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Just a quick one to thank everyone for the good wishes and juju. IT WORKED! My goal for the 5K was anything under 45 minutes as my last two runs were at 45.5 minutes. I finished in 44 minutes and 37 seconds (by my watch). The official results will be out later. Yay!! Happy dance10_1_20.gif

So...a year ago...did you ever phathom that you would do this????????????????? Congrats and Woohoo!:eek:


So...a year ago...did you ever phathom that you would do this????????????????? Congrats and Woohoo!:thumbup:

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Good late morning, guess it's almost noon so good afternoon too. Just got home from dropping the dogs off at the boarding place, had to take them early since they close at noon on Saturdays. Told them they were going to the doggie spa so they wouldn't be as mad at me. LOL We leave in the morning, gotta pack this afternoon. Having trouble deciding what to bring as I don't want to lug a winter coat around Memphis just because I might need it in Denver. One never knows there, today it is 80 degrees but supposed to be 50ish on Tues.

Apples, I used to hate hunting and suppose I would feel even different if they were hunting all around my house. I can remember my dad always bringing his critters home and them hanging in the garage, I felt so sorry for them. And when DH started going I thought oh no here we go again. He's pretty respectful of me though. And he's a meat hunter so always eats what he shoots. I have a real problem with trophy hunting where they just want the antlers and leave the animal to waste. I still won't eat the stuff he kills though. But have no problem eating beef, chicken, pork, etc. Weird I know. I think it's all the memories of growing up seeing them hanging in our garage and being forced to eat it as my folks had no money and that was what we lived on. I wanted to grow up and be able to eat 'real meat'. The absolute worse I had to eat growing up was raccoon. Oh it's just awful. We had that, squirrels, any kind of bird, rabbits, bear, deer, etc. etc. And my parents would always say 'it tastes like chicken' for reals. LOL NO IT DIDN'T!! LOL DH knows not to take me with as I'd be running RUN!!! Our first year married he took me with, he never invited me again. LOL

Janet, enjoy your closet day. I just got new hangers to try and organize mine.

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Good afternoon!

We had a low of 44 degrees here in south Florida! OMW! I turned on the heater when it hit 65 in the house and when I smelled that "first heater use of the year" smell- I was SURE the fire alarm was going to go off! It's still only up to 60. I know that is beautiful weather for most of you- we just aren't used to is. LOL. My Burmese cat, Coco, is under the covers with a heating bag on top of her! I just made some Tomato Soup. Feels like fall. LOVE it.

DH and Nelson left for Orlando this morning! They were both very excited. I did all the packing for them and even stuck in little treats in the suitcase. (of course). I got Nels a new spongebob shirt. I mean, come on, you can't have Breakfast with Sponge Bob and not have on a shirt with his pic on it! They are at Universal today- Islands of adventure! DH has sent me a few pics from his phone. Very thoughtful and sweet of him. I miss them (of course) but am sooooooooooooooooo enjoying the time to myself! I just cleaned out have the garage though, as my boy finally thinks he is too old for his Little Tikes house (garage/store/restaurant- 6 in one town center), his LT table and LT pedal tractor with trailer. (which he's had since he was 3 and now has to duck to get in the door). My baby is growing up! My cleaning girl took it for her 3 yr old daughter for her Christmas present. She cried tears of joy and it made my heart happy to give it to someone who would love and appreciate it. She offered to not charge me for cleaning for a month or two. I declined but told her I really thought that was nice. (she needs the money). I might take one week, just so she feels like she is giving back something.

Sandy~ WTG on your 5k! Soooooooooooo proud of you!

Apples~ I hate hunting in general too. I think all the animals should be given anesthesia and not have to suffer. I understand the need- over population, etc. Just think there might be a better way. Glad you are getting your calories in and feeling better.

