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Hi Everyone,

We are now in Barcelona and board the cruise ship today.

Knees - hurting and nothing seems to be taking the pain away.

food - not getting enough Protein or liquid. Afraid to drink to much as there are that many bathroom stops.

I think things will be better on the ship.

Hope all is going well with everyone. Miss not reading the daily posts.



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Hi Everyone,

We are now in Barcelona and board the cruise ship today.

Knees - hurting and nothing seems to be taking the pain away.

food - not getting enough Protein or liquid. Afraid to drink to much as there are that many bathroom stops.

I think things will be better on the ship.

Hope all is going well with everyone. Miss not reading the daily posts.



Gwen...you just wait until you take that first 30-40lbs. You will not believe what a difference it makes in everything you do. Maybe on the ship you can still move but in a different kind of exercise other than walking?

Have a great time! Send hugs right back at ya!:o

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I looked at all your pics and i have to say what an unbelievable change. You and Janet are my true inspiration that it can be done.

Also alot of ladies on this board inspire me.

Oh and it is 1:45am and I still can't sleep apparently my med for sleeping and reducing my coughing is not working. Oh my cough is less but I am still stairing at the computer. I guess I am going to log off and read and that will knock me out. Talk to you all later today

Awwww....thanks Melissa. When I look at b/4 photos, I can't believe it's me. When I look at present photos, I can't believe it is me. All I know is that I FEEL wonderful and that is what I was shooting for.

Hope you got some rest (which is sooooo important when the body is run down)

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Apples, Love the pics before & after. Your DS's look just like your DH in your wedding pic.

Jodi, glad to read your post. You are one busy lady. Yes you mentioned this very nice man. It sounds like you are bitten. lol

Melissa, hope you got some sleep and are feeling better.

Joyce, you are doing great. Keep it up.

Arlene, A baby yet?

Great, hope you got caught up on your sleep.< /p>

Janet, I thought you were saying the temp was 119 or was it your weight like others said?


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Good morning!

Apples, have a lovely weekend.

LauraK, did I ever catch up on the sleep, I slept straight through 11 hours last night. I am just getting up now. I've not slept this late in a long time and even slept through all the construction noise of the houses being built behind me with the windows open. I slept through DH getting up and leaving for work. AHHHHHH

Today is finish straightening up the house day. Tomorrow DD comes!! She is coming until Tues. DH will be going to Colorado bow hunting with DS and DBIL. They are hunting elk and deer. Last year they got nothing but had the best time, guess it's all that male bonding and story telling. Us gals will do some female bonding in the malls, restaurants and movie theaters. LOL

Life is really good for me right now, other than my regained weight. I am settled in to life in Utah more or less (though would rather be in Colorado), and the travel part of DH's job has started and I am able to pick up and go off with him. Travel is my passion. I am going to be grandma on top of it. I'm not working so my time is my own. I know I will get the extra pounds back off but am doing some self loathing of myself because of it. DH says I gotta change those tapes. I still have a hard time seeing myself as thin and that's part of my problem. Sitting at the pool in Hawaii I felt like the biggest person there. He was like are you kidding me and starting (hope this doesn't sound terrible) pointing out many big bodies and said I am way thinner than that and then pointed out some he felt I was close to. Maybe I need to get a full length mirror and just start standing in front of it and looking at myself each day til it sinks in. Years of avoiding mirrors I never really knew what I looked like from the chest or so down. LOL

Phyl, glad you made it cross country safe and sound. So what route are you taking back? When??

Melissa, hope that coughing subsides soon and you can get some rest.

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Life is really good for me right now, other than my regained weight. I am settled in to life in Utah more or less (though would rather be in Colorado), and the travel part of DH's job has started and I am able to pick up and go off with him. Travel is my passion. I am going to be grandma on top of it. I'm not working so my time is my own. I know I will get the extra pounds back off but am doing some self loathing of myself because of it. DH says I gotta change those tapes. I still have a hard time seeing myself as thin and that's part of my problem. Sitting at the pool in Hawaii I felt like the biggest person there. He was like are you kidding me and starting (hope this doesn't sound terrible) pointing out many big bodies and said I am way thinner than that and then pointed out some he felt I was close to. Maybe I need to get a full length mirror and just start standing in front of it and looking at myself each day til it sinks in. Years of avoiding mirrors I never really knew what I looked like from the chest or so down. LOL

Phyl, glad you made it cross country safe and sound. So what route are you taking back? When??

