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:welldone: :biggrin: :coffee: :party: :sifone: Apples- I see we were posting at the same time! woooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooo on the teeth being done! Post us a pic!!! PLEASE! Funny I was just listening to that song "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"! LOL. Nelson's two front teeth are loose. He's such a chicken and won't wiggle them. I should tell him you changed ALL yours! So proud of you for sticking it out! WTG on that sweater! Karma. You deserve it.


Not the best shot...DH is snoring (oops) so took it myself. You guys are not going to see any more than that of me today. Bad hair day.

Wow, they look beautiful and natural .

The Christmas pickle is not really a pickle at all. It is a pickle-shaped ornament that is the last one hung on the tree on Christmas Eve. The first child to find the Christmas pickle gets an extra gift from Saint Nicholas. Or so the so-called legend goes.


I had never heard of it before my neighbor's girl asked Nelson where he found the pickle yesterday. Today she showed up at the bus stop with a pickle ornament that sings! Nelson has been playing with it ALL afternoon!

xoxo PEAS

Apples~ OMW............. beautiful teeth! Thanks for the sneak peek! woohoo!

Cute tradition. I gotta find one.

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Karen - So happy you have completed your dental work. Looks great. And love the Christmas pickle tradition.

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Hi everyone.

Had a fairly normal day today. Still think about Joi frequently but the immediate visceral response to the horror of her death is past. She was killed by her older sister's boyfriend who is in custody. Let's just say that a pattern of vitimization was going on in that family and they let a known abuser into their apartment instead of calling the police. Just a pattern of bad choices. Just like Mikey's death. A series of bad choices by more than one person. However, the South Side of Chicago is a tough place to live and grow up.

I've been hugging my students and telling them I love them. Told them to remind me to do that everyday. Also trying to remind myself when I get exasperated that I don't want my last memory of contact with them to be of me scolding them. I tell them that too. Might be a tad manipulative but they do stop and think before continuing to irritate me.

Most hug me back and tell me they love me too. Newer kids are a little reserved but most have known me for years or are young enough that they'll take all the love they can get.

Only got 4 hours of sleep last night so will be hitting the hay early.

I have read everyone's posts but am just not able to respond. I do appreciate your condolences. Yesterday I felt like my heart was encased in concrete. Such heaviness. My stomach was in a vice and I felt like I was slogging my way through Jello.

Much better today. Thursday is my busiest day. I have a very busy weekend planned. Dress rehearsal most of the day Saturday. Singing in my church both services in the a.m. and big Christmas concert for South Suburban Community CHorale in the p.m. Also have singing practice for my church tomorrow nite so lots of singing which is always a huge spiritual boost for me.

Weeping lasts for the night but joy comes in the morning.


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Phyl, congratulations on the golf cart. How fun is that!

Apples, so glad your dental work is done and you are happy with the results. It has been a marathon of dental appointments for you but it was all worth it. They look awesome.

Julie, WTG on the weight loss and running. Things have really come together for you.

Cheri, my prayers are with you and the family.

Laura, hugs hugs hugs.

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OMGoodness, Apples, your teeth are GORGEOUS!!!!! It was well worth the time and discomfort.

I just got home from the gym. There were a lot of people trying to work off Turkey and dressing.....and pie! .....lol. I have almost finished decorating for the holidays. I haven't put up my Nativity yet. I don't know if anyone collects Jim Shore, but I have several Santas, angels, and a Nativity. I just love the quilt pattern. I also bought a Little People Nativity by Fisher Price for the the Grands to play with under the tree.

I still haven't gotten email notices. Now how do I request them? Kelly? Lori?

Peas......HUGS! and Prayers for your dad tomorrow.

Meredith and Joyce.....WTG on the gym habits!

Linda.....where are you?

Julie......you too?

Phyl........NICE ride! NICE surprise! See, he can be a sweetheart.

Jessica.....WTG! on the 5 lbs. ONEderland.......here you come!

Laura K......thanks! The pain is almost gone, and thanks to Lexapro I forgot to worry about the drama today.....lol


Lori......How cool to just jet off for a day of shopping with DD.......you are one blessed girl!

Tx...how's the fill going?

Cheri......I hope you get some rest tonight. HUGS and prayers for you.

Melissa......how's it going?

Miss ya Janet!!!

Sndy.....where are you?

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Just a quickie. Arlene, to get emails I went to the top of the page and clicked the box that said stop watching this thread and then clicked it again to start watching the thread. i guess that must've reset something, it then gave me options to choose of how often I wanted emails. Hope it works.

