saw on the news if you click on the link in the email that it reads all your email addresses somehow and then sends out the emails to your contact list or something. It's always with no subject in the subject line or something and usually from yahoo email addresses but does come from other web based email accounts too. No worries, i've gotten it from my son even.

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Good Evening Gang....

It's taken me forever to get on tonite - keyboard didn't want to work had to reboot - just a pain in the butt - and I still am not liking this new format - Under foxfire I can't change fonts - but if i use google chrome I can.. Go figure..

Well its 8 and I need to go cook - made it thru boot camp ;0)

Sorry about the drive by - Hugs Cheri - Charlene - sound like WW has gotten better -

Eva - you are a good wife ;0) - Great - I like my veggies - and 99 % of the time eat them not so good on fruit especially in the winter - I like summer fruits ;0)

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Good Morning gang! Cool and raining this morning so walking is out! So, maybe Water aerobics and then a little shopping. Today is the last day for Macy's sale.....cash back and 20% off of sale items.

I ate my oatmeal. Now I am going to make chicken salad for lunch. I got a WW cookbook with my information yesterday. It had an awesome vegetable Soup recipe. I might make it too.

I hope y'all have a great day! CBL

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Good Morning Gang...

Eva - Love the card idea again - I think our list is pretty updated - We might not have Kelly & Chris's info.

Kelly & Chris email your address info to Julie..

I keep forgetting about Christmas - haven't decorated doubt I will - was just so busy getting ready and going on vacation - and since the kids aren't coming home - doubt I even pull out any decoration this yr - all that work for 2 weeks - who knows maybe I'll change my mind.

Well not much to report - hamburger patty and spinach for dinner - bed and now it's time to start all over..

Work wasn't bad yesterday - wasn't that hard to get in the groove again

Sandy isn't it funny that we do become our mothers ;0) or at least repeat some of their sayings ;0)

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Hi guys,

ok they are changing things. for a while there I could change font size and color on fast reply- now it's gone. Have to go to full editor to do it. I used to see who was watching the thread but now for two days it's gone. I think they are still working out the bugs. We all hate change, but this is ridiculous. They had PLENTY of time while they were down to fix this. AND... they are making a BUTT load with all these ads. I think we should find a new site... just an idea. I know, we all hate change..LOL

OK... my rash got worse. Didn't think it could get worse. It spread 4 inches up above and below my panty line! ITCHY! I had plans for the day and didn't want to cancel going to see Santa with Nelson's best friend... so I had DH "treat" me. I know it's what my dermatologist would have done. I bit the bullet and started on prednisone. Just over night it is so much better and more importantly - less itchy. I am afraid to wear panties though! Guess I won't wear skirts for a few days..LOL ; ) :scared: :blushing:

Eva, thanks in advance for sending something to Nelson- soooooo sweet of you to think of us. : )

Last year I was in such a funk with my Dad sick- that I never sent out Christmas cards. This year- I can't find my address book! LOL. So, if I don't find it- I might go a 2nd year without cards..Hmmm. On a very positive note- my parents are coming to stay with us over Christmas!!! We are so happy and excited! Now, i don't have the guilt of not being there, and I don't have to be without my husband for a 2nd Christmas in a row. We will all be together. Even think they are bringing my sister. That should be interesting. It will be a full house. But nice.

Dentist appt today at 10. Yuck. I just HATE going to the dentist. But one of those necessary things. Might do some shopping afterwards. I was basically done, but now that my family is coming down I need to get a few more things.

ok guys- stay warm. Have a great day.

peasout.. Laura

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Love the picture of Nels and Santa. On my way to Water aerobics - taking my awful sore throat and cough with me. unsure.gif

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Hey Gang! I joined WW. The processed food and foods with higher fats has higher points. So, do you want a apple for 0 pts or a 100 cal snack for 3 points. Makes you think. I plan on staying low on the starch stuff. There again they are low on high Fiber whole grains and high pts on starchy foods. Really it is very close to the way we eat. I have all this stuff to read about the plan. I bought some new stainless serving spoons....a 1 cup, 1/2 cup, and 1/4 cup. I use to have a set, but I lost all, but the 1/2 cup and they were in hard plastic.

Cheri, yep, I have to watch it. I am not going to eat any different except try to eat more veggies. I am a terrible veggie and dairy person. Oh, sitting in that meeting today I realized how much I had learned about food over the last year. It looks like WW has moved towards making healthier choices. Back in the day when you counted calories with WW that is how we ate. Then the point system moved in which allowed too much junk eating.

Charlene - Congrats on Starting WW I hope this helps you ecspecially with the accountability. That is what I need. Sorry about your friend being stuborn. I hope she understands how serious Diabetes can be

Laura - Love the Pic of Nels witth Santa

Thanks on the Congrats on my Nephew he is to adorable. Well I can now say I will start working a new job Sat. at Sams PT to start. But I have to do what I need to do enable to get us insurance. I gave notice to my Boss Monday that Friday will be my last day. Today I am off because I am going to have a test at the hospital to make sure my tubes are completely closed from the Tubal I had done 3 months ago. ( it is a new way they do it were they scar the tubes instead of cutting them it is completely permanent). If I am not to drugged up I will try to post more tonight

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      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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