Melissa, hope that coughing subsides soon and you can get some rest.

You know many ladies have said that to me you are brains have a hard time seeing what is real in terms of our bodies. Maybe the mirror will help. Just look at your body and say I am thin Or tape a before pic to the mirror and look at it then yourself. I stuggle with this as well I think alot of us do.

As for me ladies No my port is sore my dr said it is from all the coughing and the diaphram being iratated (okay can't spell today) I am going to lay down talk with you ladies later

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Apples, Love the pics before & after. Your DS's look just like your DH in your wedding pic.

Jodi, glad to read your post. You are one busy lady. Yes you mentioned this very nice man. It sounds like you are bitten. lol

Melissa, hope you got some sleep and are feeling better.

Joyce, you are doing great. Keep it up.

Arlene, A baby yet?

Great, hope you got caught up on your sleep.< /p>

Janet, I thought you were saying the temp was 119 or was it your weight like others said?


No baby yet, but I am hoping for this weekend. It will get me out of a couple of commitments . lol

I just got back from the doc. I have a good report......bloodwork is good.....only low D. I think that is a norm . I bought 1000 u. of D and will start tomorrow.

Pearland ( Southwest) lost last night. The Northwest was awesome. I think they are from Auburn WA. They are playing them again right now on ESPN. Two really good teams. GO USA this weekend!

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Drive by - you all have me cracking up .... No I don't weigh 119 (my car doesn't weigh me it gives me the outside temp)

LOL - Imho I think I wouldn't look to hot if I lost another 17 lbs - no thank you - I like being right wear I am..

Great - I looked in the mirror often when I was fat - hell I saw a chubby girl but I didn't see how fat I had really gotten. I was a pretty fat chick ;0) if I had a new outfit - I would prance around just like I do now.. You've been at goal for 1 yr now.. I would say this last yr it has really sunk in that I am thin - that pple who don't know me - look at me and think that this is how she is - they don't know that I have a fat chick inside..

I needed what your DH is doing- showing you what size you are by using someone else as an example - that's like the show - how to look good naked - the pple always picked the model who was 3 times their size.

gotta run - boss is in - cbl

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Janet - so interesting to hear how each lady sees themselves. I've know many woman who are confident enough that they don't care what they weigh, they are gorgeous and desirable. Will always remember one gal at a makeup counter that absolutely glowed with beauty and confidence.

Health is part of our concern - and for those on these boards, we were unable to accept the extra fat as gorgeous.

Lori - I love your DD for pointing out others at the pool to help you "see" yourself. Enjoy your time this weekend with DD.

Arlene - hope that new baby comes this weekend to relieve you of those other appts and bring sheer joy into your life.

LauraK - fun to hear about the new "men" in your life and Jodi's. Nothing like that "new romance" stage.

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Hi guys~

SIGH. Where to begin. Been a busy week for me. Kid started first grade (you live on the moon if you didn't hear this news..LOL) And... My dryer stopped working (I LIKE doing laundry and this REALLY threw a kink in my system)... The neighbors must think I am having an affair with the appliance repair guy b/c he has been here every day for the last 3 days. The pool pump/chlorine system died. (Those of you that know about pool pumps or pumps- know that the end must be in Water, too much air sucked in will break a pump. The other day Nels asked if he could take the vacuum out of the pool and I said yes- I assumed he unplugged it from the pool wall. $600 mistake. SIGH) My brake light keeps coming on in my Toyota. Scared the gajeebers (is that a word?) out of DH and it had to go in. NONE of the other mothers in Nels' class signed up to volunteer for ANYTHING and I am stuck being the sole room mom. (Most have many kids or work full time- understandable. Switching from private to public school- I have a few things to learn). I have an interview on Tuesday for a part time NP job. While talking to the administrator she looked up my license and noticed that it expired 2 months ago. SIGH. $75 penalty on top of NP renewal fee AND have to renew my ACLS (advanced cardiac life support). I did an online ACLS test and the company charged my credit card but didn't email me the card. SIGH SIGH SIGH. TOM is 4 weeks late and I am feeling REALLY crappy (N/V, bloated, boobs tender, etc..) . I was hoping pregnancy was an explanation but alas just ole menopause knocking at my door. (I am sure the gal at the drugstore thought this ole broad is buying the pregnancy test for her daughter! LOL) 2 nights ago had ZERO sleep- only after I realized it was a full moon did I understand why. sooo tired. What else? there's more but won't bore you with anymore details.