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I GOT EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS TOO!!! I, too, Kelly, am thrilled with that. Just started from your post. WOOHOO!!! BTW< Kelli, forgot to tell you congrats on the 3lbs!! I missed that somewhere along the way.

Well DD just called and she got this wild hair idea about her and I going to Minneapolis for the day on Friday to shop at the Malll of America, so now I gotta check flights. My first thought was nah, I don't want to go through the hassle of flying etc. just for a few hours. Then I realized I sounded like my mother, and how often does she ask to do something like that and with DGD coming soon we won't have many opportunities to do this type of things so I am off to check flights next. She tells me they are wide open but I gotta see for myself. DH says to go and have a good (but not too good) of a time. First thing, there's gotta be a Loft store there doesn't there???

EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS in my inbox, too..... SIXTY FOUR of them???? HUH???? I'm just on the first one, so not yet sure why so many!! I KNOW there haven't been 64 posts... unless they caught up with me from last week!!

MOA sounds like great fun. I'd be hitting the QVC store, too! Not a big fan of the TV channel QVC, but sure enjoyed that store.

TODAY WAS THE DAY!!!!!! My mouth is complete!!!! So happy it is all behind me. And, so happy that I went to a dentist who specializes in what I had done and is a perfectionist. I am sooooooooooooo happy with the job he did. I have teeth that will last me a lifetime and will stay beautifully white. Every darned tooth in my head has a nicely glazed cap on it. And, never ever would a person know they were caps. I was so worried when I started this that I would end up with "Chicklet" looking teeth. Woohoo! Think I will Celebrate with another cup of Cappuccino.

Now, I need to thank you guys for putting up with my A$ during this process. It was a long one (April...I believe) and I do so much appreciate that I had you guys to whine to. As a matter of fact, I want to thank you all for just being here on a daily basis. I consider you my true friends. Amazes me that friendships developed just by making a few posts a day. And, that we keep making new friends (Kelly, Chris) and love our old friends that sneak back home (Meredith...glad you snuck home).

My appt was at 8am and it's a 70 mile drive one way. Well, after that snow storm yesterday, I was so concerned how the roads would be so I left here about 6am. Got there just in the knick of time so glad I left early. Spent till about 10:30 in the chair and then off to Target and then hit my favorite consignment shop. Good things DO come to those who wait. A story here but I'll try to make it short.

Last year I met Great for the first time ever on Thanksgiving weekend. We met at a restaurant inside a mall. Well, after lunch I decided to do some shopping. I picked up a Jones NY sweater and tried it on. It was soooooooooo pretty and just the right color of red for me and fit perfectly. I slapped my own hand and made me put it back. While in the consignment shop today, I spotted it. Same size...tags still on it and I got it for a whopping $8. When I put it back on the shelf last year it was discounted to $54. New smile, new sweater.

Melissa...sorry about your job and insurance situations. And, I agree with Phyll....you employer should not even touch your purse or any of your personnal belongings. Shame on her if she does. I would ask for a locker of some sort.

Great teeth!! Yeah, I think I could almost see your tonsils in that photo!!

Wonder why it blew up so big!!??


Phyll...congrats on the cute little red cart. You are going to look so cool tooling around with Zoey licking your face.

She does enjoy riding in it, but she seems to prefer the little compartment behind the seat... plexiglass all around and she's protected from the wind... which was NOT blowing today, for a change!

Phyl~ Hope you feel better soon. You will have to send us a photo after you pimp your golf cart! We (Santa) is getting Nelson a 24v ATV. We hemmed and hawed about gas and it just scared me for his age. (although you can have a kill switch). He's 75 lbs (and the height of most 3rd graders), and his little 12v gator barely carries him in the grass. Our next thought was a golf cart actually! But we just weren't too sure if he could reach the pedal that good. We paid a little less that your cart though! I was also shocked to hear how many batteries golf carts need! Does your hold 5? Loved your jewelry. Wish I had the patience for that.