Janet~ Good luck with the closets. I only have one- as usually there is only one season here. I have a 2 ft section that is winter clothes. My mom still (graciously) stores all my leather and wool sweaters in her huge upstairs cedar closet. I collected a lot of Alpaca sweaters/jackets during my travels through Bolivia and Peru. They are just so big/heavy that I rarely use them. I have 5+ leather coats that just don't get worn until i am up there.

Cheri~ Glad conferences are done. Nels just got his report card. Her they do M/P/NM (meeting expectations, progressing, and Not meeting) He got ALL Ms except a few things in conduct. :eek: That's sooo like me. All through elem. school I got straight As! (and c's and D's in conduct..LOL! Talked too much). He is still transitioning from the freedom of Montessori, so I am ok with what she wrote. We will meet next Friday. Imagine, he went from not reading at all to now reading at a 1.7 AR level! (they started him at 0.5 this year) He's doing 2-3 tests a week! He is so proud of his reading. So proud of everything he does. He is REALLY thriving in the public school environment. Structure is what he needed. I am so happy we switched schools.

ok girls, wish I could write more. I have a couple movies and 2 new magazines to get to. : )

hi to everyone- have a great weekend!


Edited by peascorps

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Laura...such a nice/positive on Nelson's progress and that he is fitting into the public school system. Compared to the first few weeks of the year, it's such great news. Here I was thinking that you and DH would be moving him back to private next year just so he could thrive and get the challenge that he needed. I thought he was maybe bored and not challenged enough. Sounds like he is thriving quite well....me and my judgements!

My DS's got good grades but cringed when going to Parent Teacher Confrences. They could NOT keep their little mouths from talking.

Enjoy your alone time. We had a busy household with the farming, the business, the other business plus me owning my ins agencies on the side. I just LOVED it when DH would take the boys with him on the tractor to ride for a few hours. I got so much done during that time. Just enjoy!

Great....I would be taking a jacket to Memphis just in case. You can always tie it around your waist instead of carrying it.

Tanker and I are having a good day. Daddy is working on the 160 acres out behind the house and we are sitting on the sun porch visiting about him and what he does. Sick...I know.

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WTG Sandy !!!

Hunting - I don't care to watch them shooting & cleaning an animal - I rather by it at the grocery store ;0)..

Laura - Enjoy your time... I have 2 leather jackets - I do get a chance to wear them in the winter - I haven't turned on the heat - Even in the winter I rarely do - I know that 1st time heater smell - ugh... I just wear sweats & or my fluffy robe..

I have large walk in closet and most of my tops stay in that one - what I change out is summer dresses vs winter dresses - capri vs long pants..

Apples so far today all I have done is watch 2 Oprah shows - a little bit of Beverly Hills House Wives - Got Brothers & Sister on now - ate 1 cup of hamburger meat w/tad of cheese and hot sauce & some popcorn - Thinking about a nap..

Great - I got those velevet like hangers from costco.. I don't even own a real winter coat ;0)

Well back to the couch -

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So...a year ago...did you ever phathom that you would do this????????????????? Congrats and Woohoo!:eek:

Noooooooooo........I started trying to run last Nov and thought I would pass out after 40 seconds. This has been an awesome year with a lot of firsts and a lot of accomplishments.

Hunting - I respect everyone’s opinions about hunting and can honestly say I don't think I can ever shoot the arrow at anything other than Styrofoam but, I have grown to love the taste of venison and hunting is the only way to get some; can't buy it at the store - at least around here. Apples, your gun season is rather early. We still have another month of archery before they open it up to guns. DH usually has 2 for us before gun season so he rarely shoots his gun. On the positive side of hunting - anything over 2 that he gets we donate to the state and they distribute it through the food banks.

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Hi Janet,

My name is Janet too. I am 59, 5'4", 261lbs. I awaiting insurance approval for surgery and hope to get it by week of 11/8. It's good to know you are here and I will be referencing you for advice and about my experience.

My goal is to one day be able to run (even if it's just a little bit).

Thanks for making yourself available!