So, Janet, confession is good for the soul. Been too busy having an affair with the repair man- didn't get to the gym. Walked two days and had enough hot flashes to provide electricity to a small country. Does that count? LMAO (LAUGHING MY ASS OFF) that your car read 119 degrees and that's what people thought you weighed! Imagine a car that said- ok, you gained 4 lbs today- I am NOT going through the drive through and taking you straight to the gym! haha:tongue2: I weigh 80 lbs b/c that's what my car said..LOL.

Lori~ welcome home. I hear you with the comparison thing. My DH does it for me too. Sometimes I am just shocked at how my brain sees it. Glad you had fun.

Arlene~ anxiously awaiting the news! Hang in there!

That's all the ole brain can process. Apples is gone. Julie is hanging in there. Melissa is sick- hope you are feeling better. Someone keeps calling me LauraK. Can't remember who now. I know there are more, but that's as far back as posts I can see.

I pledge to try to get to the gym NEXT week. This week I am barely keeping my head above Water. Maintaining has to be OK for right now. Thanks for the support you guys. Tough week. peasout.. Laura

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Nysparkle, I had the same feeling. Like this was something we all should work on. Not just send home a note and expect change overnight. I really think it was his nerves making him act goofy. I have seen him get nervous before and he does some strange things. I volunteered again in the clinic today and she came in and told me that he has been doing awesome since we talked with him. I do think it has helped too that he knows I am in the clinic. I think some people expect me to bring him home and tear his butt up and then he won't do it again. That may be why she sent the note home. I just don't spank him. He is the kind that you can talk about things and put on restriction. He really is a great kid and in prek we never had a negative word said about him. Atleast now she is raving on his behavior. Thanks for your input. I am still new to this school thing.

I just finished week 2 of my 5k training and it feels good. I want to get my speed up a little bit. I am running 4.5 miles per hour. I'd like to get closer to 6 so I can finish the race before they close the gate. All in time.

Volunteered again today and it went well. A first grader told me I had a double chin. I thought that thing was going away.

In 2 weeks hubby and I are going to a tattoo convention with my dad and his girlfriend. My Hubby and Dad both want tattoos. Dads girlfriend has 3 already and loves them so it should be a fun intresting night getting to see all the art and think about their designs. Plus there will be some local bands.

Mil wants to go to the beach with us on labor day. I couldn't come up with a good reason to say no. I told her Don would probably be working but she still wants me and Jake to go. There have been alot of shark bites this year too. 3 this month just in our area. Not looking forward to being around Don's family by myself.

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Hi guys~

SIGH. Where to begin. Been a busy week for me. Kid started first grade (you live on the moon if you didn't hear this news..LOL) And... My dryer stopped working (I LIKE doing laundry and this REALLY threw a kink in my system)... The neighbors must think I am having an affair with the appliance repair guy b/c he has been here every day for the last 3 days. The pool pump/chlorine system died. (Those of you that know about pool pumps or pumps- know that the end must be in Water, too much air sucked in will break a pump. The other day Nels asked if he could take the vacuum out of the pool and I said yes- I assumed he unplugged it from the pool wall. $600 mistake. SIGH) My brake light keeps coming on in my Toyota. Scared the gajeebers (is that a word?) out of DH and it had to go in. NONE of the other mothers in Nels' class signed up to volunteer for ANYTHING and I am stuck being the sole room mom. (Most have many kids or work full time- understandable. Switching from private to public school- I have a few things to learn). I have an interview on Tuesday for a part time NP job. While talking to the administrator she looked up my license and noticed that it expired 2 months ago. SIGH. $75 penalty on top of NP renewal fee AND have to renew my ACLS (advanced cardiac life support). I did an online ACLS test and the company charged my credit card but didn't email me the card. SIGH SIGH SIGH. TOM is 4 weeks late and I am feeling REALLY crappy (N/V, bloated, boobs tender, etc..) . I was hoping pregnancy was an explanation but alas just ole menopause knocking at my door. (I am sure the gal at the drugstore thought this ole broad is buying the pregnancy test for her daughter! LOL) 2 nights ago had ZERO sleep- only after I realized it was a full moon did I understand why. sooo tired. What else? there's more but won't bore you with anymore details.