My Dad starts radiation tomorrow. Yesterday was the consult with the radiation oncologist. To update (new ppl and those who missed my post), my Dad was diagnosed with stage 4 ureter cancer last year. By the time it was found (after 3 major medical centers missed it) it had spread to his lungs, liver, nodes and spine. It was inoperable and incurable. He had 6 rounds of chemo which put it in a dormant like state. But now a year later it showed up on his 3rd follow up PET scan in the spine (T3) and some pea size tumors in lung and abdomen. He and my mom are really bummed. They were planning on a 2 week cruise this Christmas. (their 50th anniversary party got canceled last year after his diagnosis) They will be married 51 years on December 14. Cancer sucks. I am feeling so helpless. There are no words to say and nothing to do. I find myself sending him a text message daily with a photo of Nelson smiling. Figure maybe that might help. I am worried about my mom. They say God doesn't give you more than you can handle- but I am worrying that she is running on fumes. Not sure even she knows what will recharge her battery at this point.

I miss Janet. When does she get back? I can't wait to see photos of her trip!

ok. time to make some dinner and fold some laundry. If my life gets any more exciting- I might just burst! <said with a hint of sarcasm>

p.s. my neighbor's daughter just gave Nelson a "pickle" for the tree. Anyone else ever heard of this? HIDE THE pickle?


Happy Hanukkah to our Jewish friends. : )

Sorry for your sinus troubles!! DH's not really 100% solved by the surgery he had in Oct., but somewhat better. I am in the midst of a miserable cold, which seems to have made the discomfort in my neck worse, too. Now wondering if it's lymph nodes.

Golf cart takes 6 batteries at $75 a pop. Then you get $9 each back for the old ones. DH pulled them all out this afternoon and cleaned the terminals, so I think he's going to costco for the new ones tomorrow. He went and got the replacement windshield and installed it today. I need to look for seat covers at Walmart.

I miss Janet, too. She will be back on Saturday.

Christmas pickle is interesting! Never heard of that before!

So sorry for all that your Mom & Dad are going through. Our friend, Jacki, that we were visiting over TG weekend finished her 12th chemo on Wed. She was getting Taxol and another drug. The 2nd one she will continue to get every 3 weeks. And after Christmas/New Years, she will start 6 weeks of radiation... 5 days a week. And she has to go to San Francisco for all of that... 4+ hr drive. She's a trooper, but it was easy to see her weariness. We didn't let her do much in the kitchen for Thanksgiving, but she's pretty stubborn! When we went thrift shopping on Saturday, I did the driving. She was feeling light headed all weekend. Cancer treatment is a difficult thing to endure, and she is way younger than your dad.

Well gosh darn it all. The email notifications are working, the first one I got since posting last was the one for Apples post right after mine. So I click on it, does it take me to that post, oh no, it takes me to the last post so I still gotta scroll around for where I left off. GRRR

Thanks Kelly and Apples for the validation in that I am doing the right thing by going with DD on Friday. I know we'll have a blast when we get there, it was just the "I don't know if I wanna go through the hassle" but that sounded so much like my mother and all the times she disappointed me. Besides, we can hit all the baby stores too! It'll be fun. I am debating about contacting a cousin that lives in MSP and seeing if she wants to meet us for lunch. I've not seen her in years, and my DD doesn't even know her, or if I should just leave it her and I. I am leaning towards leaving it her and I, this is her trip after all. Sorry to say, but the last thing I want to ever become is my mother. That sounds terrible! But everything to her was a bother and she always took the easy way. LIke cooking, I begged to cook with her growing up so I could learn. But NEVER got to as it was too big of a mess. Now when my little DGD gets here, I don't care what kind of mess we make in the kitchen. LOL

Jewel, congrats on the 5 lbs. Go for it with your Dr and the run! You can do it!

Phyl, cute golf cart, how does Zoey like it??

Zoey seems to LOVE it! But she still wants scooter rides, too!! Took her out on the golf cart... up to check the mail, and as soon as we got back she ran to the scooter!

:welldone: :biggrin: :coffee: :party: :sifone: Apples- I see we were posting at the same time! woooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooo on the teeth being done! Post us a pic!!! PLEASE! Funny I was just listening to that song "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"! LOL. Nelson's two front teeth are loose. He's such a chicken and won't wiggle them. I should tell him you changed ALL yours! So proud of you for sticking it out! WTG on that sweater! Karma. You deserve it.

DGS, Charly needs his two front teeth for Christmas!!

Laura~ Girl, you better not let that bad boy get too tight!!!! Glad I shared my story when I did! Did you see my post back to you a few pages back? I described how they diagnosed and blah blah blah. I was just curious what you thought of it and what you would do? Also, we have the pickle on our tree tooo!!!!! Have done it for years, and my dad did it when he was young too.