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Hello from Guam - eating has been a real challenge here and while traveling. I've been hungry most of the time. Fear trying new things (don't want to vomit).

Finding my way around the resort and restaurants to discover items that will work for me and eating very carefully.

Should have brought Kashi (may go to store today). Have friends here who brought me a bullet blender, milk, and Peanut Butter to mix with individual shake packets which I brought from home. Also brought me some yogurt.

Find the salmon mostly overcooked & adding tartar or soy sauce to make it go down.

Sliced deli turkey, I roll around cheese. Scrambled eggs and hard boiled (when available).

Asian Soup with tofu and onions.

Yesterday some tuna salad was available. Of course, buffets are best choice with lots of selections and ability to eat very small portions.

Internet is very slow here - so may not be able to check in again.

Doing lots of walking and enjoying family.

Forgot my camera, so won't have many pictures, altho some are being posted on Facebook by my daughter-in-law here.

Miss all of you. I'm expecting weight loss after this trip. Will be here until the 15th.

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Hey Joyce...good to hear from you. Hopefully you will have a surprise lower number on your scale when you get home.

Have a great time with family and enjoy!

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Spent day with 4 year old granddaughter. Had a lot of fun but gassy and body aching a little. Found out that the Nulin/FOS that is added to Kefir is actually inulin which is found in chickory root and Jerusalem artichoke and gives me gas. Found out primary side effect is flatulence. Inulin is a Prebiotic that provides food for good bacteria to grow and ferment in the intestines. Kefir contains Probiotics which is supposed to restore the flora and fauna you're supposed to have in your intestines and the inulin is supposed to support the prebiotics. Unfortunately, it contributes to my gas issues. I'll have to go find some yoghurt that doesn't have any inulin added to it.

However, my son mentioned that he's had something that's given him terrible gas for 2 weeks, so maybe its also part of the virus.

So, keep an eye out for this new additive to many "health" foods. It may have some unexpected consequences.


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Hi there............ I just don't know why I'm having trouble finding time for the computer lately..... It's not because I don't have time.... But it seems everytime I log on I have 4 or 5 pages to read and I'm behind the times.... Gotta get some rythem back again somehow.... We had Mimi overnight last night.... I was awake a few minutes this morning enough to know she and DH were up and playing, but I went back to sleep in my chair and completely slept through DD coming to get her... I don't like that.... Anyway, it was so nice here today so DH and I took Mimi out for a little excursion... We went to Knife River Indian Villages and let her run and play in a mud hut and such.... She had lots of fun.... DH was going to take her on a walk on the trail and I was going to just wait for them.... but when I got out of sight she had to turn around and come to find me.... Little sweetie.... We had fun taking her out to eat and then she went to sleep on the way home..... Bailey was not home.....with her mother.....so couldn't take her along... bought them both each a little skunk cause they are little stinkers!!!! Mimi always plugs her nose and says, "Pee yoo!!!!! (god I've never tried to spell that before!!!!) So cute..... Came home and had a nap.... then a dip in the hot tub and now just sitting her with DH watching tv....Kind of boring I guess.....

I'm about like Lori with hunting... Can't make myself eat it as we had so much as kids on the farm......Thankfully DH has quit hunting deer so don't have to worry about that anymore..... gun season started here yesterday, too... doesn't affect us much, but opening deer gun season is even cause for no school on that Friday... They use some other excuse but that's the real reason,......

Apples, glad your mouth is feeling some better... I bought stuff from my dentist once to whiten my teeth.. and tray thing............but it didn't work as far as I was concerned... Have never tried any over the counter things.... I'd like whiter teeth, but tend to forget about it......

Sandy, congrats on the new time on your race... just finishing is a great accomplishment....

Laura, enjoy your alone time...

Laura K, WTG with snagging a nice one.... best of luck for lots of good times....

Phyll, glad your GS is doing okay.... you know kids, they think they are invinceable......