So, Janet, confession is good for the soul. Been too busy having an affair with the repair man- didn't get to the gym. Walked two days and had enough hot flashes to provide electricity to a small country. Does that count? LMAO (LAUGHING MY ASS OFF) that your car read 119 degrees and that's what people thought you weighed! Imagine a car that said- ok, you gained 4 lbs today- I am NOT going through the drive through and taking you straight to the gym! haha:tongue2: I weigh 80 lbs b/c that's what my car said..LOL.

Lori~ welcome home. I hear you with the comparison thing. My DH does it for me too. Sometimes I am just shocked at how my brain sees it. Glad you had fun.

Arlene~ anxiously awaiting the news! Hang in there!

That's all the ole brain can process. Apples is gone. Julie is hanging in there. Melissa is sick- hope you are feeling better. Someone keeps calling me LauraK. Can't remember who now. I know there are more, but that's as far back as posts I can see.

I pledge to try to get to the gym NEXT week. This week I am barely keeping my head above Water. Maintaining has to be OK for right now. Thanks for the support you guys. Tough week. peasout.. Laura

Wow! PMS and the Repair Man! You know, I didn't think that 119 seemed right. But when I'm reading a lot of pp I miss things so after a few people mentioned it I assumed they must be right. Ha! Assume makes an ASS out of U and ME.

Nysparkle, I had the same feeling. Like this was something we all should work on. Not just send home a note and expect change overnight. I really think it was his nerves making him act goofy. I have seen him get nervous before and he does some strange things. I volunteered again in the clinic today and she came in and told me that he has been doing awesome since we talked with him. I do think it has helped too that he knows I am in the clinic. I think some people expect me to bring him home and tear his butt up and then he won't do it again. That may be why she sent the note home. I just don't spank him. He is the kind that you can talk about things and put on restriction. He really is a great kid and in prek we never had a negative word said about him. Atleast now she is raving on his behavior. Thanks for your input. I am still new to this school thing.

I just finished week 2 of my 5k training and it feels good. I want to get my speed up a little bit. I am running 4.5 miles per hour. I'd like to get closer to 6 so I can finish the race before they close the gate. All in time.

Volunteered again today and it went well. A first grader told me I had a double chin. I thought that thing was going away.

In 2 weeks hubby and I are going to a tattoo convention with my dad and his girlfriend. My Hubby and Dad both want tattoos. Dads girlfriend has 3 already and loves them so it should be a fun intresting night getting to see all the art and think about their designs. Plus there will be some local bands.

Mil wants to go to the beach with us on labor day. I couldn't come up with a good reason to say no. I told her Don would probably be working but she still wants me and Jake to go. There have been alot of shark bites this year too. 3 this month just in our area. Not looking forward to being around Don's family by myself.

The teacher may have realized she over-reacted and thus wrote something nice to repair the damage. We do get overwhelmed with a bunch of wild little kids (or big kids).

Jake seems to have learned his lesson well.

As far as the beach, don't worry about your in-laws. Concentrate on Jake and making sure its a fun day for him. Become a little kid right along side him. It's so fun to throw and catch a ball or football in the water. You can dive for the ball and not get hurt. Build sand castles, dig the biggest holes you can. Skip stones. Look for shells. Go on a treasure hunt. If he's playing with in-laws, just have fun in the water by yourself.


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Apples....on the other hand perhaps I dont want that any longer....yikes!! What happened to the "farmer and the dell, The big Red Barn''? I think ill stay in NY thank you....lol

Thanks for the run down! Wow...I have new respect for you and your family!!

Nysparkle, I had the same feeling. Like this was something we all should work on. Not just send home a note and expect change overnight. I really think it was his nerves making him act goofy. I have seen him get nervous before and he does some strange things. I volunteered again in the clinic today and she came in and told me that he has been doing awesome since we talked with him. I do think it has helped too that he knows I am in the clinic. I think some people expect me to bring him home and tear his butt up and then he won't do it again. That may be why she sent the note home. I just don't spank him. He is the kind that you can talk about things and put on restriction. He really is a great kid and in prek we never had a negative word said about him. Atleast now she is raving on his behavior. Thanks for your input. I am still new to this school thing.