Phyll~ I LOVE your cart!!!! What a great surprise from DH! He certainly has redeemed himself from last week when you weren't very happy with him! ;)

Off to my LB support group meeting! CBL ~Meredith

Yeah, there are days when I'd like to strangle his little neck, but... most of the time, he's a keeper! In the last two weeks he got me two things he said he wouldn't!! The dog stroller and now the golf cart!

I haven't even looked at how to post a pic on this new site. Someone????

It's pretty easy.... just have to hit the "Click to attach Files".

Kelly..... Hit the multi quote button on each post you want to respond to before you click on "Add Reply".

Kelly...my teeth are all glazed porcelain and will not EVER stain. I will get DH to take a photo when he wakes. He has a nasty cold. He was resisting sleep and outside working. I did the "little white lie" thing. When he came in at 3pm for coffee and homemade pie, I told him I was giving him liquid daytime Tylenol. I made it the nighttime so he could settle in for the day and get a nap b/4 dinner. Drugged my own hubby. Yep, I did.

I'll have to remember that one!! HAHAHA!!

Why is it that when you click on an attached photo, it is soooooooooooo big. You can see nose hairs. But, I will have to say that I like the way my eyebrows lay that day. Darn that's a big me face

Yeah, too funny!!! Wonder why it did that!?

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This is a photo of the day I started down the long road to a new mouth

Dahling.....you are simply mahhhvveelloouuus! you look preetier than a christmas tree, so that is one of the highest complements I can give!

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Hello everyone, sorry I've been absent again for a couple days..... Just have had too much on my plate............ I have lots to tell and lots to comment on, but will have to try tomorrrow... I did all the reading tonight...... I'm glad most everyone is doing so well.... Cheri, so sorry for your loss..... You have had a lot to deal with lately.... My prayers are with you and that family.... Was to the rheumatologist today.... more bloodwork... should know in a few days but the preliminary diagnosis is Showgren's Disease...... Will now more in a few days.... I had a few pain free days, but back again yesterday with a vengence... today, too... time to sleep, but I'll be back tomorrow to visit..... hugs and prayers for all of you dear ones.... Julie

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Just a quickie. Arlene, to get emails I went to the top of the page and clicked the box that said stop watching this thread and then clicked it again to start watching the thread. i guess that must've reset something, it then gave me options to choose of how often I wanted emails. Hope it works.

I went back and did what you said......no emails yet. I also edited my settings......will see if it works.

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Hey Gang! I just had my oatmeal for the day and getting ready to go to Water aerobics. I can't believe it.....I slept all night......six hours straight! Woohoo! For all of you who have trouble sleeping know what a big deal that is.

One more week until I go get a fill. I think I just need a tweak.

Eva.......where are you? On a trip again?

Later gang!

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Morning to all....

Janet...hope you are enjoying some nice weather and having a great time with family. You are missed. Give anything for just a few minutes of warm weather right now. DH and I are sooooooooo ready to head south. Figure we will leave around the 5th (hopefully). Our tax appt on the 4th of Jan should go smoothly and that would be the only thing that would delay us. Got a photo of FIL last night on his travels to AZ. He had on a spring jacket. What's a spring jacket?

Thanks for all the "teeth" comments. Such a joy to just brush and not worry about hamburger mouth. I hope you all realize that last photo was a b/4. Gosh..I look at that and know why I was so self-conscience of my smile. Now just practice, practice, practice on realizing I can smile without embarrassment.

No big plans for today. Some bookkeeping, Christmas decorating, some Christmas baking, laundry, do some Christmas cards and a plan to not go outside if I can help it. Bitter cold. I have eggs on to boil for some egg salad for lunch. My favorite. The scale is down a bit. Too much stress. I eat and sometimes force-feed to make sure to get calories. But, stress brings it down. B/4 WLS stress added the pounds. Not a big deal...just 3lbs.

Need to take DH in tomorrow to have a growth cut out from under his eye. Have bugged him for a few years about it. It would get to be about the size of a dime and then diminish a bit so he would not consider going in. I made him make an appt after he had his annual physical. It's now again the size of a dime and very pronounced. They will need to dig a bit deep to get the core so will drive him just in case.

Part of the stress I am feeling is due to his PSA numbers doubling since his last physical. He has an appt with a specialist on the 22nd of Dec. Fingers crossed and praying this is nothing. His father went thru chemo treatments for prostate cancer in the last 5 yrs. I know I should not worry unless I know for sure what is going on. Crazy thoughts and worries going through my mind. I am hoping it's nothing and we can put this crazy-A$$ed year behind us. This year has aged us and hoping next is more carefree.