Cheri, I'm sure you are happy to have P/T confernces over for another time.... We just had ours, too, and Mimi got a good report..... Needs to start learning the letters in her name... She's only 3 so she is doing well...knows to count to about 19..... sometimes misses the 5...... But she loves pre school....

Arlene, be sure to let us see a picture of this tablescape... I'm sure it's beautiful...... have fun....

Joyce, so nice to hear from you and glad to know you make it okay..... have fun with those babies....

Melissa, hugs on the insurance thing..... too bad it had to sneak up on you......hang in there.....

Eva, sounds like you are getting this retirement thing under control..... nice to do things at your own pace for a change.......

Well DH is complaining about me sitting here so long... better go join him..... Remember to turn your clocks..... I like the fall better than the spring!!!! Hugs to all and have a great Sunday... Julie

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All set to leave in the morning. Talk to you when I get back!

Julie, I am just the opposite. I hate the 'fall back' of the time change and get so energized and excited when we spring forward and get that extra light at night. Though I will enjoy that extra hour of sleep tonight!

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Hi all....

I am in sooooo muccch pain!!!! Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!!!! Every muscle in my body is aching from that weight class that I took on Friday. My friend Cheryl she called after shabbos..wanted to know if I was coming to "spin" with her tonight.....I was like are you kidding??? I cant move. I took two alleive last night and this morning.....and a hot, hot bath and im still aching. But I liked that class. I stopped with the trainer and this class has all the components of what he encompassed for me in the private session. There are only about 10 people in that class and I feel like if I go here....its more then what he was doing in the private class as far as weights go. I still need resistance training however.

Im getting the cardio with "spin" and "step" so with this weights class" I need a resistance class..

Karate once a week perhaps?

We shall see....not sure I want to commit to another structured class and time. Im not good at having to be somewhere at a certain time. lol. Even work so....getting to classes are really hard for me.

I didnt take that position...although they called me and would have liked me. It just wasnt enough of an increase of salary for a 24/7 position at this stage in life. If I didnt allready have a job...that I was getting a good salary with benefits and great vacations with flexibility...then I would have jumped at it..but its not the right thing for now...its my dream job but I could have had that up till now if I pursued it...but I wanted and needed flexibility for Dassi and she is still a child who needs a mom when she gets off that bus everyday....and having the babysitter three times a week for three hours was not going to cut it here esp. if I wanted to go to gym everyday. Id have to have a part time again four times weekly plus id have to work till 3 on Fridays and the day before every jewish holiday. SO not ready for that. Hard enough now just the day before. lol

and....I now that Ive gotten this position to officially supervise the home based ABA program for the agency....well that makes up the diff in salary. I worked it out that I no longer am seing that little boy I see everyday and can just do supervision on Fridays..granted I have time for only 3-4 clients...I can see one or two....on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. When the agency gets more then 6 clients at home...I will have to make some decisions then..to perhaps go independant instead of full time and cut the hours spent with my little guy....to maybe 15 hrs and so on...till next year.

or............Well perhaps I will need to quit all together because.....Jeff has been working on some ideas that are being discussed this week and who knows maybe ill be doing some interesting work with consulting within the field of "Autsim" not holding my breath at that prospect....but this week will be the deciding factors for him on those deals....Im still keeping my day job.

Its getting cold here in NY. Im not loving this at all. Not looking forward at all to winter and the clocks being changed back tonight. Dont like it at all. Hate the cold. Like it nice and hot!!! Cant wait for spring again! I know, ive got a few months.

Holidays??? me??? nooo nooo noo. Not for me. I dont do "Thanksgiving" or "Chanuchkah at my house. Nope. Those are designated to my sister and brother. Not sure if Chanuckah actually is going to happen at all this year at my brothers because my mothers court date is the 17th of november and the whole family usually gets together and this might not be such a good time for my mother and her soon to be ex to be around in the same house. lol. I might have to have shabbat chanuckah here instead. sooo I might be doing that one soooo take back the above but thats easy.....just make latkes and jelly donuts and have a party to give out presents and light candles. No biggee...(so she says today).