Im glad that today was better....and btw I dont think Jake did anything wrong....kids dont do wrong its the teachers who respond wrong. Glad she realized that she out of line..I suppose I could forgive that...but you get one chance the next time...the teeth start to show! The question is not what you are doing to help him it is what is she doing to help him..that is her job. Dont let anyone make you think that its your job to make him behave in school....its her job. Your job is at home. Glad to hear that she gave you positive feedback. She realized that she best rectify that ASAP and she did. Again....keep diligent watch. You are your childs first advocate remember that....teachers are there to help but its your job to see that that happens correctly...no matter what school he is in.

Good luck...sounds like being at the clinic is a good thing...and lets everyone know you are involved. Parents who are involved and volenteer are heeded...trust me I know this.....as a teacher and a parent.

Well...trained today with my trainer for an hour...and then did 40 min of cardio on elipticals...

Tonight....my daughter wanted to go for pizza...she is having a friend here...so I said sure...we are walking...

well that didnt go over well.....they were like what???? But, its only five long blocks!! We dont need to take the car for every little thing.....the weather was beutiful and was about 75....so no excuse! We walked and it was really nice.

Never really see the great shops on the main street in our villiage. Its still considered a "villiage" lol even though its really a "town". The clothing stores are fabulous. They have womans, children and craft stores...a new bookstore opened and I didnt even know that...driving everywhere isnt condusive for window shopping. Unfortunately even with the sales and tax exempt week....the avenue shops are so out of my budget that looking at them make me um think what the heck?? Who shops here?? Obviously alot of people otherwise they wouldnt be here now would they.

It was nice to see never the less....and see whats what.

Of course I didnt eat the pizza at the shop. I ate when we got home. Fish and veggies. Lovely. lol.

It was a fun excursion. I walked a little behind the girls to give them some space and they were fun to watch walking and talking together. She is growing up. Im giving her her space...this week after the hustle and bustle of camp pressure. lol

Well....Tomorrow off to gym in the AM and to Fire Island for the weekend. Only three more weekends to go and Rosh Hashana and the season is over...boo hoo.

okay all have a great night...and a good weekend.


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Phyll...good to hear you had a good trip as you crossed the country. Nice to hear you arrived safe and sound. Tell that other Karen that you like me best!

HAHAHA! You're a kick! We did have a good visit, didn't we! And guess what just occured to me today!??? Next year is our 50th high school reunion so we have to come to Buffalo again next summer!! NO RV next year, though. That's a long, tough trip, so we'll probably just drive the car next year. But maybe we can meet up again then with you & Julie. But we will be moving faster than 300 miles a day if we drive the car!!


Earl said he wanted to cook dinner for my sister and her husband tonight... the one whose yard we have our RV parked in. So I suggested those steaks you brought us... he said NO, he's NOT sharing those!! LOL!! So he made a big pot of spaghetti sauce with gr. turkey.

Life is really good for me right now, other than my regained weight. I am settled in to life in Utah more or less (though would rather be in Colorado), and the travel part of DH's job has started and I am able to pick up and go off with him. Travel is my passion. I am going to be grandma on top of it. I'm not working so my time is my own. I know I will get the extra pounds back off but am doing some self loathing of myself because of it. DH says I gotta change those tapes. I still have a hard time seeing myself as thin and that's part of my problem. Sitting at the pool in Hawaii I felt like the biggest person there. He was like are you kidding me and starting (hope this doesn't sound terrible) pointing out many big bodies and said I am way thinner than that and then pointed out some he felt I was close to. Maybe I need to get a full length mirror and just start standing in front of it and looking at myself each day til it sinks in. Years of avoiding mirrors I never really knew what I looked like from the chest or so down. LOL

Phyl, glad you made it cross country safe and sound. So what route are you taking back? When??

Melissa, hope that coughing subsides soon and you can get some rest.

You'll get the weight back off. You know what to do!!

I think most of us have a huge self image problem!!

Actually... we're not going back! We'll leave here two days after Labor Day and head down across Ohio diagonally this time, and in to Indiana eventually picking up I-44 which will take us through Missouri and then Oklahoma. We'll spend a few days in Oklahoma before going south through part of Texas... down to El Paso and then pick up I-10 which will take us all the way to the Palm Springs area. May get to meet some more LBTers along the way!! LOL

Laura... you had me cracking up.... having an affair with the repairman, etc.!! Hope things start going better. Maybe the pregnancy test was wrong!!

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