Phyll...hope you are feeling better today. DH has been suffering with a cold and crap for a couple of weeks and has really been run down. Didn't help that he worked out in the cold for 12 hours a day. He did get some good rest yesterday after I fed him some nice, warm liquid meds. He woke up and said he felt hungover. Told him it was night time med and he went right back to sleep, got up, went to bed and slept all night. Did him good. Gotta rein him in once in awhile and slow him down.

Julie...hope you fill us in on what you found out. Isn't that the same thing Cheri has?????

Well...better hit it. Got some things done and checked off my list for today. But, with what is on the rest to get accomplished today, I'd better kick it up a notch.

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One Day, why can't you do the discounted health plan? I'm not sure what that is, but we have a HSA (health savings account) and it's very high deductible but after that it's 100% coverage, and the portion until that deductible is met is discounted via the insurance company. Is that similar to what you are being offered? In the long run I think we are paying less for it. At $1300 a month you are paying, it might be worth looking into??? Though I am sure you may have already. Nothing wrong with retail or grocery work. There's lots of opportunity there. My DS started at Walmart in school and has worked his way up and they've been very good to him and the benefits are wonderful.

Since I am Diabetic if I take the discountedplan it is not health insurance it is a refund plan. I pay for everything up front then I get something back. Then if I got on a group Health Insurance plan through another comapnay then I would have a year exclusion which my family can not do

Melissa, I journal on just a small pocket spiral notebook that would fit in your pocket. I have always wanted to take cake decorating classes. Have you considered starting college online? It will give you something else to focus on. Hang in there!

I have to get out of my head cause I am scared to go back to school. Also I thought about WW not sure if I have the money though

My Dad starts radiation tomorrow. Yesterday was the consult with the radiation oncologist. To update (new ppl and those who missed my post), my Dad was diagnosed with stage 4 ureter cancer last year. By the time it was found (after 3 major medical centers missed it) it had spread to his lungs, liver, nodes and spine. It was inoperable and incurable. He had 6 rounds of chemo which put it in a dormant like state. But now a year later it showed up on his 3rd follow up PET scan in the spine (T3) and some pea size tumors in lung and abdomen. He and my mom are really bummed. They were planning on a 2 week cruise this Christmas. (their 50th anniversary party got canceled last year after his diagnosis) They will be married 51 years on December 14. Cancer sucks. I am feeling so helpless. There are no words to say and nothing to do. I find myself sending him a text message daily with a photo of Nelson smiling. Figure maybe that might help. I am worried about my mom. They say God doesn't give you more than you can handle- but I am worrying that she is running on fumes. Not sure even she knows what will recharge her battery at this point.

peasout...LauraHappy Hanukkah to our Jewish friends. : )

Hang in there and just be there for your Mom and Dad I am sorry you and your family are going through this

Not the best shot...DH is snoring (oops) so took it myself. You guys are not going to see any more than that of me today. Bad hair day.

Love the teeth

I forgot to share my sister did give birth to my Nephew yesterday before lunch he weighed 7lb 8oz his name is Jack Michael I am at work I will post more later

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Hi Janet,

What a wonderful thing you are doing. I am getting banded in 2 weeks, well possibly one week, I just got a call from the surgeons office and dependent on how quick my cardiologist gets his clearance over to them after my stress test today I could get banded on the 5th or 6th!

I feel it is

Anyway I'd love a buddy. I have a question, as now that surgery is around the corner. How did you deal with telling others? My hubby and kids (adults) know and are extremely supportive, but I'm torn on what and when to tell others. Some won't understand, some will be supportive and a few might not (namely my mother). I feel like I'm being dishonest if I don't fess up but am not sure I am ready yet either. My MIL will be very supportive to my face, but she's a gossiper and I know will be talking about me behind my back. I guess that shouldn't matter to me and maybe I need to work more on not caring what other's think. :wink2:

I am new to this site My name is Kay and I had lap band 14 mos ago.I have only lost 30 lbs and I HATE this so called weight loss tool. I feel it is one big hoax Not one of mt you helptest results have improvks Kayed in fact some are worse I am still on insulin, oxygen and all my other meds I am so depressed I get sick, I get hungry I have had 5 fills Can you help me My doc can;t nor can the weight loss center

Thanks Kay

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