Its been quiet here this weekend...lol. Dassi has a friend over for the weekend so have some time to just think and chill and read some. Catch up on sleep. lol

Went to shul this morning across the street for a bar mitzvah that we were invited to....it was nice. Last night had Dassis friend and her mother stay for dinner after dropping her off for the weekend. Got all the updates from the "old Neighborhood, School". It was fun to see Dassi and her best friend since 1st grade together. They havent seen each other since last January but after five minuets of awkwardness....they were like two seven year olds again together. These two....are going to be the friends that will be forever.....college, roomates, I can see it.....lol. Its a good thing. As long as we the parents can keep up with these occassional visits there friendship willl hopefully flourish. Maybe they will end up going to the same high school in three years. That would be nice.

Just a quick one to thank everyone for the good wishes and juju. IT WORKED! My goal for the 5K was anything under 45 minutes as my last two runs were at 45.5 minutes. I finished in 44 minutes and 37 seconds (by my watch). The official results will be out later. Yay!! Happy dance10_1_20.gif

Thats so great!!! You must be so proud!!!


Apples....dont know how I feel about hunting..being a city girl....dont have much experience with hunting or hunters....but have a strong suspicion that I wouldnt really love the idea at all. I still probably would eat all the meat though...as I am a true carnivore. lol . Could not think of life without "meat".

Sandy, did you ever look into that "Peanut Flour" at Trader Joes? I tried every darn health food store from Brooklyn to Long Island and couldnt find the PB2. I guess Ill have to order it online like you all...lol. I just hate to order things like that and hate it after.

Tex, you sound really good.....good luck at the docs this week.

Janet, I am eating and drinking no problem but cannot eat anything dry. At the beginning I couldnt eat anything hard just mushys and liquid and anything hard...would get stuck and pain in the stomach so bad for about 10-20min and thought this is really bad after that first throwing up......I think I must have eaten something that irritated it....that first day that caused that to happen and then after....I was irritated from then on. I listened..to everyones suggestions about doing shakes and mushies for a while....so thts what I did and now Im feeling better...had some chicken last night and some zuchini. This morning had some goat cheese and spelt crackers....very very slowely. lunch I had some chulent...which is stew consisting of meat, Beans, barley, potatoes and that went down well...slowly...chewing chewing, chewing.

well....sorry to have junked up the thread with my weeks goings on....

Have a good night all

Remember to turn your clocks back tonight!!!!


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Hi Gang! I am pooped! The dinner was great! Well, I know why i have gained so much weight. I didn't know the color red makes you hungry.....lol.....another excuse...lol. I did not know the new color combination for Christmas is Red and Aqua. Yep, she had a tree with red and aqua poinsettas . I don't think I will be doing the "in" color scheme this year. All of the tables were gorgeous. Another "new" thing this year mesh ribbon. They loop it through the wire wreath frames and then add ornaments and greenery. It is really pretty.

I had several ladies compliment me on my weight loss. Several of us were in a weight loss bible study 2 1/2years ago before my banding.


Great.....have a wonderful time state "hopping"!!!

Laura.......so glad that Nels is doing so good in public school.

So sweet of you to give your cleaning lady Nel's toys. Doesn't feel good to give to those who really appreciate it? I bet her little girl lights up at Christmas.

Apples......I thought you were going to the lake. How's your mouth healing?

Joyce....so good to hear from you....we miss ya!

Julie.....I am glad you posted. I worry when i don't hear from you.

Linda......where are you? Miss ya!!!

Janet.....I didn't read the post, but I take you are closet cleaning today. I need to drag out the few winter things I have. I wonder if they still fit.

Okay, going to bed! Oops time changes tonight....I better stay up a little longer or I will be up at 4am.

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